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Sins from Her Past (Scandalous)

Page 11

by Jules Bennett

  Worried he could read her so well, Evie offered a smile. “Oh, he was discussing Rick’s surprise party. I’m just nervous about pulling it off. He’s going to know something is up.”

  Vin took her hands and pulled her to stand with him. Pulling her against that hard, warm chest she’d already grown to appreciate, he wrapped his arms around her.

  “He may, but he’ll still appreciate the fact you all went to this trouble.”

  Evelyn smiled up at him. “I’m afraid I could get used to this.”

  Vin’s hands roamed over her back, down to her rear as he tugged her even closer. “I’m counting on you getting used to it, Evie. I want you in my life. I know you’re not ready for something more, but I won’t ever lie to you and I want you to know where I stand.”

  His honesty was going to break her. And the fact he’d wanted her for years still plagued her mind. If only she’d known…

  “Now, why don’t you put on your bathing suit and let’s lounge on the beach.” He kissed her softly. “Bring one of those books and do nothing today.”

  “But what about work?”

  He grinned. “Didn’t you know? I always give every one of my employees their birthday off. It seems only fair. So relax and let me enjoy the view, looking at you in a bathing suit. It’ll be foreplay for my mind.”

  Evelyn laughed and swatted at his bare chest. “You’re crazy if you think me in a suit is attractive.”

  “Everything about you is attractive,” he told her. “Now let’s get our suits on before I change my mind and give you another birthday present in bed.”

  As he walked away to his room, Evelyn laughed. It felt good to be this happy. She never thought happiness in the form of a relationship was for her. But were they in a relationship outside business and friendship?

  Yes. He’d made it clear he wanted her in his life, not just in his bed, and he’d made it clear he’d wait for her.

  God help them both because she may never be ready. How could she fully invest in a lasting commitment when Vin didn’t even know the whole truth about her? How could he forgive her if he ever found out what she’d done?

  More importantly, how could she forgive herself?

  Now that they’d become intimate, the stakes were higher. She couldn’t just come out and tell him what had happened to her. She truly didn’t know if she could handle the pity he would offer. Or worse…what if he was repulsed by the sight of her?

  Beyond her own insecurities, Rick meant the world to her. Could she really just destroy him by dropping a damning bomb about the man’s son? Especially with the election coming up. The timing was not good—then again, when would the right time be?

  She couldn’t think of all the reasons it was wrong for her and Vin to move forward. For right now, she just wanted to bask in this happiness, to know that this is what intimacy was supposed to be. If that made her selfish, then she didn’t care. For once, she was going to let herself be loved—the right way.

  Evelyn knew the secret wouldn’t stay buried for long. Eventually, she’d have to come clean.

  After their time in Hawaii, Vin was itching to get back home. While he loved the islands, he loved his home even more and he was looking forward to having Evie in his home, in his bed. In his life.

  He’d wanted to bring her straight here after their plane landed, but she’d informed him she had work to do on the surprise party.

  He couldn’t fault her for wanting to make this party for Rick the best. Rick had taken her in when her and Dylan’s parents had been killed in a wreck when she’d been sixteen. Dylan was getting ready to leave for college and she’d had no one. He admired the way she’d survived through such a hard time, but Dylan had always said how different she’d been before the accident—more outgoing, more vibrant.

  Of course she’d been outgoing—she’d been a teen. Now that she was in her midtwenties, even Vin noticed her coming out of her shell more and more. Especially in Hawaii.

  Mercy sakes, that woman had been worth waiting for. He, honest to God, hadn’t known those books would be so touching to her or he would’ve done something like that years ago. Seriously, though, he was glad he’d made her smile. She didn’t do that near enough. Of course, if he had anything to say about it, she’d be smiling more and more.

  She promised to be by his house later tonight, so he’d have to deal with the fact she couldn’t be with him twenty-four seven. Pity.

