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Page 5

by Jennifer Lane

  “Those terms are interchangeable.” Leo winked. “It’s all CS.”

  “When you said CS I always thought you meant Commander Scott,” said Alex, suddenly piecing it together. “But I like these much better.” He grinned. “I’ll personally really miss Cocky Sucker’s menacing stares at tomorrow’s meet. Who can I thank for making him leave?”

  “His CO ordered him to go to California or something. Who really cares?” Leo raised his ice water. “I’d like to propose a toast to the seniors.”

  They giggled and raised their glasses. When Leo noticed Audrey’s stare, and he tried to stop the trembling in his hand. Time for another pill.

  “Here’s to our wives and girlfriends,” Leo said with a laugh. “May they never meet!”

  Snickers enveloped the table.

  “Seriously, though, going into our last invite, I want to thank you guys for always being there. Four long years — I couldn’t have made it without you. Friendship is the best kind of ship.”

  “Aw, that was so sweet!” Elaine said, smiling.

  Leo put down his glass, turned to Audrey, and cupped her chin in his hand as he gave her a peck on the lips.

  Alex groaned. “Get a room!”

  Leo laughed, and Elaine was so amused she brought a forkful of lettuce to her mouth and missed, causing a salad cascade back onto her plate.

  Alex appeared mortified. “You can’t take my hag anywhere.” As the waitress scurried past their table, Alex’s breathy voice rang out again. “Excuse me! Can we get more breadsticks?” The waitress scowled.

  “So, I think I’ll get a tattoo!” Elaine suddenly burst out.

  “Laney!” Alex bobbed up and down in his chair. “You have to let me design it for you.”

  “My dad would kill me if I got a tattoo,” Leo mused.

  “My dad too,” Audrey said. “He hates tattoos.” An uncomfortable silence settled over the table at the mention of Denny Rose.

  The waitress arrived with their entrees and seemed perplexed by the sudden decrease in volume.

  Leo frowned as he watched Audrey stare at her steaming plate.

  She hadn’t yet picked up her fork.

  “But wouldn’t tats give your dad street cred with the other cons?” Alex asked.

  Leo’s pasta-laden fork paused in midair as he waited for Audrey’s reaction.

  Her brown eyes looked startled, then a smile crept across her face. “Street cred, Alex? Where’d you hear that one — your extensive gangsta rap collection?”

  Alex bristled. “I know some rap.”

  Elaine laughed. “Lady Gaga isn’t a rapper!” While Elaine and Alex argued the relative merits of the singer’s costumes, Leo squeezed Audrey’s hand. A few minutes later, Alex’s imitation of Lady Gaga made Elaine spew chewed-up ravioli all over her plate. Audrey smiled at Leo, and he felt warmth spread through his chest. Friendship was the best kind of ship.

  The next morning Mary had the house to herself. Some mothers would cherish a few moments alone, but for her it was nothing new, given James’s busy work schedule and Leo’s school and swimming demands. Truthfully, even when her boys were home she still felt lonely. James treated her with icy disregard, and now Leo avoided her too, holing himself up in his room.

  At least the mood in the house had lightened since James left for California. When Leo had returned from his pasta dinner last night, Mary had capitalized on her husband’s absence by trying to get to the bottom of his mood swings. He’d met her pointed questions with uncomfortable silences or a stock “I don’t know, ma’am,” which frustrated her to no end. She’d finally given up so he could sleep before his meet, and he was away in Tallahassee now, but she was still determined to discover what was going on.

  Mary cranked up the radio and began to clean the kitchen. It took forever to complete household tasks now, but music helped the time go by faster. One break-up song after another played, underlin-ing her bitter feelings for James.

  Like so many things, it used to be different. She remembered her pride watching James teach seven-year-old Jason how to play basketball on their driveway. He could be a demanding and impatient teacher, but Jason was a quick learner who’d do anything to please his dad. Two-year-old Leo had toddled around the perimeter of the driveway, gleefully retrieving the basketball when it rolled his way.

  James had laughed when Mary finally offered Leo another toy so he’d relinquish the basketball.

  A knock on the front door drew her back to the present, and startled her as well. “Just a minute!” she called, manipulating her canes toward the foyer.

