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Unforgivable Lover (Warriors of Lemuria Book 5)

Page 4

by Rosalie Redd

  He had short brown hair with a spot of gray at his temple. A broad nose and a strong jawline defined his features despite the few age lines etched in his cheeks, but his pale blue eyes, the soothing color of aquamarine, drew her in. He smiled, and laugh lines formed around his mouth, accentuating his full lips.

  Deep inside, on a level she didn’t quite understand, she recognized him. Still lost in her blissful state, she glanced over his shoulder. Tension formed at the back of her neck, and she looked around.

  Walls, made of stone, enclosed them in a room filled with long tables. A tall cabinet rested against the wall. Bottles, beakers, and an assortment of herbs lined the shelves. A woman with shoulder-length blonde hair leaned over a cabinet strewn with bandages, surgical knives, and medical supplies.

  Stones embedded in the walls flared to life, brightening and warming the room. This wasn’t like any place she’d ever been before. Maybe I’m still in my dream. Yet, she didn’t believe that. She returned her attention to the man.

  “Wh… Where am I?” Her words squeezed out her parched throat and came out hoarse.

  “You’re in the infirmary. How do you feel?” The man’s consoling voice sounded familiar. He was the one who’d calmed her.

  She peered at him. “Thirsty. How did I get here? Who are you…”

  Memories flooded her mind. The mudslide…hiding by a downed tree…the strange creatures…the attack…her rescuer… A shot of adrenaline flooded through her, and she kicked out, fear overriding all common sense. Unbalanced and unaware of her surroundings, she slipped from the table. A sheet twisted between her legs, sending her careening toward the ground.

  The man wrapped her in his strong arms, preventing her from crashing to the stone floor. He held her in his embrace, and his minty breath caressed her cheek.

  “I’ve got you. Don’t be afraid.” His soothing voice filtered over her like a cool breeze, calming her racing heart.

  Gaetan… His name flashed through her mind. “You’re Gaetan. You’re the one who saved me from…” She choked on the words.

  “Come. This must be unsettling. You’ll have all your answers and more.” He pulled her to a standing position, and her hands landed on his broad chest. Even through his woven shirt, his warmth lit up her fingertips. Before she could process her reaction to him, he released her. All she wanted was to crawl back into his arms.

  Nikki ran her fingers over her throat where the creature had bitten her. The skin was smooth and unblemished. She glanced at her arms then at her legs. All the cuts and scratches were gone. “How did my injuries heal?”

  The woman she’d seen before stepped forward and handed her a glass of water. “The water should help with your thirst. My name is Sheri. I’ll do everything I can to make you feel comfortable here.”

  That small gesture eased some of Nikki’s anxiety. She took a sip of the water, her fingers still shaking from her ordeal. When she was done, Sheri took the glass and gave her arm a gentle squeeze. “You don’t look too worse for wear. As for your injuries, Gaetan is our master haelen, or healer, the best in the Keep.”

  “The Keep?” She glanced from Sheri to Gaetan.

  His beautiful eyes bore into her, as if he could see into her soul. “You’ve slept for several hours. What do you remember from last night?”

  “Everything,” she whispered. The sudden urge to feel his touch again whipped through her. Before she could stop herself, she placed her hand on his arm. “You saved me.”

  A flinch crossed his features. He stepped away and headed over to the counter, his cane knocking against the stone floor in counterpoint with each step.

  “Do you regret saving me?” A lump formed in her throat.

  He whirled around faster than she thought possible. His eyes sparked with flecks of amber. “I’m a healer. Saving others is what I do.”

  The lines along his cheeks deepened, speaking of an anguish so profound his pain was palpable in the air.

  Sheri touched her arm. “Gaetan tells me your name is Nicole.”

  Nikki dragged her attention away from Gaetan and focused on Sheri. “Please, call me Nikki. You said I’m in a ‘Keep.’ When can I go home?”

  A knowing look flashed between Sheri and Gaetan. Dread trickled down her spine. She gnawed on the inside of her cheek. “Tell me.”

  Sheri patted her hand on one of the medical tables. “Come, sit down. There’s a lot you need to hear.”

