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Solaris Rising: The New Solaris Book of Science Fiction

Page 21

by Hamilton, Peter F. ; Reynolds, Alastair; Macleod, Ken; Baxter, Stephen; Sullivan, Tricia; di Filippo, Paul; Roberts, Adam; Cadigan, Pat; Tidhar, Lavie; Whates, Ian

  “An agreement with whom? I told you I didn’t agree to anything.”

  Another long, uncomfortable silence. “The agreement was signed by a Richard Johnston.”

  “My dad. He was my next of kin.”

  “He was told, according to the fragment remaining, that your life might not end. Your body would be suspended, until your condition could be rectified.”

  “He always believed in that sort of thing. They probably offered him all kinds of money, but he asked for this instead. He couldn’t fix me, so he had them send me into the future. That’s the way he thought about things.”

  “Are you stating that you would not have chosen this for yourself?”

  “No, never. I am, was, a fatalist. There were so many diseases then. If it hadn’t been a botched surgery, it would have probably been some terrible plague. Dying in your sleep would be so much better. Those last forty years, epidemics killed so many. And maybe that was actually a blessing.”

  “A blessing?”

  “I know that sounds harsh, but sometimes you have to step back, view history with a bit of perspective. That’s what I used to do – I taught high school history. There were too many people, and with the droughts, the infestations, many crops were lost. People came up from Latin America looking for food – Mexico was just a rest stop. Refugees were pouring out of Asia into Europe, away from flooded coastal cities everywhere. No way could all those people be fed. The fields were empty, and then the fields were filled with bodies. They deserved better. My father would have agreed with that much. People deserve better.”

  “Your father thought you deserved better. So he sent you forward –”

  “To where?” Anxiety was beginningto fill him. “To when? When is this?”

  “Cannot translate. Cannot translate,” the plant’s heavy leaves rose and fell, rhythmic and graceful as some deep jungle ballerina. “To here. To now.”

  It was easier just to imagine yourself a new person than to attempt to adjust, carrying around the old self’s vague memories, as if you’d read them in a book. “Therapy has been performed,” according to the implanted translator, but details were untranslatable, answered instead by a series of random sounds. It bothered him, certainly, to have been tampered with, and to wake up owing someone for his revival. But it was all the life he had.

  Loss and displacement aside, the most difficult thing that first year was coping with the apparent limits of the translator. Although the quality improved, there were always gaps where a lengthy period of attempted communication resulted in a disappointingly blunt “cannot translate,” or worse, absolute silence.

  Despite his plant-like appearance, it soon became apparent that the alien was not botanical in nature, nor bird, reptile, fish, or mammal or anything else he could compare it to on Earth. Obviously there was a cybernetic component, whether attached or integrated Tom couldn’t say.

  Of more practical concern was that Tom had nothing to call him – and he didn’t want to use some disrespectful coinage or ‘pet’ name. Nor could he determine where the alien was from, or even the name of the van-like contraption they used to travel around together on the surface of a transformed Earth.

  Tom understood that he was still in St. Louis, Missouri, but nothing was recognizable. Quakes and floods had distorted the town’s profile, and the fact thatthe suspension facility where he’d been found had been relatively intact was, in the translator’s terms, “an unlikely reality.” The alien said the area was “architecture in recombination with landscape,” a complexly ridged, sculptural field of debris and trash split by a narrow stream that was a vastly diminished and relocated Mississippi River.

  The Gateway Arch was gone as well, and the companion had acquired a video so that Tom could watch in awe as the keystone failed and dropped out, the disconnected legs twisting away and falling in opposite directions, the translator narrating the analysis in an annoyingly detached, analytical monotone.

  But at least Tom was finally allowed to drive the van. He stood before the segmented dashboard, his hands on the sections as the companion had demonstrated, maneuvering over the broken landscape. Despite having fewer appendages than the controls had been designed for, he was still able to make turns and stops, in most directions, just more slowly. Each day they returned to a predetermined location the companion picked via some untranslatable criteria.

  As they came over the final rise from the lab, the clean, geometric lines ofthe excavation fields were clearly distinguishable from the muddle of destruction. It looked like a typical archaeological dig, he supposed, not having ever been on one during his own lifetime. (He’d have to stop thinking that way – it wasn’t as if he’d died.)

  Eight or nine aliens travelled their particular areas of the field, trailed by assistants like himself intent on the debris at their feet—picking things up, examining them, recording the scene, stealing glances at the others, but keeping on task. He supposed alucky alien might unfreeze an actual archaeologist to assist him. Otherwise he had to settle for, say, a high school history teacher.

  The natives – the people indigenous to this time, smaller than Tom and the other assistants who’d been suspended – looked like children playing in the fields of debris. They climbedup and down the rubble, scrambling frantically over each other in their search for objects for survival or trade. At first he thought they were scavenging for food, but after having sifted through tons of debris himself he discovered there was almost nothing organic left in the ruins of the city.

  A swollen version of the alien vans sped rapidly into the center of the dig. The natives surrounded it in an eye blink. A panel slid aside disgorging dozens of green and brown packages. A swarm of natives hauled the parcels away like hungry insects. The aliens were feeding them.

