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COACH (Boston Terriers Book 3)

Page 12

by Jacob Chance

  “You guys have surfboards?” I squeal the question.

  “Yep. You surf?” Trevor sounds surprised.

  “Yeah, in case you can’t tell, I love to surf.”

  “Then you and I are going to have to chase some waves together.”

  “Hell yeah, I’m game. I haven’t surfed once this summer. I miss it so much.”

  “You’re welcome to use these boards or any of the other stuff in here anytime you want. That goes for everyone.” He gestures around the room. “All of this is at your disposal while you’re here.”

  Grace rolls her eyes. “How generous of you to let us use things your daddy’s money bought.”

  “Grace,” I gasp, embarrassed at her words.

  “If it weren’t for my brother and I this place would hardly ever get used,” Trevor answers, ignoring her rude comment.

  “I shouldn’t be rude. I’m sorry,” Grace mumbles.

  “No worries, you don’t know me well enough to understand that my father doesn’t have any appreciation for money at all. I like to think I’m not completely like him. While I might not be as hardworking as my brother, Brady, I’m not a complete asshole.” He starts walking and calls over his shoulder, “Come on. I’ll take you to your rooms.”

  We follow him through an open living room that’s larger than the entire downstairs of my parent’s home. We climb a grand staircase that leads to an open balcony area. Trevor gestures to the right. “There are six bedrooms down the hall this way and six the other way. Ladies, I’m going to put you all down this way.” He tips his head and continues walking until he opens the first door on the left. “Amelia, you’re here.” He steps back and ushers Grace and Leah on to the next two rooms while I pass by and enter the bedroom I’m staying in.

  “Oh my God, Trevor,” I gasp. “This is incredible.”

  “I’m glad you like it,” he yells from the hallway and I hear the excited squeals of Leah and Grace as they see their rooms.

  My eyes slowly roam around the large space taking in the oversized windows on the back wall that are flanked by crisp white curtains. The glass sparkles and there’s not a smudge on them as the sunlight flows in brightly. An enormous bed is covered with a bright white comforter that looks softer than a cloud. There are blue and white pillows spread across the top and all I want to do is jump into the middle of them and sleep for the rest of the day.

  Kicking off my shoes, my toes scrunch into the plush, blue and white floral patterned area rug. There’s a light blue chair and ottoman in the corner beside one of the windows. When I step over to check out the view, I’m stunned by what I see. Blue and green tones capped by white stretch out as far as the eye can see. Pressing my forehead against the glass, I whisper to myself, “It’s so beautiful.”

  “Can I get you anything, or are you all set?” Trevor calls out from the doorway.

  “No. This is amazing. Everything is perfect. Thank you for having me here.”

  He smiles. “We’re going to head down to the beach in twenty minutes if you want to come.”

  “Are you kidding? Of course I want to come. Can we surf?”

  “Fuck yes. Do you need a wetsuit?”

  “No, I prefer not to wear one. I have a board shirt I sometimes use.”

  “Okay, we’re meeting downstairs in twenty.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Paddling out across the water next to Trevor, a sense of peacefulness washes over me. God I’ve missed this feeling of having nothing but sea surrounding me and the excitement of waiting for my wave.

  “You know your ass looks amazing in those shorts.” Trevor sits up, straddling his board. “Not that it doesn’t always look hot.”

  “Trevor, really? Do you need to tell me this? I don’t want to know you’re looking at my ass.”

  “Why? What’s wrong with me?”

  “I should’ve known you’d make it about yourself.”

  “How am I supposed to take that?”

  “I meant that it’s embarrassing for me to know you’re looking at my ass. Don’t tell me if you are. Ignorance is bliss.”

  “I’ve never had anyone complain about looking at their ass. You’re the first.”

  “I’m not like other girls. I don’t need your attention or any other guy’s to make me feel complete. It’s my job to do that, not someone else’s.”

  “You’re the opposite of every girl I know.”

  “Is that supposed to be an insult? I like being my own person.”

  “I didn’t mean it as a bad thing. You’re just confusing.”