  As soon as his luggage hit his bedroom floor, his cell rang. He fished it from his pocket and answered.


  “Hey, I’m in the neighborhood,” Alan said by way of greeting. “Care if I run by?”

  “Sure. Something up?”

  “Nah. I was out and thought I’d discuss the party and your resort with you.”

  Interesting that Alan would want to discuss the resort. “Come on by. Door’s open.”

  He disconnected the call and headed downstairs to pull out a couple of beers. Vin wondered why Alan would want to discuss the resort. Granted, his dad, Rick, had invested in it, and Alan had bought very little shares and ended up selling them back to Rick recently. Maybe he wanted to buy more? Who knew?

  He’d just taken his first swig of beer when he heard the front door. “Back here,” he called.

  Alan stepped into the kitchen. “Greeting me with a beer? You’re going to make the perfect wife someday.”

  “Kiss my ass,” Vin laughed. “Let’s go out by the pool.”

  Alan followed Vin outside to the patio where they each took a seat opposite each other with an impressive built-in fire pit between them.

  “What’s up?” Vin asked, tipping back his bottle.

  “You spent the past few days with Evie, right?” Alan asked.

  Vin nodded.

  “When I spoke with her on the phone about the party, she seemed…I don’t know, distant. Did she seem okay when she was working with you?”

  Vin recalled how they’d spent their last day…and night. Mostly naked.

  “Yeah, she was fine.”

  Alan frowned and took a drink. “I don’t know.”

  “Did you ask her?”

  Alan shook his head. “Nah. Haven’t seen her in a few years, so I didn’t feel it was my place.”

  Vin laughed. “Your families vacationed together for years and she lived with your father for two years. She’s not a stranger.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m sure it’s nothing.” Alan eased back in his seat, crossed his ankle over his knee. “About the resort, I want to invest.”

  Vin smiled. “Really? What makes you want to do that? Not that I don’t appreciate the backing, but your father already invested.”

  “Now that I’m out of the military, I want to start looking to the future. I don’t plan on going into politics like my dad, but I would like to get into some type of real estate.”

  Vin eyed his friend and shook his head. “Economy is really bad right now, man. You sure you want to risk getting into that?”

  “I spent the last several years in a war for our country,” Alan stated. “I know about risky.”

  “God, dude, I’m sorry. Didn’t even think.”

  Alan smiled. “No worries. So how is Evie working out for you? She always did want to be a designer. Are you happy with her work?”

  He was pretty much pleased with everything about her. Her work, her shy vulnerability, and the sweet way she’d opened up to him.

  “Are you kidding me?” Alan leaned forward in his seat. “You slept with her.”

  Vin had no clue what had just showed on his face, but obviously it was something or Alan wouldn’t have zeroed in on exactly what he’d been thinking.

  “You’re not going to actually deny it, are you?” Alan asked.

  Vin shrugged. “No, but I’m also not going to broadcast it until Evie and I know where this is going.”

  Alan’s eyes narrowed and Vin knew, if Alan was going to get all big brotherly on him because he’d known Evie nearly her whol
e life, he’d really be in for it when Dylan discovered what was going on.

  “To be honest, I’ve wanted to explore a relationship with Evie for years.”

  Alan took a drink and set his bottle on the small wrought-iron table beside him. “And what does she want?”

  That’s where things got tricky.

  “She’s hesitant,” Vin said cautiously. No way would he ever go into the fact that he was convinced she’d been sexually abused. “Because we’ve been friends and now we’re working together for the next few months, she’s a little worried.”

  “And you’re not?” Alan asked.

  “Not at all. This feels like the right step for me.”

  Alan raised his brows. “And you’re willing to just wait until she discovers if she’s ready to move forward with you? That’s not the Vincent I know.”

  Vin nodded in agreement. “You’re right, but Evie is different.”

  “From what Dylan has said over the years she hasn’t even dated anyone. I know when her parents were killed she was a mess for a while. Then after I left, Dylan said she was still very closed off, very quiet.”

