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The Fall and Rise of Kade Hart: A Hart Brothers Novel

Page 14

by A. M. Hargrove

  A hearty laugh escapes and she says, “I don’t know why you don’t think my nun’s attire is appealing.”

  Engaging in her comment isn’t happening right now. Her body is perfect. Smooth lines, shapely legs, defined muscles, all wrapped in creamy flesh. Flesh I want to kiss, lick, bite. Control it, man. I need to stay in control here.

  “You’re perfect, Juliette.” When I touch her shoulder, I can’t fathom how silky her unblemished skin is. To my rough hands, it’s divine.

  My hand wraps around her slender neck as my thumb rubs her pulse point. I can detect her heartbeat speeding up as I lean in for a kiss. She tastes like mint and honey and I plunge my tongue in for more. The thing is, I want all of her at once, and I can’t have it. She’s like that chocolate milk shake you get on a hot summer’s day as a kid, and you suck it down so fast, because you can’t drink it slowly. That’s how I want Juliette. All at once. Every single bit of her.

  I reach behind her and grab her ass, lifting her up to my level. Her arms circle my neck and I catch her moans in my mouth. Fuck, she’s so hot. Her legs wrap around me and I walk us to the bed.

  “You good with this?” I need to know right now if she isn’t. “Your mixed signals are making me a little nutty. If this is okay, then fine, but if it’s not, tell me.”

  “Yes, it’s good. Very good.”

  “Why the change of heart?”

  “I don’t really know. Maybe I had to think about it for a minute. Maybe this is our only chance and we shouldn’t waste it. But I want to be with you, Kade.”

  Thank God. Now if I can only do this right.

  After I lay her down, I ask, “Tell me what you want.”

  “Kiss me down there.”

  Easy enough. I take her thighs and widen them, enough for my head to fit between them. And I do as she asks. I kiss and lick and do all the things that made her scream before. Then I ask her if she wants to come.


  Her pussy is drenched, sopping wet. I resume my activities on it and she tells me whether she needs it harder, softer, up, or down. I can tell when her thighs tense and her hands dig into my hair and pull it hard that her orgasm is imminent. But it’s heaven to hear her screaming my name. And she’s a screamer.

  I don’t give her time to come down. I want to be deep inside of her. Now. She lets me go and I make the move. But first I kiss her. My face is soaked from our combined fluids. I don’t care and I hope she doesn’t either. She kisses the hell out of me so I guess I have my answer.

  My guts tighten when I feel her hand on my dick, guiding me inside of her. Oh, God, give me strength. Don’t let this be another debacle.

  My first thrust is very slow. Achingly slow. She stretches around me and grips me fiercely. I move in and out, gently, so she can accommodate me. When I’m fully seated, I still.

  “Are you okay?” I hope the hell she is, because I’m dying here. This control thing is fucking me over.

  Her fingers trace my lips.

  “I’d be better if you’d actually fuck me, Kade.”

  Aw, hell. Why’d she have to say that?”

  “Juliette, I’m trying to…”

  She shuts me up with a kiss and tilt of her pelvis. Grinding herself against me, she grabs my ass. Her mouth releases mine and she says, “I know what you’re doing and relax. You’re not going to ruin this. Now fuck me properly.”

  My mouth goes dry. I feel like the new kid in the class and everyone is watching all my moves, evaluating, assessing. Fuck! Am I losing my erection? No! What the hell?

  Thrust. I pump into her like some out of control piston, and she says, “Whoa, slow down a bit, bronco.”

  Panting like a dog, I look at her and her eyes swallow me whole. In an instant, my tilted world resets itself and I’m rebooted. My body turns into fluid, becomes graceful even, as my coordination is fine-tuned. I now slide in an out with a precision that is almost calculated, slow but not too slow.

  Then her moans nail me, tear me to pieces, hit me like a hurricane of ecstasy. But her words are what make me soar, give me fucking wings. And I want to brand her somehow.

  “Kade, yes. Oh, God, more. Harder. Like that.”

