COACH (Boston Terriers Book 3)

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COACH (Boston Terriers Book 3) Page 11

by Jacob Chance

  She draws in a deep breath and releases it on a loud sigh. “Which means we need to avoid each other as much as possible. I came here to play football and do well in school. Nothing is going to steer me off the path I’ve planned out. Not even you...Coach.”

  I nod once, hearing her message loud and clear. It’s the reminder I need. I feel like a politician with the way my emotions and actions have been flip flopping every which way. One minute I’m steadfast in the fact that risking my coaching future isn’t an option and the next minute I’m thinking about her touching me.

  “What’s up?” Trevor slides into the seat across from me at the kitchen table.

  I swallow the mouthful of bacon and eggs before answering. “I’m about to go to the gym. You want to come?”

  He reaches over and steals a piece of bacon from my plate and pops it into his mouth without missing a beat.

  “Keep your fingers off my plate.”

  “Technically I didn’t touch your plate.”

  “Okay, keep your hands away from my food before I stab you with my knife.”

  “Wow, someone’s testy this morning. Too bad Amelia left last night. How are those blue balls treating you?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I play dumb.

  “You told me you guys kissed so I imagine you’d like to do a lot more with her.”

  “Yeah, but I’m her coach and it’s not allowed. We talked and decided we’re going to stay away from each other.” I never should’ve told him about our kiss in the first place. Trevor has a big mouth.

  “Does that mean she’s not off limits anymore?”

  “Nope, if I can’t have her you can’t either.”

  “How’s that fair?”

  “Why does it have to be fair? That’s the problem with our generation, everyone got trophies for participating and now they’re all a bunch of whiners.”

  “Are you saying I’m a whiner?”

  “If the shoe fits.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “No thanks.” I smile and take another bite of my breakfast. Trevor plucks a piece of bacon from my plate before I can stop him.

  He chews loudly and then grabs my glass of juice to wash it all down. “Ahh, that was delicious. Do you have more?”

  “There’s some in the fridge. Feel free to cook for yourself just like I did.”

  “Sandy’s in the bathroom,” he mentions, referring to one of the cheerleaders who he’s been known to hook up with. “I’m gonna see if she’ll cook me breakfast before she helps me clean up.”

  “I thought you told me the cheerleaders already agreed to help you guys.”

  “I did. Belle’s in with Owen. She’s supposed to chip in, too.”

  Rising to my feet, the chair screeches against the wooden floor as I slide it back. “Here.” I push my plate toward Trevor. “You can have the rest.”

  He glances down at the piece of crust and tiny bit of egg before he picks up the fork and takes a bite. “You should’ve saved me some bacon.”

  “If you hadn’t stolen some I might have. I’m going to the gym. When I get back this place will be cleaned up right?”

  “Yes, Dad.”

  Grabbing my water from the fridge, I pass through the living room toward the door. Glancing around I take in the horrific number of empty bottles and the chip crumbs spread over every surface. I can even hear them crunching under my feet every time I take a step. Maybe I need to think about getting my own place. I wouldn't have to worry about unwanted parties and Amelia could come over without anyone knowing. Fuck. She’s not my girl and never will be. Why can’t I stop thinking about her?

  Chapter Fifteen


  “What did you think of the party last night?” Leah rests her elbows on the table and cups her chin in her palm.

  I tip my head toward my shoulder in a semi shrug. “It was decent. I’ve never been much of a party girl so I’m probably not the right person to ask.”

  Grace smiles and leans forward in her seat across the booth from me. Her blue eyes sparkle with excitement and her long red hair is slicked back in a ponytail. Her appearance is drastically different than last night’s. “There were a lot of people there. It was nice to meet everyone.”

  “Owen and Trevor aren’t shy that’s for sure. Did I tell you guys I work with Owen at Goliath’s?”

  “Shut up,” Leah gasps.

  “I really do and he’s been great to me.”

  “So that’s why he has a thing for you. I was wondering how you guys were already so well acquainted.”

  “He doesn’t really have a thing for me. He just likes to joke around.”

