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Desert Alpha: A Lady Boss Press Navy SEAL Novella

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by Bethany Lopez

  “Good Lord,” I muttered as we walked by the sand volleyball court.

  You could hear the guys taunting each other, talking trash as they played what seemed to be a pretty intense game of volleyball.

  “Talk about eye candy,” Lori murmured.

  Were we objectifying the hot, sweaty men? Absolutely. Did I feel the slightest bit guilty? Nope.

  At least we’re self-aware.

  There were men of all shapes and sizes, and by that I meant different heights and muscle types. They were a diverse group with varying degrees of facial hair and hair lengths.

  Unlike the regular military guys who had to abide by our regs when it came to keeping their hair high and tight and faces clean shaven, these men had to blend in wherever their mission took them, so their guidelines were different.

  The one thing they all had in common – they were fine as hell.

  “Let’s turn around and walk back by,” Lori said, practically breaking her neck to look back at the game.

  “Don’t you think that’s a little obvious?” I asked.

  “Who cares?” she asked, giving me a wide-eyed stare. “Who knows if we’ll get this opportunity again. They could be gone tomorrow and then there’ll be no more Top Gun-style volleyball.”

  “You’re showing your age with that reference,” I joked.

  “Shut up and turn your butt around.”

  I did as she asked, hoping no one noticed we were already walking by again.

  Unable to help myself, I looked over at the court again, but this time one of the guys were looking our way.

  He was tall, probably the tallest guy there, with dark hair that was a bit long and curling at the nape of his neck. He had a full beard, which looked in need of a trim. I couldn’t see him perfectly, but what I saw had heat curling low in my belly.

  When he noticed me staring, he grinned, then winked, and I felt my cheeks heat at the knowledge that he knew we were walking back and forth to get an eyeful of them.

  “Oh my God, we’ve been busted, let’s get out of here,” I told Lori under my breath, hooking my arm in hers and hurrying off toward the exit of the track.

  Chapter 4


  “You coming, King?” I called out as I gave myself one last glance in the small mirror I kept in my toiletry bag.

  After volleyball I’d treated myself to another shower … heaven … then got out my scissors and trimmed my beard. Now I looked less like a hairy beast and more like a dapper gentleman.

  “Yeah, just getting my shoes on,” he replied.

  The other guys were already at the Cantina. Hummer and Scotty were more the “throw on some basketball shorts and a tank” type, whereas King and I took a little care with our appearance. At least, during R & R when we were in a position to have drinks and flirt with the opposite sex.

  Our Master Chief was the only one of us on this deployed team who was married, but he’d be out there getting his three drinks in and hanging out, at least for a little while. Then he’d leave to go get a call in to his family.

  “Ready,” King said as he joined me at the front of our tent.

  His cologne preceded him. He was decked out in jeans, a Supreme T-shirt, and a pair of red Jordans to match.

  “Where you been hidin’ those shoes?” I asked, wishing I had more than my raggedy-ass Nikes.

  “I’d tell you, but I’d have to kill you.”

  I shook my head, not bothering to reply to that generic-ass statement, and walked outside.

  “God, it’s still hot as hell,” I muttered, momentarily wishing for my gym shorts instead of the jeans I had on. Then I remembered how many women had told me my ass looked hot in jeans and decided to suck it up.

  It would be worth it if the brunette with the luscious lips was at the Cantina.

  I wished for a cool breeze that would never come as we walked over the gravel. I could hear the raised voices of a group of people talking and the faint strains of hip-hop as we got closer to the makeshift bar.

  “It’s nice to be around people like this,” King said as we walked under the lights and headed to scan our cards and get a drink.

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. I love you guys like brothers, but sometimes it’s nice to see something other than your ugly mug.”

  “You wish you looked as good as me,” he retorted, a grin on his face as he scanned the crowd.

  I snorted and turned to the Airman waiting at the counter.

  “I’ll have one of those,” I said, pointing to the twenty-four-ounce beer to the left with the highest alcohol content.

  The way we got around the three-drink rule, was by drinking the biggest can of beer with the highest content possible.

  The sad thing was, it had been so long since I’d had a drink, my tolerance was going to be shit, so I’d probably get a good buzz off of three beers.

  “I’ll have the same,” King said.

  Once we had our cans in hand, we moved to the back left table where the Chief was sitting, along with Hummer and Scotty, who were chatting up some ladies.

  “Took you long enough, pretty boy,” Scotty joked as we sat.

  “Wanted to look good for ya, man,” I shot back, enjoying the hissing sound that came from opening the can.

  The first taste was cold and crisp and felt just like drinking heaven.

  I was so caught up in the moment it took a second for it to register that King was trying to get my attention.

  “Sorry, what was that?” I asked.

  King lifted his hand and gestured to the right.

  “There’s your girl.”

  I turned to see where he’d pointed and saw the brunette sitting with a group a couple tables away, including the woman I’d seen her on the track with.

  “You goin’ in with me?” I asked him.

  “Sure, I’ll be your wingman.”

  “We’ll be back,” I said, even though Hummer and Scotty’s attention had resumed elsewhere.

