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A Christmas Kiss

Page 26

by Anna Samuels

  ‘I told you!’ she said grinning. ‘A profitable day!’

  ‘It sure was.’

  ‘Okay, well I’ll leave you to it…when I’m done, I’ll come and get you.’

  ‘Okay. I’ll be waiting,’ I assured her.

  She smiled at me and then left.

  I watched her go with my own smile upon my face. She had never yet failed to provoke an electric response within me. I followed her with my eyes as she walked across the concrete towards the café. She had such an easy, self-assured gait and seemed so at ease with herself. I found myself beginning to daydream about her as I sat on my chair in the gallery. My mind wandered back to the events of the past few days and I felt my body tighten in response as the erotic images rushed through head. Being with her had felt so natural and yet life-changing as it had been so incredibly good. I revelled in the fact that I was in the middle of such a wonderful sexual experience. To date, I hadn’t ever been involved with anyone who had made me feel anywhere near as desired and as passion-filled as Alex did.

  I busied myself in the gallery, restocking the shelves where possible and mounting new paintings I had waiting for display. I put out everything I had and then stood back admiring my handiwork. At this rate of selling, I would need to be working on new art constantly!

  I tidied everything away and cashed up. After counting the takings for the day, I was stunned to realise I had made more than £3000! I pocketed the money for safety instead of leaving it in the shop and began locking up.

  While I was closing the blinds, Alex appeared.

  ‘Hey,’ she smiled.

  ‘Hey…I’m done,’ I told her.

  ‘Good. I’m ready to go home now,’ she told me as I locked the door.

  I turned to her, ‘me too.’ As our eyes met, I felt a yearning which had become familiar whenever I was near her. I wanted her to reach for me and kiss me long and hard. Unfortunately, we were still in a public place, despite the night drawing in and the skies becoming dark.

  ‘Come on…we need to get home,’ she urged.

  I didn’t need to ask why we ‘needed’ to get home; it was written in her eyes clearly. I took the hand she offered and let her lead me to the car.

  When we got home, it was quarter to five.

  ‘What time are your parent’s expecting us?’ I asked Alex curiously, keen to know how much time we had to ourselves.

  ‘I said about six,’ she murmured, pushing the front door closed behind us.

  ‘Oh good! Then we have got time to relax and change!’

  ‘Yeah definitely…so are you going to let me join you?’ she asked huskily.

  I met her eyes which were intense and dark. ‘I suppose that might be a nice idea…so long as you don’t make us late!’

  ‘Why are we wasting time talking then? Come on, let’s get moving!’

  I followed her up the stairs with a smile on my face. I headed straight for the bathroom and turned on the taps to run. One they were flowing, I went into the bedroom to find Alex pulling her clothes of steadily.

  I pulled my jumper over my head and let it drop to the chair in the corner. Alex walked across to me, undressed apart from her underwear now.

  ‘Have I told you just how gorgeous you look today?’ she asked.

  ‘No,’ I murmured.

  ‘Well you do…utterly gorgeous.’

  ‘Thanks,’ I said quietly. ‘You don’t look too bad yourself.’

  She smiled at me. ‘How’s that bath coming?’

  I gasped, whirled and flew to the bathroom. Thankfully it was just nicely full so I turned off the taps and went back to the bedroom. ‘Disaster averted,’ I grinned.

  ‘Let me help you get ready,’ Alex said, stepping forwards to lift my t-shirt.

  I lifted my arms and let her pull my clothes away. As she continued with my bra, I frowned up at her. ‘You know the bath? It’s not huge you know…I don’t know if we will fit particularly well!’

  Alex chuckled. ‘Well, I think end to end we might be able to manage a relaxing calm down session, but for the purposes I was intending, I think you’re right! We might have to abandon the idea!’

  I nodded slowly, feeling ever so slightly disappointed.

  ‘But maybe after…’ she proposed.

  I smiled then, liking the idea. ‘Yeah…now that’s more like it!’

  Alex smiled and then took my hand. We went to the bath together and climbed in each end. I had been right; it was a small bath and wasn’t comfortable for us both. After a brief clean down for both of us, we got out and went back to the bedroom.

