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Page 43

by Jennifer Lane

  Denny pulled the car to a stop along the winding road. “I’ll be back in just a few minutes,” he said, surveying the ring of faces in the car.

  “You want me to go with you?” Mrs. Rose asked.

  “That’s okay, honey. This is something I need to do alone.” He brushed his hand along her cheek before leaning in to kiss her. He smiled at Leo and Audrey in the backseat. “I can’t believe I’m free!” He hopped out of the car and hiked up over the crest of a small hill.

  He stopped in his tracks when he saw Cameron sitting near her father’s headstone. Her lips were moving, but he couldn’t hear a word.

  She looked utterly broken.

  He hesitated. Should he leave? Maybe she needed help?

  Cameron looked up, startled. “Mr. Rose?” He noticed her swollen eyes as she stood. “I’m sorry, Cameron.

  Do you want me to leave? I don’t mean to intrude.”

  “No, sir. It’s okay if you don’t mind my ridiculous crying. Um, what’re you doing here?”

  Denny slid his hands into his pockets. He nodded at Bill’s grave-stone. “I, uh, I never got a chance to say goodbye to my friend.” Cameron burst into tears again and propel ed herself into his arms. He wrapped her in a paternal hug, patting her back as she sobbed.

  “Do you miss him too?” she choked out.

  “I do. I miss him every day.” As they stepped out of their hug, Denny added, “Nobody could spin tales about catching huge fish like he could.”

  Denny returned Cameron’s faint smile. “Wait a second — I hear congratulations are in order. You’re engaged! Why isn’t Jason with you?” he asked.

  She cried harder.

  “Oh, um, sorry, I didn’t mean — ” he stammered.

  “It’s okay.” She pulled out another tissue. “I don’t know what to do! Jason’s father did this!” She gestured to the ground. “And it just hurts when I look at Jase now. All I see is his dad.” Denny shook his head. James’s confession tied all three families intimately together now, and he wished one family’s joy didn’t have to mean the others’ sadness.

  “Cameron, what’d you tell me four years ago about why the abortion was so difficult?”

  She sniffed. “That I loved Jase, and I didn’t want to hurt our baby because it was part of him.”

  “Exactly. Do you still love Jason?”

  She looked down. “Even more. He’s such a good man, Mr. Rose.

  He’s worked hard to become a better man, and I love him so much.” Denny nodded. “You know, our situations are kind of similar.

  Leo is James’s son, and he’s dating Audrey. But I didn’t think twice about accepting him into our family. Because Leo’s an incredible young man. I don’t know Jason like I know Leo, but I trust your judgment about his character.”

  Cameron blinked up at him.

  Denny sighed. “Did you ever think James’s sons became good people not despite of James, but because of him? They know firsthand how important it is to treat others with kindness. They had to fight like crazy to survive. They had to seek love elsewhere — in Mary, and in you and Audrey. Your love’s strong, Cameron. Maybe you could give Jason a chance?”

  Cameron covered her face with her hands.

  “I had a lot of time to think in prison,” Denny said. “All I had was time. And I prayed to break free of my anger. I hoped I wouldn’t be a bitter man. I promised myself I’d find the strength to forgive the murderer, if I ever learned who it was.” Denny looked down. “I hate James for what he did, but I’ll work like hell to forgive him one day. Life’s too short to live in bitterness and regret.”

  Jason pulled up behind Audrey’s car at the cemetery and watched Leo get out. He was out of his own car in an instant and grabbed his brother in a bear hug.

  “So glad the gun charges got dropped,” he whispered.

  “Me too.”

  They exchanged slaps on the back. Feeling overwhelmed, Jason glanced up the hill. “Thanks for calling me, bro, but I don’t know about this.”

  “You can’t lose Cam to this, Jase. You just can’t. We’ve lost too much because of Dad. You’ve got to fight for her.” Jason rubbed his hand through his hair. “What if she screams at me again? That look she gave me…I don’t know if I can take it.” He sighed. “I don’t deserve her.”

  “What’re you talking about? You deserve to be happy, Jase, and I know Cam is a big part of that.” Leo waited until Jason looked at him. “I talked to my psychologist about you, you know.”


  “She helped me see something. She said my family started a

  ‘journey of healing’ when you came back from Seattle,” Leo explained, gauging Jason’s response. “I know it’s kind of cheesy, but she said when you got away from CS, you started healing yourself. You got into treatment, and you grew stronger. When you returned, you helped Mom and me a ton. If it wasn’t for you, I’d probably still be hooked on pain pills. And look what Mom’s done — she’s so much stronger now. She’s our mom again. She’s there for us now. That’s all on you, Jase.”

  Jason gave Leo a brooding stare.

