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Crazy in Love 2

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by Yoshe

  Crazy In Love 2


  All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Copyright Page


  November, 2009

  It was approximately 6:30 p.m. in East New York, Brooklyn, and the late November wind could be heard whipping around the tall apartment buildings of the Spring Creek Towers apartment complex. Thirty-six-year-old Brandi Wallace had just gathered up her grocery bags and hurriedly exited her parked car to escape the chilly air. She wrapped her oversized cashmere sweater coat around her shapely frame and quickly walked across the one-way street toward her building.

  Brandi was pretty excited about her life these days. For one, she couldn’t wait to get upstairs to call her new boyfriend. The man in question was the handsome Sean Daniels, who was three years her junior. There was nothing better than listening to him whisper sweet nothings in her ear, as she dipped a spoonful of her favorite Ben & Jerry’s ice cream into her mouth.

  Little did Brandi know, her peaceful night was about to turn into a drama-filled nightmare.

  Before Brandi could enter the foyer of her building, she felt someone grab her hair from the back. Alarmed by the intrusion, she immediately began to struggle with the mystery person.

  Suddenly, Brandi felt cold steel being pressed into the nape of her neck. It’s a gun! Her body froze instantly. A gun could only mean that someone meant business.

  Brandi couldn’t believe what was happening to her. She winced in pain from the pressure of the gun being applied to the back of her neck and she could feel warm pee rolling down the legs of her dark denim skinny jeans. Fearing for her life, Brandi complied. She dropped her grocery bags to the ground, ready to give the person whatever they wanted. She just wasn’t ready to die.

  Brandi closed her eyes, waiting for the perpetrator to say something. Not wanting to make any sudden moves, she slowly raised her hands in the air.

  “I told you to stay away from my man, didn’t I, bitch?”

  Brandi recognized that voice right away. That voice belonged to a woman named Yadira Cruz.

  Yadira was a coworker of Sean’s, whom he had a brief fling with a month or so before Brandi came into the picture. Since then, the woman had been stalking her and Sean for the past two months. Now it seemed like Yadira had taken the stalking thing to a whole new level. She was definitely out for blood.

  “What do you want from me, Yadira?” the nervous Brandi asked.

  “Ever since you came into our lives, Brandi, it’s been nothing but fucking drama! Turn around and look at me!” she ordered.

  Brandi slowly turned around, only to come face to face with the emotionally disturbed Yadira. She was holding a huge gun in her hands and the woman’s eyes were bloody red, swollen, and bulging out her head. She looked like she had been crying all night. But what scared Brandi the most about Yadira’s eyes was that vacant stare. She knew that murderous gaze all too well.

  “Why are you doing this, Yadira?” Brandi asked, in a pleading voice. “You and Sean were never in a relationship with each other!”

  But Yadira wasn’t trying to hear that. She waved the loaded gun in Brandi’s face.

  “Oh, is that what he told you?” she asked. She began laughing hysterically. “Sean has always been my man, Brandi, and you’re the side chick! Me and Sean were all good until you came into the picture and spoiled everything for us! You’re the fucking reason why he’s been disrespecting me and acting like he doesn’t want to be with me anymore! It’s all because of you, bitch!”

  Brandi scoped her surroundings. Spring Creek Towers was usually busy around that time of the evening. But strangely enough, there was no one around at the moment. She silently prayed that someone would walk or drive by her building and see Yadira pointing the silver semiautomatic at her.

  “Yadira, can we please, please just talk about all of this?” Brandi asked, again pleading with the maniacal woman. “Maybe we can come to some type of happy medium—”

  Yadira cut Brandi off. “Shut . . . up . . . you . . . bitch,” she whispered, as if she was getting irritated with the sound of Brandi’s voice. “What we’re going to do now is go pay my man a visit! And once we get there? I’m going to need for you to tell my man, face to face, that you are not going to see him any fucking more. Do you understand me?”

  Brandi nodded her head.

  Yadira raised the gun so that it was pointed toward her forehead. “And you’re going to drive us over there,” Yadira exclaimed, pushing Brandi in the direction of her parked vehicle. “Let’s go!”

  The bewildered Brandi painstakingly followed Yadira’s orders. An eerie chill ran through Brandi’s body, as she pressed the keyless alarm to open the passenger door to her vehicle.

  Everything was happening so fast and Brandi didn’t understand why it was even happening at all. For one fleeting moment, she thought about running away from Yadira. But with the state of mind that the deranged woman was in, she decided to not take that chance.

  And how lucky was she! Brandi was glad that she didn’t have her young grandson when Yadira rolled up with that gun. If that were the case, things would have definitely gotten ugly. Brandi slowly slid into the driver’s side of her car.

  As soon as Yadira got in on the other side, she poked the gun into Brandi’s side. Yadira slammed the passenger door closed. “Now hurry up and get to Sean’s house, bitch. And you better not try shit or else, I promise you, you will regret the very day that you were born,” she yelled.

  Brandi reluctantly started her vehicle up, making her way to Sean’s Bedford-Stuyvesant home. As she whipped her Audi through the light traffic on Pennsylvania Avenue, she was almost too afraid to even breathe the wrong way.