  “He sure pissed off Coach,” Grace interjects.

  “I think the three of them like to push each other’s buttons. Sounds like Coach is afraid Owen and Trevor will distract us from what we’re here to do.” Shit. I hope they buy my cover up.

  “Well, personally I wouldn’t mind that kind of distraction. In fact, I’d welcome it. I think I could even benefit from it. And FYI, I’ve always been good at multitasking. I can screw around with Owen and still play ball just fine.”

  “You might have to fill Coach in on that,” Grace giggles.

  “I have a feeling he doesn’t like to be told anything,” I chime in.

  Grace nods. “You’d be the one to know. You guys have some weird power struggle going on.”

  “We do?” I question naively. Is that what it looks like to an outsider? I’m not sure exactly what it is that’s going on with us. He does like to boss me around and try to control me. “I think he’s just an asshole and doesn’t like it when someone doesn’t fall all over him. He’s probably compensating for a little dick.”

  “Who are you guys talking about?” Trevor stops at the edge of our booth and my eyes find Zeke standing right beside him. Oh fuck.

  “No one,” I mumble, looking down while Grace and Leah titter nervously.

  “Come on, Amelia. Don’t be shy. Tell us who it is. You’ll feel liberated for saying it,” Trevor encourages. Glancing up, I notice Zeke watching me with a challenging expression on his face. Obviously, he suspects I was talking about him. Maybe I should admit it and show I’m not afraid of him. He’d never expect that, but I don’t want to deliberately piss him off when there isn’t a reason. It’s one thing when he’s fucking with me at practice, but right now it seems uncalled for.

  “What if she’s talking about you?” Grace chimes in with a smirk on her lips.

  “Honey, I know she’s not talking about me. There’s nothing small on this body.” He flexes his biceps, posing for us.

  I roll my eyes. “What are you up to today?” I question doing my best to guide the conversation away from dick size.

  Trevor slips onto the bench next to Grace and Leah. “You don’t mind if we join you, right?”

  “It’s okay with me.” Leah seems chipper.

  “What about you, Red?” he questions Grace.

  She shrugs nonchalantly. “If you must.”

  He leans to the side, bumping his shoulder into hers. “Oh, I must.” He grins.

  Zeke slides onto the vinyl seat beside me, catching me by surprise. “Sure, you can sit down, Coach.”

  “Thanks, don’t mind if I do.” Our eyes connect, his are filled with mischief and mine are probably showing concern. I’m worried he’ll do something to make the others wonder if there’s something going on between us. Ironically, the more I hope to avoid him, the more I bump into him.

  “What do you ladies have planned for today?” Trevor inquires, drawing my gaze to him.

  “We’re just eating dinner and later we’re going running.”

  “Wow, running on a Sunday night. I’m impressed.”

  “Our coach is a real hardass,” I joke and we all laugh.

  “Yeah, I’ve heard he’s a real bastard,” Zeke joins in and we share another laugh.

  “I’ve heard he’s compensating for his tiny dick,” Trevor states with a knowin
g smirk. I smile stiffly while Grace and Leah giggle madly. Fuck. I’m completely busted. They knew what we were talking about all along.

  Zeke’s hand lands on my thigh giving it a quick squeeze and I’m afraid to look his way. Is he angry or is he taking it all in stride? Flicking a glance over at him, I take in the small smile teasing his lips. Good. He’s got a sense of humor about it. But it’s easy to laugh that insult off when he knows his dick isn’t small.

  Oh, God, don’t think about his dick.

  My face heats from my thoughts and he squeezes my leg again as if he’s letting me know he’s worked out where my thoughts went and the dirty place they ended. He doesn’t remove his hand this time and his warm palm is hard to ignore. I kick the outside of his foot signaling for him to let go, but he ignores me, slowly trailing his fingers on my bare skin. Higher and higher his fingertips glide, even tucking under the bottom hem of my shorts. Thankfully the table is blocking everyone’s view of what’s going on beneath it.