  When we reached the foot of the bed, Alex reached for me. Tugging me against her soft, towelled body, she bent her head to capture my lips. I sighed and gave myself up to her touch. I opened my mouth under hers and let my tongue mate with hers. The sensations flooding through my body were immense and I felt my arousal increase rapidly.

  Alex eased my towelling dressing gown off my shoulders and let it drop. She then pulled her own towel away. Our bodies pressed against one another and she felt soft and strong at the same time.

  Alex pushed me back to the bed and began kissing her way down my body. I felt myself trembling with need, aching for her to kiss me and make me come to relieve the tension I was feeling.

  Ever so slowly, she kissed her way downwards. When she reached the juncture of my thighs, she parted me gently and then lowered her mouth to my sex. The first touch of her tongue drove me wild with need. Her lips and tongue began an exploration of me which reduced me to trembling and shuddering with bliss. I came quickly, with an arch of my back and moan of pure ecstasy. She pushed me higher and higher until I peaked again, crying out her name.

  When I had recovered, I quickly reversed our positions and lavished her with the same attentions that she had given to me. When she reached her climax, deep satisfaction ran through my veins and I smiled to myself as I moved to lie beside her. Collapsing down next to her on the bed, I felt spent.

  ‘I suppose we better move,’ Alex murmured ten minutes later.

  I could easily have fallen asleep at that moment, but I shifted to prop myself up on my elbows. ‘I’m awake!’ I told her, feigning alertness.

  ‘Sure you are,’ she chuckled, slowly getting up herself.

  ‘So, who is going to be there?’ I asked as we began dressing.

  ‘Everyone I think! For the last few years we’ve kind of all congregated at Mum and Dad’s on the same day…that was the whole festivities are done in one big event!’

  ‘Ah, I see…so did you go with Jenny last night?’ I asked.

  ‘I did, yeah…let’s just say it was a little bit awkward.

  ‘How come?’

  ‘Well, she wasn’t the easiest person to take to a situation like that…and a lot of my family don’t like her, which made things awkward.’

  ‘Did Jenny know they didn’t like her?’ I wondered.

  ‘Not explicitly, but it was pretty obvious I thought.’

  ‘Oh…not good,’ I commented.

  ‘No…but this year will be just fine,’ she smiled, stepping into my personal pace and pulling me against her.

  ‘Oh yeah? Why’s that?’ I asked with a smile.

  ‘Because you’re coming with me,’ she said, kissing me lightly.

  ‘And they don’t hate me?’

  ‘No! They love you!’ she grinned. ‘Now, come on, let’s go!’

  I watched her go and turned to follow. They loved me, she had said…how I wished she did. I realised, with a sinking feeling, that I was beginning to crave more from her. As we headed out, I wondered whether I was going to be able to go on for much longer the way we were.

  Chapter 30

  Family ties

  When we arrived at Alex’s parent’s house, we were welcomed into a very busy household, full of adults and children all feeling festive. The hectic atmosphere worked in my favour initially as the focus was diverted from me mainly in the direction of the children and the presents which were being

  I was given a drink and instructed to help myself to buffet so for the first hour, I sat on one of the sofas, comfortable in my surroundings as Alex sat alongside me, talking with the others.

  A little while later, when Alex excused herself to see her sister, I was suddenly visited by her mother, Laura.

  ‘Hello Ally! How are you enjoying our little soiree?’ she smiled.

  ‘It’s lovely! Thank you for having me,’ I said politely.

  ‘You’re welcome. It’s far nicer having you here with Alex than that horrible woman!’

  ‘Uh…thanks?’ I said with a slight frown.

  ‘So how is she? I mean really…?’

  ‘I, uh…she’s coping well, I think,’ I told her, feeling my cheeks reddening.

  ‘You’re happy to take care of her through this?’ she asked.

  I nodded, feeling my cheeks burn. ‘Of course! I want to help her.’

  ‘Of course you do,’ she nodded, patting my leg. ‘So…what are you going to do about the other little problem?’ she wondered.

  I frowned at her in confusion. ‘I uh…I don’t follow you.’

