Bump in the Night

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  He stroked my prostate and I moaned piteously at the now familiar burst of unwanted pleasure. “No. Please,” I rasped, voice scratchy.

  “No talking.” He massaged my gland anyway. “I can milk your semen from your prostate without allowing you to achieve orgasm to ensure the cephalopod didn’t injure your reproductive organs, but why not enjoy this? I don’t mind bringing you off.” He leaned to stare at me around the curtain of the yellow blanket when my exhausted muscles managed to stiffen in protest. “Would you rather I milk you?”

  I nodded, vigorously.


  Instead of the good, knee-jellying strokes that made my balls tingle, the fingers at my prostate gentled, palpating without stimulating me too much. Keith was wrong. I was enjoying this too, a soft buzz of pleasure to ride on instead of a reckless race. Soon enough, my dick leaked a steady stream of semen onto the slight bulge of my belly, wetting the blanket.

  “Spilling yet?”

  “Yeah,” I said, breathing hard as my cum trickled down the swell of my stomach.

  “Good. The cephalopod didn’t damage you.” He emptied my balls clinically, but embarrassment still burned my face because . . . my best friend had his fingers jammed into my destroyed ass and was milking my cock. He popped up, fingers still in my ass, to study the wet circle of semen soaking the blanket. “Almost done.”

  When the stream from my dick dried up, Keith added more goo to my ass. “This might be a little uncomfortable. I need to check the position of the eggs.” He placed one hand on the blanket covering my sloppy stomach, slick with my cum, the other still buried in my hole. “Deep breaths.”

  I gaped as my ass stretched for his third and fourth fingers. He stroked my stomach. “One more.” I closed my eyes, willing my body to be still, to accept just as I’d accepted the tentacles into my ass last night. Keith had secured me tightly. I couldn’t stop him. At least the monster had stretched my ass so wide that this didn’t hurt. I groaned while my ass readily swallowed his fist. “Knew you could take my hand. After getting fucked by that beast, accepting a fist is no problem. Be as still as you can.”

  He inched his clenched hand inside me, stealing my breath and making my ears ring. Stars danced in front of my eyes.

  “Feel good?”

  I shook my head, but the truth was, if he hadn’t drained my balls moments ago, my cock would be granite hard and begging for attention. Having my ass filled after waking with it empty felt that good.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. The creature’s seminal fluids didn’t just sedate you to be bred once. The creature doped you, both orally and rectally, to draw you to it as its mate. Your body is hypersensitive and you’re more receptive to sex right now. The changes in your brain have already begun to take effect, too, but it’s only temporary, Danny, I promise.” He uncurled his fingers in my ass and twisted them. My eyes flashed wide at the sensations rocking through me. Dizzying. Powerfully intense. The heel of his hand massaged my gland, pressing more insistently this time. “Strong cravings for the creature require frequent exposure, and I’ll strictly limit the cephalopod’s access to you.”

  He gently pushed down on my stomach, fingers tracing small ridges and grooves on the lump of my abdomen through the thin blanket while his hand inside my ass manipulated the bumpy swells from the inside. My body flushed hot, sweat gathering on my forehead as I focused on riding out the discomfort as best I could. Keith’s eyebrow arched as he flashed a glance at me. “Beginner’s luck. The first egg is in prime position.” His touch on my stomach shifted. “I’m counting three, all faintly pulsing, which means they’re still alive. As the fetuses grow, you’ll feel the vibrations inside you. You’re just too exhausted and doped on the creature’s venom to notice it now. Any time you feel that pulse fade, I need to know, though. I already lost my first lab assistant when a miscarried egg went septic. I won’t lose another test subject like that. You’re too hard to come by.”

  The horror of what he’d done, how Keith had manipulated and arranged my assault and impregnation by the monster in the lake, crashed over me in spite of the drugging slime I’d consumed last night. The first guy he’d hired, too. Dead. I shuddered, my skin clammy and cold in spite of the sunny yellow blanket. “Why?” I croaked.