  “I’m not confusing at all. We can be friends, we can even be great friends, but we’ll never be more than that.”

  “Why not?” He looks like I injured him.

  “Because I don’t think of you that way.”

  “Do you prefer women?”

  “What? Wait a minute.” I hold up a hand and grip the edge of the board with my other. “If I don’t want you, I must be a lesbian? Is that what you really think?”

  He appears slightly abashed. “That sounds worse when you say it.”

  “It doesn’t sound worse than it is. It’s horrible that your ego is so oversized. Dude, get a grip. Not every girl thinks you’re the shit. Jeez. I’m not the only one. Grace certainly doesn’t.”

  “What’s her problem with me anyway?”

  “You’ll have to ask Grace. I can’t speak for her. Are we here to surf, or am I supposed to nurse your wounded self-esteem some more?”

  “Fuck you, Monroe.” He leans forward, settling down on his stomach and paddling toward the shore. As the large wave approaches behind him, Trevor pops up to his feet at precisely the right time. The water propels his board forward as he rides the wave and then cuts back over the blue-green surface. He makes it look effortless and judging by the raised fist as he hops off his board, he knows it. Trevor jogs onto the sand and turns around to face me. He bows and straightens, pointing at me as if to say “your turn.”

  I shake my head and glance behind me, watching the water, studying where it’s breaking. When I see the wave I want, I begin paddling toward the shore. I wait until the right instant to pop-up and enjoy the sensation of the water under my surfboard. My knees are bent, my hips twisting as I cut back into the wave by applying pressure on my back foot, lifting the nose of the board slightly so I can pivot using the fins and rails. Arcing to the right, my fingers almost trail in the water as I lean into the curve. Coming up the fade, I shift my weight toward the front. Hips and arms following my torso, my head looks back toward the wave as the surfboard wraps around like a circle. I whoop with glee as I cut back, arcing to the right again, before riding almost all the way into shore. I jump off into the shallow water, a smile spread so wide, my cheeks hurt.

  “God, I missed surfing. There’s nothing like it.”

  “Damn, Amelia. That was fucking impressive.”

  I shrug. “Thanks. I’ve been surfing since I was five. It’s like riding a bike. No matter how long it’s been, it feels like I never stopped.”

  “Let’s get back in there while the tide is working in our favor. We can grab a few more waves, but I’m getting hungry, how about you?”

  “I’m okay, but I’ll eat whenever you want to head back.”

  “Sounds good. Come on, I’ll even let you go first this time.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Pushing open the door, I walk into the dimly lit bar. My eyes scan the area looking for any sign of my friends. Trevor sent me a text to let me know where they’d be. Since I couldn’t take the whole day off work, I wasn’t able to leave until mid-afternoon. Arriving in the Hamptons hours after everyone else, I had to convince myself to shower and change my clothes when all I wanted to do was take a nap. The drive was long and the traffic was bothersome. I’m not in the best mood and I’d probably be doing everyone a favor if I skipped tonight’s bar hopping. But Trevor and Owen would never let me live it down. I’d hear about what a boring old fart
I am for the next six months. It’s easier to join them and suffer through the next few hours no matter how much I don’t want to.

  Owen is the first person I see out of my friends. It’s difficult to miss his large size and Trevor is easy to spot standing just to the other side of him. The two of them are busy talking to the female bartender.

  Where are Amelia and the girls? My narrowed eyes slowly peruse the patrons down the long length of the bar and I don’t spot them. Continuing on, I search for them on the crowded dance floor. It only takes a minute or two before I spot a brunette in a short red dress rocking and rolling her hips to the beat. Admitting to myself that I’d know that ass anywhere makes me question my professional ethics, but not enough to force my eyes away. It’s not like I could if I tried. Amelia Monroe has captured my interest since the first second I saw her. And the more time I spend with her, the more difficult it is to remain on the ethical side of the line.

  Somehow, I tear my eyes away from the captivating sight and head toward the guys at the bar. Trevor notices me as I approach.

