Bump in the Night

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  The creature ruthlessly stimulated my overtaxed dick. I mewled brokenly as my nerves danced a painful jig, and I choked around the tentacle fucking my throat. My hands and legs twitched in weak protest. The beast didn’t let up, but it took a lot longer to stroke and suck my cock back to rock-hard attention. I sobbed when I came again and yelped in helpless agony as the tentacles at my vulnerable balls crushed them, eventually blacking out from the pain.

  When I came around again, I groaned in spite of the tentacle jammed in my mouth. The monster had folded me in half, shoving my spread knees high against my chest to tip my ass up and split my crack wide to expose my vulnerable asshole. A tentacle delicately circled my virgin opening, slicking me with cool but thick wetness.

  Panic shot my sluggish brain into overdrive. The tip licked at my asshole, making me tremble in equal measures terror and humiliating arousal. I didn’t want that thing fucking into me.

  I twisted and contorted as much as I could for shamefully brief seconds before the creature roughly vised around my dick, stealing my breath. I froze in shocked agony, but the moment I did, the beast’s pressure released. The slim tip of the tentacle at my asshole also forced its way into me.

  Astonishingly, the entry didn’t hurt. My body had collapsed, every muscle easing, as soon as the creature had released its punishing grip on my cock, so my hole opened to the stabbing tentacle. It wriggled inside my ass, licking my chute. When I stiffened at the sensory overload of pleasure, the beast punished my poor dick again. I screamed in spite of the tentacle gagging me. The tentacle in my ass fucked in and out despite my agonized cries—not deeply, just an inch or so, but enough to prove the creature didn’t care if I liked this or not. After excruciating seconds that felt like decades, the creature let up the pressure on my sorely abused cock and undulated, massaging my hurting dick instead.

  I instantly relaxed my taut muscles and was rewarded with a few more inches of tentacle stuffed into my ass. Even with my body loose, the stretch of my hole widening around the rapidly thickening root shoving into me hurt, but I made myself accept it. I couldn’t take another punishing squeeze around my cock, and the beast would fuck me either way. Was, in fact, already fucking my ass. No matter how much the creature demanded my ring open for it, I vowed I wouldn’t tense again. I’d ride that tentacle in my ass as much as the monster wanted. Anything to avoid the pain on my tormented dick.

  The beast fucked me, in and out, scraping my insides as it slicked my ass and spread me wide. The slime dripping from the suckers dripped down my crack, cool and uncomfortable. The coldness of the tentacle in my bowels cramped my stomach, but it twisted and squirmed inside me, finally finding my prostate. I groaned at the jolt of pleasure that sizzled up my spine at that first accidental rub. The beast shot another burst of fluid into my mouth and immediately angled every thrust to massage my prostate.

  The drugging fluid worked its magic. Soon, I was bucking my hips, my smarting cock hard as cement and leaking pre-cum as I fought toward another orgasm by taking the tentacle deeper into my body. The creature eagerly complied, stuffing more of its length into my tight ass. My ring burned hideously. No matter how much liquid the tentacle leaked into my guts to slick the way, my untrained sphincter struggled to accept all of it inside me. I moaned in pain, in horror, and in pleasure. The tentacle pumped deeper into me, harder, rocking my torso with each thrust. At least the tentacle was warming inside my body. It still felt cold, still cramped my belly, but not as fiercely as before.

  I sucked urgently at the tentacle in my mouth, hoping to God that if I drank enough of the beast’s slime it’d knock me out. My heart pounded wildly as the monster shoved more of the tentacle into my asshole. I’d never had anything in my ass, so I couldn’t be sure how much was fucking in and out of me, but it must have been at least the length of my dick. No matter how humiliating this was, I reasoned that the sex wouldn’t damage me if I relaxed and let the creature fuck me. Gay guys did this all the time. Nobody died from it. What scared the shit out of me, though, was the girth. The slender tip I felt licking into my guts was manageable, but the root spread my hole twice as wide as any human dick and was getting wider with each extra inch pushed into my body. I knew gay men took fists into their asses, but they were experienced. I was a virgin. I’d tear.

  What if the creature never stopped? What if it kept shoving its tentacle up my ass until my guts ruptured?