  “Do you want to permanently damage your vocal chords? Shut up, Danny. Or I’ll gag you, and I guarantee you will like what I put in your mouth to keep you quiet a lot less than you liked the cephalopod’s tentacle.” He eased his hand from my ass, leaving my hole gaping. He petted my belly. “Excuse me while I fetch your plug.”

  I stayed silent. I hated myself for the weakness, but my strength was gone, stripped away along with my virginity. And my dignity. I’d been a fucktoy for the monster in the lake all night. I was now Keith’s prisoner, apparently his medical experiment.

  When he returned, he painted an obscene rubber dong two inches wide and at least nine inches long with the ointment he’d greased my ass with. “This will keep you stretched and loose. Protects the eggs while retaining my ease of access for exams to monitor the incubation.” I grunted when he worked it into my hole; taking that toy wasn’t as difficult as taking the tentacles or the eggs into my rectum, though it was a near thing. “Unfortunately, after ten days with this inside you, the elasticity of your asshole will be shot. Good thing you aren’t gay.” He withdrew a black plastic rectangle with a yellow button at its center from his lab coat and pressed it into my palm. “Remote control. You can set it on vibrate after I do the ultrasound of your colon. In the wild, the cephalopod would stimulate the eggs with frequent, regular sex, but since I’m limiting the creature’s access to you, we need to improvise.” He punched the button and I grunted as the toy buried in my ass buzzed to life. “Thumb the switch on the right edge to maximum and you’ll enjoy the week and a half the eggs borrow your colon in high style.” He patted my ridiculously stiffening dick. “Try not to think of it as being a slut, and I won’t remark on how often you come other than recording the emissions in your chart.”

  I glared and pressed the yellow button to turn the toy off, despite liking the quiver in my innards. Maybe Keith was right and I was a slut. Perhaps the monster in the lake had trained me to enjoy my ass being stuffed and my dick had learned to harden and spit semen whenever my hole was stretched. Nothing about that demanded that I like it, though.

  “Don’t make this harder on yourself.” Keith turned to muscle an ultrasound machine into place near my hip. “Turn that on when I’m finished or you’ll be sorry.”

  I snorted. Fucked to within an inch of my sanity by tentacles that shoved monster eggs deep into my guts, and Keith thought he could make me sorry? Doubtful.

  Within minutes, he skated a wand attachment over my belly bump, tilting the monitor so I could see, too. “Look.” He pointed to a thin white line with a tangle of white inside it, then to another and still another. “Three eggs.”

  I gaped at the evidence that the monster had knocked me up. My balls shriveled, trying to crawl up inside my body. My stomach rolled with nausea. “Get them out of me! Get them out!”

  Keith scowled. “And ruin my research? You’ll be famous, Danny. Biologists worldwide will be desperate to interview and study you. You’re saving an important species from extinction! You’ve bitched for months about Trisha and losing your job. Here’s your chance to be wanted, needed, and useful again.”

  “Fuck you,” I groaned, weakly squirming as much as the restraints would allow me on the exam table. “Untie me, man. Let me go.”

  “Hey,” he said, voice warming. “Don’t be afraid of the birth. It’s not like human labor and delivery. For one, the incubation is a lot shorter, just ten days. So we’re only talking about a couple weeks of your life. It’s less dangerous than human births, too. I saw my first lab assistant through an entire incubation and he handled delivery without any trouble. He didn’t die until the second time. The babies didn’t survive either implantation, but I learned from those mistakes. I know what
I’m doing now. The fetuses feed off the amniotic fluid inside the egg sack, not on you, so incubation doesn’t physically hurt you at all, barring minor discomfort as your abdomen stretches to make room for the embryos. They’ll slide down your rectum when they’re ready to be born, so all you’ll have to do is shit out the remains of the eggs.” He grinned. “Delivery is so effortless and painless, my first lab assistant was healthy enough to be bred again immediately afterward.”

  Oh God.

  My jaw dropped as the mindless fog clouding my brain briefly lifted.

  Keith was insane.

  This wasn’t a one-time deal. If I bred these eggs, if I lived through it, Keith would continue breeding me to that . . . that . . . thing. He’d keep my ass filled with eggs and tentacles until I dropped dead.

