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My Son’s Roommate

Page 19

by Red Rose Publishing

“It does annoy Bobby, doesn’t it?” Stevie said. Her smile grew more mischievous. “I never thought you’d really follow my lead and kiss him. I thought Bobby was going to jump out of his shoes and hit the ceiling.”

  Her mother blushed again, deeper this time, really darkening her skin. “I’m kind of surprised I did that as well. I guess I had had a lot more to drink than I realized.”

  “It was nice though, wasn’t it?” Stevie said. “I mean, we caught him by surprise and he didn’t really kiss back, but it was still nice.”

  Her mother got a faraway look on her face. “Yes, it really was.”

  Stevie considered for a moment encouraging her mother to go after Dave again, but she dismissed the notion. She wanted another shot at him first. Then she could decide how generous she was feeling.

  “Do you want breakfast or lunch?” her mother asked. The faraway look was suddenly gone and Stevie got the idea that she wanted to distract herself.

  “The grilled cheese looks good, thanks.”

  “Soup too?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Stevie’s mother got up to start cooking.

  Chapter Two

  The phone rang while Stevie was putting her plate in the sink. Her mother had gone down stairs to do more laundry and for some reason they had never gotten around to putting a portable phone down there.

  “I’ll get it,” Stevie shouted. “It’s probably Edward.”

  She wished she was more excited to hear from Edward, but Bobby was right. Out of sight was out of mind and she really hadn’t missed him at all this vacation.

  She answered the phone without checking the caller id. “Hello?”

  A female voice answered. “Is Bobby there?”

  “No, he’s out with Liz. Who’s calling please?”

  “This is Liz,” the voice answered.

  Stevie was a little bit surprised that she hadn’t recognized her. Bobby had dated her his whole senior year in high school, and even though Stevie had been off at college that year, she knew her pretty well. “Oh, hi, Liz. Hasn’t he gotten there yet? I thought he left a while ago.” Stevie looked out the window as if she could somehow see Bobby, even though she was in the kitchen, which let out only on the back of the house. Naturally, he wasn’t there.

  Liz sounded puzzled. “I didn’t know he was coming over.”

  “Oh, I thought the two of you made plans last night,” Stevie answered. She was just turning to walk to the front of the house where she could scan the street for Bobby and Dave, when she saw something black sticking up out of the grass. It looked a lot like a man’s wallet.

  “I didn’t see Bobby last night,” Liz said. She sounded concerned now and a little bit emotional.

  “I dropped him off at Nelson’s myself,” Stevie told her. Her eyes were still on the billfold. How had it gotten in the backyard?

  “I saw Dave a little after midnight and we looked for Bobby, but we couldn’t find him,” Liz said.

  “I dropped them off at least two hours before that,” Stevie said.

  “Stevie?” Liz asked. A tremor shook her voice, as if she was on the verge of tears. “Does Bobby have a new girlfriend?”

  The question surprised Stevie, but her reply was instantaneous and completely honest. “No way! Bobby can’t keep a secret. If he had a new girlfriend, I would know about it. No way!”

  Liz swallowed audibly. “Thanks, but then what’s going on? Where is he?”

  “I don’t know,” Stevie said, “but I’ll try and find out.” She didn’t know why she’d made that last promise. It had just slipped out. But she realized as she said it that she really did want to learn what was going on.

  “Thanks, Stevie.”

  It took a few more moments, but Stevie got Liz off the phone. She considered going down into the basement to talk about the call with her mother, but that felt a little bit like ratting Bobby out. And then there was that wallet in the backyard. Was it Bobby’s? And what was it doing back there?

  Stevie slipped out the backdoor into the cold New Year’s air. Her nipples immediately perked up and she shivered. It was too cold to be out without a coat, but she only needed a few moments.

  She picked up the wallet and checked the driver’s license. Dave’s picture stared back at her.

  Puzzled, Stevie quickly rifled through the rest of the wallet’s contents. It was Dave’s all right, but what the hell was it doing out here?