  “She still struggles with their deaths, I’m sure,” Vin said. “It can’t be easy to lose both parents at any age and, even though a lot of time has passed, she feels that void every day of her life.”

  Alan sighed and eased back in his seat. “Dylan know what’s going on between you and his baby sister?”

  “No, and I’d appreciate it if you kept this to yourself. When Evie wants to tell him, she will.”

  “He’ll know,” Alan promised. “Especially if you two are near each other when he’s around.”

  “Shit, you’re right.” Vin finished off his beer and came to his feet. “I’ll think of something. I don’t like lying, but Evie has to be comfortable with letting this out. Want another beer?”

  Alan shook his head, came to his feet and grabbed his bottle from the table. “No, I should be going. Think about that investment in the resort.”

  “I will,” Vin said, taking his friend’s empty bottle. “I’ll be in touch.”

  Once Alan was gone, Vin knew he needed to discuss things with Evie. He hated sounding like some damn woman, but really, where were they going? Did she want people to know? Did she care if Alan and Dylan knew what was going on?

  Moving slow was fine, but keeping their relationship—and yes, he considered them in a relationship—a secret was going to be hard. Especially considering he doubted he’d be able to keep from touching her in public. And not a friendly pat, but a lover’s touch. A caress here and light kiss there.

  He moved into his kitchen and discarded the bottles. When she came over tonight he’d discuss a few things and then he’d put all that to the back of his mind and do what he’d been dying to do since they left the hotel in Hawaii.

  He’d make love to her again, with the knowledge that they were building something stronger, deeper than anything he’d ever hoped.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Evelyn didn’t ring Vin’s doorbell. She’d been coming to his house for years and he was expecting her. But this time her visit was going to be much different. They’d gone beyond friends and she found herself more excited about that fact than she’d thought she’d be.

  Vin was not just a patient, caring lover, he was quite possibly the bridge between her ugly past and a future she so desperately wanted to grab hold of and cling to.

  She set her purse and keys on the table inside his foyer and went looking for him. Knowing how Vin liked to spend his evenings, she had a feeling she’d find him outside. The man may be all about business most of the time, but he still loved the outdoors. Just another thing they had in common.

  Moving through his kitchen that most women would drool over, she saw him through the glass patio doors. Because he didn’t know she was here, Evelyn stood on the inside of the doors and watched him. He’d taken his shirt off and wore only a low-slung pair of swim trunks. With the net for the pool, he walked the perimeter cleaning the water.

  Even before they’d been lovers, she’d admired his form—there wasn’t a woman with breath in her lungs who wouldn’t. Vincent Hawk was one mighty-fine man and now that she knew him on a whole other level, she knew he was damn-near perfection. At least, in her world he was.

  A thrill of giddiness slid through her. He’d made it clear he wanted her to spend the night. Was this attraction between them moving too fast? He’d said he’d wanted her for years, so to him, probably not. But for her, well, maybe just a little, but she knew Vin wouldn’t hurt her. At least not intentionally.

  Taking a deep breath, Evelyn slid the door open and went outside.

  Immediately he glanced up, a smile spread across his tanned face. “Hey.”


  Why did she suddenly feel like a teenager? The urge to run to him, wrap her arms around him and kiss him mixed with the fear that they’d crossed the point of no return—and what if they got tired of each other? Could they go back to being friends?

  “Want to get in?” he asked, hanging the long pole back on the fence. “It’s a nice temperature.”

  “I didn’t wear my suit.”

  He grinned, raked his eyes over her body and stalked around the pool toward her. “Like I said, you want to get in? I even came prepared.” Nodding to the patio table, Evelyn glanced over and saw a couple of condom packets.

  Vin’s hands slid around her waist as he tugged her against him. She plastered her hands against his hard, bare chest and laughed.

  “Anxious, aren’t we?” she asked.