  I was his prisoner and his lab rat.

  “Punch the button on the remote of the toy in your ass, Danny,” Keith said with a travesty of a smile that made my nuts shrivel. “Prove to me that you’ll cooperate and your pregnancy will be better than anything you ever had with any woman, better than your hottest wet dream.”

  “No,” I gasped, throwing the remote in my hand as far from me as I could.

  Keith’s brows furrowed as he glowered at me. Pivoting, he stomped to the remote, where it had clattered among cords behind machinery I couldn’t bear thinking about and, glaring at me, he pushed the yellow button.

  I whined as the toy in my ravaged ass woke, the vibrations mercilessly tingling. “No, please! Don’t—”

  “The eggs need constant stimulation, Danny. Or they’ll die, which means you’ll die. I would’ve preferred cooperation, but you’re going to incubate those eggs whether you like it or not,” Keith snapped and thumbed a button along the remote’s edge. My toes curled in the stirrups and my hands fisted as the wicked pleasure in my ass intensified. He grunted as my spine bowed up from the table to press against the restraints and then chuckled as my wanton hips began to thrust. “You’ll be paid handsomely, as soon as I win the research grants to continue my studies.”

  I clenched my teeth, moaning as my traitorous cock throbbed, priming for the release building in my balls.

  Keith rolled the machine away and dabbed my stomach clean before tugging the blanket back over my body, ignoring my writhing, thrusting, and trembling. “I’ll run your IV now. You’ll be fed intravenously while you’re incubating to keep your stools watery enough to pass through the small gaps between the eggs in your colon. Plus, it’s more convenient to drug uncooperative breeders so they don’t struggle. Don’t worry. Any resulting addiction to the IV sedative will be very mild and a lot easier to kick than your addiction to the cephalopod’s seminal fluids after it returns to dope you and check its eggs inside you every night. The ten days will pass quickly, at least. You won’t remember any of it.”

  I shook my head. “No! I’ll be good. I’ll do everything you tell me. I’ll—”

  “—sleep until the cephalopod returns to deliver its offspring,” he said, holding my arm steady to insert the needle. “A month of your life, Danny. That’s all I need. Two successful incubations and live births.” He ran the IV line and hung the bag on a pole he fastened to the gyno table I’d been bound to. “I’ll even help you detox and rehab from the cephalopod’s venom when we’re through. God knows if I don’t, you’ll be at the lake, begging the animal to fuck you just to get your fix.” He removed a syringe from his lab coat and injected it into my IV line. “Nighty night, man. See you on the other side.”

  The world faded to black.

  I groggily lifted my head until pressure at my neck halted me. Shivering in the cold, I fought to pry my eyelids apart.

  “Relax, Danny. Don’t move. Stay calm.”

  Calm? Why wouldn’t I be calm?

  When I tried to move my hand to scratch the itch at my nose, I discovered that both my arms and legs had been bound to a steel frame that positioned me on all fours, judging by the press of metal against my skin. My teeth chattered at the cold air that whispered over my nude body.

  “I’ve been wheeling you out here every night so the cephalopod could check its eggs and feed more of its seminal fluids into you to keep you docile while it bonded with its offspring. Gives you and the babies a better chance at surviving delivery. I believe the cephalopod has grown rather fond of you. I have absolute confidence that it will fuck you to within an inch of your sanity and breed you again as soon as you’ve delivered.”

  My head snapped up, eyes opening to search the pitch black.


  The monster in the lake.

  Tentacles fucking me.

  The eggs in my ass.

  All of it came crashing back. Even drugged and weak, I struggled against my restraints on the frame. “Let me go,” I croaked.

  “Not a chance. You’re about to make scientific history, buddy.”

  My stomach contracted with dull pain. I groaned.

  “Yeah, sorry about that. When I told you the birth wouldn’t hurt? I didn’t want you to scare you, so I lied.” Keith’s crazed voice bled from the black darkness surrounding me as another cramp hit, stronger this time. “The babies can’t get out of your ass on their own. Go ahead and yell. As long as you rest your vocal chords and don’t talk otherwise, I promise the damage will heal. The cephalopod will be drawn by the noise and use its tentacles to pry its infants free. You’d better yell loud,” he warned me. “Unless you think a gut full of a squirming, hungry, poisonous cephalopods sounds like a swell idea.”

