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Unforgivable Lover (Warriors of Lemuria Book 5)

Page 20

by Rosalie Redd

  Kaelyn’s attention drew to Roan’s Rock. Her nemesis, Mauree, stood before Gaetan and Nikki, a sneer on her face. Kaelyn’s pulse rose as her muscles tensed. Prepared to battle her enemy, she—


  Her gaze tracked toward the sound of her name.

  Jacinth sprinted toward her, his mace twirling in the air.

  She dodged as a spiked tip whipped past her nose. A low growl erupted from her. “Jacinth! Stop!”

  He blinked, but continued his advance. “Why do you fight with them?”

  Sidestepping his every move, she kept out of reach. “When I became Saar’s mate, I chose to fight for Alora. You can fight for her, too.”

  He circled her, his assessing gaze searching for her weakness. “Not possible. We fight for Zedron now, we are his characters.”

  The desire to battle Mauree and kill the evil bitch coiled in Kaelyn’s gut, but here was her chance to recruit one of her tribe and turn the tide in this war. Pulling on her love for her people, she concentrated on her tribe mate. “You can claim ‘free will’ and choose which side to fight on. Renounce your allegiance to Zedron.”

  Jacinth’s brow furrowed, but his pace didn’t slow. “I don’t believe you.”

  “Aren’t I living proof?” She stopped, planting her boots in the soft soil.

  He flinched, holding his position. The whir of his mace beat at the wind.

  She straightened her shoulders and raised her chin. “You were always a loyal warrior to my parents. Will you remain so to me?”

  A tremor started in his jaw. The speed of the mace increased.

  She held his gaze. “Join me, Jacinth. I know you want to. Claim your right to ‘free will.’ Put down your weapon.”

  He studied her for several long seconds, his features etched with torment. A loud scream emerged from his lips. “I…choose…Alora…through my own…free will.” He brought the mace down. The ball sank into the moist dirt at Kaelyn’s feet.

  “My queen.” He kneeled.

  Kaelyn inhaled, hope soaring inside. She gripped his arm, hauling him to his feet. “Good job, Jacinth. Your first order, help me convince the others before it’s too late.”

  He nodded. “As you command.”


  M auree braced her feet in the soil and squeezed the damned sacred sunstone. Her fist trembled, the skin on her knuckles white with strain. Anger, bitterness, fear, regret all boiled in her veins, pounding against her skull. She focused on her rival, the male she’d once loved—Noeh. How did he still live?

  He lunged with his sword, the tip piercing through a Gossum’s eye. Melissa was at his side. She raised her arms, and a shimmering light encircled Noeh and grew to encompass Tanen and Sheri.

  A Gossum skittered toward them, its claws extended. As it plowed into the shield, the creature bounced and fell on its behind. Its eyes widened.

  Mauree took a step toward Roan’s Rock. “You…you can’t be here. I killed you!”

  “Mauree, there’s still time, hand me the sunstone.” Gaetan held out his palm. Encouragement and trust reflected in his eyes.

  The young Dren, Nikki, stepped toward her. “Do as he asks.”

  Liquid hot, bitterness rose in Mauree’s throat. She was once on the verge of becoming queen. No female told her what to do. “Water girl, you’ll be the first to obey me.”

  She held up the stone and through sheer force of will, drew Nikki toward her.

  Nikki took a tentative step, then another. “Gaetan!”

  He gripped her around the waist, holding her to him. Wind whipped their hair, their clothes, tugging them apart. “I can’t hold on.”

  Ripped from his grasp, Nikki flew through the air and landed at the base of Roan’s Rock. Face, arms, legs, her entire body pressed against the rough stone. A scream tore from her throat.

  Gaetan bolted toward Mauree, hobbling at a fast pace, his face contorted into a mask of rage.

  “Stay back or I’ll kill her.” Mauree shook the hand gripping the sacred stone.

  Nikki’s head jerked back then slammed into the giant boulder. She whimpered.

  Gaetan stilled. A growl of pure frustration and anger erupted from him.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Mauree caught Noeh and the others approaching at a fast clip. Unable to harm them while inside Melissa’s protective barrier, her brood circled the group.

  “Mauree. Don’t do this. I believe there’s still good in you.” Gaetan raised his staff, the sunstone in the end shining.