  I moved toward the table as if I didn’t have a care in the world and sat in the empty seat next to my target as if I had a longstanding invitation to do so.

  “Hey,” I said as King sat across from me next to her friend.

  She shifted, and when her gaze landed on me her mouth dropped open in surprise.

  I bit back a grin.

  Oh yeah, she’d noticed me just like I’d noticed her.

  “Uh, hi,” she replied once she got over her initial surprise. “How are you enjoying our base?”

  Her voice was low and throaty … sexy.

  “It’s great, but I know tomorrow it’ll be even better.”

  “Why’s that?” she asked, her lips turning up a bit.

  “Because we’ll have slept a full night on the mattresses you so kindly gave us. It’ll be the first good night’s sleep we’ve had in months.”

  Her lips turned down at that, as if what I’d said made her sad, which was the opposite of how I wanted to make her feel.

  “I’m Rip.”

  “Rip? That’s an interesting name.”

  “Well, it’s a nickname, given to me by my teammates.”

  “Oh, what does it stand for?” she asked.

  “Rest In Peace,” King replied.

  That’s why he’s my wingman. He always makes me sound like a badass.

  But, before I could say anything else, Scotty came up behind her with a smirk and said, “It means Reels In Pussy, because chicks are always throwing themselves at him.”

  And that’s why Scotty’s the opposite of a wingman.

  Mother fucker.

  Chapter 5


  If looks could kill, the guy behind me would be dead.

  I swallowed the laugh that was tickling the back of my throat. Rip obviously didn’t think his buddy’s statement was funny, but I could tell by the guy’s delivery that he was joking.

  “Shut up, Scotty,” the other SEAL sitting next to Lori said. “The ladies don’t want to hear your mouth.”
  “It’s okay,” I said, trying to catch Rip’s eye. “It was just a joke, right?”

  I looked over my shoulder at Scotty, who said, “Yeah,” even as he shook his head and mouthed, No.

  Rip let out a sound that could only be described as a growl and this time there was no holding back my laughter.

  “So, we’ve got Rip and Scotty, what’s your name, handsome?” Lori asked, batting her eyes at the hot guy next to her in an exaggerated manner.

  “King,” he said, leaning closer to her. “And if you’re up to it, I’ll call you my queen.”

  I left Lori and King to their flirtation and turned my attention back to Rip.

  “I’m Cassandra, but my friends call me Cass.”

  Rip’s face softened and he gave me a sweet smile.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Cass.”

  His voice was deep, somewhat gravely, and very sexy. That, compared with his face, body, and the dimple that had shown itself with that smile, meant Scotty probably wasn’t far off the mark.

  Rip is a dangerous package.

  “Are you guys here long?” I asked, even though I doubted he could give me a specific answer.

  “A couple days or so,” he replied vaguely. “How about you?”

  “I’ve got two months left, give or take a couple months.”

  We weren’t given set dates either, although our comings and goings were nowhere near as classified theirs.

  “And is this your first time in this desert paradise?” he asked.

  “At this location, yes, but I’ve been to Kuwait, Jordan, Diego Garcia, and a couple other spots.”

  “A world traveler,” Rip said, his dimple popping out again. “This is definitely one of the nicer spots out there.”

  “Oh, yeah, for sure. I mean, there’s a pool.”

  He nodded and said, “We plan to check that out tomorrow.”

  Mmmm, I suddenly wished for a day off.

  “I’ve only been once so far, since I had to wait for my smallpox scab to fall off, but it was really nice” I said, and immediately cursed myself for talking about scabs.

  Real sexy, Cass.

  Rip simply chuckled.

  “So,” I started, wanting to change the subject. “How long have you been in?”

  He leaned back in his chair and took a swig of his beer before saying, “With training and everything? About eleven years. You?”

  “Coming up on eight years.”

  “Where are you stationed?” he asked.

  “Las Vegas.”

  “I’m out of San Diego, so not too far. We actually go up to Vegas a couple times a year, when we’re home.”

  I knew he was just establishing a connection, some familiarity, but that didn’t stop a little thrill from running through me at the thought of meeting up with him again back home.

  “Wanna go up and get another drink?” he asked, gesturing to the empty glass in front of me. “I’d offer to get a drink for you, but I know how strict they can be about the drink rations.”

  “Yeah, of course,” I said, standing up.

  He stood as well, and I suddenly felt dwarfed next to him. I was a relatively average-sized woman, coming in at about five-five, but I swear Rip was about a foot taller.

  “After you,” he said, indicating I should lead the way.

  We walked past the table with his friends on the way to the bar and I realized I hadn’t even noticed when Scotty had left. I’d been too wrapped up in Rip. We hadn’t even been talking about anything profound, just the regular getting to know you stuff, but I’d still been completely in tune with him and had tuned out everything else around us.

  “I’ll have the cabernet,” I said when we reached the bar.

  “Another of these,” Rip added, before downing what was left in his can.

  Once we had our drinks, Rip leaned in close. Close enough so I could smell the spiciness of his soap, and asked, “You wanna take these somewhere more private?”

