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A Christmas Kiss

Page 33

by Anna Samuels

  ‘Really? I wonder what made him ask that?’

  ‘I think it was after that meeting on the beach, when we were talking. Do you remember? We explained being gay to him in basic terms. I think he made the connection between the two of us.’

  ‘Or he saw something that back then we didn’t?’

  ‘Oh I did,’ I smiled. ‘As soon as I met you I fell hard. I told Laurie about it straight away.’

  Alex smiled at me. ‘We could have saved so much time…’

  ‘No…I think our timing is perfect, actually. We’ll always remember the date at least! It’ll be our anniversary to mark.’

  ‘It sure will…now, shall we get going and head to this party? As soon as we can get there, the sooner I can get you home,’ she smiled.

  ‘Let’s go,’ I agreed.

  We made our way to Alex’s car and she drove us to her parent’s house. When we got there, the celebrations were in full swing with people everywhere, drinks flowing and a huge buffet spread being consumed.

  We made our way through the crowd, greeting and chatting with various family members of Alex’s. We eventually made to the kitchen where we managed to intercept Laura on her own.

  ‘Oh my goodness!’ she cried. ‘You two made it! That must mean it all worked out!’ she screeched, dancing around happily.

  I laughed and Alex gave me a long suffering look but then laughed herself. ‘Yes Mum…it all worked out…’

  ‘Oh wonderful! I knew it would! Didn’t I tell you, Ally! It all worked out just perfectly in the end.’

  I smiled at her. ‘You were right about everything and I feel very blessed that Alex forgave me and gave me another chance.’

  ‘Well of course she did, Ally. You two were made for each other. I saw that the moment I first saw you together.’

  Alex smiled down at me and put an arm around my shoulders in a very couple-like way.

  ‘Ooh…let me get my camera! This deserves a photograph!’

  We waited while she grabbed her camera out of her bag and took a few pictures. When she was done, Alex spoke once again.

  ‘Mum, we wanted to pop by but really only briefly if that’s okay with you? We’ve only just gotten back together and we’re pretty desperate for some time together.’

  ‘That’s absolutely fine, honey…and understandable. You go whenever you want to, I’m just happy that you two are happy. Welcome to the family, honey,’ she said turning to me.

  I accepted her hug thankfully. ‘Thanks Laura. I really appreciate that.’

  ‘No, I appreciate you…you’re a far better match for my Alex. I can see a bright, happy future ahead for you too already.’

  Alex and I smiled at each other.

  ‘Come on then…let’s get you two out of here…escape out the back door and I’ll make some excuses for you.’

  ‘Thanks Mum,’ Alex said and kissed her cheek softly. ‘I love you.’

  ‘Oh sweetheart. I love you too…you should tell me more often. I like hearing you say that, Alex.’

  ‘I promise I will, Mum. Ally made me realise how lucky I am to have such a wonderful Mum like you.’

  ‘Ah, well I’m even more grateful for you then, honey. We’ll see you both soon?’ she asked at the door.

  ‘Yes…maybe next Sunday we could come for lunch?’ Alex suggested.

  ‘I’ll cook a roast!’

  ‘Great…we’ll look forward to it.’

  ‘Bye Laura.’

  ‘Bye honey…bye Alex.’

  ‘Bye Mum…see you Sunday!’

  We left out the back door and made our way around to the front of the house where our car was parked. We drove off quickly into the dark night.

  ‘That went well,’ I commented.

  ‘Yeah…Mum loves you! It sure is easier when your parent’s actually like your partner!’

  I laughed, ‘Yes. I can imagine it is.’

  ‘We have our family’s support. That’s important to me.’

  ‘And me,’ I agreed. ‘Hey, can we swing by the gallery…I forgot to pick up something I made for you.’

  ‘Oh Ally…’

  ‘It’s just something little, but it’s a gesture I made for you.’

  We made our way down to the beach where the only light was from the moon and the Christmas tree which still stood proudly in front of the gallery.