  Fingers sink in and scratch my ass. Her tiny muscles grab and squeeze me, locking on to my dick in a spasm of pleasure and I know I can let go. I’ve given it to her so I can give in. I allow it to take me and let her drain me. But, shit, I pull out fast, almost forgetting that I’m not wearing a condom. My cock explodes all over the creamy skin of her belly and I watch in wonder as she takes me in her hand and empties me out. Then she rubs my cum all over her and me.

  “Are you real, Juliette?” I fall to my side next to her and pull her against me. We’re both pretty sticky, but she doesn’t seem to care. Maybe I should ask. “Does this bother you?”

  “No. Does it bother you?”

  I laugh. “My God. Are you kidding?”

  She shimmies on top of me and tugs at my lower lip with her teeth. “That was everything I dreamed it would be.”

  My hand brushes over my face. “God, I was so nervous I would fail you. I almost lost it there for a minute.”

  “Yeah you did, Bronco.”

  “Shit. Can we forget that ever happened?”

  “Not in a million years. I’ll never forget this moment. Ever.”

  “Maybe the bronco part?”

  “Huh uh. I kinda liked you bucking it up like that. Matter of fact,” her voice gets all singsongy her and I have a bad feeling about this, “this is going to be my new nickname for you.”



  “Well, it is kinda studly.”

  “Hey, don’t get too cocky on me.”

  I feel myself getting hard and she does, too.

  “Say what?” I ask.

  She slides off me and moves to take me in her mouth. She has no compunctions or misgivings about it. The fact that I’m a mess doesn’t deter her at all. I’m liquid in her hands, unable to protest or do anything to stop her. But when I get too aroused, I ask her to let me go. I want us to have sex again.

  “I want to be inside you again. Your mouth is perfect, but your pussy is like nothing I’ve known before.”

  When she straddles me, I don’t hide my shock. And when she impales herself, she takes every coherent thought away. I’d love nothing more than to slip inside the beauty of her soul and never leave. Her hips pick up a rhythm, rocking back and forth, and I tease her nipples, tugging and twisting them. Her back arches as she flushes and her hand reaches between my legs and grabs my sac. What the hell?

  Before I know what I’m doing, I sit up and hold her close to me, pumping her up and down. I need to tease her clit, so that’s what I do. Her head drops back and she exposes her neck to me. Oh damn. That’s beauty right there. A perfect creamy column that begs to be kissed. But I can do that later. Right now, my finger finds her core and I make sure she has the ultimate pleasure.

  “Kade, yes. There. Right there.”

  Her fingers grab my shoulders and she grinds against my hand rocking her pelvis into me.

  “Don’t stop. Don’t stop. I’m there.”

  And she screams my name. God, how I love it when she does that. That pushes me right over my edge. And I fall back, with her on top.

  She lifts her head and says with a smirk, “Maybe we both should be called Bronco.”

  I like how this girl thinks.



  Though it’s terrible to say or think, I don’t want to go back to the convent. Every second that ticks away sends me closer and closer to my departure and it’s eating away at me like acid. But I have to go. There is no other choice. Kade’s offer isn’t an option. I’ll do what I have to do and see what happens. This blizzard has been a gift and I’ll treasure it forever.

  “The plows are coming through. I could hear them in the distance when I was out on the porch,” Kade says.

  “It was only a matter of time.”

  Ethel rubs against my legs so I pick her up and nuzzle her. I’m going to miss not having her around all the time. But I’m really going to miss not sleeping with Kade.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?” he asks.

  “The greatest night of my life.”

  “Don’t go.”

  Two small words but they have such huge implications.

  Shaking my head I say, “Stop doing this. It only makes it harder.” His house phone rings, which is a good thing I suppose. He leaves to answer it and when he returns, his expression is grim.

  “I don’t know how you tolerate her,” he says.

  “Sister Helena, I take it.”

  “She demanded I return you immediately.”

  His posture is stiff and unyielding. He really can’t deal with her.

  “It’s okay.”