  She started to walk back inside when a sound reached her from Loren’s yard. She couldn’t see it clearly because of a couple of small evergreen trees, but curiosity made her adjust her position so she could get a peek at what was happening.

  Loren’s back door was open and Dave and Bobby were walking inside.

  Stevie felt flabbergasted. Loren was the mysterious girlfriend? Bobby was helping Dave fuck Loren?

  Stevie couldn’t believe it. How could this be happening without her noticing?

  Still shivering with cold, she crossed into Loren’s backyard and stared at her kitchen window. The curtains had been carefully drawn, but she could halfway make out the voices through the glass.

  “You sure you don’t mind?” she thought Bobby asked.

  “It’s no problem,” Dave said. “I’ll read a book or watch some television.”

  Stevie’s eyes widened. It wasn’t Dave sleeping with Loren—it was Bobby!

  Before she realized what she was doing, she knocked on the kitchen door.

  Silence instantly blanketed the kitchen.

  It was too cold for games. Stevie knocked louder. “Come on! It’s Stevie!” she called out. “I saw the two of you go in! Open the door!”

  After another moment’s hesitation, Loren opened the door for her. She did not look happy to see her.

  Stevie stepped past her into the warm kitchen. “Brrrr, it is really cold out there,” she said.

  She was still holding Dave’s wallet so she handed it to him. “I found this in the backyard,” she said.

  Dave’s eyes widened, but he accepted the billfold from her. “I was wondering what I did with that,” he said.

  Stevie was enjoying the moment. Everyone looked so nervous, so frightened. “I would love to know how the wallet got there,” Stevie said, “but first…” She turned to face Bobby. “After all these years you’ve finally gotten your fantasy.” She could not help but laugh at his expression. “Is she everything you hoped she’d be?”

  Bobby licked his lips, but said nothing.

  Stevie shook her head and turned to Loren. The look she saw on Loren’s face suddenly made her feel bad. Loren looked absolutely crestfallen, as if her world was about to end.

  Stevie immediately stepped up to her and embraced her. “Hey, it’s not bad! I’m not going to tell anyone. Don’t worry! Mom isn’t going to find out!”

  Loren hugged her back. “I…I never meant for any of this to happen.”

  “It’s all right,” Stevie said. Then she started smiling again. She let go of Loren. “At least it will be if you tell me you’re not fucking both of them.”

  Loren shook her head. “No,” she whispered, “just Bobby.”

  Stevie’s smile broadened and she pointed at Dave. “Good! Because I want him!”

  Dave took a step back. Stevie laughed. “Don’t try and run, Sweety. We have unfinished business from last night. I owe you something and I’d like to see what you can do when you’re a little more awake.”

  Bobby laughed. All of his concern about Stevie’s discovery appeared to have evaporated. “Did you two hook up last night? Why didn’t you tell me, man?”

  Dave nervously licked his lips. “I…it’s more complicated than that.”

  Stevie was really enjoying herself. “Well why don’t we go into another room and simplify things. You don’t mind, do you, Loren? We can fool around down here while you and Bobby are doing your thing upstairs.”

  Loren had regained her composure. “I don’t mind at all,” she said. She gave Dave a measuring look. “Dave? You loo
k a little pale. Are you okay?”

  “I don’t know if this is a good idea,” he said. “Does Mrs. Elder know you’re gone?”

  “She’s doing laundry,” Stevie explained. “It will be a while before she even notices I’m gone. And when I do go home, I’ll take a cake mix and tell her I came over here to borrow it and got to talking.”

  Dave did not look convinced.

  Stevie stepped up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She had to stand on the tips of her toes to do it properly so that her breasts pressed deliciously against his chest. “What’s wrong? Don’t you like me?”

  “I…um…sure…I just…”

  “Hey, man, have some fun,” Bobby said. “I’ll see you in a couple hours.”

  He looked at Loren, who nodded slightly, and he left the kitchen to go upstairs.

  Loren stepped up beside Stevie and Dave and placed her hand upon Dave’s shoulder. “It’s all right,” she whispered. “Remember what I told you last night.”

  Stevie watched her follow Bobby up the stairs. “What did she say last night?” she asked.

