Book Read Free

Club Scars

Page 7

by Mara McBain

  The house was dark when he rolled into the drive. She’d left the back light on for him. The doorknob didn’t turn. Shaking his head at his stupidity, Crux trudged back to the truck for his keys. She’d actually listened to him. It had to be the baby. Unlocking the door, he relocked it behind him and hung the keys on the hook. Plopping his ass down on the step between the mudroom and kitchen, he unlaced his boots with a sigh. It had been a long day.

  As close as he and Kat were, they generally did their own thing during the day, coming together around dinner time. He didn’t try to keep her under his thumb and she wasn’t one of those women to call or text him a dozen times a day. This feeling of wanting to be at home all the time was a foreign one to him. It was making work days, and even time with his brothers, seem endless.

  Something rubbed against his back and he grimaced as a big black tomcat circled him, stepping into his lap like the damn thing had been invited. Kat had been ambushed outside the grocery store with one of those cardboard box schemes. It was telling that there was never an adult sitting there hawking the free fur-balls. She’d taken one look into big green eyes and decided the little beast belonged in the Croston household. Nothing he’d had to say about it had made any difference. Cursing under his breath, he snatched the cat out of his lap as it kneaded its claws into his crotch. The damn thing gave him a baleful glare and stalked off with a swish of its tail. He had a strong desire to speed it along with his foot.

  Liberating a cold one from the refrigerator, he twisted off the cap and shot it into the trash can across the room. Letting the rich lager roll over his tongue, Crux headed for the stairs. Avoiding the creak of the fifth step, he made his way up to the bedroom. Wiping the beer’s condensation on the leg of his black Levi’s, he reached into the crib to stroke the downy dark hair on Cam’s head. Sporting orange and black Harley Davidson PJs and sprawled on his back, he looked so at peace. Crux hoped the kid would always sleep with such confidence. The bedsprings squeaked and Kat rolled over with a rustle of sheets.

  “Hey,” she whispered.

  Crux sat down on the edge of the bed. Stroking her hair back, he leaned down to kiss her forehead murmuring a return greeting against her skin.

  “Everything okay?”

  Nodding, he brushed a kiss across the top of her head, pausing to breathe in the warm scent of Kat and shampoo. Draining the beer, he set the bottle aside and stood. She rested her chin on top of her hands and watched him strip out of his clothes. The gleam in her eyes made him smile. He didn’t bother with sleepwear despite the chill. Slipping buck ass naked between the sheets, he pulled his woman close.

  “You’re beautiful,” he murmured against her neck.

  “You have five more weeks, buddy,” she said, her body shaking with amusement.

  “If I wanted to fuck you right now, you have other holes available, love,” he whispered with an evil chuckle that made her shudder in his arms. His voice was just a breath when he continued, “But I just want to hold you.”

  She snuggled deeper into his arms, molding her back against him and made a small sound like a contented purr.


  A hard knock on the front door shattered their cozy dinner for two. Already frowning, Crux stood and dropped the paper towel from his lap onto the table top. Skirting through the living room, he peered between the wood slats at the window. A low growl rumbled in his chest. The door shuddered under another heavy barrage of blows. Shaking his head, he hurried back across the living room to poke his head back in the kitchen.


  Kat’s eyes opened wide.


  “I’m about to find out,” he said pulling out his wallet with a sigh and tossing it to her. “Hold onto this in case you need it.”

  She waggled her eyebrows as she ran a thumb over the bills. He pointed a warning finger at her as he left the room. It sounded like a ram at the door this time.

  “I’m coming,” he growled.

  Jerking open the door, he glared at the officer.


  “Thomas Croston?”

  “What’s the mailbox say?”

  “Mr. Croston, we have a warrant to search your home.”

  “What the fuck for?” Crux asked, taking the paper that was thrust into his chest.

  “Please put your hands on the wall and spread your legs. Is anyone else at home?”

  “My wife and son. What’re you looking for?”