  Alex pulled the car up and I hopped out and ran over to the gallery. I collected the two things I wanted to give Alex and made my way back to her. She was standing at the tree, looking up at all of the lights. I reached her side and looked up too.

  ‘It’s beautiful huh?’ I commented.

  ‘You’re beautiful,’ she replied.

  ‘This is where it all started…with a Christmas kiss…’

  ‘It did…I will always remember that kiss,’ she said dreamily, turning to me.

  ‘This is for you,’ I said, handing her the necklace I had made for her. ‘It’s meant to be a heart…to show how much I love you,’ I said quietly.

  She turned it over gently in her hands. ‘It’s beautiful…thank you so much.’

  I shrugged. ‘It’s just a small gesture…I wanted you to have something to wear…as a symbol of my love for you.’

  ‘It’s absolutely perfect,’ she told me.

  ‘I also finished the painting for you. I know you told me not to draw you, but I’m afraid that’s never going to stop happening. You’re my favourite subject you know?’

  Alex took the small canvas from me and looked down at my work. ‘Oh wow…you’re such a talented artist. The likeness is incredible. It looks so real!’

  ‘I was aiming to capture your eyes mainly…I feel like it does that. I wanted to hang it at home-with your permission.’

  ‘Home? As in, our home?’ she asked.

  I nodded. ‘I was hoping you would consider it our home as of now.’

  She smiled happily. ‘I would love to. And I…well, I have something for you too…if you’ll have it,’ she said uncertainly.

  ‘What is it?’ I asked curiously.

  Alex reached into her pocket and pulled out a small box. She opened it slowly, her eyes on mine and she held out the ring to me.

  ‘Ally…I love you. I want you to have this ring; call it an engagement ring, a promise ring or an eternity ring, I don’t mind…just to have a symbol of my love for you and that one day we will make it official.’

  I took the ring she offered without hesitation, tears coming to my eyes. ‘Ask me, Alex…I promise you’ll like my answer.’

  ‘Marry me, Ally?’

  ‘Yes! Of course I’ll marry you, Alex. I love you so much.’

  ‘I love you too.’

  Alex pushed the ring onto my fourth finger and we embraced each other in a fierce hug. When she released me, our eyes met and we smiled at each other.

  ‘To think this all started with a Christmas kiss,’ she murmured.

  ‘Maybe we should get married here,’ I said with a soft laugh.

  ‘Now there’s an idea,’ she smiled.

  Lowering her head, she captured my lips with hers.


  Next Christmas!

  One year later, Alex and I gathered with our friends and family at the beach to get married. We had timed it perfectly so that the Christmas lights would be switched on at the end of the service and we could share our first married kiss under those lights.

  During the year that had followed our first union, our relationship and grown from strength to strength. We had moved into my house immediately but nothing else had really changed. Alex still ran her café and business while I continued with my gallery. Both were turning out to be profitable so we were doing well.

  Alex and I were happy and grew more in love over time. The only thing missing from our relationship was the official act of getting married and the trickier issue to solve; having a family of our own.

  The day arrived of the wedding and Alex and I had been parted for the previous night. I arrived with Laur
ie and we let ourselves into the gallery to wait. The plan was for Alex to walk down to the beach from the café and then for me to walk down from the gallery. We would meet at the Christmas tree for the ceremony which would end with the lights being switched on.

  ‘I’m so nervous,’ I murmured to Laurie as she fiddled with my dress in the gallery.

  ‘Why are you nervous? You’re marrying the woman you love, right?’ she smiled.

  I nodded, putting my hands to my stomach.

  ‘Are you feeling alright?’ she asked.

  ‘No…I feel a little sick.’’

  ‘It’ll just be the nerves,’ she said still fussing with the dress.

  I rubbed my stomach soothingly, trying to calm the waves of nausea I was feeling.

  ‘I can’t believe you’re getting married! This is so exciting!’ she almost squealed.

  ‘I know…so much has happened in the last month, it’s been a whirlwind.’

