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A Christmas Kiss

Page 23

by Anna Samuels

  ‘Yes?’ I managed throatily.

  ‘I want you…’

  ‘I want you too,’ I replied.

  ‘You’re so beautiful, do you know that?’ she murmured seductively.

  I didn’t know how to answer that, so instead I got things moving. With two hands on the bottom of my jumper, I pulled it over my head and dropped it to the floor.

  Alex’s eyes dropped to my breasts and her hands quickly followed. She removed my bra deftly and then cupped me with her hands. Her touch made my tingling skin burn. I moaned in pleasure as she rolled my taut, erect nipples over and over with skilled fingers. I leaned in closer to her, desperate for more contact and needing her to help me with my pent up frustration.

  Alex began walking me backwards to the bed, my breasts still very much in her hands. She was playing with my nipples and making my head spin with bliss. She pushed me to the bed and we fell to the soft mattress. Alex’s body covered mine and I reached to cup her face as her mouth once again bent to mine.

  We kissed long and thoroughly, her tongue making love to mine. Her hands roamed by body, setting the skin alight as she moved. Eventually, she moved lower. Alex’s mouth found one nipple and she drew it into her mouth and suckled on the tip. I arched in pleasure at the sudden and swift dart of ecstasy through my system. Her tongue flickered against my sensitive areola and I squirmed with unbearable bliss. As she moved to my other breast, I stretched like a cat, full of delicious pleasure.

  When my nipples were aching and heavy, Alex finally moved lower; to the spot where I needed her attention the most. She pulled my jeans and panties away quickly and parted my legs before her. I felt the muscles in my stomach tense as I looked down and met her eyes. She was ready to take me, pleasure me, in the most intimate of ways imaginable.

  I watched as she bent down and licked me slowly. I gasped as her tongue then ever so slowly, ran a path to my clitoris and began to circle. I leant back onto the bed, clutching at the bed sheets for support. Alex’s tongue began pleasuring me in earnest, working its way over my sensitive folds and making me squirm and writhe on the bed in delight. I cried out my pleasure; my voice surprising even me in the quiet of the night. As her tongue focused in on my clitoris and worked it over and over again, I felt the heat rise in my body and the orgasm ready to break through.

  I gasped and moaned as her finger joined her tongue, thrusting inside me and rubbing my sensitive folds. I came with a loud cry; my body straining and bucking against her. Still she held me close, her tongue pushing me to even greater heights. My breath came quickly and raggedly, my groans torn from a place deep in my throat. I came again with a force which stunned me, my whole body rocketing higher than it ever had before.

  As I relaxed back against the bed, waves of sheer bliss swept through my aroused system. I struggled to regain my breath as Alex kissed a trail of butterfly kisses up my stomach and breasts before settling above me to kiss me again.

  I opened my mouth to her and kissed her long and slow. Her mouth was languid and she took her time to savour every moment. My body felt wonderful and as I came too, I pushed at her firmly to roll her onto her back, reversing our positions.

  I followed her lead and kissed her everywhere, pausing to lavish attention on her soft, ripe breasts before heading lower. When I reached the juncture between her thighs, I felt her stiffen with tension. I eased her legs apart gently and lowered my head to pleasure her as she had done for me.

  Her taste was arousing and as I began to lick her, Alex bucked with ecstasy. I held her in place with my hands while my mouth worked its magic. Every lick, every caress drove her higher and higher until I could tell she was close to breaking point. Adding my fingers to her sex, I licked and suckled more intently and felt satisfaction rush through me as she cried out her pleasure. Alex came with force and pressed down against me hard. I kept my mouth and fingers moving while she rode the path to ecstasy. When she relaxed back, only then did I move up the bed to kiss her again.

  With our bodies pressed together, we kissed, our mouths slow and exploratory. My clitoris felt sensitive against her leg which I was straddling as I lay atop her. As we kissed, I moved rhythmically, my body feeling wonderful against hers. When Alex rolled us once more, I became the one underneath and as she kissed me, her hand found my sensitive nub. She rubbed me while her tongue played with mine. I groaned and arched against her. Her fingers quickly worked me to fever pitch and I came once again with a cry as my body rocked out of control. Waves and waves of delicious sensation flooded through me and I rode them joyously.