  Wild with fear, I forced myself to submit, relax and accept as the unseen monster fucked still more of the tentacle into me. How much was inside my ass now? Ten inches? Twelve? I gulped at the length stuffed into my mouth, grateful the doping fluid sedated me as my hole stretched obscenely. I especially appreciated the constant drumming against my prostate, setting off explosions of raw pleasure in my ravaged ass. I took comfort in these things. The beast would have me, use me, fuck me. There was no stopping that, but the drugging syrup pouring down my throat and the stubborn attention to my prostate suggested the creature wanted me to enjoy the experience as much as I could. The glorious stroking on my hypersensitive cock did too. The slimy beast would fuck me, yes, but it’d make me come in trade.

  I grunted in hopeless arousal as another few inches worked into my ass and my abdomen swelled against the tentacles fondling my poor, tingling dick. My hole didn’t hurt anymore. The graduating thickness seemed to have maxed out and the regular flood of fluid made me slippery, inside and out. My ass had opened for it. Loud, resonating noises rushed from my hole like a wartime cannonade when the beast withdrew the tentacle before plunging into me again, the sounds of my brutal fucking readily drowning out my feeble cries as my orgasm built and built.

  I screamed, my ass clamping down on the tentacle fucking me open when the tip of my dick exploded with semen. My teeth clamped down on the tentacle in my mouth. A flood of thick fluid erupted from the tentacle gagging me as my senses spiraled and my dick spit.

  I coughed at the excess of liquid, swallowing as best as I could while more poured from the tight seal of my lips to stream down my chin and wet my neck.

  I saw stars.

  The creature wrung my body dry.

  Head swirling, I finally collapsed.

  The beast massaged my balls, making sure it’d robbed as much of my semen from me as I could possibly give and then, remarkably, the tentacles withdrew from my mouth and my ass both. The tentacles securing my arms and legs didn’t loosen, but at least I could breathe freely. My broken, panting whimpers echoed in the sudden quiet. I sobbed plaintively, my ass feeling so unbearably and cavernously empty after having been crammed full. The hollow inside me hurt even more than the filling had.

  I needn’t have grieved, though, because the tentacle at my ass returned, not with the gentle slender tip I’d expected, but with a huge, rounded end. The silky, semirigid surface, smooth where the tentacles were unevenly pebbled, pressed to my gaping asshole, but even after the ruthless stretching to prepare me, the object wouldn’t pop inside. Several tentacles licked my ass cheeks, rubbing, urging me to relax and accept the intensifying pressure against my hole. Still more tentacles slid into my ring to pry my hole wider.

  “Please. No,” I moaned, voice hoarse from my fucked-out throat. The object compressed and began to squeeze into my ass. Whatever it was, I didn’t want it inside me. My ass throbbed dully already, but the pain was manageable. It wouldn’t be if the creature demanded more of my sorely abused body, and my muzzy brain didn’t want to puzzle out what was being persistently shoved into me, either. “No,” I begged, but the creature pushed more into my ass. My muscles burned as my ass expanded to accommodate more and still more of the squished object being inserted into me. When I knew begging wouldn’t make any difference, I begged for the return of the drugging tentacle in my mouth. “Please. So thirsty. Need it,” I panted, but the creature ignored me.

  With a shocking snap, my ring closed around the object the beast had worked into my hole. The breath whooshed from my lungs in relief, but only temporarily, because
a tentacle followed the object, nudging it deeper and deeper into me. My dick jerked as the object rubbed over my prostate, and I whined. The journey up my ass wasn’t over, though. The tentacle pushed it so far into me that my stomach bloated and my belly cramped.

  Then the tentacle slithered from my hole, leaving the object lodged in my guts.

  “Oh, thank God,” I wept, gagging on a mixture of bile and the fluid already fed into my stomach at the thought of what, exactly, the creature had planted in my ass.

  My relief was short-lived, however, because the tentacle returned with a second object, then a third. All were gently worked into my shaking, exhausted body despite my hysterical pleading and my weak, grief-stricken cries. The pain increased as more and more space in my abdomen was seized by the objects forced into my rectum.

  Finally, stomach obscenely swollen, I passed out.

  “C’mon, dude. Cooperate. Hold on to me,” Keith’s voiced whispered in my ear, sounding far away as my groggy senses spun blearily. I blinked him into focus, his brown eyes sparkling with excitement as the autumn wind rustled his blond hair. I winced at the bright light of the sun overhead. “Just a few more yards,” he said. “Don’t let go.”