  The waitress stops beside our table, placing our meals in front of us. “Would you guys like anything?” she questions.

  “I’d like a bacon cheeseburger with bacon, bacon, bacon, and more bacon, medium rare,” Trevor orders.

  “Eww,” Grace scrunches up her nose.

  “Don’t knock it til you try it, Red. If you’re nice I might let you take a bite.” He winks.

  “I don’t eat meat,” she counters, curling her upper lip.

  “What about you?” The waitress nods at Zeke.

  “I’ll take the same as him, but with one less bacon and cooked medium.”

  “Drinks?” she keeps her pen positioned over the order pad.

  “Water for me, please,” Zeke replies.

  “Soda here,” Trevor raises his hand.

  Grace elbows him. “Say please.”

  “Please.” he leans toward her as the waitress walks away. “What am I saying please for, Red?”

  “Because it’s good manners. Were you raised by a pack of wolves?”

  Trevor laughs. “Do you know who my father is?”

  Grace nods her head. “He’s Lawrence Lincoln, the infamous NFL player.” She opens her eyes wide and mockingly claps her hands.

  “The one and only. He eats little girls like you for breakfast, Red.”

  “Yeah, yeah and Brady is your older brother,” I jump in. “We’re all impressed.”

  He smirks. “Glad to hear it. How do you know about Brady?”

  “Seriously?” I arch a dark brow. “My dad and my older brothers are huge fans of college football. I’ve been wanting to attend B.U. for as long as I can remember.”

  “So why didn’t you?”

  “My parents couldn’t afford to send me here after my brothers went to college.”

  “It’s awesome the opportunity arose now,” Trevor offers.

  “You’re not kidding. I couldn’t believe it when I got the offer to play for the Terriers. It’s a dream come true and I’m not going to screw it up.” Does Zeke hear the message in my words? The real question is will he heed the warning?

  “I almost forgot. I wanted to invite you guys to come spend next weekend at the Hamptons. My parents have a beach house there.”

  “Are you kidding?” Leah shrieks. “The Hamptons are on my bucket list of places to visit.”

  “Awesome. We’ll leave on Thursday and come back on Sunday, late morning. This is our second annual trip. There’s no practice the second half of this week so we take advantage of it. Who’s in?”

  “I am.” Leah’s so excited she practically bounces on the seat.

  “I think it’s doable. I haven’t lined up a job yet so I won’t miss work.” Grace shares.

  “What about you, Amelia? Owen said you better not say no. He already told Kip to take you off the schedule through Saturday.”

  “He did?”

  Trevor chuckles. “Yep, he did. He said you wouldn’t go if he didn’t take care of it for you.”

  “That’s great and all, but did he ever think that maybe I need the money and can’t miss work?”

  “Yeah, he did. He asked Kip to put you on this Wednesday and also an extra shift next week to make up for it. And you still have the Sunday night shift if you want it.” I’m speechless. What Owen did is a really nice gesture, but I’m still not sure if I want to go. Being stuck with everyone for four days might be too much for me. I like my own space. “Don’t even think of talking yourself out of it. You’re better off going and having a great time. If you stay home Owen will never let you live it down and he’s a pain in the ass when he wants to be.”

  “Are you all packed up for the trip?” Owen asks as we head out the front door, waving goodnight to a few of our coworkers.

  “Not really. I figured I’d throw some stuff in a bag tomorrow morning. What more do I need besides bathing suits, t-shirts, and shorts?”

  “We usually hit a few bars while we’re there.”

  “And I can’t wear t-shirts and shorts?”

  “It’s the Hamptons, not Ocean City.”

  I roll my eyes. “Great. Am I going to regret this trip?”

  “Not at all. I promise we’ll show you a great time and next year you’ll know exactly what to expect. Which dorm are you in?”

  “Warren Towers. Why?”

  “I promised Zeke I’d walk you home.”

  “You don’t need to do that. I’ll be fine.”