  Dave blushed. “Ummm…”

  Stevie kissed him.

  He seemed surprised, even though she was pressing her body against him. His tongue didn’t respond.

  “You are really tense,” she said, “and I don’t mean the good kind of tension. Let’s go into the other room and relax a little. Sex is supposed to be fun!”

  Dave followed her awkwardly into the television room. Loren’s house had the reverse layout of Stevie’s so she checked to make certain that all the curtains were tightly drawn before pulling Dave down on the couch beside her. It just wouldn’t do to have her mother glance out her window and see Stevie and Dave doing the nasty on Loren’s couch.

  Dave was stiff as a board everywhere but that necessary place below the belt. She tried to kiss him again but once again he failed to respond.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  “I have a girlfriend,” Dave answered.

  Stevie sat back, not really moving away from him, but not leaning over his body as she had just been doing. “Didn’t Bobby say she doesn’t exist?”

  “She’s real!” Dave answered and from the tone of his voice and the firmness of his replay, Stevie instantly believed him.

  “Oh,” she said. Then she realized what a downer that simple word could be, so she tried to lighten the mood. “I have a boyfriend too.”

  Dave’s response was flat. “I know. I met him.”

  This was going from bad to worse. “So why doesn’t Bobby believe in her?”

  “There’s a problem with her family,” Dave explained. “I promised to keep our relationship a secret.”

  Stevie had heard about situations like this before. She was probably Middle Eastern, or from some culture where the parents thought they could still arrange their daughters’ marriages, even though they lived in America now. “So who is she?”

  For the first time since Stevie had entered Loren’s house, Dave cracked a smile. “It’s a secret,” he reminded her.

  Stevie was encouraged by that smile. “Yeah, but telling me isn’t going to hurt anyone. I don’t know her.”

  “Every time you break a secret you up the risks of losing it,” Dave said.

  “Come on!”


  “You must really like her,” Stevie said.

  “I love her!” Dave confirmed.

  “But if she can’t tell her family about you…are you waiting for her to finish college?”

  “No, it’s … graduation isn’t going to change anything,” Dave said.

  “So…do you want to marry her?”

  “I…yes, I think I do.”

  “But it isn’t going to happen?”

  Dave sighed. “No, not while we can’t tell her family we’re in love.”

  “And you don’t see that changing … ever?”

  “I…no,” Dave said. His shoulders sank with the acknowledgement.

  Stevie snuggled up to him again, seeing her opening. “Then you really are a fool. If she doesn’t love you enough to tell her family about you, then she’s just using you.”

  “It’s more complicated than that,” Dave protested.

  Stevie’s breasts were pressing against the side of his chest and she began to trace the contours of his pectoral muscles through his T-shirt. “Then let me make this simple for you. You’ve got no future together and she’s not here right now.”

  She let her fingers trail down his stomach toward his groin.

  “I don’t want to cheat.”

  “I won’t tell if you won’t.”

  She dipped her hands beneath his jeans and the waistband of his jockey shorts until her finger tips touched the head of his cock.

  It stirred immediately, delighting her.

  Dave caught her wrist and pulled her hand back out.

  Stevie decided to try another tactic. She rose up on her knees and pulled her T-shirt off. Her breasts were very full within her bra and Dave’s eyes immediately locked upon them.

  Reaching behind her, Stevie unfastened the strap and showed him her dark brown nipples. She caressed them lightly with the fingers of both hands, then bent down and fed Dave one puckered nipple.

  His mouth opened and his warm tongue caressed the sensitive flesh. “That’s the way, Sweety,” she purred.

  He stopped and started to pull away, but she wrapped her arms around his head and guided him back to her tit. His arms slid around her and he began to suck greedily.

  Stevie trembled. “That’s the way. Oh, that feels good.”

  Dave started to use his teeth.

  “Oh, yes,” she encouraged him.

  She noticed that his eyes were closed, which probably meant that he was thinking about someone else. That bothered Stevie a little, but since she was the one pushing this little fling, she decided that the best thing she could do was show him why he should want to be with her.

