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Best Friend's Little Sister

Page 34

by Riley Rollins

  There were small slate-topped tables set near the polished steel bar, candlelight flickered from the center of each one. They were tall and narrow, with couples and groups clustered intimately around them. Glasses clinked gently and sparkled, reflecting the flames. The noisy energy from earlier in the evening was beginning to mellow now, and there were couples who had moved into the darker corners of the rooftop, seeking a moment of privacy. I noticed Sutton, the man who’d hired us, speaking to Tam. His face was close to hers and there was something fleeting in her expression… like a look of distaste…

  But she walked away with a tray of drinks, and he took her place behind the bar. A couple wandered up and ordered their drinks. Sutton smiled congenially and pulled the pretty blonde who was with him behind the bar. He stood behind her, his arms around her, helping her pour a scoop of ice into a cocktail shaker.

  “Miss Parrish,” he smiled warmly as I came closer, his eyes shining brilliantly. “You don’t mind if the host plays bartender for his guests, now do you?” His voice was deep and cajoling, thick with the pleasure of the evening. “I just wanted to introduce Victoria here, to the pleasures of making a Cosmopolitan.” I stood, holding my tray of glassware, watching as he covered the shaker and put it into her hands.

  “Tell me what to do next,” the blonde purred, her eyes as bright as Sutton’s. He shifted his body half a step forward until his chest was pressed tight against her back. I blinked, unsure why the air seemed filled with a strange tension. I watched as her hands began to move, not understanding why I couldn’t seem to look away. The ice clattered inside the steel cup and she started to shake it harder. Her breasts, barely contained by her dress, bounced… rubbing at the insides of her arms as she moved faster. The couple across from them seemed too interested in each other to notice, but I felt mesmerized. Not so much by what I was watching… but by how it was making me feel…

  “That’s right, Vicki,” Sutton murmured into the side of her neck. “Just like that… just a little more… and it’ll be perfect...”

  Shocked by my own confusing reactions, I sucked a mouthful of cool night air and forced myself to look away from them. I walked to the far end of the bar, determined to focus on doing my job. I knelt down discreetly, and slid my tray of stemware underneath. But when I started to stand up again, I saw…

  The girl’s dress was hiked up and tucked into the narrow belt surrounding her waist. She was exposed completely, panties gone, and stood on the tiptoes of her stiletto heels. Sutton’s slacks were open at the zipper.

  All but the last inch of his thick, dark cock was pushed far up inside her…



  I knew the moment she saw.

  Not so much because I was keeping an eye on Sutton… I just couldn’t keep my eyes off her. I’d kept my distance, but not for any of the reasons you could call decent. I’d done it out of pure selfishness. The same way I did most things.

  I’d kept well out of the game for a fucking year. And while I still craved the excitement, I hadn’t felt truly tempted until tonight. Still, I couldn’t back down from the commitment I’d made, to stop playing with fire. Sooner or later, one of us would get caught. It was simply the nature of things. Secrets never stay secret forever. And I wasn’t a fucking kid anymore. I was thirty one years old, and had a company to protect. I wasn’t going to put it on the line anymore, not even for a piece of forbidden pussy as delicious as Emily Parrish.

  But the one thing even I had never been was a liar. From the minute I’d laid eyes on her, I’d wanted her. And I’d been tempted… fucking tempted to play… just for one more night. The image of taking her during the fireworks display at midnight was all the hell I’d been able to think about. The noise… the entire crowd watching, looking straight up into the night sky as light and color burst overhead. Working my fingers… working my cock between those thin black lines of her fucking hot fishnets…

  But I’d settled for watching her instead, protecting her in a sense, as a way of protecting my own goddamned interests. She moved with a languid sort of motion that was both seductive and sweet. Strands of her hair had a tendency to get caught up in her long, black lashes and she would brush at them, unaware, with the back of her hand… I knew what Sutton was planning almost before he did. And I had watched as Emily carried her tray, closer and closer…