  “Shit.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out some bills. Counting off two twenties he hands them over to Owen.

  “Ha, I told you my man would show.” Owen claps me on the shoulder.

  “You assholes bet on whether I’d come or not?”

  “Yeah, but I said you would so Trevor’s really the only asshole.”

  “Why am I here?” I shake my head and can’t help but grin at these two fools. As much as I want to strangle them at different times, they’re definitely entertaining to be around. It could be worse. If I wasn’t here right now, I’d be sitting at home on my couch. I’d probably be watching some Netflix and I’d be chilling. Chilling all by myself. At least I’m out being social and Amelia is here. That’s a huge bonus to this situation. I may not be able to touch her, but I can look all I want. And I fucking want to.

  Before I know it, Trevor shoves a beer into my hand and smirks when he notices where I’m looking. “Dude, you’re so fucked.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Amelia. You want her so bad, you can’t even hide it.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know what you mean. Sure, she’s gorgeous, but so are Grace and Leah.”

  “Dude, you can’t fool me. I know real interest when I see it.”

  “She’s an interesting girl.” I shrug carelessly.

  “Zeke, you can play this game all you want, but you’re interested in more than banging this girl.”

  I raise a brow and notice Owen grinning as he watches us. “Do you believe this guy?” I tip my head toward Trevor. “Apparently he can see inside my head. What am I thinking right now?”

  “That you want to punch me in the face for pointing out how much you like Amelia.” Trevor grins. He’s not far off. Maybe he can read my mind.

  “T, stop busting his balls. If he likes Amelia that’s his business. We don’t need to make it more difficult for him.”

  “I’m not making it more difficult. Zeke, if you like her, then go for it. I’ve noticed a difference in you lately; you’re not quite as miserable as usual.”

  “Thanks.” I raise my beer up and take a deep pull.

  “I mean it. If Amelia is the reason why you’re happier, then you should be with her.”

  Licking the beer from my lips, I watch the subject of our conversation as she tips her head back, laughing at something one of her friends said. In this instant she’s so happy and carefree and I don’t want to taint that by doing anything that could possibly impact her negatively. If we became involved in any manner we’d need to sneak around to keep people from finding out. She deserves better than to be someone’s dirty secret. She’s not the kind of girl who’d be satisfied in a forbidden relationship. As much as I want her in and out of my bed, I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize her bright future.

  “Dude, you’ve got it so bad. You’re lovesick over this girl,” Trevor breaks my focus on Amelia, drawing it back to him.

  I scowl. “I’m not lovesick. Don’t make me sound like some inexperienced teenager.”

  “You’re kind of acting like one.”

  Owen laughs and my angry gaze sweeps over to him. “Do you have something you’d like to add?”

  “All I’ll say is if you like Amelia, then be with her. Can’t you talk to Mark about it?”

  “I don’t know if it’s worth taking the risk because once I open that can of worms I can’t close it again.”

  “You know what I think you should do?” Owen asks.

  “No, please tell me. Another opinion on this matter is just what I need.”

  “Don’t get all pissy. My suggestion is for you to forget about everything for tonight except having fun. We’re in the Hamptons - life is good.”

  Nodding my head, I swallow down the remainder of my beer and slam the empty bottle on the wooden bar. “You’re absolutely right.”

  Owen looks stunned. “I am? You agree with me?”

  “Yeah. Why is that so shocking?”

  “You never agree with anything we say.”

  “There’s a first time for everything.”

  If her ass brushes my dick one more time, I can’t be held responsible for what happens. Fuck. How did I end up in this position anyway? Glancing down, I watch her hips wiggle temptingly from side to side, my hands gripping her possessively. Owen manipulated me into dancing with Amelia when he pulled her into his arms and started grinding on her. I pulled him away with a curse on my lips and tugged her in front of me. Owen, being the bastard that he is, winked and began dancing with Leah as if that was his master plan all along. And I’m sure it was. Recognizing how I feel about Amelia, he knew which buttons to push.