  I fell back against the bed, breathing hard and exhaustion consuming my system. While my body calmed, my mind worked overtime, quickly reliving what had just happened between us in every erotic little detail. I wondered what Alex was thinking and if she was regretting it or if she was happy. She had gone very quiet beside me and I glanced to the side to see what her expression was.

  Alex’s eyes were closed and she looked peaceful and replete. Her naked body lay sprawled comfortably in my bed and I couldn’t help running my gaze down over her appreciatively.

  ‘Stop thinking,’ she suddenly said, her voice a low murmur.

  ‘What?’ I replied, frowning slightly.

  Alex’s eyes flickered open and she looked over at me. Her lips curved into a small amused smile. ‘Let’s not analyse this tonight, Ally,’ she said softly. ‘I enjoyed every second of what just happened between us and I don’t want to spoil it by worrying about all the details.’

  I smiled, realising how silly I was being. ‘You’re right,’ I told her.

  ‘I know I am,’ she grinned. ‘Now, how about we agree not to talk about this until after we’re back at work. Let’s just enjoy what we’re doing,’ she smiled.

  ‘By that you mean making love?’ I asked.

  ‘Yeah…not everything has to be complicated, Ally.’

  ‘True…and this certainly isn’t,’ I responded.

  She smiled. ‘So come here and sleep in my arms. I want to wake you early for more of the same. I feel like I’ve waited an eternity for this.’

  I moved silently into her arms, moved by the words she had just spoken. Nestled comfortable against her side, I fell sleep quickly, happy and content.

  My dreams were erotically charged, probably because her naked body was pressed against mine for much of the night. When I woke, I opened my eyes to see Alex sleeping quietly beside me. I smiled, despite myself, revelling in the bliss I was feeling.

  The night with Alex had been more than I had ever, possibly imagined it could be. Our chemistry was electric and I had never had a more fulfilling sexual experience in my entire life. I replayed the moments spent in her arms and felt my body respond to the wonderful sensations she had evoked in me. My body felt languid and tingly as I remembered all the wonderful ways she had touched me.

  ‘Thinking again?’ a voice said, startling me.

  I gasped and my eyes flew to hers. ‘Alex! You startled me…I thought you were sleeping.’

  ‘I was,’ she replied.

  ‘I wasn’t thinking…at least I wasn’t analysing,’ I murmured, my eyes on hers. She was looking at me with a dreamy, satisfied expression and I knew her line of thought was following mine.

  ‘Then what were you thinking about?’ she asked, drawing me closer.

  ‘You,’ I said simply, smiling cheekily.

  ‘What about me?’

  ‘Oh well, I think you could imagine.’

  Alex smiled, ‘What I’m imagining is that you’re thinking about kissing me again?’ she asked hopefully.

  I returned her smile. ‘And the rest.’

  ‘Oh yeah? This is sounding promising!’ she said and then I saw her go still and she gasped. ‘I’ve just remembered!’

  ‘What?’ I said, alarmed.

  ‘It’s Christmas!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘Oh yes!’ I said, relieved it was nothing else. ‘Happy Christmas Alex!’

  ‘Happy Christmas Ally.’

  ‘I couldn’t think of a better way to wake on Christmas morning than in your arms.’

  I smiled happily. ‘That was a nice thing to say.’

  She smiled. ‘Well, it’s true. I’ve been wanting to get closer to you for ages. I’m so glad it’s happened now.’

  ‘I was so resolute about waiting,’ I murmured.

  ‘I know, but I think it had to happen. There’s just so much chemistry between us.’

  I nodded slowly but my over-analytical brain began to turn. Chemistry she had mentioned. Attraction and desire was evident. What about feelings and emotion though? Alex had said nothing about that side of things.

  I pushed the thought out my mind, deciding to return to it later. ‘There sure is. I’ve never experienced anything like last night before in all of my life!’

  ‘Me neither,’ she said smiling. ‘I think chemistry like ours is rare.’

  ‘It sure is…so, uh…it was good? I mean…you enjoyed it?’ I asked cautiously, feeling slightly unsure of myself.

  ‘Ally, it was out of this world! You rocked my world!’ she enthused. ‘I have never had a sexual experience like it!’