  There was a flutter of excitement in my stomach when I asked, “Where?”

  Rip lifted one shoulder. “You tell me.”

  I nodded in agreement before turning on my heel and walking toward the back of the Cantina toward the stage. I didn’t look back, just assumed he’d follow.

  I headed around the stage and out of the Cantina, momentarily wondering if anyone was watching us. Then I thought, of course they are, you can’t skip breakfast without someone noticing.

  That’s what happened when everyone was stuck together on a small installation with none of their friends or family to keep them busy. It became like a college campus, except without all the drunken sex.

  Once we got to the picnic tables sitting outside of the coffee truck, which was now closed, I stopped.

  “How’s this?” I asked.

  Rip looked around the area, which was empty except for us, and gave me a huge grin.


  Chapter 6


  I moved to the nearest picnic table and straddled the bench.

  Cass placed her wine on the table and then mimicked my movements and threw her leg over the bench, so she was facing me.

  She was even more striking out of uniform.

  Her hair was down and fell across her shoulders in thick waves. It looked so soft my fingers ached to feel the strands, and her eyes, which were a deep mossy green, were utterly captivating.

  “You’re staring,” Cass whispered when we’d been sitting there for a few moments in silence.

  “So are you,” I replied, loving the way it felt to have her eyes on me.

  I scooted closer and noted her tongue darting out nervously.

  I liked that too.

  “You okay?” I asked, bringing my hand up slowly to tuck her hair behind her ears. Slow enough for her to track my movements and protest if she wanted. When she didn’t, I cupped her cheek and lightly caressed it with my thumb.

  I saw her take a deep breath and watched it shudder out in response to my caress.

  Cass wet her lips and tilted her head up slightly and that was all the invitation I needed.

  I leaned down and lightly brushed my lips against hers, which were soft and supple. When she parted her lips, I groaned and accepted her silent invitation, capturing her mouth and deepening the kiss.

  One hand remained on her cheek, while the other moved to sift through her hair, which felt as silky as I’d imagined. Her palms landed on my chest, staying there for a moment, before she moved them up, over my shoulders and into the hair at the back of my neck, urging me closer.

  Cass emitted a little sound, like a purr in the back of her throat, causing my blood to heat. I slid toward her, pulling her legs up so they crossed over mine, enabling us to hold each other in a tighter embrace. Her breasts brushed against my chest and my cock hardened painfully.

  Things escalated pretty quickly from there.

  I shifted her again, this time so that she was straddling me, her legs clasped behind mine and her pussy sitting on my cock, right where I needed her.

  She moved against me, moaning into my mouth, bringing me out of the lust-filled fog I was in. Suddenly remembering where we were, I gently unwrapped Cass from my body and eased back.

  “You okay?” I asked when she gave me a wide-eyed stare.

  Cass brought her hand to her mouth and nodded.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean for things to get so heated,” I began, taking her free hand in mine. “How could I know our chemistry would be off the charts?”

  Because holy shit … it is.

  Cass smiled broadly at that and gave a little laugh.

  “We probably should have talked about this early, but I’m assuming you’re single…”

  “Completely,” she replied. “You?”

  “One-hundred percent.”

  Cass took a deep breath and let it out. “Good. That’s good … I mean, not that I expect anything. I know you’re only here a short time and what just happened is explicitly against t
he rules…”

  I chuckled lightly and moved my thumb over the back of her hand.

  “You a big rule follower, Cassandra?”

  She ducked her chin and said, “Usually, yeah.”

  “If it’s too risky we don’t have to.”

  “No,” Cass said quickly, lifting her head and meeting my eyes. “I want to.”

  “All right, well, how about for now we just get to know each other a little better … enjoy our drinks?” I suggested, putting some more distance between us and picking up my beer.

  It was a move I needed to make, because all I really wanted to do was lift her up and take her right there on the picnic table.

  “Okay,” she agreed, picking up her discarded glass of wine and pointedly taking a drink. Once she was done, Cass said, “So, tell me about yourself. I mean, I know how long you’ve been a SEAL, where you’re stationed, and that you’re single. What about family? Parents, siblings, children?”

  “No kids.” Thank God. “I do have parents. They divorced when I was young and both remarried. One brother and two stepsisters, one from each side. What about you?”

  “I’m so sorry about your mom. My parents are still together, but I’m an only child. No kids, but I do have an ex-husband.”

  “Oh, I have an ex-wife,” I told her. “That wasn’t part of your initial questionnaire.”

  Cass laughed sweetly and I found myself grinning along with her.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to change it up.”

  “No problem,” I joked. “My marriage was pretty short-lived. Women tend to think hooking up with a SEAL is goals, until their faced with the reality of what that life actually looks like.”

  “What does it look like?” she asked.

  “We spend more time away from home than at home. A lot of guys come home with injuries, whether physical or mental. Others don’t come home at all. You get a lot of loneliness, depression, cheating … on both sides. Out of the guys I’m with now, four of us are divorced, two already twice, and one has kids back home with the ex. Only our Chief is in a successful marriage with kids. It’s a lot for anyone to take on.”


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