  So fucking help me, I hadn’t been sure whether she’d see them or not… But I wanted to see her face if she did. I wanted to see how she responded… if she was shocked… or if she was intrigued. No matter, she would never completely understand what was really happening… that there was a game going on tonight. Or that there were players other than Sutton at work. Nor could she ever guess how much money would be changing hands by morning… No, I just needed to know how she responded. In her body… her expression. I needed to see if she looked away… or if her eyes lingered…

  Maybe I wouldn’t have her tonight, but then neither would anyone else. Even if the contract hadn’t made it clear that her business was a respectable one, I’d have made goddamned sure she stayed safe. But there weren’t any rules about watching her. Or about enjoying the way she made me feel inside. What was the harm in that?

  She stood at the far edge of the bar, and I could see in her face what she’d witnessed behind it. Sutton was taking his girl, with a couple standing right across from them, their faces only a foot or so away. The blonde’s expression wasn’t giving anything away. She had her family name to protect. And Sutton was way too experienced to let anything show. He smiled evenly and let her shake that cocktail, getting him closer and closer to the moment he would lean in to kiss her neck, shielding his climax from public view. Emily stood stock still, staring as if there was nothing else in the world to see. It could draw attention… dangerous attention if she continued. But I felt a deep, intense pleasure tighten inside me. She stared shamelessly… and I wanted to watch her see… I moved closer, until I was nearly at her side. She was too absorbed to notice me.

  I slipped my cold glass into her hand, catching the delicate flesh of her elbow to keep her from starting. “Sip this,” I ordered gently. “No, stay a moment longer if you please.” She shot a glance up at me in surprise, but obeyed. “You’ve saved me the trouble of hunting you down,” I added darkly. “I believe there’s a balance due on this evening…”

  She took a sip from my glass and her eyes darted. I could tell she wasn’t sure if she’d been caught or not. Her eyes flitted nervously and I could tell how much effort it took, for her to keep from glancing back. I knew it was cruel to keep her trapped where she was. I couldn’t help myself.

  I pulled out a black leather wallet and drew out a handful of bills. I slipped them into her hand and felt her fingers brush the back of mine. White hot energy moved like lightning, hitting me squarely in the chest and burning a line down to my groin. My cock was raging hard, pulsing insistently against my belly. The girl in the silver dress stopped suddenly, clutching the sweating shaker in her hands. Her eyes closed and she held her breath. It was quiet, just a pause, then Sutton buried his face in her neck. They barely moved… barely made a sound… No one would have noticed or guessed. No one would have even have known… except that Emily did. And I knew that she did. I felt the tremor run through her body as if she’d had the climax herself. I held onto her hand and felt the race of her pulse under her skin. Like something inside her was fighting for release… for freedom…

  I looked down into her lovely green eyes and the dark expanse of her pupils. She gave off a scent, like vanilla and some kind of delicate spice… and again, I had the overwhelming desire to taste her creamy skin. She looked up at me in silence, with an intensity that left me unable to take the next breath. Something passed between us, unspoken yet powerful. And an awareness settled inside me… an awareness that in one way at least, I was a very different kind of man than Sutton.

  While he could be satisfied with a few sweet inches of the woman he’d chosen for the night, I co
uld never be. There was too much more… too much sweetness that wouldn’t bear denying.

  A mere taste could never be enough…



  “The fireworks will be starting soon,” he said, his face dark and hovering over mine. “Let your colleagues finish up for the night. Join me over by the garden.” The next thing I knew, he was gone, leaving nothing but his lingering scent behind.

  “I trust Chase has taken care of you…?”