  Mary opened the door and inhaled sharply when she saw her son on the front porch.

  He had flowers in his hand and a nervous smile. When Jason left he’d been just an eighteen-year-old boy — now he was a twenty-two-year-old man, his muscular frame fil ed out and his face wizened beyond his years.

  “The prodigal son returns,” she gasped.

  Jason wrapped his arms around her. “Happy birthday, Mom.” Mary felt tears spring to her eyes as she melted into her older son’s arms. “But my birthday’s not for another five days,” she protested.

  His deep-blue eyes twinkled. “Well, consider these flowers a belated gift for the past three birthdays I’ve missed.”

  “I’ve missed your birthdays too, Jase.” She managed a sad smile.

  “Please, come in.”

  Jason shut the door and followed her into the family room.

  Before they sat, Mary asked, “Would you like something to drink? What can I get you?”

  “Mom, please sit down. I’ll get us some drinks.” As Jason rummaged in the fridge, Mary called, “There are some beers on the top shelf, if you want one.” He returned a few moments later and set two lemonades on the coffee table.

  She sniffed. “I don’t know you, Jason. I don’t even know what you like these days. Do you drink beer?”

  “C’mon, Mom. It’s still morning.” He sounded embarrassed.

  “How long have you been in Florida?”

  “Took the redeye from Seattle and arrived this morning. I came straight here after visiting Tony. That lazy bum was still sleeping! I had to rouse him out of bed.”

  “Well, it is Saturday. You must be tired.”

  “I got some sleep on the plane. It’s okay. How’s your rehab coming along? Any progress with your legs?” Mary looked down at her twisted limbs. “I don’t do physical therapy anymore. All I can do is take pain meds. This is as good as it gets.”

  Jason nodded. “So…what’s this I hear about Dad’s lieutenant commander getting murdered?”

  “It happened last July,” she said softly. “Denny murdered Bill.”

  “Denny?” Jason’s jaw dropped. “Denny Rose?”

  “Yes. He’s serving a life sentence. The whole thing’s so dread-ful — especially since Leo’s dating Audrey.”

  “Whoa. Did Dad have to talk to the police or anything?”

  “Yes, Bill and Denny were both at our house for a July fourth barbecue the night Bill was murdered. Your father felt awful — he had to tell the police that Denny fell off the wagon that night. The police found him passed out in the woods behind Bill’s home. They arrested him, then court martialed him.” Jason was silent for a few moments. “How’s Leo doing?”

  “Fine,” Mary responded immediately. Then she frowned and shook her head. “No, he’s not fine. Something’s wrong, Jase. His swimming times are horrible, he’s not doing well in school, and I feel like he’s a stranger to me.”

  Jason nodded grimly, not looking the least bit surprised.

  “But enough about us. What’ve you been doing the past four years?” Mary prodded gently.

  Jason hesitated.

  With an uncomfortable silence between them, Mary sighed. Why did the Scott men refuse to let her in? She hated chasing them.

  “Mom, I want to tell you all about me. I do,” Jason finally said.

  “But first we need to talk about Leo. He’s in trouble.”

/>   13. Intervention

  Leo clenched his teeth as he swam laps back in his team’s home pool.

  He’d so been hoping to swim better in the meet earlier today, but he’d once again hit a wall of apathy and fatigue. He hadn’t even looked at his times. He was so far behind his competitors — guys he formerly dusted in the sprint events — that there was no need to check the clock. The whole thing was hopeless. He was hopeless.

  His coach had seemed infected by the same apathy, and he hadn’t even bothered to yell at Leo following his horrendous swims. Instead, Matt focused on the swimmers having a good meet, which kept him busy. The Pensacola Panthers won the girls’ meet and finished second in the boys’ competition, and Leo tried not to let his sulking contami-nate the exhilaration. He even managed to drum up a warm smile following Audrey’s best time this season in her 200 individual medley.

  But Matt had stopped ignoring Leo at the conclusion of the meet.