  Stevie kept one arm wrapped around Dave’s head and slid her newly freed hand back down his stomach to his groin. Rather than go inside his jeans this time, she took hold of him through the thick denim and started to squeeze.

  At precisely the same moment, Bobby called out loudly from upstairs.

  Startled, both Stevie and Dave broke away from each other, eyes turned up toward the ceiling. In almost perfectly synchronized motion, they stared at the white surface for two or three seconds then dropped their gaze down to catch each others’ eyes.

  Both of them started laughing.

  “Did you hear what he yelled?” Stevie asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Dave admitted, “but it sounded like: Not in my ass!”

  “That’s what I thought too,” Stevie said.

  She began to slide next to Dave again, but realized that this was really an opportunity to help him relax and have fun. “Do you want to sneak upstairs and see what they’re doing?” she whispered.

  Dave looked her straight in the eye—perhaps not the best place for her ego, seeing as her breasts were still bare. “Let’s do it!” he said.

  He started to get up, but Stevie pulled him back on the couch. “Wait! Take off your shoes and socks first. We don’t want them to hear us!”

  Dave sank back on the couch beside her, kicked off his shoes, and tore off his socks, just a half a second slower than Stevie did. He started to get up, but Stevie slid onto his lap and took hold of his T-shirt. “If I’m walking around topless,” she told him, “then so are you.”

  She pulled his T-shirt up and over his head, then ran her fingers over his lean and muscular white chest. Dave started to cup her breast in return, but seemed to remember he was uncomfortable with this.

  “Let’s go check out Loren and Bobby,” he suggested.

  Stevie stood up off his lap and slipped her dark fingers into his white hand. He let her do so, leading her up the stairs as they quietly went looking for Bobby and Loren. The carpet was plush beneath their bare feet and the warm hou
se air still felt cool against Stevie’s naked breasts. She was pleased with the way her nipples stood out and with the increasingly frequent glances Dave made toward them.

  Following the sounds of Bobby’s ardor, they crossed the hall toward what Loren had once laughingly called her playroom. She had left the door ajar, as if anticipating their spying, and positioned herself and Bobby to be clearly visible through the open crack.

  Stevie’s fingers tightened hard on Dave’s hand. She couldn’t believe what she saw happening. Loren had removed her silk bra and blouse and was kneeling in front of Bobby. Her torso was positioned so that she was two-thirds facing toward them, which meant Bobby’s front was only one third visible. It was enough to show his thick dark penis sliding in and out of Loren’s tiny mouth. Her small pink nipples bobbed up and down in front of them, perky with excitement as she sucked on Bobby’s cock. But none of that really startled Stevie. She’d seen guys get blown before. No, what absolutely amazed her was the narrow, grease-covered dildo, which Loren’s free hand was pumping in and out of Bobby’s ass.

  The dildo moved in time with Loren’s mouth, up and down, in and out, and Bobby’s head was thrown back, eyes closed, mouth open, trying to ride the invasive pleasure.

  Dave didn’t seem to be breathing next to her, so Stevie pressed up against his side, sliding one hand around his back while the other massaged the bulge in his pants.

  He was very hard. Whatever the real cause of his squeamishness, it could not suppress his body’s excitement.

  She was right to have brought him up here.

  She pulled the zipper down on his jeans and pushed down his underwear. The motion caught Loren’s attention and her eyes focused on Stevie and Dave as Stevie’s dark fingers began to masturbate him.

  Bobby was oblivious, struggling to keep standing and breathing while Loren’s mouth and dildo drove him crazy.

  His skin was very dry, so Stevie lifted her hand to Dave’s face and let him lick her palm and fingers. Whatever he was pretending downstairs, he wanted her—desperately wanted her tiny hand pumping that big thick erection.

  She gave him what he wanted, pumping his long, hard shaft while they watched Loren suck on Bobby. Bobby was impressively big, but he looked tiny next to Dave’s powerful meat with its thick corded veins and glistening mushroom head. She really couldn’t encompass his girth with her tiny hand, not that he seemed to be complaining.


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