  “It is fully explained in the search warrant, Mr. Croston. In short, we are conducting a search for any and all illegal drugs and or drug paraphernalia. If you would like to voluntarily disclose the whereabouts of any drugs or weapons, now would be the time.”

  “I don’t fucking take or deal drugs,” Crux snapped, as he was pushed up against the wall.

  Cam chose that moment to let out a wail. Crux tried to turn and saw Kat come out of the kitchen from the corner of his eye. Worry lined her face.

  “Mrs. Croston, I need you to stop and keep your hands where we can see them,” the officer ordered as another stepped around him and approached Kat.

  “I just want to check on my son.”

  “Step away from the crib. NOW!”

  Cam’s screams intensified at the loud voice. Kat took another step toward him and the officer grabbed her arm, spinning her around. The momentum slammed her against the doorjamb. Crux pushed off the wall and turned on the officer with a roar. The business end of a shotgun leveled at his chest brought him up short.

  “Crux! I’m okay, baby. Calm down,” Kat pleaded.

  “Jesus Christ! She just gave birth. She has stitches. Be fucking careful with her,” he spat. “Can one of us check on the baby? There aren’t any damn weapons in his crib.”

  “Did you have anything you wish to declare, Mr. Croston?”

  “I fucking told you. I don’t do or deal drugs. There is a fucking gun safe in the living room, a .38 in the end table, a 9 millimeter in the nightstand upstairs and a couple of riffles and a shotgun in the closet. Now can I check on my son?”

  Crux bristled as an officer riffled through the blankets in the portable crib, going as far as to pat the squalling kid down, rolling him over.

  “Get your fucking hands off my son!” Kat screamed, fury making her eyes darken to a lethal forest-green. At her handler’s consenting wave, she stepped over and snatched Cam up, still glaring at the man who had searched the crib. “He’s a baby, not a picnic ham! Treat my son like that again and I’ll have your balls and your job.”

  The officer stepped back from the fury in her voice. Crux held out an arm and Kat stepped into its secure embrace. He ground his teeth as they watched the officers toss couch cushions and pummel pillows in their search. Kat pressed closer to him as they cleared the built in shelves, books and knickknacks littering the floor. Crux closed his eyes when the wood box Kat kept her incense in, hit the floor, hinges twisting. The simple box with moons and stars carved into it had been his first gift to Kat, as lame as that sounded. She treasured it.

  The cat arched its back and gave a low feral growl as the drug dog got too close. The mutt was as clueless as its handlers and yelped as the big tomcat swiped a vicious paw across the end of the hound’s nose. Maybe the fucking cat wasn’t all bad. The son-of-a-bitches weren’t happy until they’d torn apart every room in the house. With each officer’s report, Crux’s hold on his temper grew more tenuous. The officer in charge looked over the pitiful collection of prescription bottles, his face flushed in a combination of anger and humiliation.

  “Are you done?” Crux finally asked through clenched teeth.

  The man reluctantly turned to face Crux. Kat pressed closer, glaring at the intruder but with one hand stroking Crux’s back soothingly.

  “We’re going to take the narcotics and verify the prescriptions. If they check out they will be returned to you,” he said tightly.

  “Keep ’em. I don’t trust you bastards.”

  A muscle twitched in the offi
cer’s jaw. Crux met his gaze squarely until the lawman dropped his eyes.

  “If you’re done, get the fuck out of my house.”

  Fury rolled off of Crux as he watched the last officer clear the front door. The local boys couldn’t even meet his eyes. When he closed the door behind them, he leaned his forehead against it for a moment, rubbing at the tension in the back of his neck. Turning, he surveyed the mess. Stick and cone incense had been crushed and ground into the carpet under heavy boots. Glass from a broken candle twinkled in the dim light. Books were scattered across the living room with the cushions and pillows. He stooped and picked up a small figurine of a cat; its head had been snapped off. He ground his teeth together. From the noise they had made, he didn’t expect the kitchen or upstairs to look any better.

  Kat was feeding Cam, rocking him slightly as he sucked eagerly at her breast. Her voice and hands were gentle, but the strain was obvious on her face and tears lit her eyes. Picking up his phone, he dialed Zeke’s number.