  “Even Dad — he’s in a better place because of you too. He’s where he belongs now. And he wouldn’t have gotten there unless you and Cam found that letter.”

  “No, Leo, you did that. You put Cellie Scum behind bars.”

  “But I couldn’t have done it without you.” Leo glanced up the hill. “Cam just needs a little time to take it all in. I mean, I bet she’s crazy with grief right now. I don’t even know what to say to her. But you do. She needs you, Jase.” Jason sighed, feeling a slight surge of confidence from his brother’s words. He put a hand on Leo’s shoulder and nodded before heading up over the hill toward his fiancée.

  Mr. Rose looked up and saw him approaching. He seemed to whisper something to Cameron, then walked away from her, clapping Jason on the shoulder as he passed.

  Cameron stared at him, but he couldn’t read her expression. He jammed his hands into his pockets, scared to get closer.

  She opened her mouth then closed it.

  “Cam — ”

  “I don’t need to hear one word,” she said, moving toward him.

  “Mr. Rose made me realize a few things. I love you. You’re a good man, Jason Scott.” When she flung herself into his arms, he gulped down relief.

  “I’m so sorry, Jase. I love you. I love you.” He dropped his chin to her shoulder and smelled her flowery scent. The tension drained from his shoulders as her body melted into his.

  “It’s unfair to compare you to your father. You’re nothing like him.”

  “You don’t know how great that makes me feel.” Jason heard shuffling behind them and turned to find that the Roses and Leo had joined them. Leo gave him a goofy grin.

  “Um, Jase, do you still have my ring?” Cam asked.

  He beamed and dug into his pocket for the diamond. He moved to replace it on her finger when Mr. Rose interrupted.

  “Hold on,” he said. “Bill was my best friend. He can’t be here to approve of this engagement, but he’s here in spirit. I know he’d give his blessing.”

  Cameron glanced at his headstone and then back at Jason. “I think so too. My dad would be proud to have you as a son-in-law, Jase.” Jason gently slid on the ring and leaned in for a kiss.

  Mr. Rose draped his arm across his wife’s shoulders. “Can one of you drive Audrey and Leo home? I hate to cut this short, but JoAnne and I have a lot to catch up on.” He squeezed his wife’s shoulder and tilted his head to hers, their temples touching as they shared a smile.

  “Oh, TMI, Dad,” Audrey shrieked.

  Mr. Rose laughed. “See you at home, Audrey,” he called as he headed back over the hill. “But don’t rush, okay?” Audrey winced and shook her head. “It won’t be safe for me to go home ever again.”

  “That’s all right,” Leo said with a wink. “You can come home with me. It’s been a long day. I think we both need another shower.”

ll be the cleanest college freshmen around,” Audrey said.

  “Except I’m not a college freshman anymore.” Leo sighed. “I have to figure out my life.”

  Audrey wove her fingers into his. “It’s simple. You’re getting an ROTC scholarship to Florida State. To swim with me.”

  “I am?”

  “Of course, Mr. Scott.”

  A look of marvel bled into a wondrous smile as he squeezed her hand. “Yes, ma’am.”

  A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S

  Gratitude and blessings to:

  Omnific Publishing Team Streamline, including Kathy Teel, Coreen Montanga, Emma Taylor, and Kayla Watson. Publisher Elizabeth Harper jumpstarted my writing career and Developmental Editor Jessica Royer Ocken has really helped me improve my writing!

  Military and civilian personnel from the U.S. Naval Academy (like swim buddy Kris) for serving our country and sharing their expertise.

  Ana Josefina Borge for help with my rusty Spanish (any errors are mine).

  Coaches Jim Steen and Tim Morrison for their incredible mentorship.

  Masters swimming friends Eric, Beth, and Joe, and all of the amazing individuals I’ve met through swimming for Anderson Barracudas, Turpin High School, and Kenyon College, particularly Gwynn and Maggie.

  Janine, Cècile, Jacki (stay out of the SHU), Marilyn, Michelle, Maria, Shannon, Riem, Elke, Ashley, Aimee, Erin, Karina, Danni, Micci, Viva, Pamela, Jason, Sean, Emilie, Stine, Elise, Jamie, Suzanne, Michaela, Dee, Sara, Sandra, and Kristi for their support.

  Lorne, Amy, and Ina for being there from the beginning of this crazy writing adventure.

  Book Club #1: Colby, Jennifer, Sue, Janelle, Sally, Suki, Patty, Amy, Christy, Lisa.

  Book Club #2: David, Joan, Jessica, Nan, Tom, Cindy, Crista, Beth.

  Most of all, my family: Nancy, Roger, Jan, Laurie, Susan, Scott, John, Nicholas, Dylan, Henry.




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