  “Don’t do anything foolish, old one. You can’t—”

  With more force than she thought possible, he rammed the tip of his cane into the ground. The earth shook and a jolt of light burst from his sunstone, the ricochet rippling over Mauree’s skin, knocking her backward.

  The stone slipped from her grasp and tumbled to the grass at her feet. “No!”

  Mauree dove for it, but Nikki was faster. The Dren female plucked the stone from its resting spot and rolled.

  Nikki grasped the stone in her hand. Using her momentum, she tumbled over the grass.

  Mauree landed hard on her. The air whooshed from Nikki’s lungs. Spots formed in her vision.

  Mauree ripped the stone from Nikki’s grasp and shoved Nikki’s face into the dirt.

  Nikki struggled to breathe, fear and anger bubbling up inside. She bucked against the larger female and her elbow connected with Mauree’s cheek.

  “Ow!” Mauree gasped and rolled away.

  The oppressive weight holding Nikki down was gone. She gulped a breath, and the cool air burned her lungs.

  “Don’t do this, Mauree. You’re good inside. I feel it.” Gaetan wrapped his arms around Mauree.

  She struggled against him, trying in vain to break his hold. Quick as a cat, she raised her foot and rammed the pointed end of her heel into Gaetan’s knee.

  A scream of rage and pain escaped his lips. As he crashed to the ground, she pushed away from him.

  A shot of adrenaline flooded Nikki’s veins. She drew on her energy, and the water flowing alongside Roan’s Rock bubbled. With a quick jerk of her fingers, Nikki sent a wave of water over Mauree.

  The water drenched Mauree and knocked the blue sunstone from her grasp. The gem flew through the air.

  Two Gossum, tongues snapping, scampered toward them. One caught the blue sunstone in his palm. They were so close, the wet slap of their tongues echoed against Roan’s Rock.

  Mauree gasped for breath. She struggled to wipe her wet hair from her eyes. “You…you…”

  Nikki’s chest tightened. Gaetan… They were out of time and options.

  She glanced at him. Love and respect reflected in his gaze.

  As one of the Gossum launched into the air, claws extended, a shimmering light enveloped her. The creature hit the barrier and fell away. It snarled, revealing serrated teeth.

  “Are you okay?” Sheri placed a hand on her shoulder.

  Nikki’s entire body shook. She peered at her friend. “How…”

  “Nicole.” Gaetan wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight. “You’re all right.”

  Nikki slid her hands into Gaetan’s hair and melted into his embrace. “Gaetan…”

  “How heartwarming.” Mauree cackled. “Glad to see you could all join me.”

  The muscles in Nikki’s shoulders tensed. She glanced at the others in the strange energy bubble. Sheri was there with her mate, Tanen, along with the male she’d seen die at Mauree’s hands…Noeh, and beside him was a red-headed female that must be his mate. How was this possible? Nikki wasn’t sure, but she’d seen enough to know strange things could happen.

  The Gossum handed Mauree the blue sunstone. A high-pitched titter eased from her mouth. “I don’t know how you survived, Noeh, and I don’t care,” her eyes narrowed, “but you brought the exact three females I need to win this war.”

  Gaetan’s grip around Nikki’s waist tightened. Despite their circumstances, she felt protected in his arms. He’d proven h
imself to her, throwing away his pills, sacrificing himself for her. Love for him bottled up in her throat. She’d do anything to help him.

  Kaelyn spread her feet, planting herself firmly in the meadow’s tall grass. A Gossum charged toward her. His tongue whipped in and out of his mouth with a loud snap. As it neared, the creature bared its serrated teeth. Saliva dripped from the pointed ends onto its chin.

  Disgust coiled inside Kaelyn, bitter and hard. She tightened her grip and swung her mace above her head. The ball whistled as it twirled, sounding eerily like the wooden carving around her throat.

  With a firm thrust, the Gossum launched into the air, claws extended.

  Kaelyn brought the mace down. The spiked tip hit its mark, embedding into the creature’s skull.

  A strangled cry ruptured from the creature’s throat as it exhaled its last breath, slipping to the ground in a pile of goo.