  ‘Neither have I,’ I replied. ‘Good to check though!’ I chuckled.

  ‘Yeah…so, uh…would you want to repeat the experience?’ she asked.

  ‘Hmm…I’d have to think about it,’ I said slowly, teasing her a little.

  ‘You little minx,’ she smiled.

  I grinned. ‘Sometimes…’

  ‘Come here,’ she murmured.

  I moved over, closer to her and her arms encircled me. In the light of the morning, it felt different and even more real. At night there had been the darkness to hide some of what I was feeling. Now, I felt open to her scrutiny. Our eyes held in delicious contact. I studied Alex’s dark blue eyes, searching for a hint of what she might or might not be feeling. All I could sense was burning, heady desire though.

  ‘Kiss me, Ally,’ she said quietly.

  My eyes dropped to her mouth and I leant towards her willingly. My lips met hers in a soft, probing contact. She sighed and moaned gently as our kiss became more intimate. Our lips parted and I felt her tongue searching for mine insistently. I gave myself up to the wonderful pleasure of her mouth and responded instinctively.

  Alex’s hands played with my nipples as we kissed and I ran my own hands over her soft curves. She felt smooth and strong, her body beautiful and desirable. When the kiss became heated, she tore her mouth from mine in a breathless gasp.

  Alex moved me with her hands so that I ended up sitting on top of her with my clitoris to her face. My face was facing her sensitive folds so we would be able to pleasure each other simultaneously.

  Ale’s strong hands drew me downwards by pulling on my legs to encourage me to lower my clitoris to her mouth. I let her guide me downwards and bucked at the first touch of her mouth to my sex. She pulled me back down and began licking me again. I moved against her restlessly, responding to her arousing touch. I too, began my own ministrations on Alex. I leant forwards and parted her soft folds with my fingers. The angle for me was slightly more awkward but I could suckle and lick her clitoris which my fingers did the rest.

  We both moved against each other eagerly, searching for our orgasms. They came quickly and we peaked at the same time, crying out in unison as we hit fever pitch together. Pulsating and undulating against one another, we rocked and moved in rhythm until the forceful waves had passed. Only then did we slump to the bed replete.

  After making love, we fell asleep in each other’s arms once again. It had been early, so more sleep was very welcome.

  I slept soundly, tucked into the crevice of Alex’s arms, one leg laid over hers intimately. I had never felt so comfortable in bed with any other woman and it felt wonderful.

  When I woke, I saw that Alex’s eyes were already open.

  ‘Hey,’ I murmured.

  ‘Hey you,’ she smiled.

  ‘Have you been awake long?’ I asked.

  ‘No…five minutes most! I slept like a log!’ she laughed.

  ‘So did I! Must be all that exercise,’ I grinned.

  ‘Yeah…and warmth. You’re like a little hot water bottle.’

  I smiled at that. ‘That’s nice.’

  ‘It’s true. Good for winter, having you close.’

  ‘I sure come in handy,’ I joked.

  ‘So…what are our plans for this wonderful Christmas day?’ she asked.

  ‘Well, we have all morning here…then this afternoon with Laurie and family.’

  ‘Both sounds nice! Are we making Christmas dinner?’

  ‘We sure are!’

  ‘And presents under the tree?’ she grinned.

  I stopped, stock still.

  ‘What?’ she asked with a frown.

  ‘I didn’t get you a present!’ I exclaimed mortified. ‘What with everything going on…and the fact we weren’t even friends…well, I didn’t…oh no!’ I said, rolling over to hide my face in my hands.

  ‘Ally? Ally?’ she called.

  I eventually rolled over to face her.

  ‘I didn’t either…I didn’t have the chance with everything going on. I kind of made you something silly, but I don’t think you’ll be that impressed!’

  ‘You made me something?’ I asked, feeling touched.

  ‘I did,’ she smiled. ‘Hang on…I’ll go and get it,’ she said, and got out of bed naked and quickly dashed out of the room.

  I sat waiting for her for about thirty seconds and then she was back.

  ‘Here you go.’

  ‘Thank you,’ I said, taking the small package which was wrapped in tissue paper.

  I carefully unfolded it and there was a small box, covered in tiny sea shells. It was neatly and carefully constructed and I was thrown by the effort she had clearly gone to to make it.

