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The Dark Corner

Page 19

by Easton Livingston

  “Not really. Just something that fits.”

  She nodded in acknowledgement, echoed his order, and turned to fill it. His cryptic response probably threw her off. She was too nice to react. Her job was to nod, smile, and get people coffee. The small talk was a bonus. It was a simple life she had and for that, he had a small amount of envy.

  She handed him his coffee, and he slid his card through the pin pad, paying for his jolt of caffeine. The transaction approved, he grabbed his receipt and put it in his pocket.

  “See you tomorrow,” Darlene said, her signature smile signaling her goodbye. Neff smiled back, this time giving one that spread across the full span of his face.

  Turning around, he froze. He was sitting in the brown brushed leather lounge chair that sat near the entrance next to an artificial fireplace. He wore a dark pea coat and dark jeans, his legs crossed, reading something on a tablet. If Neff would have taken a sip of his coffee, he would have choked on it.

  The man looked up from his tablet. The man from the warehouse.

  “Detective Neff. It’s good to see you. Please join me, “ Sebastian said, motioning Neff to fill the identical lounge chair that sat opposite of him.

  Neff stood his ground, contemplating what to do. His first instinct was to arrest and charge him for assaulting a police officer. Something told him that wouldn’t go down too well. The guy would probably end up laying him out again. So engrossed with the details of that night, he hadn’t thought about encountering him again. He figured all four of them were long gone but he was wrong. Maybe it was for the better. Maybe now, he could get some answers.

  Cautious, he stepped to the chair. Neff didn’t take his eyes off of the guy and stopped midway in sitting down.

  “You’re not going to hit me again, are you?”

  “No,” Sebastian said, sadness visible on his face. “No, I’m not. I’m sorry I had to do that.”

  Neff was surprised. He had meant it half jokingly, but that was missed by his company.

  “We’ve never been properly introduced. My name is Sebastian.” He extended his hand to Neff who took it, apprehension guiding his move. They shook and sat in silence a few moments before Neff spoke.

  “So what do I owe the pleasure?”

  Sebastian looked at Neff with a tinge of pity. He’d done his due diligence on Neff, knew he was one of the decent ones. A good cop, dedicated to the job and to those he’d sworn to protect. A part of him wished he hadn’t witnessed what happened at the warehouse. However, there was nothing that could be done about it. It had happened. It was time to deal with it.

  “You probably have some questions about what happened at the warehouse.”

  Neff nodded. “Just a couple since everything and everyone involved have somehow disappeared. The owners at the warehouse said that nothing was out of order. Like nothing ever happened there.”

  Sebastian’s watch beeped. He looked at it and exhaled. “I have to be somewhere. Can you walk out with me?”


  Neff was careful to keep some distance between them, letting Sebastian lead the way. They stepped outside into the brisk fall morning. The leaves had taken on their golden and red hue, sailing to the ground on the shoulders of the morning breeze. Sebastian pulled up his collar and walked down the strip mall sidewalk, stopping in front of his dark red SUV, turning to face Neff.

  “You’re not going to believe what I’m about to say to you. Not outright.” He pulled out a pair of black leather gloves and proceeded to put them on.

  “There’s an unseen war going on. One behind the scenes of society. One in the dark corners that people speculate about but most disbelieve. Where things exist that are, by and large, dismissed as myth or fable by the majority of the populace. What you witnessed was a small battle in that war. Now, the hand of Providence has made you a part of it.”

  He opened the passenger door.

  “I came here today to let you know we’re on the same side. We just fight this war on different fronts. Now that you know, I have a feeling we’re going to be working together again.”

  “I wouldn't call it working together. I tried to shoot you and you knocked me out.”

  Neff glanced through the windshield, recognizing Amanda and Tyler who waved their hands in greeting. Sebastian chuckled.

  “Take care of yourself detective.”

  Neff watched as the SUV pulled out of the parking lot. His eyes travelled down to his latte, the whipped cream settling. Sebastian was right. He didn’t believe it. Sounded like a bunch of new-age nonsense. Yet, something nudged the back of his mind, opening the possibility he was telling the truth. If so, they would see each other again. This time, he’d be ready.

  He walked to his car, sipping his latte, enjoying the remnants of warmth it offered to his throat and stomach.

  Time to go to work.



  Welcome back. I'm glad you made it. I trust that the journey was not too uncomfortable. I tried to make it that way. Forgive me if I didn't succeed. At least you understand, to a degree, what to expect. Well…not really. I guess I was just trying to make you feel better. This is just a dipping of the toe into the pool.

  If you've gotten this far, you've read the whole book. Thank you for that. Much appreciated.

  Which story was the most enjoyable? Of course my desire is that they all were. If there was one that you enjoyed the most, would you be so kind to leave a review for that one? The links are below:

  #1 -The Visitor

  #2 -The Forest

  #3 -The Gift

  #4 -The Basement

  #5 -The Confrontation

  So, what's next? A new Genesis Point. A new saga. A new hero.

  Adlai Blackson is a patriot. As a United States marine, he serves out of a sense of duty and honor to his father who was killed in action when he was eight-years old. That day changed his life and shaped him to be the man he is today. To him, family and friends are paramount and it has been his life's mission to protect them as well as his country.

  For over fifteen years, he's built an impressive reputation as a top notch hand-to-hand combatant and uncanny reconnaissance and infiltration expert. The United States government took notice, recruiting him as a leader in the black-ops team known only to those involved as Detachment M. All of this is because he's kept something locked away. Something only he and one other person knows. Something he's kept hidden since he was eight-years-old.

  Adlai's life is about to change again. A long held secret is revealed, one of betrayal and pain. A secret that will shake him to the core of his soul and challenge everything he's ever believed in. A secret that will force him to make a decision: to serve family, country, or himself.

  The first book in the Poltergeist Files, Blackson's Revenge, is slated for release in the end of April. Be sure to catch updates at R.I.U. HQ:

  Thanks again. Until next time, see you in the Tapestry.




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