  From the patch directly in front of him, he picked up a small metallic jar and was looking at it when broad hands attached to skinny arms snatched it away. He had an impulse to chase after the native, who was now scrambling up a ridge, but thought better of it.

  Angrily, he looked over at his companion for some help. A group of natives circled the alien as if he were some giant corn plant (extinct since Tom’s own era) and they worshippers anticipating his moves, interpreting what he considered worthy of his attentions.

  No alien ever made a move to stop the natives, or even alter their path. Other than supplying food, the aliens ignored them. And Tom had to concede the natives deserved every liberty they could take. Manners had become a luxury.

  He went back to work, picked up a piece of hammer, a bowl, a cupboard door, a jar rattling with something mummified inside. He catalogued, reported, added some objects to the stack they would take back to the lab. He still didn’t really know what they were looking for – the companion’s criteria had been untranslatable, so everything seemed of potential interest. Back at the lab he would study the recordings, flagging anything different from what they had seen before.

  He found a telescoping handle with a bowl-like end closed with some sort of shutter. A visual record sent to the van came back as audio from his implant: “a device used for the capture and inspection of rat corpses. Decontaminated and safe to collect.” It was dated from after his time. The function of most unfamiliar objects he found was easier to guess – these were things made by human beings for human use, after all. People used tools, ate, bathed, and relieved themselves with generally recognizable equipment.

  Whenhe found an old plastic pull-toy, he began to speak of toys his father had made for him. Every day he made more of these sometimes stressful but highly addictive recorded narratives.

  A rhythmic crunching noise surprised him.One of his fellow assistants was joggingacross the debris field toward him. “The name’s Franklin!” the man shouted. “So, how long were you under?”

  Tom’scompanion swivelled toward the noise, but made no attempt to discourage this meeting. Franklin looked like an old man – like Tom did, he knew, suspension being less the fountain of youth than had pr
obablybeen promised. Franklin was all skin and bone, but he moved with easy, un-self-conscious energy.

  “Do you know when this is?” Tom asked eagerly.

  Franklin laughed. “Sorry. No, I don’t think any of us do. ‘Cannot translate,’ which is what they say if there’s something they don’t want you to know.”

  “I don’t think my companion would lie – I don’t think he even can.”

  “But he can leave out the details, or say nothing at all. Surely he’s like all the other flowers in this petunia patch, and you get these long, silent, brooding spells?”

  “Well, yes. But there’s no way for us to know what that silence actually means, or how it functions for them. They’re not plants, by the way.”

  Franklin made a dismissive gesture with his hands. Or Tom thought it was dismissive – it had been a very long time since he’d actually witnessed a non-verbal human gesture. “Oh, I know. But you have to call them something, and they certainly look like plants. They look, well, they’re identical, aren’t they?”

  Tom looked around and saw that his companion was now standing with Franklin’s. They were as motionless as… as houseplants. Perhaps they were watching, but Tom sensed it was more complicated than that. “Mine is bluer around the base above the filaments, and slightly less symmetrical. He feels – I don’t know – older than some of the others. They’re not identical at all – you just have to study them to recognize the differences.”

  “I gather you call yours ‘the companion.’”

  “That’s the way I think about him – it’s better than ‘the alien.’ But I don’t call him anything, at least when I speak to him. I just pretend I’m speaking to myself out loud.”

  “I call mine Audrey. It makes the conversation go more easily, to have an actual name.”


  “The Little Shop of Horrors? ‘Feed me!’? That giant man-eating plant? Did you ever see it? There was a revival, very popular when I died, if you’ll excuse the expression.”

  “That must have been after my time. When I – died – the refugees were just crossing into Arizona, Texas.”

  “They’d made it to St. Louis by the time I passed. By that time it made no difference – if they were from California, Arizona, Mexico or Latin American – they were all refugees. Starving, desperate, disease-ridden human beings. What were the rest of us supposed to do?”

  Tom had no answer, and did not want to know what Franklin might have participated in. They both stood quietly looking around at the natives, as if anything but silence would be somehow disrespectful, and it occurred to Tom that this might offer another explanation for the aliens’ long non-responsive silences. An alien drifted slowly by, several natives trailing excitedly. Franklin gazed after them, looking troubled.

  “Have you tried to talk with one of them?” Tom asked. “A native?”

  “Only at first. How much do you know about them?”

  “Very little – they hardly ever speak, and when they do I can’t understand them. But they’re what’s left of us.”

  “No, we’re what’s left of us – the ones from another time, the ones that were suspended. That’s who we are, the survivors from that time. These people, they’re from this time, and this, my friend, is a whole other world. You know they hate us, don’t you? At least the ones who understand enough.”

  “No, I don’t,” Tom said firmly. “Why would they hate us?”

  “Because we got to miss the worst of it. They don’t look like much, but they’re not dumb – it takes some smarts to survive this long in this environment. And we got to skip what they went through, and what their fathers and mothers went through, and who knows how many generations back, and now we’re helping their invaders.”

  “They’re hardly invaders, Franklin.”

