COACH (Boston Terriers Book 3)

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COACH (Boston Terriers Book 3) Page 10

by Jacob Chance

  He grins from ear to ear before pivoting around and crossing to the other side of the room. He steps into the middle of a group of girls, most of them are my teammates.

  “How are you, Amelia?”

  My eyes flick in Zeke’s direction, slowly skimming over him from the top of his dark head to the toes of his black Chucks. “I can’t complain,” I reply.

  “I’m a little surprised to see you here.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “I thought you might chicken out or try to avoid me.”

  “To be honest, I didn’t know you’d be here. But since we’re going to work with each other multiple times a week at practice, there’s really no way to avoid seeing you.”

  “Good. I’m glad you’re being mature about this.

  “Coach, what other option do we have? It’s crazy to waste time thinking about what ifs.”

  “Call me Zeke, we’re not at practice.” He leans closer to me. “I have to admit I like thinking about those what ifs.”

  “You shouldn’t.”

  “Are you trying to convince me or you?”


  “Yeah, well it’s not working on my end.”

  “You can think about it all you want, that doesn’t mean it’ll happen.”

  “That’s true. But some things are just predetermined and there’s no stopping them.”

  “And you think we fall under that category?”

  “I don’t know. I hope not, for both our sakes.”

  “As humans we have free will and can make whatever choices we want. Nothing is certain and there are no guarantees in life.”

  “Why don’t you ask me in a few weeks. I bet we’ll know for sure by then whether I’m right or not.”

  “You shouldn’t assume anything before it’s fact.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with being confident I’m right.”

  “You’re being presumptuous which is a form of arrogance.”

  He shrugs. “Potato - potahto. It’s all the same to me.”

  “Do you always have to be right?”

  “No, not at all.”

  “I think you like to have the last say.”

  “I don’t know why you’d think that.”

  I tap my index finger on my bottom lip. “Gee, I wonder.”

  “Don’t bother wondering anymore. It’s not true.”

  “All evidence points to the contrary.”

  He tips his head to the side. “What evidence would that be?”

  “The fact that you keep talking.”

  “Well, so do you. Maybe you like to have the last say and you’re trying to turn it around on me.”

  I open my mouth, and close it at a loss for words. Finally, I huff out a response, “I’m not turning anything around on you.”

  “So you say. Am I supposed to just take your word for it on good faith?”

  “Why wouldn’t you?”

  “Why should I?”

  “Because. Because… what are we arguing about at this point?” I honestly can’t even remember.

  He chuckles and grabs my hand.

  “What are you doing?” I blurt out nervously as my palm tingles warmly.

  “Come with me. I want to show you my room.”

  “No,” I gasp, tugging my hand free. Shit. I hope no one overheard his blatant request.

  “Why not?”

  “I didn’t know you lived here.”

  “Well, now you do, so what do you say?”

  “No way. There are too many people who could witness us going in there together. I’m not willing to be part of the rumor mill.”

  “Maybe I really want to show you my etchings.” He wiggles his eyebrows.

  I can’t help but giggle at his cheesy reply. “I’m sure you do. I bet you have a large collection.”

  “You have no idea.” He smirks, leaning down to speak directly in my ear. “Then again, you do have some idea.” His husky rumble is loaded with sexual connotation, making my insides quiver. Oh boy do I have an idea. I was pressed so tightly to him I doubt I’ll ever be able to forget how his hard cock felt like it was branding me.

  My hand moves to his chest, pushing him away as my eyes skate nervously around the room wondering if anyone noticed his closeness. All it would take is one person to casually say they think there might be something going on between us and speculations would spread like wildfire. I’d be fucked...and without any of the perks.

  “Calm down, Amelia. We’re just talking.” Pressing my lips together I nod in agreement, but I know damn well there’s no such thing as us having a simple conversation. Almost every word is filled with innuendo or teasing. “I really do want you in my room.”

  “I’m sure you do, but it’s not going to happen.”

  “I bet by the end of tonight I’ll get you in there.”