  I jumped, brought back to myself by the sound of Mr. Boothe’s voice… entirely too close for comfort. The girl in silver was gone, and he looked perfectly composed, as if nothing at all had happened… He couldn’t have known what I’d seen…

  “I’m… Yes… of course…,” I stumbled, grabbing a cloth and wiping at the already perfectly clean counter. I wadded the cash in one hand without even looking. “Paid in full. Thank you, sir. For giving us the opportunity…”

  “My pleasure, certainly,” he replied. “Your work is delicious… very elegant, actually.” He looked at me thoughtfully. “I have something else, only in the planning stages right now… You could be just the thing…

  We’ll be in touch. Soon.” His voice was strong, confident. He smiled and let his blue eyes touch my neckline. He smoothed his pale hair back with one hand and I felt a shiver run through me. “Just a word of advice, Miss Parrish. Don’t keep Chase waiting. He’s not nearly as patient as he likes to think.” He tossed the last words over his shoulder as I watched him walk away with long, confident strides.

  I quickly tucked the handful of bills into the vee between my breasts, and set back to work, filling trays with crystal flutes and pouring the last of the champagne. But keeping my hands busy didn’t slow how my head and my heart were racing. I knew I’d stumbled, like an unsophisticated child, into seeing something I shouldn’t have. The whole thing had only lasted a few seconds… and Chase had rescued me from further embarrassment. I fully expected he wanted to see me again, only to be sure I would promise to keep the whole matter to myself.

  “What an evening,” Tammy said, coming up behind me, startling me out of my thoughts. “That Boothe is sure a piece of work.” She shook her head, as if trying to shake away a thought. “Reese and I cut our break short… Good thing too. But we’ve got that cake sculpture sliced up and ready. Not a minute too soon.” She stopped and looked at me. “Are you okay? You look kinda flushed or something…” I choked down the knee-jerk desire to tell her everything. Tam was only two years my junior, but she was still way too young…

  “Fine… I’m just fine. It’s just already been a long night, and we’ve still got more than an hour in clean up after the guests leave.” I helped her clear away the empty bottles. “But we got the rest of our money. And Mr. Boothe said something about the possibility of doing another job.” I packed away the last of the unused stemware. ‘This party could be just the beginning… more than just getting back on our feet. This could be a chance at making Sweets and Classy a real success.”

  We each took a tray and headed back over to where guests clustered, waiting for the fireworks to begin. The rooftop garden was enormous and had gathered most of the crowd. I shot a look, searching for Chris’s face. I smiled politely at the guests, as they took glasses from my tray. But I also remembered that Sutton had warned me not to keep him waiting…

  “Take the rest of these, would you?” I handed my last few glasses off to Tam impatiently. “Mr. Chase said he wanted a word before the evening’s over.” She gave a quick nod and headed for Reese. I made a mental note to add more to their checks than I could afford, and headed for the garden.

  The trees were tall enough that it was easy to forget we were forty stories above the streets below. The last of the season’s flowers were still in bloom and a lovely cedar pergola stood a dozen yards away. I stopped for a moment, startled by the first explosion overhead. A sparkling cascade of brilliant yellow light burst in the darkness and illuminated the couple directly in front of me. She was lovely, in red. He was dark and smiling… His hand was inside the front of her dress, cupping one large breast…

  I turned away just as another rocket burst and turned the sky blue and purple. It gave enough light I could see Chris’s dark head, taller than the others, his face turned upwards. I moved quickly through the maze of people and trees. He glanced around without seeing me, and I moved faster. Just the glimpse of his face had made my blood pump harder. The dark, smoky scent of him was only a few feet away…

  But I pulled up short as I watched him bend down. He was holding her lightly, dropping a kiss on her cheek. She smiled at him shyly, and his dark look brightened. She was the loveliest girl I’d ever seen.



  “He isn’t good enough for you,” I said, taking her chin in my fingers. “You know damned well I never thought so… And I don’t see any purpose in your continuing to stand by him…”

  “Because I love him, maybe?” she answered softly. “Because he promised me it was just a mistake.” She looked up at me with kindness and love shining in her eyes. “He may not be as good a man as you are, Chris, but he’s still my husband. It’s only been three years… I owe my marriage more of a chance than that.”