  ‘Yes I know…did you go for that appointment in the end?’ she asked.

  ‘I did yeah…’

  ‘So it’s all happened?’ she asked.

  I nodded, ‘Just waiting now…’

  ‘It’s all so exciting!’ she declared.

  I breathed deeply, trying to calm my nerves. Thankfully we had a distraction then as Zachary and Katie arrived with Daniel.

  As they walked in, my heart felt like it would burst. ‘Oh wow! You two look simply gorgeous! Hey Zachy! Hey Katie!’

  ‘You a pwincess!’ Katie announced.

  I smiled, ‘Thanks honey! Do you like my dress?’

  ‘Pwetty!’ she said sweetly.

  ‘Zachary! You look so handsome! Is this your first suit?’ I asked him.

  ‘Yeah…it felt funny at first but I’m getting used to it. You look very beautiful, Ally,’ he told me.

  ‘Thank you, Zachary! What a lovely thing to say!’ I told him, feeling touched.

  ‘He’s right, Ally…you look incredible,’ Daniel told me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

  ‘Oh thanks guys! Don’t make me cry!’ I warned.

  ‘Why would you cry?’ Zachary asked bluntly. ‘Today’s a happy day isn’t it?’

  ‘It is honey…I’ll pull myself together.’

  ‘They’re ready for you!’ Laura said, poking her head around the door.

  ‘Oh great! Thanks Laura!’ I replied.

  She grinned and then hurried off.

  ‘You know what to do then kids? Scatter the petals on the floor until you get to Alex and then Mummy will take you to stand and watch.’

  ‘Okay,’ Zachary replied.

  ‘Katie, copy Zachary,’ Laurie told her.

  ‘Okay Mummy,’ she replied.

  I watched as they set off, scattering petals as they made their way down. Daniel walked to their side, keeping an eye on them all the way.

  Laurie took my arm and gave it a reassuring squeeze. ‘You ready?’ she asked, meeting my eyes.

  ‘I’m ready,’ I told her.

  ‘This is so exciting!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘Thanks for giving me away…it couldn’t have been anyone but you.’

  She smiled at me, ‘I love you, honey.’

  ‘I love you too,’ I replied.

  ‘Come on…let’s go get you married.’

  I took a deep breath and stepped out of the gallery.

  Laurie and I walked down the petal strewn path towards the crowd of family and friends who awaited us. When we reached everyone, they parted and I saw Alex, waiting for me by the tree looking beautiful in a long, elegant dress. I had never seen her look so feminine and gorgeous and when she smiled at me, my nerves vanished as I knew I was doing the right thing. She was the one woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and all at once, excitement instead of fear filled my veins.

  ‘You looks beautiful,’ she said when I reached her side.

  ‘So do you,’ I murmured softly and after kissing Laurie’s cheek, took her arm.

  The words that were spoken then drifted over me somewhat as I gazed into Alex’s eyes picturing the future that awaited us. As we spoke our vows and said ‘I do,’ I knew with absolute certainty I was doing the right thing. I knew Alex loved me, it was written in her eyes. For me, she had changed my life, and taken me on a journey to discover a new path where I could be happy both personally and professionally.

  I focused back in on the words being spoken as the ceremony neared its end.

  ‘It is with great pleasure, that I announce the union of Alex and Ally. I understand we are going to do with Christmas light switch on before you seal your promise with a kiss.’

  We both nodded and smiled at each other.

  ‘Okay! Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one…’ and the lights filled the tree brightly in an array of colour.

  Alex and I turned from the tree to each other and leant in until our lips met. The crowd around us clapped and cheered as we kissed tenderly in the moonlight. When we finally parted, Alex smiled down at me with pure happiness written all over her expression.

  ‘We did it!’ she exclaimed.

  I grinned, ‘We sure did.’

  ‘I love you, Ally.’

  ‘I love you too, Alex.’