  Blood pumping through her veins, Kaelyn scanned the meadow. Warriors fought against several Gossum and a few members of her tribe. Jacinth stood between the Stiyaha warrior Quentin and one of the bears, his arms outstretched. She clenched her hands into fists. Too many had died tonight. She couldn’t lose any more of her people.

  Not far away, a small boulder protruded from the grass. She bolted for it. After jumping to the top, her feet landed on the uneven rock. She held out her hand to steady herself.

  With quick fingers, she grasped her bear’s head whistle in her palm and brought it to her lips. She took a big breath and then blew into the hole. A shrill note floated across the meadow.

  Several Ursus glanced her way.

  She held up her hand, palm outstretched. “Stop fighting! As your true queen, I command it!”

  The Ursus soldiers held still for a moment, but then resumed their battle.

  Kaelyn’s jaw tightened. “Damn you, Zedron.”

  “Kaelyn!” Saar’s voice boomed in the night air.

  She turned toward him.

  A Gossum launched itself at her. Its tongue snapped close to Kaelyn’s ear. Spittle splattered against her cheek. She whipped her mace around and smashed it against his shoulder, pinning him against the rock. With more force than necessary, she drove her foot into his back. The crunch of bones sent a satisfying thrill through her veins.

  She drew her dagger from her belt and slit the creature’s throat. It disintegrated into a pile of black sludge beneath her boot.

  Saar joined her on the rock and gave her a quick hug.

  “Thank you, my mate.” She kissed him. “Now, let’s turn these Ursus to our side.”

  He nodded. “I’ll do whatever I can to assist you.”

  Her heart constricted with love for him. His willingness to help bolstered her resolve. She gripped her whistle once again and blew. The shrill tone reverberated off the trees at the meadow’s edge. “Ursus warriors, listen to me. Put down your weapons. The Stiyaha are not your enemy.”

  Several Ursus close by glanced at her. A couple stopped their attack. One lowered his weapon.

  Their willingness to hear her kept Kaelyn’s hope alive. “Free will is your right. You have a choice in who is friend and who is foe. Trust me. I changed sides. So did Jacinth. Join us and fight your true enemy, the Gossum.”

  Saar placed his hand along Kaelyn’s waist. “Stiyaha warriors. Do not attack the Ursus! Repeat, do not attack the Ursus!”

  Several warriors stepped back, putting space between them and their Ursus opponents. Many still gripped their swords, but the blades pointed at the earth.

  Jacinth strode forward. He raised his fist in the air. “Through free will, I voluntarily chose to fight for Alora and follow Kaelyn, our true queen. You can, too. Who’s with me?”

  Other than the clanging of swords as a few Stiyaha warriors battled the Gossum, the meadow was eerily silent. Kaelyn peered into the eyes of her old friends, almost commanding them through sheer force of will to switch sides.

  “Alora and Queen Kaelyn.”

  “My goddess and my queen.”

  “I choose you and our goddess Alora.”

  The spoken words of her warriors filtered into Kaelyn’s ears. Her chest lightened, filling with hope. “Join us! Fight your true enemy, the Gossum.”

  Several cheers rang in the air. Ursus turned away from the Stiyaha opponents and attacked the nearest Gossum.

  “You did it!” Saar tugged Kaelyn close and planted a quick, powerful, possessive kiss on her mouth. “Now, let’s go kick some Gossum ass.”

  Kaelyn smiled and nodded. “Indeed, let’s.”


  G aetan stared at the sunstone in Mauree’s grasp. Roan’s Rock rose ominously at her back, the giant stone overshadowing the small group at its base. She studied the gem, and an evil smile tugged at her lip.

  Gaetan drew Nicole against him. There was no way Mauree would get close to his mate. A low growl rumbled in his chest.

  “You’re through, Mauree. Surrender while you still have time.” Noeh’s jaw tightened.

  Gaetan’s chest expanded even at their dire situation. By some miracle, Noeh and Melissa were alive.

  Mauree’s shrill laugh echoed above the battle’s din. “I look forward to seeing you die, once again.”


  Noeh pointed the tip of his sword at Mauree. “You can’t harm us inside Melissa’s shield, but you, I can kill.”

  Mauree’s eyes narrowed. “Oh, Noeh, that’s what you think.”