  I smiled back at her warmly, working to hide the discomfort I felt from a compliment I had done nothing to deserve. My sweet, kind sister had no clue that her husband’s indiscretion couldn’t hold a candle to the things I’d done. And I was fucking determined to keep it that way. There was no reason she, or my father should ever know. No matter the temptations of this evening, all that was behind me now… Then I caught the warm, sweet scent of vanilla…

  “Emily…, forgive me… Miss Parrish.” I looked down to see her heart-shaped face and big green eyes. They were wider even than when I’d caught her watching Sutton and his girl…

  “Call me Emily, please,” she answered slowly and her eyes flickered toward Amelia. “I didn’t mean to intrude. Perhaps we should speak another time?”

  I felt that same deep hunger inside and forced it down… far away… and worked to hold it at bay. “Emily… this is my sister Amelia. Lia, this is the young lady whose artistry is responsible for the more sinful delights of this evening.”

  Amelia laughed lightly and took Emily’s hand. ‘I’m actually the one who asked Sutton to hire you for tonight,” she said a little sheepishly. “I heard about your pastries and convinced him to try out your services tonight. I’m hosting a bridal shower… Fun, but nothing too over the top. Do you think you might be interested?”

  “Of course,” Emily’s face brightened with excitement. “I’m sorry… I don’t have a business card…,” she flushed a lovely shade of pink as she ran her hands over her tiny little uniform apologetically. “No pockets…”

  Lia laughed. “Not to worry. I’ll find you somehow… I’m sure Sutton’s got your number handy.” She gave a short wave to someone a few yards off. “Ooh, gotta run… Nice to meet you, Emily. See ya, Chris.

  And don’t forget… dinner with Dad on Wednesday…”

  “As if I could,” I answered dryly, as she pushed her way past and headed for her friends. The half a billion dollar deal I’d just landed had guaranteed a summons from the old man. I’d learned very early in life, that the only thing that had ever gained my father’s attention or approval was securing the win. Then he was more than happy to spend time together. As a boy, I’d learned fast… to win every struggle, every fight, every competition… to always come out on top. Because when I didn’t… I had been invisible…

  I smiled down at Emily, who was looking up at me wordlessly. Another wave of fireworks burst overhead. “Never mind Sutton,” I said, leaning down to speak into her ear. Even her hair smelled sweet… “Give me your contact information and I’ll pass it along to my sister myself. There’s no reason you should have to deal with him again…”

  “I want you to know I’m a professional, Mr. Chase,” she said, turning so that I could feel her b
reath on my jaw. “I understand that people in your position require a certain level of discretion… privacy…”

  “Do you…?” I asked, turning to face her. For a moment longer the sky was dark, and although we were surrounded by people… we could as easily have been all alone.

  “Come… the finale will be starting in a few minutes. The view will be better from over here…”

  I gestured for her to go ahead of me, and followed after, watching the easy sway of her hips. Her delicate legs widened out just as they disappeared under the fluff of her skirt, the diamond shapes drawn on her flesh by the stockings stretched slightly larger over her thighs… I ached to reach out and touch one perfect inch…

  The suddenness of the burst caught us both by surprise, and we looked up in time to see the first colorful explosions in the sky. She teetered on her tall heels, and I took her elbow, pulling her back gently to steady her. I felt her tense, then relax against me. I shifted and felt the ruff of her skirt brush against my stiff, solid cock. Her sweet sex was only inches away… and barely covered. Neither her scant clothing or my own created much of a barrier… Certainly nothing that had ever stopped me before. Never, in all the years of the game, had I ever felt the kind of desire surging through me now. Denying myself had only increased the excitement a thousand fold. I turned her gently by the hips until she was looking up at me. Light and colors continued to light the sky… I could see them reflected in her eyes…

  “Thank you… for tonight…,” I said. I watched her eyes move to my lips. “Unforgettable to be sure… for both of us, I think.”

  I reached down… and gently brushed the thick pad of my thumb over her full, bottom lip…


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