  Crux tossed back a shot of Jameson whiskey and regarded his assembled brothers in silence. Zeke finished going over the search warrant and shook his head, tossing it on the kitchen island. The simple shake told Crux all he needed to know. The search was legal and he was fucked. He poured himself another shot. One call and his brothers and sisters had showed up on his doorstep to help. The ladies were doing their best to put the house back to rights and keep Kat from over-doing it.

  “Why the fuck would they think you were a drug dealer?” Reaper asked from his perch on the counter.

  “No fucking clue,” Crux mumbled around a cigarette. His lighter flared before he remembered he couldn’t smoke in the house. He shoved the unlit stick back in the pack and tossed it on the counter.

  “Didn’t your father-in-law pull this kind of bullshit on you when you and Kat first shacked up? I’m glad Lee’s shit father threw her out. At least I don’t have to deal with the little chink bastard,” Reaper said, running a finger through the icing on a cake sitting beside him. “Is this German Chocolate?”

  “Yeah, to both. Help yourself.”

  “I was wondering about Merrick,” Zeke said with a nod. “I’ll make some calls and see what I can find out.”

  “So, you think the rich asshole is just throwing spit-balls and seeing if something will stick?” Bowie asked, a frown wrinkling his high forehead.

  “He might be hoping to at least cause shit between Kat and Crux if nothing else.”

  Crux nodded at Zeke’s comment. “Having her house torn apart is enough to send my OCD wife off the deep end on a good day. I sure as fuck didn’t want her trying to clean this shit up alone in her condition. It seems like all I’m doing is thanking you guys lately.”

  “Shit seems to go in cycles. We each get our turn.”

  “Zeke’s right,” Bowie said

  “What’re bitches for?” Reaper mumbled around a mouthful of cake, making the others chuckle.

  “How the fuck is Lee still with you?”

  “Because I haven’t kicked her chink ass out, yet.”

  “You’ll regret it if you fuck this one up,” Crux said seriously.

  “She’s not going anywhere. Unlike your old lady who ran away from her rich daddy, Lee’s father tossed her ass out. She’s got nowhere else to go,” Reaper said with a dismissive wave of his fork.

  “That’s cold, brother. She’s a good girl,” Zeke said, reproach heavy in his voice.

  “Pardon me for interrupting. Kat asked me to get another trash bag,” a soft voice said from the doorway.

  The three other Lords glared at Reaper who licked the icing off his fork indifferently.

  “Here you go, Lee,” Crux said, grabbing the box of garbage bags from under the sink.

  “Thank you,” she said politely, before disappearing.

  “She fucking heard you,” Crux snapped at his brother, backhanding him in the chest.


  “So, don’t be a prick,” Bowie rumbled.

  “Eh, she knows I want her. If I didn’t, she wouldn’t fucking be with me.”

  “That will be a big comfort to you when she leaves your ass for someone who treats her with a little love and respect.”

  “You guys worry too much. If you love something set it free. If it runs…kill it.”

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, Kat sorted clothes, creating a pile for Goodwill and putting the rest on hangers. The assholes had gone out of their way to trash the place, turning over dresser drawers and clearing the closet. The nursery looked like a bomb had gone off in an Osh Kosh store. They had gone so far as to separate tiny booties and open packages of disposable diapers in their search, strewing baby clothes and paraphernalia everywhere.

  Cam was fast asleep in the corner of the room. Being told she couldn’t go to him when he was frightened had been the worst part for her. It was amazing how fast he had joined Crux as her whole damn world.

  “Unfucking-believable,” Ginny muttered, coming out of the master bath. At Kat’s questioning look, Ginny shook her head. “They opened individually wrapped tampons.”


  Gin sat down beside her on the bed, reaching for a hanger.

  “Are you okay?” she asked softly.

  “I’m fine. I’m tired and pissed off is all. I’m sorry he called you all.”

  “Don’t be pissed off at Crux. He didn’t want you wearing yourself out cleaning all this shit up by yourself. What’re friends for?”