  We’re in the moment and there’s not much I can do except make the most of it. I won’t have many opportunities to get my hands on Amelia and she feels as amazing as she looks.

  Unexpectedly, she spins around placing us face to face. Our eyes lock and my breath catches as her hands slowly glide up my chest and creep around the back of my neck. Her fingers drive into the back of my hair and her nails rake my scalp. My dick instantly reacts to her touch. Time freezes as I stare into longing filled chocolate eyes. My grip on her hips flexes as I tug her closer. Can she possibly want me as much as I want her?

  I’ve never desired someone as much as I do Amelia. There isn’t any part of her I’m not infatuated with. Even when we butt heads in practice and her temper comes out, I find her spitfire personality hot. I want her to unleash that passion on my naked body. She can work all her frustrations out on me.

  Her fingers press on the back of my neck urging me downward as she raises her face toward mine. Lowering, I inch closer until our lips barely brush in a whisper soft kiss. Pausing, our mouths only a breath apart, the tip of our noses touch as our warm breath mingles. I hesitate as the gravity of what we’re about to do hits me. I begin to draw back and place distance between us, but Amelia’s fingers tighten on the back of my head. She rises on her toes, capturing my mouth with hers. What little resistance I held onto flees at the first swipe of her tongue. My lips part as I grip her head and crash our mouths together. I devour her. Ravenous for her taste, I can’t get enough. My leg slips between hers and she rocks against my thigh. I swear I can feel the heat of her pussy burning through my jeans.

  My hand skates down her spine, cupping her ass and urging her on. Each grind of her pussy against my leg rocks her hip into my cock. I don’t know if I’ve ever been so turned on in my life. I don’t care that we’re in a bar full of people we don’t know. Or that people might be watching the show we’re putting on. Amelia is all that matters. Her soft curves under my hands. Her tits pressed into my chest. Her sweet taste on my tongue. I never want to stop.

  But what if one of our friends sees us?

  That one shred of common sense bursts through the cloud of passion fogging my brain. Tearing my mouth from hers, I stare down at Amelia. We both inhale air into our lungs as if
we’re starved for it. Her brown eyes appear huge in the delicate oval of her face as tears well and catch on her lower lashes before spilling down her cheeks. I open my mouth to speak words of consolation, but she pushes past me before I can form them.

  Fuck. I bolt after her as fast as weaving through the other people on the dance floor allows. I search the immediate area and around the other side of the bar, but there’s no sign of Amelia anywhere. Where the hell did she go?

  A flash of red by the door catches my eye. Turning in that direction, I bump into people while pushing through the crowd without any thought or concern for their well-being. I have tunnel vision and Amelia’s all I’m focused on. Getting to her is my priority.

  Barreling out the main entrance and onto the sidewalk, my eyes scan both directions for Amelia. I find her hurrying down the sidewalk as fast as her high heels enable.

  “Amelia,” I call out, but she doesn’t stop. If anything, she shuffles her feet faster. What the fuck is the necessity of wearing those death trap heels? If she stumbles, her football season will end abruptly.

  Taking off like a flash in her direction, my long legs eat up the distance between us in no time. “Amelia, slow down,” I order, but she keeps her head straight forward, refusing to acknowledge me. “Amelia, what’s the problem?” I question, raising my voice louder than I mean to. I’m frustrated and at a loss of what to do. Tears are still rolling down her cheeks. Why the fuck is she crying?

  I place my hand on her arm. “Amelia, please stop,” I plead. “I just want to make sure you’re okay.” She stops, but turns her back to me so I can’t see her face. “Amelia. What’s going on?”

  She gives a small shake of her head, but utters no words. Her hands raise and I can tell she’s wiping tears away from her cheeks. My fingers clasp both her upper arms and as gently as I can, I turn her to face me. Streaks of tears can be seen on her face in the light given off by the streetlamps. “Why the tears? What’s going on?” She stares up at me with sad eyes while nervously working her bottom lip back and forth between her teeth. Cupping her face with my palms, I lean down. “Please tell me what’s wrong. Are you upset I kissed you?”


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