  “Unless you have some nefarious plan to slip me a roofie, it’s not happening.”

  He holds up his hands and a serious expression shows on his handsome face. “Jesus, Amelia. What kind of person do you think I am? There’ll be no roofies, I promise.”

  I laugh. “Zeke, I might think you’re an asshole used to getting his way, but I know you’re not that much of an asshole. I’m sure you can crook your finger and all the girls come running.”

  He crooks his finger and smiles. I stay in place, watching his antics. Frowning, he glances down and taps on his finger before crooking it in my direction once more. “This thing must be broken,” he jokes.

  “Now what’s it gonna be - my room or a drink?” he questions as if none of our conversation has happened. Is he high right now? Or is he fucking with me?

  “I’m gonna pass on both and go talk with some of the girls.”

  “I get it. You don’t trust me, huh?” he raises a brow.

  “No, I do.” Little does he know, I don’t trust myself. As weird as it is, I know he wouldn’t do me physical harm. The way he protected me at Goliath’s and made sure I got home safely proved that. Maybe he cares more than he’s letting on. Or maybe he’s just one of those rare stand up guys who proves chivalry isn’t completely dead. Either way, I refuse to entertain thinking about him anymore - at least for tonight. I have some friends here and I need to go spend some time with them. “I’m going to catch up with some of the girls. I’ll see you at practice in a few days.”

  “Oh, Amelia, you’re not going to get away that easily. Go talk to your friends for now, but later on I’m coming for you. I still have to show you my etchings,” he teases.

  I snort and walk away. I need a drink, and a strong one if possible. Walking into the kitchen I find Grace and Leah gawking at Owen and Trevor as they animatedly relay a story. Is this how I looked with Zeke? I really hope not. It’s a little too obvious for my taste.

  Opening the fridge, I tuck my head inside as I search for a drink I might like. I’m not going to be that choosy. Anything is better than nothing. Finding a margarita cooler, I smile. My night is about to get a lot easier. One or two of these bad boys and I’ll be a lot less stressed. I might even be able to deal with Zeke without getting all flushed and flustered.

  “Amelia,” Owen calls my name as I close the fridge.

  Turning around, I reply, “Owen.”

  “Trevor, have you officially met Amelia?” Owen questions, gesturing in my direction.

  “No, I haven’t but I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.” He flashes me a flirtatious smile.

  “You guys are all such smooth talkers and giant flirts. Is that a requirement for playing on the Terriers? Is there some ‘how to butter up unsuspecting females’ class that you have to pass?”

  Grace and Leah break out in peals of laughter and Owen elbows Trevor in the arm.

  “I told you she’s awesome, bro.”

  Trevor takes my hand, bowing over it briefly. “Amelia, it’s an honor to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Thanks, it’s great to meet you, although I can’t say I’ve heard about you at all.�
�� In reality there’s been plenty of locker room chatter about Trevor. His brother, Brady, was a legend and apparently, he’s following in his footsteps.

  “Now I know you’re messing with me,” he states confidently.

  I smile. I can’t hold it in. He’s so charming and the way his dark hair flops across his forehead, skimming his blue eyes is adorable.

  “I’m not going to feed your ego. Neither of you is short on female attention.” I glance between the two guys as I twist off the cap on my margarita. I raise my bottle in the air. “Here’s to you guys having to work harder for it.”

  “I’ll drink to that.” Grace clicks her bottle against mine while sneaking a glance at Trevor.

  “Here, here.” Leah taps her red solo cup against our drinks. We all take a sip.

  “Wait a minute.” Owen holds up a hand. “What kind of toast is that? Not one I can support, that’s for sure.”

  “Yeah. What kind of fucked up shit is this? What did we do to deserve this treatment?”

  “As if you don’t know,” Grace interjects sassily while I swallow down a large gulp of my beverage. It’s already having the desired effect, warming my limbs from the inside out and pleasantly relaxing me.