  Nikki assessed both Sheri and Gaetan. Both had rigid postures, their mouths set in stern lines. She’d get faster results if she complied with the request. With a quick huff, she slid onto the bed. Carved from the stone, the cool, smooth surface was a welcome relief to her overheated skin. Her legs dangled over the edge. Nervous energy had her kicking her feet to and fro. “I’m ready anytime you are.”

  Gaetan sat on the edge of a stool, the seat worn on one side. “The creature that attacked you was a Gossum. Once human, he was changed by another of their kind through a bite.” A tic formed in his jaw, and he rubbed at his knee. Four dark lines, like tattoos, ran from each knuckle, merging at the wrist then disappearing up his arm beneath his shirt sleeve.

  She traced the rhinestones in her bracelet. They seemed eerily similar to the dark lines on the back of his hand.

  He cleared his throat. “One bit you. Human females don’t survive the change. I took a chance, giving you some of my saliva in hopes you’d live long enough to arrive at the Keep where I could treat you with my special medicines and herbs. I was successful. As for you returning to your human world…”

  Her thoughts froze and it took a moment for his words to sink in. “I remember now. I can’t go home. What I saw wasn’t my imagination. Monsters really do exist, don’t they?”

  He nodded, and the compassion in his eyes tugged at her heart. “They aren’t the only…non-human creatures on this planet.”

  An image of the large, hairy beast she’d seen in the forest crossed her mind. She sucked in a sharp gasp and gaped at him.

  “What do you mean? Are you one?” A part of her didn’t want to hear his answer, and she held her breath.

  His mouth thinned. With great effort, he pushed away from the stool and strode toward her with his cane. He stilled, mere inches away from her. Warmth radiated from him, cascading over her, drawing her in. “Sheri was human once, but I wasn’t and, now, neither are you.”

  Blood pounded in Nikki’s ears, drowning out all sounds. Her vision pinpointed and she focused on his eyes, using them like a lifeline to reality, holding on for dear life. “What am I?”

  “You are like Sheri, a Dren—” His attention drew to the wall. One of the yellow stones blinked, flaring to life with a rhythmic pulse. “Craya!” He held up one finger. “One moment.”

  She glanced at Sheri. With her blonde hair, pale skin, and hazel eyes, Sheri appeared human. What made her a Dren? She opened her mouth to ask, but Gaetan cleared his throat.

  “I’m sorry. I have to leave.” Over his piercing eyes etched with worry, his brow furrowed.

  “Is everything okay?” Sheri raised an eyebrow.

  “The warriors have returned. Saar called a council meeting. I must attend.” He shuffled to the door, the muscles in his shoulders bunching with each step.

  Although Nikki couldn’t see his injured leg covered in long pants, there was no outward appearance to indicate there was anything wrong with him. Yet, there must be a reason he used a cane. What had this proud man gone through in his life? Whatever he was to others, to her, he was her savior. She longed to understand him better.

  He halted and turned to Sheri. “I’d appreciate it if you filled Nicole in on the details and find her a room.”

  “Of course. I’d love to. It’s nice to have another Dren among us.” Sheri studied Nikki’s clothes. “Besides, it looks like we’re about the same size. I have just the outfit in mind.”

  Gaetan met Nikki’s gaze once again. For a brief moment, heat flared in the deep recesses of his eyes. Warmth filtered
through Nikki, as if he’d caressed every nerve in her body. Unbidden desire, strong and powerful, pooled low in her core.

  He broke the contact and walked through the doorway. His hobbled gait echoed down the corridor. Despite that she knew little about him, Nikki longed for his touch with a desperation that rattled her to her soul.


  “This must be overwhelming for you. I’ve been there. It gets better. Trust me.” Sheri’s welcoming smile did little to tone down the swarm of butterflies in Nikki’s stomach.

  “Overwhelmed is an understatement.” Still seated on the medical bed, nervous energy nagged at her, and Nikki kicked her feet.

  Sheri held out her hand. “C’mon. I’ll take you to your room and explain what I can.”

  Impatience had Nikki gnawing on the inside of her cheek. “You said we’re both Dren. What does that mean? What am I?”

  “I’ll explain along the way. There’s a shower waiting for you, I promise.” Sheri winked and crooked her finger, encouraging Nikki.