  Franklin looked at Tom for a moment as if he felt sorry for him. “Then tell me, Tom. Who’s in charge here?”

  During the next few months Tom became obsessed with the complexities of reconstituting a vanished world from its pieces – his world, and that world which had evolved into being while he slept. A thick but feather weight oval so transparent it might be invisible proved to be a lamp. Nearby he found a piece of rainbow – he held the iridescent fragment against the sun and it began to vibrate with colors that filled the air. Alarmed, he dropped it, and heard a nearby laugh. When his eyes readjusted he saw Franklin a few yards away, scraping busily at the ground but sparing a glimpse Tom’s way.

  “Happened to me, too. It’s a piece of something they were developing for energy storage. A lot of innovation was going on during my time, desperate attempts to save us all. I doubt that thing, or that lamp you found earlier, were ever finished. Least I never saw them. We were so clever, you know? Hard to understand how we failed so catastrophically.”

  Perhaps it was this, or Tom’s growing fatigue over the futility of attempting to reclaim a lost world while not really living in this one, that made the day feel endless. Tom looked at his companion with growing suspicion. The creature’s silences, his awful impenetrability. His invasion of Tom’s life. The alien was in charge of him – he set the pace and the daily priorities.

  And yet Tom would have no purpose at all if they had not brought him back from the darkness. They might be occupiers, but they kept him occupied.

  At the end of that long day Franklin came to Tom and dropped a battered coin into his hand. It was inscribed The Day of the Triffids. “Just scan it with the lab recorder,” he said. “It’ll start playing on the monitor. It’s a classic – and you may find it amusing.”

  As Tom watched the movie back at the lab he decided it was clumsy, but when an actor told an actress, “Keep behind me. There’s no sense in getting killed by a plant,” he laughed out loud.

  “This amuses you,” the companion said, behind him. Tom jumped up, alarmed.

  “Some of the lines, yes, they made me laugh.” Then, “but it’s just a silly movie,” he said unnecessarily.

  “Cannot translate.” Then a bit later, “You are uncomfortable.”

  “Yes. Just a bit. I didn’t know you were there.”

  “You may always ask questions if you are uncomfortable.”

  “Yes, I know.” Tom hesitated. “I wanted to ask you if you had considered that – that we might not welcome your help here?”

  Again the awkward silence. And a few “Cannot translate” statements followed by a series of untranslatable sounds before the companion began to speak. “I – apologize. You have been – influenced – so you will not harm us. There has been – debate.”

  “You mean whatever you’ve done to us wouldn’t let us try.”

  “Cannot translate. It would not. Cannot translate.”

  It made Tom uncomfortable that he’d never known where to look when he spoke to the companion. He didn’t know where the eyes – or whatever the alien used for visual input – were located. He’d looked in numerous places for them. Today he simply looked away. “It is our world.”

  “You look out at the world, the sky, and you think that you see yourselves,” the companion replied. “You do not. Cannot translate. You witness our silences, our – soft – pauses between the efforts to communicate with you, and you think that they are about you. Cannot translate. They are not.”

  There was something different about the companion. He moved more slowly across the ragged ridge, pausing now and then with his filaments trembling. Sometimes he stood for half an hour or more, fully exposed to the hot afternoon sun. The group of natives who normally followed the companion avoided him.

  Tom discovered the door lying flat on the hillside under a thin layer of broken concrete. The companion paused but passed quickly. It was just a door, and they had examined many doors. Tom pried it up and verified that it was attached to nothing, like opening a door in the ground to more ground.

  He lingered over it, brushing at it, touching it with his palms. The paint was worn, but still apparent. Blue. It was a sky-blue door. After a leng
thy brushing, the scratches on its surface became legible:

  The Collier family lived here 200 years. It sheltered & nourished us. God bless our home.

  Tom loaded the door into their van to take back to the lab. He’d started back to the fields when Franklin ran up to him.

  “Audrey died!”

  “I –” He didn’t know what to say. “I imagined they had a very long lifespan. Was there an accident?”

  “No. I’d noticed some color changes, some fading, and the tips of the appendages? I’d been seeing some transparency there the past few months. Then one evening last week Audrey was silent and still for a very long time, and the next morning I found him in that same position, as if he’d just been switched off.”

  Tom saw some aliens off in the distance, their filaments floating gently back and forth, pushed by the breeze, natives running between them like children playing among trees. “I’m sorry, Franklin. What did you do?”

  “I couldn’t even get out of the lab – all the security was keyed to Audrey. But the next morning a group of them arrived with Audrey’s replacement. You know, I’ve been noticing the differences since I first met you. Audrey’s coloring was a little different, a little more orange. This new one acts differently, moves differently, I don’t know, I’m thinking I may not like this one as much.”

  “Maybe they’re more complex than you thought.”

  Franklin nodded, a bit wide-eyed, but Tom wasn’t convinced he was actually listening. “Hey, have you seen the hands?”

  “The hands?”

  “Well, obviously you haven’t. The natives built them, fairly recently, I think.”

  Tom followed Franklin down the slope and through labyrinthine mounds of debris until they reached a small clearing on the edge of the dig. A few nativesworking on something scattered as the two men approached.


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