  I screamed.

  Not because of what he’d said. Truthfully, I could already feel them writhing in my guts and I knew they’d already begun secreting the poison that had incapacitated me for the impregnation because I couldn’t think straight, my head swimming like it had when the beast had fucked me stupid. All I wanted was to hang from the frame and wait for the monster of the lake to shove tentacles up my ass again, first to remove its offspring and then to fuck me, even if it meant knocking me up again.

  I screamed because I shouldn’t want that, but . . . I was so thirsty, throat parched. I craved the sweet-sour taste on my tongue like nothing else. I wanted it more than anything. I wanted it all: the tentacle’s goo in my mouth and throat, my ass stuffed so full I couldn’t think, the orgasms the creature effortlessly yanked out of my body. I shivered, sweat slipping along my brow as the uncomfortable coiling in my guts intensified. My hole clenched and released in anticipation of the fucking I’d soon receive. I screamed for my mate.

  Keith had lied. Not just about the allegedly painless birth. With cramps twisting my gut, I knew that was untrue, of course, but the bigger lie was that I wouldn’t become addicted to the beast. Crave it. Need it.

  The creature didn’t come for me, though.

  My throat dried to dust, scratchy and raw, my voice hoarse with my shouts as the frantic writhing in my gut redoubled and slowly shifted from mere discomfort to agony. My body stiffened as vicious cramps stabbed my stomach and water began to dribble from my ass. Water or blood? I couldn’t be sure. All I knew was my helplessness and the misery exploding in my ass as the night wore on. I pulled, increasingly weak, against the knots securing me to the metal frame. I shrieked as much as my shattered voice could manage.

  Keith recorded it all. Absorbed by the hurt, I forgot he was there except when his voice announced the time, ticking off the hours as my “labor” progressed. He must’ve had an infrared camera on me, probably several, because he noted aloud, voice dispassionate, when the wet dribble from my asshole gradually increased to a steady trickle that drenched my crack, my balls, and my thighs.

  When I hung on the frame limply, so exhausted I couldn’t move or twitch, insensate with the throbbing pain of the infants squirming in my bowels and the drug saturating my bloodstream, finally then, the creature arrived. I sobbed in wretched relief at the first sticky slither of a pebbled tentacle against the arch of my foot. I blubbered incoherently. “Yes, please. Help me. Please help. Hurts so bad.”
r />   That woke Keith up. “04:26. The cephalopod is stretching tentacles from the lake to reconnoiter the nest and, as usual, check the subject.” Thick, heavy wetness moved over my shaking calves, up my slick thighs, but I wept bitterly when the goo-covered tube of flesh skipped my poor, aching butthole to explore the frame I was bound to instead. “Though the subject is drugged with the poison of the infants inside him, his heart rate increased to 120 as soon as the cephalopod—” I moaned piteously as adhesive and clamps were torn from the skin of my chest and neck. “Shit, the cephalopod just ripped off the leads to the subject’s EKG.”

  “Please, please,” I begged as that first tentacle coiling up my immobilized body was joined by more, twisting and turning around my legs, arms, and torso. Though I opened my mouth and spread my thighs as wide as I could in the straps, the beast ignored me, pushing and slithering around the straps imprisoning me instead. I screamed when a particularly sharp cramp knotted my tormented stomach, choking when those magic tentacles finally—finally!—latched onto my flaccid dick. Wet. Warmth. Suction and seduction. I whined, voice faint and wasted but pathetically grateful, as the monster fondled me. The pulsing pleasure at my cock warred with the unbearable ache in my gut, but at least the monster had taken pity on me.

  The thing brought me off in an embarrassing few minutes, tentacles rubbing my trembling back. They tickled and massaged my sweaty ass cheeks as my glutes clenched with the slight thrusts the confining straps allowed me. Senses spiraling in animalistic triumph, my cock spit semen.


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