  My muscles were like glue, my entire body sore and depleted, but I dug my fingers around his neck as he lifted me and stumbled toward a cart attached to an ATV. I wanted to be embarrassed at my nudity and the itchy layer of dried semen and slime that flaked from my skin. I couldn’t help the shame that bloomed inside me at the hard, swollen knot that bloated my tender abdomen and I gasped at the shower of liquid that poured from my loose asshole as he carried me. “It’s okay, Danny. You’re going to be fine,” Keith said, gently lowering me into the cart. I whimpered my gratitude as he covered my shivering, violated body with thick blankets. “Just need to warm you so you don’t miscarry the eggs.”

  I tunneled into the cocoon of blankets, squirming in spite of the chorus of protesting aches. Then my eyes flashed wide.


  Keith knew what had happened to me?

  “Wait here. Rest. I’ll have medicines for you once we reach the lab, but I need to sanitize your campsite first.”

  Sanitize? “The monster—”

  “I know you have a lot of questions. As your doctor and your friend, I’m asking you for patience.” His gaze flickered over his shoulder. “The cephalopod bred you, no doubt of that, but I won’t know how many eggs it implanted inside you to incubate until I can run tests at the lab.” His face paled waxy white. “It may not have finished mating. The longer we stay here, the greater the risk that the cephalopod will return to breed again.”

  I moaned in alarm. “P-lease,” I mumbled through numb lips. “Leave my stuff. Just g-go.”

  He shook his head. “This will only take a few minutes.”

  He vanished. The rustle and clang of my camping gear being quickly gathered together followed, and as my fright transformed to terror, I realized Keith hadn’t lied. He dumped my backpack and partially collapsed tent on top of me short minutes later, burying me under my camping equipment. “There. Nothing to show you were ever there. Don’t try to move. I’ll have you at the lab in no time.”

  He disappeared again and the engine of the ATV rumbled to life.

  I cried out in pain as the cart leapt forward, jarring my hurt body. Tree branches stripped of leaves sped by overhead, dark slashes against the cruelly bright blue sky. The ATV lurched on the hiking trail I’d selected what felt like lifetimes ago and darted to a wide path on the right used by four-wheelers around the lake. I hurt too much, cold and miserable, to pay attention to the unfamiliar tangle of paths. My ass spasmed at each hard jolt, my guts squeezing around the . . . the . . . eggs.

  I couldn’t wrap my mind around what had happened, no matter how stuffed full I felt or the uncomfortable mass swelling my abdomen, regardless of the vicious ache in my ass with each rocking bump of the cart.

  By the time Keith slowed to a halt and killed the engine, I no longer cared what the creature had done to me. My mind shied away, fearful of examining last night too closely. I only wanted relief—from the pain, from the terrible thirst that parched my throat. From my spinning head.

  Keith tossed the camping gear aside and, grabbing me by the biceps, he hauled me to my knees and dragged me from the cart. When his grip slipped, I slid to the leaf-strewn ground, unable to scrape together the strength to stand. My jellied legs wouldn’t support me. “Shit, sorry,” Keith muttered, pulling my loose-limbed body upright. He anchored an arm around my waist and guided me to the new addition I’d helped build onto his small log cabin a little over a year ago. “Feel sick? Like you need to throw up?”

  “What? No,” I murmured, barely able to hold my head up and keep my eyes open. I couldn’t think, couldn’t make sense of my surroundings or Keith’s abrupt appearance. My own body felt foreign to me. All I wanted was sleep.

  “Any sharp, stabbing pains in the stomach?” Keith asked, tapping a security system keypad beside the lab’s solid metal door.

  “Throat hurts,” I rasped.

  “Don’t talk. Nod your head. Does your stomach hurt?”

  He flicked a light switch as he muscled me into the building. My arms had turned to spaghetti. I couldn’t even hold onto him anymore. I shivered from the cold, but trembled from weakness too as he maneuvered me inside and into his gleaming white lab. “Cramps, Danny? Are you experiencing any cramps?”

  I shook my head as he boosted me atop an examination table. I lolled, nearly sliding to the floor. “Don’t panic, but I need to strap you to the table. The cephalopod’s poison efficiently sedates prey for incubation. You won’t regain muscle control for a while. I can’t risk you rolling off the table and damaging the eggs.”

