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A Christmas Kiss

Page 14

by Anna Samuels

  ‘What is going in that spot?’ she asked, pointing to the large empty space on the wall I had been working on.

  ‘That one…it’s really heavy and I was going to ask for your help.’

  Alex stared at me for a long moment. ‘What? You’re asking for help?’ she said, in mock surprise.

  I smiled at her, pleasure seeping through my veins.

  ‘Well…we must be friends now then!’

  ‘We must…’ I agreed.

  ‘What can I do then?’ she asked.

  ‘Okay…I need help lifting it up there, and then when it’s in place, I need steadying on the ladder so I can fasten the fixings at the back to secure it to the wall.’

  ‘Okay…I reckon I can help you there.’


  We began lifting the painting, with me instructing all the time, and got it into place on the wall. Once it was up, I climbed the ladder and Alex moved behind me to secure the ladder. I expected her to hold the sides of the ladder…instead she took hold of my waist with both hands to prevent me from falling or slipping.

  I fumbled with the fastening at the back of the painting. The touch of her hands on my waist were distracting me from the task at hand and making me clumsy. Her hands felt warm and strong and held me ever so securely in place.

  ‘I’m done,’ I told her, stepping down one foot at a time.

  I made it to the bottom and she released me. I felt the burning imprint on my skin where here hands had been.

  ‘Now I just need to do the other side,’ I told her, turning to move the ladder. Once again, I climbed the ladder and she held me securely by the waist. I fiddled with the fastening again, taking way longer to do it than I would have being alone. When I was done, I descended feeling hot and flustered. I stood back and looked at the painting on the wall. It filled the space perfectly and looked good as the focal piece.

  ‘Wow…perfect,’ Alex said quietly at my side.

  I glanced up to thank her but when I looked up, I saw her eyes were on me, not the painting. Our gaze met and held and once again, the intense awareness was there. Once again, I felt my body react to her with lightning intensity.

  ‘I, uh…yeah the painting looks good,’ I told her unnecessarily.


  ‘We should…I mean, uh, shall we get going to Laurie’s place now?’ I asked hesitantly.

  ‘Yeah, I’m ready whenever you are,’ she told me.

  ‘Okay…I’ll just lock up then.’

  Ten minutes later, we pulled up outside Laurie’s home. At the door, we were welcomed in warmly and after leaving our coats and shoes at the door, we headed in to the living room.

  ‘Auntie Ally!’ Zachary yelled, heading over to me at a run.

  I caught him in my arms and pulled him close for a hug, ‘There’s my favourite six year old!’

  ‘Am I?’ he asked.

  ‘Definitely! Couldn’t think of anyone better!’ I told him.

  ‘I missed you,’ he said, more seriously.

  ‘Did you? You know something, I missed you too! Which is why I brought you a present!’ I told him gleefully.

  ‘A present?’ he said stunned. ‘What is it?’

  ‘Close your eyes,’ I said, lowering him to the ground.


  ‘Hold out your hands.’


  I placed a packet of sweets into one hand and a folded piece of paper into the other. ‘You can open your eyes now.’

  ‘Yay!’ he said, his eyes whipping open. ‘Sweets! Thanks Ally! What’s this?’ he asked, looking at the paper.

  ‘I drew you a picture.’

  ‘Oh thanks!’ he exclaimed and opened it up.

  I had drawn myself and Zachary, playing on the beach. It was a pencil and paper sketch but it was extremely well captured and the result was effective.

  ‘Wow, Ally…you’re such an artist,’ he told me.

  I smiled, ‘I’m glad you like it, Zachy.’

  ‘Me?’ Katie said, coming up to me hopefully.

  I picked her up, tickling her playfully. ‘You? Do you think Katie might have a present too?’ I asked her.

  ‘Yeah! Yeah! Me like pwesent!’ she told me happily.

  ‘Do you? Well…look what I have for you!’ I said and handed her a packet of chocolate buttons. ‘You can have some for pudding, okay?’

  ‘Okay…thank you, Ally,’ she said sweetly.

  ‘I have something else for you too,’ I told her wide-eyed. ‘Something I made for you specially.’

  ‘What Katie have?’ she asked innocently.