  “You guys are in trouble. The last time I did a similar toast at my old school the guys lost their game and the ladies started turning them down.” I wiggle my fingers in their direction. “I totally jinxed them. I put the voodoo on them.” The guys both laugh.

  “We know that’s not gonna happen.” Trevor’s expression is all too smug.

  “Yeah, hell would have to freeze over first,” Owen counters cockily.

  “We’ll see boys. We’ll see.” I raise my beverage to them both before tipping it back. Drinking down the rest of the margarita, I place the empty bottle on the granite counter and open the fridge eager for another.

  “Amelia, when are you going to admit your infatuation for me and let me take you out?” Owen demands.

  I open my mouth to reply, but a deep voice beats me to it.

  “How about fucking never?”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Amelia’s head snaps around, her mouth opened in surprise. There’s a wealth of panic in her eyes.

  “I told you to stay away from my players.” I point at Owen and then flip my finger in Trevor’s direction. “And you too.”

  “Dude, I’m just standing here minding my own business,” Trevor holds his palms up.

  “Yeah, yeah, you’re a saint.”

  “Dude, why you gotta ruin my opportunity?” Owen places his hands on his hips.

  “We’ve already discussed this. I told you to stay away from my team. If I’m not mistaken Amelia’s on there.” He opens his mouth to reply and I cut him off, “End of discussion.” He can tell by my expression I’m not playing around and he nods.

  “Enjoy the rest of the party. I see a few people I need to talk to.” Owen steps back and taps Trevor on the arm. Come on, T, let’s go mingle.”

  “Do you mind if I come with you?” Grace inquires.

  Trevor smiles and gestures for her to walk in front of him. “Not at all.” The three of them wander away and Leah fidgets awkwardly.

  “Leah, if you want to join them, you’re welcome to.”

  She smiles. “Thanks, Coach. I didn’t want to piss you off, but I don’t know anyone here and these guys know everyone.”

  “I understand. Just don’t fall for the endless flow of bullshit that comes out of their mouths.”

  “I’m from New York, Coach. I wasn’t born yesterday.” She winks before hurrying after them.

  Amelia’s stare burns into the side of my face. I glance over at her. “What?”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “No, I’m not. What’s up?”

  “Are you trying to make it look like something’s going on with us?”

  “Nope, and it didn’t look like that.”

  “You said stay away from my team, but then you didn’t care if Grace and Leah went with them. Don’t you think that might seem a bit odd?”

  “You’re overreacting. No one noticed, and more importantly no one cares.” I move over to the fridge and grab a fresh bottle of beer for myself and set it down on the counter. Glancing at Amelia, I notice hers is empty so I pull a margarita cooler from the bottom shelf. Nudging the door closed with my arm, I crack hers open, throwing the cap into the open trash bin across the room. Grabbing a bottle opener from the counter, I remove the cap and sail it into the garbage with a ping. I hold my fist up in triumph. “Two for two, baby.”

  Her eyes lock on me as I walk back toward her holding out the bottle. She hesitates as if she’s afraid to take it from me. “I didn’t slip you a roofie, Amelia. It’s safe to drink.”

  A flicker of annoyance passes over her face before she’s once again composed. “I didn’t think you did, Coach.”

  “Zeke,” I correct.

  “I was merely trying to decide if I should have another,” she continues ignoring how I corrected her.

  “Call me Zeke.”

  “Are you going to tell all the girls on the team to call you Zeke?”


  “Then I don’t think I should call you by your first name either. I’m no different than they are.”

  “I think we both know that’s not true, Amelia. You’re not the same as them in my eyes and no matter what you do or say you can’t change that.”

  “I don’t want to be different. I just want to be one of the team.”

  “I understand the need to feel like everyone else, but you’re not. Your level of play sets you above the rest. You’re a talented quarterback.”

  “Zeke, here’s where you’re hiding out. I should’ve known you’d have some beautiful girl keeping you company.” Nick’s girl walks into the kitchen.