  I moaned, drowsy and confused. “Don’t tie me.”

  Keith listened to me about as much as the monster had. He lifted my weak legs into metal stirrups and buckled them into braces that raised my spread thighs into the air. Sturdy leather straps anchored my waist, chest, and even my neck to the table. I struggled when he shifted my arm to another brace, but my muscle jittered, wasted. “I’ll cover you with a blanket as soon as this is done. You’ll be toasty warm, I promise.”

  Like I could fight him?

  After the ruin the beast had made of me, I couldn’t fight off a butterfly.

  Keith strapped me down and, as he’d sworn, unfolded a yellow knit blanket over my swollen stomach, tucking the top edge under my chin after laying the soft fabric over my shaky arms. Though he tented the blanket over my upraised legs in the stirrups, air chilled my raw, exposed butthole. “I need to check your ass.”

  He sat on a wheeled stool and plunked a headlamp over his blond hair. I shifted under the blanket, more embarrassed and nervous than I’d ever been in my life as Keith ducked behind the blanket draping my raised knees.

  As he snapped on surgical gloves, the heat from the headlamp warmed the sensitive skin around my wrecked asshole. “Good. Very good. No significant tearing.”


  “You’re red, irritated, maybe a couple minor breaks in the skin, but that’s normal. You’ll heal in plenty of time.” He reached around my blanketed thigh and palpated my swollen stomach. I groaned as a gush of fluid sprayed from my hole. “Retaining too much seminal fluid, though. You’re riding on the sedative toxin the cephalopod produces while mating, which is why I can’t give you painkillers yet. The venom is extremely addictive and can alter the balance of your brain’s chemistry with high, frequent doses. This needs to come out.” He stood and kicked the stool away to stand at my side. Both palms covered the grotesque bulge of my belly. “Yell if you need to.”

  He pushed down.

  I shrieked.

  Liquid gushed from my ruined hole.

  He pressed again, grimacing when I shouted in bewildered pain. “Go ahead and scream. You’ll feel better once the seminal fluid used to grease your ass has drained. The eggs will anchor more co
mfortably inside your colon then and you’ll hardly notice them until the infants are heavy enough to drop into your rectum.”

  I didn’t know what the hell he was talking about and didn’t care. My entire focus narrowed to the liquid pouring from my stinging asshole and the discomfort of those eggs shifting inside me. They rolled like softballs, scrambling my guts. Already poked, prodded, and abused by the sinister tentacle assault, I was far to tender to take this like a man. I shrieked and cried, but Keith was right. By the time the fluid streaming from my tenderized butthole had slowed to a trickle, the swelling of my abdomen had shrunk to only a slight bump. The sense of overwhelming fullness had slackened. Aside from the discernible lump and the dull soreness, my belly felt almost like it had before the monster had fucked me.

  Keith smiled. “Better?”

  I blew out a protracted breath. “Yeah.”

  “Thought so.” He chuckled. “You screamed the whole time, despite the tentacle gagging you, and undoubtedly tore your vocal cords. Remember to nod to answer questions. No talking, and that’s no joke. Resting your voice is your best and only shot at preventing permanent damage to your throat.”

  Shrill alarm swam up from my weak lethargy.

  He’d heard my screams and hadn’t helped?

  “Now that you’re more comfortable, I’ll finish checking your ass.” He patted my blanketed shoulder, the traitor, and smiled reassuringly. “Try to relax.”

  He bent behind the blanket again, perched on the stool, and the heat bathing my asshole returned. I sucked in a breath when his finger swabbed my opening with warm gel. “This is a blend of antibiotics and a special herbal cream that I’ll need to keep reapplying to help you heal. Also makes a great lubricant.” I released the air from my lungs in a pained gasp as he pushed a finger inside, smearing the goop into my tormented asshole. “Internal and external use. The good news is the cephalopod’s mating tentacles have no hooks, barbs, or ridges. The bad news is your rectum can perforate from being overfilled, which is exactly what the cephalopod needs to do in order to force the eggs into your colon.” He fingered me, tunneling deeper into my ass before slipping a second finger into my overstretched hole. He spread more goop inside me, making me squirm in spite of the restraints. Humiliation flared bright because my dick lengthened, beginning to rise from the bump of my belly. “Let’s see if your plumbing still works.”


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