  A tendril of worry slid along Gaetan’s nerves. He held out his hand. “Mauree, don’t do this. Don’t—”

  Before he could finish, Mauree held up the blue sunstone. The gem glowed in her palm. With a quick flick, she extended her arm toward Melissa.

  Melissa’s shield expanded, growing in size.

  “Noeh…it hurts.” Melissa hissed and winced.

  “Mauree, stop!” Noeh commanded.

  The shimmer enclosed Mauree, continuing until it had expanded over Roan’s Rock.

  Melissa shook from the force.

  Tanen slid his dagger from his sheath and launched it at Mauree.

  She raised her hand then flicked her fingers.

  The blade swerved and embedded into the shield, held in mid-air from the force.

  Strained grunts burst from Noeh. The muscles in his arms quivered, but his sword remained upright in his arms.

  Gaetan tried to move his hand, his leg, any part of his body, but he, too, was immobile.

  “Now, let’s get down to business.” Mauree’s voice deepened and took on a sinister tone. She strode to Noeh and trailed a finger down the side of his face. A smile tugged at her lips. “You should’ve selected me as your mate.”

  “Never!” Noeh spat the words, a low growl rumbling in his chest.

  Mauree tsked. “Come now, it wouldn’t have been that bad. You always did enjoy my, well, that’s neither here nor there now, is it?”

  Her attention snapped between the three females. “Melissa, Sheri, Nikki, my little dears, come, join me at Roan’s Rock.” With a flick of her finger, the three proceeded toward the rock.

  “Stop, Mauree. This won’t feel like winning to you, I promise.” Gaetan kept his tone gentle, encouraging, but what he needed was to touch her so he could give her some of his calming energy.

  “Oh, but I can. You will all perish, and I will win this war for Zedron and claim my right as ruler over the humans.” She cackled as she strode toward Roan’s Rock, the blue sunstone in her palm.

  Melissa placed her hand against the boulder and the shield wavered, strengthening. Sheri’s fingers graced the surface, and a tendril of electricity crackled in the air. Nicole brought her palm toward the rough stone.

  Gaetan inhaled. “Fight it, Nicole. Concentrate on my love for you. Believe.”

  His mate paused, and her fingers trembled.

  Gaetan’s chest swelled. His markings, the ones for benevolence and empathy, burned on the back of his hand, darkening. “That’s it. Focus on me. Feel how much I love you.”

sp; “Gaetan…” Nicole cried out, but maintained her place, mere inches from Roan’s Rock.

  “Touch the boulder, now!” Mauree shook her hand. The blue sunstone sparked, and the ground beneath Roan’s Rock shook.

  Nicole inched closer to Gaetan, but she was still several steps away.

  “It’s working! Sheri, focus on me, try to come back.” Tanen’s excitement rippled through the space.

  “I…can’t.” Sheri’s heavy breaths eased from her mouth.

  Noeh cleared his throat. “Melissa—”

  She shook her head, a pained expression on her face.

  Gaetan exhaled. “It’s my benevolence and empathy marks. Only I can—”

  Mauree darted to him, her high heels sinking into the soft dirt. Her slap whipped his head to the side.

  His cheek stung, but Mauree had touched him. He needed her to do so again. “I forgive you, Mauree.”

  She choked out a laugh. “I don’t need your forgiveness, Gaetan.”

  “You crave forgiveness more than anything. Remember, I know all about guilt and blame. Forgive yourself, Mauree. It will free your soul.” He met her gaze, willing her to come to him.

  Her brow furrowed, the internal battle underway.

  He glanced at his open palm. “Give me the sunstone.”

  “No. No.” She backed away from him, her lip quivering.

  The glint of Noeh’s sword caught his attention. Mauree headed straight for the extended blade.

  Gaetan winced as her fate unfolded.

  Mauree stumbled over a rock in the path. She slipped, careening toward Noeh’s sword. The blade’s tip slid between her ribs. Flesh ripped.

  She stilled. Her mouth opened and closed. The blade’s tip protruded from her chest. She coughed, and blood oozed from her lips. “I almost…won. May you all…burn in the ether, the space…between space.”

  The blue sunstone slipped from her fingers. The spell broke. Everyone moved at once.

  Gaetan stepped forward and caught the precious gem in his palm.

  Noeh withdrew the sword and cradled Mauree in his arm.


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