  “We’ve tried everything, Leo,” he said, taking Leo aside. “I’ve given you more rest. I’ve analyzed your stroke. I’ve entered you in other events. But nothing’s working, and you look miserable out there. I think you’ve lost your passion for swimming. Maybe it’s time to quit.” Leo had flinched. “I can’t quit, sir. I — I’ve been swimming all my life. Just give me another chance…I’ll do better.”

  “The only thing I can think of to bring you out of this slump is to throw yourself into training,” Matt finally said, shaking his head. “When we get back to Pensacola, I want you to do another workout — at least three thousand. Work these bad swims out of your system and try to reconnect with the water.” Leo hesitated. He had planned to go out with Audrey when they returned — this was a rare moment of freedom without his father.

  But he’d let Matt down countless times, and he needed to do what he asked.

  Thus he found himself in the pool. His efficient stroke glided him through the water as he churned out endless laps. But the joy of propelling his body down the lane just wasn’t there anymore. Maybe he had lost his passion. At the moment he felt only worry about having enough pills for the week. It had been easier to visit Tony with Callous Stalker out of town, but his money was dwindling fast.

  Driving the familiar route home from school, Leo’s mood was as dark as the night sky. He arrived home curious to find his house brightly lit. By this time of the evening his mom had typically retired to her bed with a book.

  Waiting for him just inside the door was Jason, and Leo leaped into his brother’s arms. He’d rehearsed in his mind what would happen if he saw Jason again, and he’d planned to curse him for leaving him alone to deal with their father. But now Leo felt only relief at seeing the one other person who understood what it meant to be the son of CS.

  Appearing surprised by the hug, Jason stepped back. “God, you’ve gotten tall.”

  “And you’ve become buff.” Leo said, taking in his bulky brother.

  “What’re you doing here, Jase? Where’ve you been?”

  “Seattle. But I came back when I heard CS was out of town.”

  “Isn’t it awesome? Maybe they can send him off to war soon. Too bad this president’s all into diplomacy instead of military solutions.” Jason shook his head. “You’re too smart for your own good.” Leo brushed past him, headed to the family room.

  “Hold on — ” Jason began.

  Leo stopped short when he saw his mother, coach, girlfriend, and an unfamiliar man sitting there, apparently waiting for him.

  Feeling a wave of confusion and fear, Leo swiveled around. But Jason stopped him in his tracks.

  “It’s okay. Just listen to what they have to say.”

  “No!” Leo struggled against his brother’s hold. “Let me go!” Jason held steadfast.

  After repeatedly pushing against the wall of muscle formerly known as his brother, Leo’s body eventually went limp. It was futile to resist. He slowly turned to face the group. He looked at Audrey, with her beautiful, frightened eyes. He suspected he knew the purpose of this gathering, and when the strange man stood and offered his hand, it confirmed his suspicions.

  “You must be Leo,” he said with a friendly smile. “I’m Marcus Shale, and I’m an interventionist. Your brother asked me to be here today.”

  The man was Black, like CS, but maybe taller and definitely heavier. Leo filled with fury as he looked at Jason, who stood watching with apparent apprehension.

  “Leo, why don’t you sit next to Audrey?” Jason said.

  His brother guided him to the loveseat, then took a seat next to his mother and Matt on the sofa.

  “Leo?” Mr. Shale asked gently.

  “Yes, sir.” Leo heard his voice crack, then felt Audrey’s fingers snake into his. He clutched her hand but couldn’t look her in the eye.

  “I’ve met with your mom and brother today, and with your coach and girlfriend too when they arrived from the swim meet. These people here love you, son. They’ll say what they have to say, and then you’ll say what you have to say, and we’re done. Okay?” Do I have a choice? Leo sighed and nodded.

  “Mary, how ’bout you go first?”

  Leo’s mother unfolded a piece of notepaper, and her tears started falling before she read one word. “Leo,” she began. “I’m worried about your addiction to pain medication.” Crap. They knew.

  Leo waited for fear to envelop him, but he felt strangely weightless and relieved. He didn’t have to pretend anymore.

  He sensed Audrey watching him, and he slowly met her eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  She squeezed his hand.