  ‘Yes you do, honey. You have feelings for my daughter…what are you going to do about them?’ she asked.

  I looked down at my hands and fiddled restlessly. ‘I don’t know,’ I replied, looking up to meet her eyes. ‘We’re friends right now.’

  ‘Yeah,’ she chuckled, ‘friends with benefits!’

  I gasped at her comment, stunned. ‘Alex told you?’

  ‘No,’ she smiled, ‘but you just did…anyway you didn’t need to, it’s written all over your face, Ally. But no, no…we’re getting off track…I’m not talking about sex here; I’m talking about beyond all that malarkey. What are your intentions?’

  I gaped at her. ‘My intentions?’

  ‘Yes. Beyond sex, do you want a relationship with my daughter?’

  ‘Yes,’ I murmured, before I could help myself.

  ‘And do you want a family one day?’

  ‘Yes,’ I replied nodding.

  ‘Good,’ she said, a satisfied smile on her face as she patted my knee. ‘Just what I wanted to hear. You’ll be perfect for Alex. Just perfect.’

  ‘I uh…it’s very early days, Laura…I don’t even know how she feels about me,’ I told her quietly.

  She nodded, looking at me kindly. ‘It all takes time, Ally. Just be patient and work on it. You’ll get there. I think you two are perfect for each other.’

  I glanced across the room and saw Alex at a safe distance away. Looking back at her mother, I met her eyes. ‘I’ve fallen for her in a big way, Laura.’

  A bright, light filled her eyes and she leant into me and pulled me into a warm embrace. ‘Wonderful…how wonderful,’ she whispered.

  ‘Is it?’ I said when she released me, looking into her emotion-filled eyes.

  ‘Of course it is…’ she replied. ‘You don’t need to rush it, Ally,’ she told me quietly. ‘Alex may take a little longer to catch up with where you are in your emotional state but give her time. I know she thinks a lot of you, she just needs some time to get over this bad relationship with Jenny…then it’ll be your time.’

  I nodded. ‘I think you’re right. Hey, please don’t tell her anything I’ve said tonight.’

  ‘Of course I won’t, honey. I’m just happy to know she has such a wonderful woman waiting for her when she gets over this break-up.’

  I smiled at her warmly, then noticed Alex was heading through the crowds towards us. ‘Change the subject,’ I said subtly with a smile at Laura.

  ‘So how old are your sister’s children then Ally?’ she replied, deftly switching gears.

  ‘They’re six and two…absolutely gorgeous children, they are,’ I told her.

  ‘Did they have a good Christmas?’ she asked, as Alex joined us.

  ‘Yes, it was lovely thanks. Really nice. I got them both a bike which they were over the moon about!’

  ‘How wonderful!’ she smiled. ‘Hello honey! Enjoying yourself?’ she asked Alex.

  ‘Yes! I can’t believe how many people you managed to get here today!’ she exclaimed. ‘I haven’t seen some of these people in years!’

  ‘I know! Lovely isn’t it? Anyway, how are you, honey?’

  ‘I’m fine, Mum. Absolutely fine.’

  ‘Keeping busy?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes, Ally’s doing a great job of keeping me busy and distracted,’ Alex said, completely straight-faced.

  I gulped involuntarily and stole a look at Laura who thankfully kept her face neutral and impassive.

  ‘That’s good. You’re a good friend, Ally.’

  I smiled, not knowing what to say.

  ‘So, what have you two been chatting about?’ she asked curiously, frowning slightly.

  ‘Oh this and that…I was checking up that you’ve been alright after your breakup.’

  ‘Oh Mum, I’m fine! Better off actually! I’m happier already,’ she said.

  ‘Well good…although I could have told you that several years ago.’

  Alex sighed a little, as if she heard that comment many times. ‘Mum, your feelings were always very clear where she was concerned. You didn’t exactly hide them!’

  ‘No; because I knew you could do far better!’

  ‘Yeah…well, I’m fine. Please don’t worry about me unnecessarily.’

  ‘I won’t. Especially now I’ve been talking to Ally here…she’s reassured me!’

  ‘Oh good. Let’s leave that subject be then.’

  ‘Okay honey. Actually I should go and check on everyone, chat to more people if you two are okay.’