  “Juliette, she doesn’t give a damn about you. I explained that the plows are making their way here and as soon as the roads are cleared, you’ll be on the way. Do you know what she said?”

  “Not a clue.”

  “That you are to walk home immediately,” he huffs. “I told her that would happen over my dead body. You will not be walking anywhere. And don’t be angry, but I told her she was derelict in her duties because your coat and boots were completely inadequate for Colorado winters. That shut her up.”

  What Kade doesn’t realize is that Sister Helena is going to make me pay. It’ll be in the form of more duties at the convent or something else. I just hope she doesn’t take away my ability to volunteer at the animal shelter. I decide not to share this tidbit with him and only chuckle.

  “Thank you for being my knight in shining armor.”

  “I’m only being practical.”

  The rumbling of the snowplows has us looking out the front windows. It takes them several passes before the road is cleared, but it leaves mountains of snow on either side.

  “Um, Kade, how are we going to get through that mountain?”

  “First, I’m going to snow blow the driveway and then I’m going to dig us out. It will take a while, so make yourself comfortable.”

  He’s right. His truck couldn’t get through that barrier even at full throttle.

  “Let me help. Together we can get it done faster.”

  “No. I’m not risking you getting frozen again. Your clothing isn’t warm enough. And don’t argue with me.”

  I decide to sit and play with Ethel while he works. It takes him several hours, but he does clear enough of a path for his truck to get through. When he comes in, he looks beat.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I just need some hydration.”

  I follow him into the kitchen where he guzzles down several glasses of water. I don’t know why I didn’t think of taking any out to him.

  He sets his glass down and surprises me by pulling me towards him and kissing me. He tastes of mint and smells of frost and heat. My fingers have a mind of their own around him. Diving under the curtain of clothing that covers his torso, they cruise over his taut muscles, learning every crest and vale of him. I want to memorize him, study him like a blind person reads braille, so my fingertips can burn with the recollection of him. If this is all I’ll ever have of Kade, then I need to make the most of it.

  My body is hitched against his as the kiss deepens. Instead of letting me go, he only holds me tighter. My fingers sink into the muscles of his back. I have this need to be a part of this man … slip into his body and wrap my essence around his … flow through his veins like heat and fire. Why is that? What has happened to me? Is it the sex? I’ve had sex before and didn’t feel this way. It’s like he’s tethered my molecules and drawn them out of my body, turning them into electricity and making me burn all over.

  “Jesus, Juliette. What are you doing to me? I can’t think straight when I’m kissing you.”

  He stole my thoughts again. His body, his touch, his words have made my soul unfold and reshape like a chrysalis, morphing into something beautiful and lovely. I haven’t felt this way in so long. He makes me feel like I can taste the sunshine on my tongue.

  “Don’t you know? Don’t you know that you do the same to me?”

  “How did this happen?”

  I can only laugh at his question. “That’s what I’m asking myself.”

  “Promise me you’ll let me get you a phone.”

  “I promise I’ll think about it. I’ve been afraid to because I was afraid it would lead them to me.”

  “I knew there was another reason. But I don’t think you need to worry about that. I’m going to give you a key to the house and the code to the security system. You should have one in case I’m late and you have Ethel duties anyway.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course I’m sure.”

  “Okay.” It makes perfect sense. If something were to happen, I feel much better knowing someone else has access to Ethel. “And I will think about the phone, but I may have to hide it from Sister Helena.”


  “Because she doesn’t think I need one. And neither do I.”

  “You didn’t before, but you do now.” He glares pointedly at me. “I don’t intend for this to be the end of us.”

  “What if they can track me if I have one?”

  “Okay, fair point. Don’t you think with all the ability they have, they would’ve found you? I think your shadows are preventing that. And I still would feel safer if you had one. And like I said before, this isn’t the end for us, it’s only the beginning.”

  He’s right. I can’t in good conscience become a nun. That’s absurd, knowing how I feel about him. Even if I’m not emotionally attached, which I’m not sure what I am at this point, I’ve had sex and feel something. But I have to ask it.