  Nikki laughed despite herself, but the tension in her shoulders didn’t ease. She sighed and peered at her tattered and ragged clothes. Getting out of this outfit would be a good thing. “A shower sounds great.” With more courage than she felt, she slid from the bed and gripped the other woman’s hand.

  Sheri tugged her toward the exit. Nikki glanced around the infirmary one last time. The beds lined up in rows spoke of much illness or…war. Goosebumps formed along her arms.

  They passed through the open doorway into a long corridor. Yellow gemstones lined the walls in an intricate pattern. One flared to life. She stopped and touched the stone. Warmth emanated from the gem. “What are these?”

  “Sunstones. They provide heat and light in the underground Keep.”

  “They’re beautiful.” Nikki couldn’t help but smile at the small wonder.

  “They are also used for communication. The Stiyaha use the stones to send messages throughout the Keep.”

  “Sti-ya-ha?” The word sounded foreign on her tongue.

  “Stiyaha are the shape-shifting warriors that live here. They fight for their goddess, Alora, in a war over Earth’s water, but…I get ahead of myself. Let’s—”

  “Is Gaetan a Stiyaha?” The question slipped from her lips before she could stop herself. Her cheeks heated.

  Sheri peered at Nikki, a knowing glimmer in her eyes. “Yes, he’s a Stiyaha. As you now know, he’s also our healer, and the Keep’s oldest resident.”

  “How old is he?” As much as she wanted to know about herself and what she’d become, she wanted to understand Gaetan, the man who’d saved her.

  “Over seven hundred years old.”

  Nikki gasped. “Wow, that’s a far cry from my twenty-five years. How long do they live?”

  “Well over two thousand years. C’mon, let’s keep moving.” Sheri headed down the long corridor.

  Nikki caught up to and walked next to Sheri, her mind reeling from what little she’d heard so far. “I have so many questions.”

  “Let’s start with the Dren. That’s what you will become soon, once Gaetan’s saliva works its way through your blood.” Sheri glanced at her. “You will receive a special power, one unique to you.”

  “A special power? Like what?” Maybe being Dren wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

  “Well, let me show you mine.” Sheri stopped and held out her hands. “Step back.”

  Nikki took a step backward and focused on Sheri’s hands.

  Sparks of electricity crackled from her fingertips, lighting up the corridor in a brilliant, blinding light. Nikki gasped, excitement tingling along her nerves. “Wow! That’s impressive.”

  “I look forward to seeing your new talent, once you discover it.” Sheri smiled and motioned for them to continue along their path.

  “How long will it take for my power to show?” It was all so unreal, Nikki had a hard time accepting her new reality.

  “That depends. It could show up anytime, but will increase in force and intensity once you feed.”

  “Feed? Do you mean ‘eat’?”

  Sheri’s lips drew into a thin line. “No, I mean ‘feed’.”

  A coil of dread curled inside Nikki. She stopped and gripped Sheri’s hand. “Please, explain.”

  “You’ll have to feed from a male, drink his blood, in order to survive.”

  Dizziness crested over Nikki, and she placed her hand along the stone wall to steady herself. “How? Why?”

  “You’ll receive fangs, and—”

  Nikki’s pulse spiked, and her breaths rushed in and out of her lungs. “I…I’m a vampire?”

  Sheri gripped her shoulders. “It’s not what you think. We’re Dren, not vampires, and we don’t kill.”

  “What if I elect not to ‘feed,’ as you put it?”

  Sheri sighed and released her grip. She pinched the bridge of her nose. “If you don’t feed, you’ll go insane. The timeframe is different for everyone, but it can occur in as little as a week. Drinking blood is actually very erotic and pleasurable for both parties.”

  An image of Gaetan flashed through Nikki’s mind. He held her in his embrace, his tongue licking her wound, his lips pressing against her skin in gentle caresses. Warmth spread over her skin. Was that what it would be like to ‘feed’? If so, she could get on board with that.

  “One other thing, you’ll never have to worry about diseases as we are immune to human ailments. The one bummer though is that it’s unlikely you’ll ever conceive.”

  “Well, that’s good to know.” After being raised by her alcoholic father, Nikki had never wanted to have kids.