  I reached into my bag and pulled out the little bracelet I had made for her from shells. She gasped in delight and bounced up and down on the spot, holding out her arm for me to attach it.

  I put it on and she danced off happily to Laurie who gushed over the present.

  ‘Say thank you to Auntie Ally, Katie.’

  ‘Thank you,’ she parroted and skipped off to play.

  I smiled at the children and then took a seat that was offered. Alex sat beside me, strangely quiet which was out of character.

  Daniel brought us both a drink and then began talking to Alex about the café. Laurie stuck her head in and requested my help so I excused myself for a moment.

  In the kitchen, the roast was cooking at full pelt. It was steamy and hot and the scent of roasting chicken filled the air.

  ‘So…how was your week?’ Laurie asked as she handed me a peeler and some carrots to prepare.

  ‘It was okay,’ I told her. ‘It’s very much going to be a case of getting through each week though I think.’

  ‘Oh really? What a nightmare,’ she commented. ‘Did you come home midweek?’

  ‘I did, yeah…it was nice actually. It broke up the misery and I had a nice evening with Alex watching a film,’ I told her.

  Laurie gaped at me, her face a picture. ‘What? You saw Alex Wednesday too?’

  ‘Yeah…only by chance and we just ended up at the house,’ I said, trying to stay casual.

  ‘Well, get you…I didn’t think you had it in you!’

  ‘Have what in me?’ I frowned, looking up.

  ‘Going after a woman who is taken!’

  ‘I’m not ‘going after her!’ I exclaimed. ‘I haven’t laid a finger on her! I stay away as much as possible and never encourage anything! We’re friends, Laurie…why can’t you seem to understand that?’

  ‘Because I know you, Ally…and I can see every time you mention her, every time she’s in your mind that she affects you in a way that is a little bit unique. I can see it in your eyes, Ally. You’ve fallen for her, haven’t you?’ Laurie said.

  I stared at her, my heart thumping suddenly. ‘Why would you say that?’ I whispered.

  She shrugged, and laid a hand on my arm supportively. ‘Because I know you, Ally…I don’t want to see you get hurt. You told me she’s already got a partner?’

  I nodded and looked downwards, ‘Yeah…and believe me, I would never do anything to compromise that.’

  ‘Even if you wanted to?’

  I nodded again. ‘Even if I wanted too…it’s a shame though,’ I murmured. ‘She’s not like anyone I’ve ever met before.’

  ‘No…have you ever felt like this about anyone else before?’

  I met her eyes then. ‘I don’t think I have…not with this…intensity…every time I so much as look at her…well…’ I trailed off, unable to finish my sentence.

  ‘Maybe you should take a step back for a bit.’

  ‘Maybe,’ I conceded. ‘But I think I can do the ‘just friends’ thing fine too.’

  ‘If you say so…’ Laurie said, moving to the stove. ‘Just be careful.’

  ‘Of course I will,’ I replied, lifting the finished carrots into the saucepan. ‘Here…they’re done.’

  ‘Thanks sis…now let’s re-join the others. We shouldn’t ignore our company!’

  ‘Okay,’ I agreed and we left the lunch cooking to head for
the lounge.

  Chapter 16

  Sunday night

  Lunch was a fun and chatty affair, with Laurie leading the way with tales from our childhood. Alex settled into the group well and after a while began joining in with the laughter and even playing with the children after we had eaten.

  Three hours after we had arrived we finally left and climbed into my car.

  ‘Back to the beach?’ I asked.

  ‘Yes, that’s where I have to be…are you going back to the gallery?’ she asked.

  ‘I am, yeah…I’ll probably work till late today.’

  ‘Okay,’ she smiled.

  I started the engine and headed towards the sea. ‘So, was lunch bearable?’ I asked, curious as to what she made of my family.

  ‘I loved it,’ she told me quietly.

  ‘You did? You were quiet at first…I wondered if everything was alright.’

  ‘I was fine, just soaking up the atmosphere. They’re such a lovely family unit and the children are adorable. I can see why they make you yearn for a similar set up.’

  I nodded, understanding completely. ‘Exactly. They’re just the perfect little family. If I ever managed to find anything even close to that, I would be a happy woman.’

  ‘Yeah…’ Alex murmured softly.