  ‘This is incredible,’ I told her. ‘I can’t believe you did this!’

  ‘Oh I was just kind of inspired by the ones you sell in the gallery. I know this is nowhere near as good as the ones you make, but it comes from the heart so I hope you like it.’

  ‘I love it,’ I smiled, ‘and you’ve just reminded me…I do have something for you.’

  ‘You do?’ she frowned. ‘I thought you had forgotten.’

  ‘Well, I have…in the traditional present sense. I do however have something to give you which I would never had even considered passing on to you unless this happened,’ I said, gesturing from her to me.

  ‘I’m intrigued,’ she murmured, smiling.

  ‘I’ll just go and get it,’ I told her.

  I went to the other room where I had set up an easel to paint when the urge struck me. I picked up the canvas which I had been working on for weeks and walked back to the bedroom.

  I crossed to the bed and sat down cross-legged, the picture facing me.

  ‘What is it?’ she asked.

  ‘Well, you know when I first met you…’ I began.


  ‘Well, I thought you had an interesting face…’

  She laughed.

  ‘And the fact was…well is, that I was and am attracted to that interesting face; so I drew you.’

  ‘You drew me?’

  ‘Happy Christmas,’ I said and passed her the painting.

  Alex took the canvas, looked at it and gasped. ‘Oh my…’

  I frowned. ‘Good? Or you don’t like it? Not everyone likes a portrait,’ I began.

  ‘Like it? I love it!’ she exclaimed enthusiastically.

  ‘Oh good!’ I said surprised.

  ‘You’ve flattered me in a major way though, Ally! I wish I did look like this!’ she said looking up with bright, twinkling eyes.

  ‘You do look like that, Alex. You’re utterly, and absolutely gorgeous,’ I told her huskily.

  Alex held my eyes steadily as her expression became more serious. ‘I think you better come here again,’ she murmured in a low voice.

  Chapter 27

ristmas Day

  I moved across the bed and our mouths met in a hot, electric kiss. The tension in the room sizzled between us as our tongues found each other’s hot and desperate. I grabbed onto her sides for support, losing myself in her kiss. My mind wandered and pleasure filled me as I kissed her back, responding to her every move.

  When she lifted her head, what she said surprised me.

  ‘Why don’t we continue this in the shower,’ she suggested.

  I looked at her, surprised. I hadn’t had a particularly adventurous sex life to date and doing it in the shower or bath was still something I hadn’t done. ‘Okay,’ I said willingly, keen for the new experience.

  We headed for the bathroom and were soon stepping under the hot spray of the shower. Alex reached for the shampoo and began washing my short hair and hers. We took it in turns to wash off the soap and then Alex began to soap my body.

  With slick, gliding soap on her hands, Alex ran her hands from my shoulders to my breasts, over my stomach and my legs, washing my skin everywhere. Her hands set up a trail of pleasure wherever they ventured.

  By the time she had finished washing my body, I felt heated and ready to explode. Thankfully, at that point, Alex bent in from of me and looked up at me with eyes dark from desire.

  ‘Put your leg around my neck,’ she ordered.

  I lifted one leg around the back of her neck and she leant in straight away to take me with her mouth. Her tongue and lips instantly drove me wild, licking me repeatedly and driving me into a frenzy. My other leg threatened to buckle underneath me as the pleasure became so intensely exhilarating. My breathing became ragged and I leant back against the cold tiles on the wall. The water pounded against my skin making me shiver with bliss. I came with a rush of heady pleasure, crying out Alex’s name aloud and holding onto her head for support. Waves and waves of ecstasy rolled through me and still she pushed me higher with her insistent mouth. A second thrill rushed over me and I writhed against her wall and gasped breathlessly.

  Alex rose and bent to kiss me languidly. Our mouths mated and our tongues danced. I reached for her clitoris and circled my fingers against her as we kissed. We turned and I back her against the wall so my hand could bring her to orgasm. Our mouths made love eagerly as my fingers pushed her higher and higher. When Alex came, she threw her head back and stiffened visibly, her whole body tensing with bliss. I continued to touch her sex until she finally relaxed and her breathing slowed. When we finally lifted our heads from each other, her eyes were hazy.


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