  “I’m a man of my word. Besides, Zeke will kick my ass if I don’t and have you noticed the size of his hands?” Yes. Unfortunately, I have and that’s not all I’ve noticed about him. But I shake my head, feigning ignorance. “One punch and all this,” he gestures at his face, “will be fucked up. I need to protect it. Someday soon my good looks will make me lots of money.”

  “I’d think your throwing arm is your money maker.”

  “Yeah, but I want all those endorsements, baby. Money, money, money, money.”

  “Tom Brady might already have all the lucrative deals.”

  “Come on,” he sighs. “Brady’s the G.O.A.T. and he has Gisele. How much good fortune can one guy expect? I think he can spare a product endorsement or two.”

  “I doubt he’d agree with you.”

  “So, what’s going on with you and my good pal, Zeke?”

  Oh shit. My chest tightens anxiously. Here it is...the beginning of the end of my scholarship. Everyone will suspect something between us. The gossip about us will be like a chain reaction moving through the football program. We haven’t even made it to the start of the season and now everyone will know.

  “Amelia, calm down.” Owen lays his hand on my arm. “You look panicked.”

  “That’s because I am. I don’t want anyone thinking there’s something romantic going on. There isn’t. I can’t afford to lose my scholarship because of some dumb rumor.”

  “And you won’t. It’s just me and you talking, Amelia. What we say stays between us. I promise you, it will go no further.”

  My eyes sweep over to meet his. Owen seems earnest, but most people have big mouths when it comes to gossip. How can I trust him when I’ve only known him a few weeks?

  “Amelia, Zeke is one of my best friends. I’m not going to say anything to anyone. I’d never jeopardize his coaching position. If you believe me for no other reason that’s a good one.”

  “It doesn’t matter. There’s nothing to tell. He’s my coach.” I shrug.

  “Look, Zeke’s a great guy, but do you know how many times he wanted me to make sure his ex got home from work safely?” Shaking my head, I nibble on my lower lip, nervously. “None,” Owen fills me in.


  “Zero times. He never once asked me and I don’t think it was ever a concern for him.”

  “So why is he worried about me?”

  “That is the question. For some reason he’s protective of you. If you want my opinion, I’d say you mean something to him. Something more than you or he may want.”

  Rolling my lips
together, I focus my gaze in front of us. I can’t look at Owen or he’ll be able to see how much I care about Zeke.

  I sigh as I climb out of the back seat of Trevor’s black Range Rover. Peering up at the enormous home, I mutter a stunned, “Whoa.” I’ve never seen anything like this place. Calling it a beach house is more than a little misleading. It’s more along the lines of a mansion. The white trim provides a crisp contrast against the dark brown cedar shingle siding. The portico on the front over the main entrance is flanked by two white pillars. Acres of greenery hug both sides providing a private oasis from the world. If I didn’t know the Atlantic Ocean was at the back of this property, I wouldn’t believe it.

  On the ride here, Trevor told me there are twelve bedrooms and fourteen bathrooms in the main house. I was prepared for it to be large, but I still underestimated the actual size. There’s also a cottage on the property with two bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen, and a den.

  “Holy shit, Trevor,” Leah yells, excitedly. “I feel like royalty or some famous actress. I’m staying here and I’m never leaving.”

  Grace snorts. “Guess we’ll have to find a new wide receiver.”

  Owen and Trevor heft our bags out of the back hatch and set them down on the driveway. The three of us each packed more clothes than we’ll need, but aside from bathing suits, none of us were sure what we needed. I know Owen said we’d go out some night, but what does one wear to a bar in the Hamptons? Grabbing my purple duffle bag, I swing it over my shoulder and wait for everyone else.

  “Follow me, guys,” Trevor instructs and we fall in behind as he makes his way to the side entrance closest to the driveway. We step inside and find ourselves in a huge mud room. There are shelves with folded towels, hooks to hang things on, and a rack of men's and women’s bathing suits all with the tags still on them. Baskets of sunscreens and lotions occupy some of the shelves and there are bottles of bug spray too. Sporting equipment is across the room in large wooden locker type cubbies and surf boards are mounted on the wall.


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