  His mother’s lip trembled. “I’m the sorry one, Leo. The pills…it’s all my fault. I’m so sorry I failed you.” Leo looked down, his heart thumping. How could she say this was her fault? He was the one who’d screwed up everything.

  “Mary?” Mr. Shale said. “This isn’t about assigning blame.”

  “I’m sorry.” She flushed deeply. “We talked about this. This is about Leo, not me.”

  “Could you continue reading your letter?” His mother cleared her throat. “Leo, I’m sad you’ve avoided me.

  You’ve been moody and unpredictable. I’m concerned your addiction’s hurting you in school and swimming.” Her voice had grown stronger as she read, and she now looked up at Leo. “Will you go to treatment today?” Fear jolted through him, which quickly morphed into suspicion.

  “What do you mean, treatment?”

  “Your family would like you to go to a drug treatment center in town,” Mr. Shale answered. “The center will probably recommend a few days of detox, then an intensive outpatient program, so you can continue going to school.”

  Leo felt panic swell in his gut. “What about swimming?”

  “Your health’s way more important than swimming, Leo,” Matt said. “If we can work it out for you to keep swimming during treatment, we will. But you and I both know it’s pointless if you continue to abuse pills.”

  Leo took all of this in. He typically wasn’t asked, he was ordered, and it felt bizarre to have the decision in his hands.

  Wrestling with competing impulses — fight or give in — Leo looked at the people who cared about him. His eyes lingered on his brother, who knew Leo like nobody else, even though they’d been apart for years.

  “Will you go to treatment?” Jason asked.

  Leo swallowed hard.

  Audrey squeezed his hand again. Her voice was shaky. “Please.

  You haven’t been yourself, Leo. I…” She looked down. “I miss my boyfriend.”

  Her wounded tone slayed him. Finally Leo looked at his mother.

  “Yes, ma’am, I’ll go.”

  The group collectively exhaled, and Leo glanced around. “So that’s it?”

  Mr. Shale nodded. “Yep, that’s it. You can go pack a bag, and I’ll take you over to Still Waters Treatment Center right now. Do have any questions?”

  “Wait. How’d you all find out?”

  His mother glanced
nervously at Jason.

  “Tony,” Jason said. “I called him to…ah, well, make amends, actually, and he let it slip you’d been visiting him.” Leo scowled. “So you suddenly show up here after four years, just to lord it over me how screwed up my life is?”

  “Hey,” Jason said. “I wanted to come for Mom’s birthday, but I got here early because I knew something was up when I talked to Tony.”

  “What about my birthday?” Leo yelled. “What about my swim meets? You missed it all, Jase! You don’t even know Audrey!”

  “I’m sorry,” Jason said. “I don’t expect you or Mom to forgive me for being gone so long.” His jaw clenched. “I didn’t return because I’m an alcoholic. I was homeless. So no, I’m not ‘lording it over’ you.

  How’d you think I knew how to plan this intervention? It was because I’ve been through it too. I was lucky enough to have friends in Seattle intervene on my behalf. Marcus is a friend of a friend they set me up with here in town to help you.”

  Leo sat silently, unable to think of anything to say.

  “I won’t let you lose everything like I did, Leo. Without treatment, you’re headed to a life of homelessness and misery, just like me.” As he sorted through the whirlwind of emotions, Leo felt his hands begin to tremble. Time for a pill. Suddenly another thought added to their tremor. “CS will kill me if he finds out about this.” Jason nodded. “Marcus and I already talked about that. We’ll figure something out when Dad returns, okay? Don’t let him stop you from getting better, Leo.”

  It was frightening to trust Jason, but Leo didn’t have much choice.

  He gulped and turned toward the stairs.

  Jason put out his arm, stopping him. “Before you start packing, give me the pills.”

  Leo paused. “That’s not necessary.”

  “Yeah, it is. Hand them over.”

  The standoff seemed to last forever. Leo finally reached into his swim bag and pulled out a baggie. He practically threw it at his brother. “Are you satisfied now?”

  “No. I want all of them.”

  Sighing dramatically, Leo reached into his jeans pocket and produced three more pills. Jason took them and tilted his head to the stairs. “I already confiscated some pills from your room, but I’ll come with you now so you can show me all your hiding places.”


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