  His lips claimed hers, his tongue instantly penetrating to tangle with hers. Evelyn moved her hands up his pecs to his broad shoulders and squeezed. His skin was so warm from the evening sun. Her nipples tightened in anticipation of being skin to skin with him.

  He eased back. “I’ve wanted you naked since you put clothes on at the hotel.”

  “You just want to keep me naked,” she joked. “You do know this is moving pretty fast, right?”

  “Too slow if you ask me.”

  Evelyn rolled her eyes. “This is still new to me, this whole…”

  “Awesome sex?” he smirked.

  “Yes. And I’m really attracted to you beyond the sex,” she admitted, surprised that it was the complete truth. “I don’t want to mess anything up here, Vin.”

  His hands slid up her back as he locked his intense gaze on to hers. “I won’t let anything get messed up, but if we don’t try to explore these feelings, we could be missing out on the best thing in either of our lives.”

  Evelyn sighed. “I’m just scared of how intense my feelings are right now. I’m scared I can’t trust myself.”

  “Trust me,” he murmured. “Trust me to care for you, protect you. Love you.”

  Evelyn gasped. That’s the second time he’d mentioned the word love. And she’d worried sex was moving too fast. Love was another level completely.


  “I’ll show you,” he whispered against her lips.

  His hands moved to the hem of her sundress. Slowly he peeled it up her body and tossed it aside, leaving her standing in her matching bra-and-panty set she’d purchased just a few hours ago. She’d wanted something special and from the hungry look in Vin’s eyes as he took in her skimpy set, she’d made a good choice. Of course, he was a man so he was more than likely interested in what was beneath the lace and silk.

  “You don’t know how much I love these curves of yours,” he muttered. “I could spend a lifetime looking, touching, tasting them.”

  A lifetime? God, he really did mean for this between them to go beyond intimacy.

  “This is new?” he asked, tracing a fingertip over the edge of the lace bra that was definitely more for show than practicality.

  “How did you know?”

  He smiled and slid the cup down. “Because I know you. And my favorite color is blue. I bet you just bought this, didn’t you?”

  Trembling beneat
h his featherlight touch, she nodded.

  “You humble me, Evelyn. No other woman has made me feel the way you do.” He thumbed her nipple and looked into her eyes. “And no other man will love you the way I do.”

  Instantly her eyes filled. “My God, Vin. You can’t love me.”

  “I have for a long time,” he admitted. “I‘m not afraid to put myself out there. I want you to know you can trust me, trust this.”

  God, was she really standing outside in her bra and panties, in Vin’s arms and listening to him bear his soul? How did she get to this point?

  “I used to dream of a man loving me,” she confessed. “Used to wonder what it would be like to be loved.”

  “I used to dream of what it would be like to get you naked,” he said with a naughty grin.

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re such a romantic.”

  “Sorry, I’m a guy.” He nipped at her lips. “And I’m about to my limit of seeing you standing here near-naked.”

  Evelyn couldn’t believe how easy he was to be intimate with. He alleviated her fears and made her feel cherished with his soft words, his playful style and his selfless lovemaking.

  “Were you serious about that swim?” she asked, liking how he brought out her playful side—a side she hadn’t even known existed.

  Reaching around to unfasten her bra, she slid it down her arms and tossed it on the closest chair. She smiled as Vin’s eyes took in her very slow, very deliberate movements.

  Hooking her thumbs in her panties at the hips, she shifted back and forth until the scrap eased down her legs. Using her toe, she kicked them into the chair to join her unwanted bra.

  Okay, so she’d had them on no time, but from the look on Vin’s face, it was money well spent.

  It took him about a nanosecond to rid himself of his trunks before she could truly admire his form.

  “You know, I should feel self-conscious when you look way better naked than I do,” she told him as he plastered her body to his.

  “That’s one of the things that made me take notice of you to begin with. You’re not one of those women who obsess about her weight and you’re comfortable with your curves.”


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