  All around us, our guests congratulated us and we chatted with them, smiling with pure joy. When it grew colder, we all made our way to the restaurant by the side of the café where we had laid on an evening buffet including music and drinks for all of our guests.

  Alex and I began chatting to guests together but at some point became parted in the festivities. While I was talking to one of Alex’s family, I felt another wave of nausea flood me and I excused myself quickly to head to the bathroom. I just reached the toilet before being sick violently. I leant against the wall afterwards feeling weirdly clammy and dizzy. I stayed there until I felt okay again and then went to the wash basins to wash my face and clean myself up.

  As I was doing so, Alex came in.

  ‘There you are! I was wondering where you had got to!’ she said, looking concerned.

  ‘Sorry…I wasn’t feeling too well,’ I told her, wiping my brow shakily.

  ‘Ally? Are you okay?’ she asked, realising I wasn’t myself.

  ‘Not really…I thought it was nerves earlier but I’ve just been sick. I feel awful.’

  ‘Oh honey! That’s not what you need today!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘I know…I’m sorry to spoil things!’

  ‘You haven’t spoiled anything sweetheart. I’m the happiest woman in the world to be married to you now. Through sickness and in health, that’s what we agreed. If you’re sick, I’ll care for you.’

  ‘Thanks Alex…’

  ‘Things are finishing off now anyway…can you manage to say a few goodbyes before we get you home.’

  ‘Yes…just give me a minute and I’ll be out. I just want to fix my make-up a little.’

  ‘Okay,’ she agreed. ‘See you in a minute.’

  After Alex left, I tidied up my face and then headed out again. Thankfully Alex was right and people were beginning to leave. We said our goodbyes and then once our families had wished us well, we headed home ourselves.

  When we reached the house, Alex stopped me at the door.

  ‘Let me carry you over the threshold? I’ll be gentle with you, poorly lady,’ she assured me.

  I smiled. ‘Go on then.’

  She carried me in and set me on my feet gently. ‘You okay?’ she asked.

  ‘I still feel a little yucky,’ I told her. ‘I might go and take a shower,’ I told her. ‘Do you mind?’

  ‘Not at all! I’m all for a cuddle before bed tonight anyway. I’m exhausted too.’

  ‘Okay. I’ll just go up and clean up.’

  I headed up the stairs, changed and went into the bathroom. As I was turning on the shower, a packet on the bathroom cabinet caught my eye and stopped me in my tracks. I felt my breath hitch in my chest and a sudden realisation hit me. Sickness…nausea…could it be? I wondere

  I picked up the packet gingerly and read the instructions. I then took the test and waited, my heart hammering in my chest. It said a result in two minutes. The wait felt like a lifetime, even though it appeared in less than thirty seconds.

  Two bright pink lines appeared before me, confirming what I suddenly had suspected. I was pregnant, on the first attempt.

  With my heart hammering in my chest like a drum, I ran out of the bathroom eagerly calling for my new wife. ‘Alex! Alex!’

  Alex ran up the stairs looking bewildered, her face full of concern. ‘What is it? What’s the matter?’ she asked.

  ‘Look! Look!’ I told her, holding out the stick.

  ‘What are you saying?’ she said, looking at the test stick.

  ‘I’m pregnant, Alex! It suddenly occurred to me! I was feeling nauseous and then sick…I took the test and bam! There it is! We’re having a baby, Alex! We’re having a baby!’ I cried.

  ‘Oh my goodness,’ she gasped and clutched me as I fell into her arms to hold her close.

  ‘I can’t believe it!’ I whispered, emotion bubbling inside me.

  ‘I can’t either! We’re so lucky! And to find out on our special day too!’

  ‘I know! Oh I love you Alex…and I love our baby too…how wonderful, to be married and now to be starting a family. I feel like the most blessed person in the world.’

  ‘So do I,’ she agreed. ‘I love you Ally.’

  ‘I love you too, Alex.’

  ‘Come here,’ she said.

  I smiled at her and stepped into the arms of the woman I would spend the rest of my life with.




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