  “Oh, I’m not mad at him. I’m pissed off at my father. I would be willing to make a bet that he is involved. He pulled this shit when Crux and I first got together. Remember?”

  “I’d forgotten about that.”

  “Yeah, I’ve tried to block the asshole from my mind too, but he always comes back.”

  “It’s like someone disturbed a damn graveyard around here lately. Every secret and skeleton in Trinity Falls is coming back to bite us in the ass.”

  Kat squeezed Ginny’s knee in sympathy and agreement as Lee came back in with the trash bags. She kneeled down on the floor and started folding the pile of clothes and loading a bag.

  “I hope that chocolate cake wasn’t for something special,” she said with a little sigh.

  “No worries. I just threw it together this afternoon to go with dinner which got ruined. So, I’m glad dessert can at least be enjoyed.”

  “Are you okay, Lee?” Ginny asked softly.

  “I will be fine. Thank you.”

  Kat glanced at Gin, neither of them missing the sad quality in Lee’s smile. Ginny shook her head. It wouldn’t do any good to press the girl. She loved Reaper, faults and all, and rarely said anything that could be construed as a complaint.

  “I’m going to have to hit our favorite hippie store. The cops destroyed my incense and broke my last hazelnut cream candle,” Kat said, changing the subject.

  “The rat bastards,” Gin said in mock outrage and then grinned. “I’m always up for shopping. What about you, Lee? This place has the most amazing stock of all kinds of incense, oils, and candles. I actually wanted to take Eva too. I bought her a candle from there for Christmas and she loved it.”

  “It sounds fun,” Lee said, her smile brightening. “Let me know when and I will check with Reaper.”

  “Soon! Crux says Gin and I create reasons to go shopping. He can’t blame this one on me,” Kat said with a grin.

  “The way your husband looked when he opened the door tonight, I don’t think he’s going to deny you much of anything right now. That was a man worried about you and only wanting you happy again.”

  “I honestly don’t blame Crux. If he had drugs in our house it would be one thing, but in the time I’ve known Tommy he hasn’t taken anything stronger than a Vicodin when his back was messed up. He said he experimented when he was younger, but that was all before my time.”

  “A lot of people experiment when they’re young, it’s part of growing up,” Ginny said waving her hand in dismissal.

  “Obviously they didn’t find a damn thing that they could arrest him for, and clearly they tried,” Kat said looking around at the mess.

  “No worries, little sister. We’ll get it all cleaned up,” Ginny reassured her with a hug.

  It was early morning by the time they said goodnight to their last guest. Crux wandered the house making sure doors and windows were locked.

  “Would you like a piece of cake?” Kat offered, stealing a nibble from the pan.

  “Sounds great, baby. Do you want milk?”

  “Yes, please.”

  They ended up sitting in the breakfast nook with their early morning snack.

  “How bad is it?” Crux asked, staring at his plate.

  Kat smashed a bite with her fork, pressing the moist cake between the tines, and shrugged.

  “Nothing that can’t be replaced. It was mostly a matter of putting stuff back away.”

  He nodded, toying with his cake.

  “It’s not your fault,” she said softly.

  He nodded again, but the bleak expression didn’t lift. Kat sighed.

  “I’d lay money that my father made a phone call, my uncle pulled some strings, and a judge signed a warrant on nothing more than the Merrick say so. I can’t prove it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.”

  “The fucker hates me.”

  “He hates everyone. Don’t take it personally. Consider the source. The fact that he hates you, and is scared of you, are two things that I find very attractive in you.”

  “Thanks, I think.”

  “Don’t let him get under your skin, baby. He’s not worth it.”

  “I wanted to kill that cop that searched Cam,” Crux said, changing the subject.

  “So did I. The fucker is lucky I couldn’t get to a gun at the moment.”

  “You’re sexy when you get all riled up.”

  “As long as it isn’t at you, huh?”

  “Nah, you’re still sexy even then.”

  “Make up sex is the best.”

  “Right now, any sex would be the best.”

  “Poor baby”


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