  “So, Kade, you sure this wasn’t just a fling for you? You know, because of the circumstances?”

  His body tenses as his voice rises. “What? Fuck no, it wasn’t a damn fling. Was it for you?”

  “Not at all. But I had to ask.”

  “You’ve asked and I answered.”

  “I still have to go back.”

  “I know, but I don’t like it. Think about the phone, will you? For me?”

  “Yeah. If I can come up with a good hiding place for it, I will.”

  “Your pocket? Does she really have that much control over you?”

  “Unfortunately, yes.”

  He’s not happy. I grab my things together and we put Ethel in her crate after taking her out, and make our way to the truck.

  “I feel like I’m going on an adventure,” I say.

  “I feel like I’m sending you to the wolf. The she-wolf.”

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  “You have the key and the code?”

  “Sure do.”

  After giving me one long, hard, look, he puts the truck in reverse, and backs out of the driveway.

  “One thing I hate about this truck is I wish it fit in my garage. I wouldn’t have to clean the snow and frost off every morning.”

  We make casual talk all the way back to the convent. Some roads are still thick with snow and Kade has to find alternate routes to take. Eventually, he pulls up to the church. The parking lot is unplowed and the street leading to the convent entrance is not drivable.

  “I guess I’ll walk from here.”

  An arm reaches across me and grabs my hand, preventing me from opening the door. “Like hell you will. Look at how deep the snow is. Your boots are inadequate to get you there. If you insist on going, I’m carrying you.”

  My mouth opens to protest, but he’s out of the car before I can utter a word. My door swings open and he tells me to stand on the running board. He turns around and says, “Hop aboard.”

  “Kade, I feel foolish.”

  “I don’t give a damn. Your feet and legs will be dry and unfrozen when I get you there.”

  He carries me as though I weigh nothing.

  “Am I not heav
y?” I ask.

  He laughs. “You’re not serious, are you?”

  “Uh, yeah. I don’t want to weigh you down.”

  “Hell, Juliette, you weigh as much as Ethel.”

  My chest tightens when he uses my real name. “You can’t call me that. Ever. Not here or anywhere other than your house.”

  He stops. His body moves with the motion of his breathing. “You’re right. I didn’t think. Emmalia.” He picks up his pace again, pushing through the drifts and piles of thick snow. When the convent comes into view, his body stiffens. Mine does, too. It’s a dismal place, gray and dank inside, with no love to warm me, or arms to wrap around me. I’m instantly chilled to the bone.

  “You okay?” he asks.


  “Having second thoughts?”

  “Not second thoughts. Just not very happy ones about returning.”

  “Then come up with something fast about how you decided this wasn’t the life for you. Don’t make us wait too long.”

  His words circulate around my brain, making me question coming back here at all. Why did I do this? Was this even wise? I could’ve stayed with Kade and cut my ties completely. But no, that wouldn’t have been the right thing to do. That’s not how I was raised. I would not have been proud of my actions.

  The door looms before us, dark, heavy, and foreboding. My belly aches with dread. Sister Helena is going to be her nastiest to me and I’m going to have put on my best face. When we reach the porch, the door swings open and there she stands, her face pinched with anger.

  “Mr. Hart, what in the name of God do you think you’re doing with Emmalia?”

  “Carrying her of course.”

  “Put her down immediately!”

  I’ve never seen Sister Helena in such a state. “He was only doing this because …”

  “I don’t care to hear any explanations from you, Emmalia. Go to your room at once.” She speaks to me like an errant child and resentment builds.

  “Wait one minute, please, Emmalia. You will hear it because I’m going to tell you. The reason I was carrying her is because the snow was too deep for her to walk through in her inadequate clothing. Feel her coat, her pants.” He grabs my arm and puts it in her hand. “They are unsuitable for this weather, as are her boots. You may choose to wear those things, Sister Helena, but this borders on abuse. I’m going directly to Father Anthony when I leave here to inform him of this. Good day.” And he stomps out the door, mad as hell.


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