  “Carter, how are you?” I smile and pull her in for a brief hug. I notice Amelia glaring our way. She tells me one thing, but her face tells me another. If she’s jealous that can only mean she cares.

  “I’m great, thanks. I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever, though. Where have you been hiding?”

  “I was just telling Nick the same thing last week when we were at the gym. You guys live right across the hall, but we hardly see each other.”

  “My ears are ringing. You must be talking about me.” Nick ambles over to us with a smirk on his face. “Who is this lovely lady?” he questions gesturing at Amelia, and Carter narrows her eyes. He taps the tip of his index finger on her nose. “Don’t worry, Candy, you’re the fairest of them all and the luckiest. You have me after all.” She snorts and rolls her eyes.

  “This is Amelia. She’s the new quarterback for the Terriers women’s team. Amelia, this is my ex roommate, Nick, and his better half, Carter.”

  They exchange handshakes, Carter and Nick putting her immediately at ease in their company.

  “So ex roommate, huh? What did you do to get kicked out of here? Judging by his other two roommates it must’ve been pretty bad.”

  “I fell in love with this delicious morsel,” he nibbles on Carter’s neck and she giggles. “I asked her to marry me and she said yes. I wasn’t about to give her time to change her mind and now she’s stuck with me forever.”

  “That’s so sweet,” Amelia sighs.

  “And ridiculously cheesy. Is that what women really want? Do they want someone with a PhD in cheese?”

  “I hate to brag, but that’s not all I have a PhD in.” Nick shines his nails on his chest and I realize what his shirt says - ‘PhD, taking the D to a new level’.

  Carter and Amelia both giggle and I shake my head. “This dude.”

  “Come on. You know you miss me.” Nick slings his arm around my shoulders.

  “That’s debatable. I don’t miss your messes.”

  “I told you I’m a changed man.”

  “I trained him.” Carter winks. “He’s even housebroken now.”

  “Woof,” Nick barks. “If only I c
ould lick my own balls. Talk about life changing.”

  “I’d be off the hook then,” Carter deadpans. “I told you I wanted you to take yoga with me, didn’t I?” We all share a laugh.

  “No way, Candy. There’s nothing that can compare with your mouth. Except for your-”

  Carter covers his lips, preventing him from continuing. “I think we all got the picture, Nick.” His eyes gleam mischievously and she squeals before removing her hand. “He licked me.”

  “It’s not where I’d prefer my tongue to be, but it will have to do for now.” Nick wiggles his eyebrows.

  “Oh my God. Will you please behave? I can’t bring you out in public.” Carter’s cheeks are flushed a bright pink.

  “I told you we should’ve stayed home.” Nick shrugs.

  “Let’s go find something to eat and leave these two alone.” She grabs his hand leading him across the room.

  “I had something for you to eat before we left our apartment and you said you weren’t hungry.” He peers over his shoulder with a grin and winks at us just before they disappear from sight.

  “Wow,” Amelia laughs.

  “Nick’s harmless. He loves Carter more than anything, except maybe pushing her buttons. He definitely likes to fire her up. It’s like foreplay for them.”

  “I bet life’s never boring for those two.”

  “Hey, if you’re looking for excitement, I’m your man,” I jest.

  “Excitement is overrated. I’ll take calm and predictable.”

  “Predictable is boring and that’s something you and I will never be.”

  “Together is another thing we’ll never be.”

  “What about naked together?” I raise an eyebrow lecherously.

  “Ugh, you’re so frustrating. Why can’t you let the idea of us go? Stop bringing it up and maybe we can forget.”

  “Because when I want something, I work until I get it. I’ve always been goal oriented.”

  “I’m a goal you want to achieve?” She frowns.

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “It sounded like it to me.”

  “You mean more than that to me, Amelia. I like everything about you, but I can’t let you become anything other than one of my players.” I run my palm down her bare arm and catch her fingers, lacing our hands together. Her skin is soft against my calloused palm. As crazy as it is, I want to feel her touching every part of me. I squeeze her hand before releasing it.


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