  ‘We’re absolutely fine,’ Alex reassured her.

  Laura stood and headed off with a jaunty wave. Once she was gone, Alex turned to me with a quizzical look.

  ‘So; was she really just checking on how I am?’ she asked.

  I laughed quietly. ‘Sort of…’

  ‘Go on,’ she said, sounding a little worried.

  ‘No, nothing bad…she was just, well….’

  ‘Spit it out!’

  ‘She was basically saying that she knows something is going on between us and she’s happy about it.’

  ‘She didn’t?’

  I nodded.

  ‘Goodness me,’ Alex said, burying her hand in her face, ‘she interferes way too much!’

  ‘I think she just cares about you, Alex. She’s looking out for you.’

  ‘Yeah…sometimes too much.’

  I sighed and looked up to meet her eyes. ‘Don’t be too hard on her, Alex. Not when it’s done out of love. At least she’s around to care and to get involved.’

  Alex’s expression changed and softened as she looked at me, ‘Ah, Ally I’m sorry…how insensitive can one person be!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘It’s alright,’ I murmured, but feeling a little sad. ‘I just don’t want you to take her for granted. Do you know how much I wish my Mum was still around to interfere in my life? When she was here, it drove me crazy like it does for you now…when I think of her these days, I just wish she was still alive to be able to moan at me and interfere…’

  ‘Oh Ally…’

  I shrugged, ‘there’s nothing I can do to change what’s past, and I don’t mean to say you can’t feel frustrated with your mother when she interferes…just be thankful that she does too.’

  Alex nodded. ‘I will…hey, I’m going to go and say goodbye and then I’m taking you home. I think that’s enough for the night.’

  ‘I am pretty tired…’

  ‘Yeah…I’ll just be a few moments.’

  I sat on the sofa, feeling strangely melancholy after our chat. When Alex returned, we left quietly and headed home in silence.

  The short drive went quickly and we headed inside the house. After hanging up my coat and taking off my shoes, I turned on the heating and then slumped onto the sofa tired.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Alex asked, sitting next to me and looking concerned.

>   ‘Yeah…’ I replied, avoiding her eyes.

  ‘Are you thinking about your Mum?’ she asked.

  I glanced at her. ‘I’ve been trying not to.’


  I nodded and sighed. ‘Yeah…I’m not very good at the whole grieving thing…sometimes I just can’t help myself though.’

  ‘You have to let yourself grieve, Ally.’

  ‘It hasn’t been easy,’ I told her.


  ‘Because I just haven’t been able to come to terms with it I guess.’

  ‘Have you let yourself grieve?’ she wondered.

  ‘To some extent,’ I told her. ‘I went to the funeral and have spent time with Laurie talking about it.’

  ‘Oh right. You know if you ever want to talk about it…’ she began.

  ‘No thanks…I’m fine,’ I told her immediately.

  ‘No, hear me out. I mean, if you ever want to talk or remember or even cry on my shoulder, just know that the offer is there,’ she told me gently.

  ‘I’m not very good at that kind of thing, Alex…’

  ‘Really? You seem quite secure emotionally in a general sense.’

  ‘I think it’s just raw.’

  ‘How long ago was it?’ she asked quietly.

  ‘Fifteen months ago,’ I said straight away.

  ‘You didn’t have to count…’

  ‘No. I’m well aware of the exact date and how long it’s been,’ I told her quietly.

  ‘Was it…I mean, did you know it was happening? Or completely unexpected?’

  ‘We knew it was happening,’ I murmured. ‘She had cancer and it was a downhill battle; especially at the end.’

  ‘I see…were you around for a lot of the time?’ she asked.

  I nodded. ‘I visited constantly, which was hard because I’d see her getting worse on a weekly basis…it was so sad to watch this strong, vivacious woman weaken to the point of becoming bed ridden. I didn’t know how to handle it,’ I murmured.

  ‘But I’m guessing you did.’

  I nodded, ‘I did. I stayed strong and hid my sadness from her, carrying on as close to normal as possible. I supported her through the end and was there for much of the awful part…it wasn’t easy but I wasn’t going to back out.’


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