  We fell silent then for the last few minutes of driving to the beach. When we arrived, I parked outside the gallery and we stepped out.

  ‘Thanks for inviting me to lunch, Ally…maybe I’ll catch you later?’

  ‘Yeah…I’m going to get on with setting up.’

  ‘Okay…see you later.’

  ‘Bye Alex.’

  I headed into the gallery and got to work.

  Several hours later, the light was dimming so I locked up and wandered down to the sea wall which overlooked the sea. I climbed onto the cold stone and sat atop the wall to watch the sunset. I took a mental picture, promising myself I would capture the image on canvas at a later date.

  The sea was calm and quiet for once, only gentle waves lapping the shore line. The sand glistened in the dim light and I breathed in the air appreciatively.

  ‘Beautiful night,’ a voice said from behind me.

  I turned to see Alex. Somehow I had known she would join me. ‘It really is…I feel so lucky to be alive right now.’

  ‘Yeah,’ she murmured, climbing over to sit beside me. ‘This is a beautiful location.’

  ‘Um…it feels like home again.’

  ‘Well that’s exactly it. You are home again.’

  I sighed. ‘I really don’t want to go back to London tomorrow,’ I told her sorrowfully.

  ‘Don’t think about it yet,’ she suggested. ‘Tomorrow’s a while away yet.’

  ‘Not really…I have no plans tonight so it’ll be home to bed and then up for an early drive to work.’

  ‘Well why don’t we go and do something?’ she suggested. ‘Take you mind off it?’

  ‘I thought Jenny would be back tonight? Surely you’ll be seeing her?’ I frowned.

  ‘No, she was originally going to be back but she phoned and said that she’s staying one more night. Apparently she has more work to finish.’

  ‘Oh,’ I murmured. ‘And were you alright with that?’

  She shrugged and looked away, ‘I don’t think it would matter if I wasn’t. So, what shall we do? Go out? Stay in?’

  ‘I’m not one for going out that much these days…I think I’ve become pretty boring…’

  ‘Oh you’re not boring, Ally. Far from it! I prefer staying in too anyway. Why don’t we do something at yours? We could bake a cake!’

  ‘That’s a bit random!’ I chuckled.

  ‘I know but it’ll be fun! You see we’ll be busy making our creation, you will get distracted and I get to eat cake. Good fun all round!’

  ‘Can we order Chinese too?’ I asked.

  ‘After having roast for lunch?’ she said, sounding surprised.

  ‘Yeah…why not? I’m hungry again.’

  ‘That’s good. Yes, why not then! Chinese, wine and cake. Ooh and maybe a film if we boring folks need a sit down.’

  ‘Done deal,’ I agreed.

  Alex smiled at me happily. ‘This friendship stuff is fun…’

  ‘It sure is,’ I replied. ‘It sure is.’

  Alex and I soon left and walked to the nearby mini-supermarket. We bought everything we needed to make a cake along with various sweets and chocolates to top it with.

  After returning to collect our cars, we both drove separately to my house and parked on the drive, that way Alex could return home when she needed to.

  I unlocked the door and led the way into the cold house once more.

  ‘Oh my, it’s freezing,’ I said, pulling my coat around me closer.

  ‘Heating?’ Alex asked.

  ‘I’ll go and put it on,’ I told her, rushing upstairs to turn on the boiler. When I came back down, Alex was already in the kitchen, laying the items we had bought out on the table.

  ‘Okay, the heating is on…hopefully we’ll be warmer soon…’

  Alex looked up at me, ‘If not, we’ll just have to cosy up under a blanket again.’

  I gave her a look of exasperation, ‘I don’t think so, Alex! We’d get in enough trouble about the first time!’

  Alex grinned at me mischievously and I couldn’t help but smile back. ‘Cake time?’

  I nodded, excited. ‘Cake time! Shall I order the Chinese first?’

  ‘Yeah, good plan.’

  ‘What do you want?’ I asked.

  ‘Oh anything…I’ll just have what you’re having,’ she told me.

  ‘Okay…’ I went to the phone and ordered set menu B for two people. They told me it would arrive in forty-five minutes, giving us time to make a cake. ‘Ordered…they’ll be about forty-five minutes.’