  Footsteps echoed from down the corridor, approaching at a fast clip. Two figures came into view—one male, one female. Both had an air of grace around them, almost feline in nature. With an authoritative stride and determined features, the male’s cold, hard stare sent a chill over Nikki’s shoulders. Next to him, the female’s fast-clipped walk made her chin-length hair bob, and the red barrette at her temple caught the light.

  Sheri stepped forward to greet them. “Demir, Aramie, so good to see you. I want you to meet Nikki. Gaetan—”

  “Saved her from the Gossum.” A quirk formed along the corner of Demir’s mouth. “News travels fast within the Keep, especially if Rin’s involved.”

  “Welcome, Nikki. So pleased to meet you.” The dark-haired female smiled, and the man next to her, Demir, wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you.” Warning bells rang in the back of Nikki’s mind. This was all so strange. Was she already insane? The idea zipped through her mind, but after everything that had happened between her, Gaetan, and the scary Gossum, she didn’t doubt her sanity.

  Sheri glanced from Aramie to Demir. “I’m taking our new resident to her quarters, but if you have the time, I’m sure she’d love to hear some details about the Panthera.”

  “Perhaps we’ll see you in the Grand Hall for the evening repast. We’re on our way to Noeh’s…to the throne room.” Demir placed his hand out in a gesture for Aramie to proceed. He gave a quick nod. “Until then.”

  As they disappeared down the hallway, Nikki turned toward Sheri. “Just a couple of the Keep’s residents?”

  Sheri stifled a laugh. “Demir is the Panthera Pride leader and Aramie is his mate. They are shape-shifting panthers and great warriors. C’mon, we’re almost to my room. I’ve got some clothes that I think will fit you, and there’s someone I want you to meet.”

  They walked in silence for a few minutes. Nikki’s mind swirled with everything she’d heard, seen, and experienced since the mudslide on the hill. My, how her life had changed.

  Several doors lined the wall in this portion of the corridor. Sheri stopped in front of one and gripped the handle. With a quick twist, she pushed open the door. Loud barking emerged from the room.

  “Hey, Coop! Good boy.” A large German Shepherd jumped up and placed its front paws on Sheri’s thighs. His tail wagg
ed with an energy that spoke of his happiness to see his mistress. “Coop’s an ex-police dog, but he won’t hurt you. Will you, boy?”

  Nikki strode into the room, and Coop focused on her. He chuffed and glanced at Sheri. “She’s a friend, boy.”

  As if he’d understood, Coop sat on his haunches. His tail thumped against the floor in rhythmic beats.

  “Can I pet him?” Nikki’s chest swelled. She loved animals. They didn’t judge and were always there for comfort.

  “Of course. He loves the attention.” Sheri stepped away from Coop and further into the room.

  Nikki held out her hand. Coop’s wet nose tickled her fingers as he sniffed her. Satisfied she was a friend, he nuzzled up to her. She petted his soft fur, enjoying the simple, familiar action. Nikki peered around the room.

  A bed stood to one side, the covers ruffled as if someone hadn’t bothered to straighten the sheets. Two dressers rested against the wall. An assortment of bottles, make-up, and brushes scattered across the tops. A pile of clothes lay in a heap close by. Sheri stood next to a small table, a bowl of fruit placed in the center. The bright red strawberry on top caught Nikki’s attention. Her mouth watered. Food…

  Sheri snapped her fingers. “Coop, sit.”

  Coop whined then trotted to a pet bed situated near one of the dressers, a bowl of water nearby. He circled for a moment then settled into place. His sad eyes indicated he wasn’t happy with being dismissed.

  Sheri cleared her throat. “Are you hungry?”

  She eyed the strawberry. “Yes, a little.”

  “Please, have something. The evening repast isn’t for a few hours.” Sheri sat down at the table and nudged the bowl, encouraging her.

  Nikki couldn’t resist. She pulled out the other chair, the feet scraping against the stone floor, and sat down. The bright red berry called to her, so she plucked it from the bowl and popped the small fruit into her mouth. The sweet juice lit up her senses. She had another and another. The gum line over her front teeth ached, and some of the juice dribbled from the corner of her mouth.


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