  ‘Great. Are you going to help then?’ she asked.

  ‘Yeah, of course! I’m not the best cook but I’m a willing helper!’ I grinned.

  ‘Good…so put the butter and sugar in and whisk it…’ she began.

  I started following her instructions and true to her word, I was immediately distracted and became absorbed in the task. By the time we had it in the oven, I was completely oblivious to the impending week ahead.

  The Chinese food arrived as the cake baked and we sat at the table enjoying our food.

  ‘We’ve eaten well today,’ Alex commented.

  ‘We sure have! I’ll be back to normal in no time eating at this rate!’

  Alex smiled at me. ‘Like I said, you’re fine whatever weight you are.’

  I chuckled, ‘Is that your line for all the girls?’

  Alex looked down, laughing under her breath. ‘Hardly…I’ve never been one for having lines. Have you?’

  ‘No!’ I exclaimed, ‘of course not! I’m much more subtle than that.’

  ‘I’ll bet…so tell me, Ally. What’s your track history like with women? From beginning to end?’ she asked.

  ‘From beginning to end? Like first to now?’ I asked.

  Alex nodded, finishing her dinner.

  ‘Well…my first was later than most as I was figuring it all out for a long time. I was nineteen and I met her at University. Do you want details or brief outline?’ I wondered.

  ‘Oh details…I’m all about the details,’ she said with a smile.

  ‘Okay…’ I said and leaned forwards with my chin on my hands. ‘She was gorgeous…I was smitten with her and I knew she was a lesbian as I had heard people gossiping about her on my course. Well, I asked her out…she was surprised but said yes and that was the beginning.’

  ‘So go on…details, Ally! First date? First kiss? First time! Tell me everything!’ she grinned.

  ‘Hang on…only if you do the same afterwards!’

  ‘Yeah! Of course…no problem…so go on, you asked her out…?’

  ‘I did…well, we went to the cinema, which was awkward as we just sat there in silence watching the film,’ I said, laughin
g as I told her. ‘By the end of the date, we knew each other no better and it had become cringey…’

  ‘What happened?’

  ‘She walked me back to my car and just as I was thinking it had all gone pear-shaped, she kissed me…it was spontaneous, wonderful and made me realise that I was most definitely and surely a gay woman.’

  ‘So, what happened next?’ she asked, leaning forwards looking interested.

  ‘She took me back to hers…’

  Alex gasped and sat up ramrod straight. ‘Ally! I’m surprised at you!’

  I laughed. ‘No, you’re not!’

  ‘No,’ she giggled, ‘but good going…were you glad you did?’

  I smiled knowingly. ‘Oh yeah…’

  ‘Well Ally…I didn’t know you had it in you…’

  ‘You’re only just getting to know me though,’ I reminded her.

  ‘Very true,’ she conceded, ‘very true.’

  ‘So come on then…tit for tat! Your turn!’

  ‘Okay…well, my first kiss and first time didn’t coincide with the same person…’

  ‘Details?’ I requested.

  ‘My first attempted kiss was my best friend at school. That didn’t go well and she shoved me away! Then at college I met this gorgeous brunette who pulled me behind the bike sheds to kiss me…that was amazing. I remember thinking how soft she felt and how her lips tasted. It was such a good experience,’ she gushed.

  I watched her as her face became dreamy as she spoke. I couldn’t help glancing down at her soft, rosy lips as I imagined her kissing the girl she spoke of. The thought sent a rush of desire through me. ‘What about first proper girlfriend or being intimate?’ I asked somewhat huskily.

  ‘It was the same girl,’ she told me. ‘After we kissed, we became a couple and started going out regularly. After a while, she coaxed me into bed and taught me everything she knew. She was a good teacher and a thorough lover so I have to credit her for all my skills to date.’

  ‘I won’t ask,’ I joked, even as my insides were twisting and squirming over the thought of her showing me those skills.

  ‘Well, those days are long gone now…it’s funny how passion changes over time…’ she murmured.

  I nodded slowly but wondered silently if she meant things weren’t perfect in the bedroom with Jenny. The fact that I was imagining her in those situations though, wasn’t doing my desire much good. ‘Shall we decorate the cake now it has cooled?’


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