  “I cannot freaking believe that Sean had the nerve to choose your tired, five-dollar ass over me,” Yadira said. She pushed the gun deeper into Brandi’s right side. “You just don’t know how much I hate you, Brandi. You just don’t know, girl,” she added, drifting off into a zone.

  Brandi kept her eyes on the road and didn’t say one word to Yadira. Getting killed by a female stalker was not the way that she pictured herself leaving the earth.

  By the time Brandi and Yadira arrived in front of Sean’s house it was 7:15 p.m. and she was a ball of nerves. The drive from her East New York residence to Sean’s house was such a harrowing experience for her. What was normally a twenty-minute drive seemed like hours and she desperately tried to figure out what her next move was going to be.

  The sound of Yadira’s voice startled Brandi. She was ordered to take the key out of the ignition and get out of the car.

  “No funny business, bitch, or else I will blow your motherfucking brains out!” Yadira warned, as if she was reading her mind. She kept the gun pointed at Brandi
while she walked around the vehicle. “I am so sick of you basic chicks acting like y’all are better than somebody!” Yadira said, out of the blue. “What makes you think that you could compete with me, huh, Brandi?” she asked.

  Brandi glared at Yadira and just shook her head. She could feel herself losing patience with Yadira and all of her dramatics. The old Brandi would have never tolerated this behavior from any woman or man, for that matter. She instantly regretted not handling the erratic, lovesick lunatic after their first run-in.

  All of sudden, Yadira grabbed Brandi and shoved the gun into the small of her back, while pushing her toward Sean’s house. They approached the steps located at the lower level of the brownstone.

  Meanwhile, Brandi tried her hardest to hold her composure. She had a few guns pulled out on her back in the day but never had she felt more defenseless then she did at that moment. It was clear that the mentally unstable Yadira had finally gone off on the deep end.

  Brandi rang Sean’s doorbell while Yadira lurked in the dark corner with the gun pointed directly at her head.

  The clueless Sean was downstairs relaxing in his family room. He was stretched out on the couch, while sipping on some Hennessy and Coke and watching the ESPN channel on TV. The sound of the downstairs doorbell startled Sean. Who the fuck could that be? He hadn’t been expecting any visitors but he wasn’t stupid. The security-conscious Sean quickly walked over to his bar and grabbed his Ruger. Then he slowly walked over to the door with the gun in his right hand.

  “Who is it?” he asked, in a stern voice.

  “It’s me, babe,” Brandi softly replied from other side of the locked door.

  Sean smiled at the sound of Brandi’s sweet voice. “Oh, it’s my baby,” he said to himself. The Rikers Island correction officer tucked his off-duty firearm into the waistband of his jeans and opened the door. Just as he was about to hug Brandi, the smile on his face instantly disappeared. The wild-eyed Yadira had emerged from the dark corner with the gun still aimed at Brandi’s head.

  “What the fuck is this?” Sean asked, with a shocked expression on his face. “What the hell is going on here?”

  Yadira pushed Brandi through the threshold of the doorway, causing her to fall face first at Sean’s feet. When he went to help her up, Yadira pointed the gun at the both of them. Sean reached for his gun but instantly decided against it. Yadira had the upper hand and he didn’t want her to shoot him or, even worse, Brandi.

  “I really should kill the both of y’all motherfuckers!” the jealous Yadira screamed at them, with saliva spewing from her mouth. “And you, Sean! You haven’t done nothing but use me and made me look like a got damn fool!”

  Yadira held the gun in her hand so tightly that her knuckles were protruding from her small hands. She began pointing the gun back and forth between Sean and Brandi.

  “Sit down!” she ordered them.

  Both of them did as they were told. Brandi was quivering with fright while the stoic Sean closely watched Yadira’s every move.

  “See how you got me acting, Sean?” Yadira asked, in a sarcastic tone, with her trusty off-duty weapon pointing at him and Brandi, whose eyes were tightly closed. “See what happens when you choose another bitch over me, Sean?” She began pounding on her chest. “I’m a good fucking woman and you chose to skip over me to be with this lame-ass trick!” Yadira looked at Brandi. “A low-budget bitch with her fucking jailbird son! This ho can’t even hold down her child!”

  When she said that, Brandi went from being terrified to angry in a matter of seconds. She was unable to compose herself after Yadira mentioned her son and the time that he had to do on Rikers Island.

  “You stinking bitch,” she began, in the nastiest tone of voice that she could muster up. “My got damn son has absolutely nothing to do with you, Sean, or nobody else!” Brandi yelled at her. “Keep anything that you got to say about my son out of your despicable, motherfucking mouth before I make you swallow that got damn gun! You really do not know who you’re fucking with, Yadira!”

  Sean intervened and put his forearm in front of Brandi’s chest to keep her from going at Yadira. The two women continued to have a screaming match with each other before Sean interrupted them.

  “Yo! Yo!” Sean yelled. “Leave Brandi and her son out of this, Yadi! You don’t have no beef with her! It’s me you have the beef with! Ain’t I the one you claimed rejected you? Huh?” he asked, trying to take Yadira’s attention off the visibly irate Brandi.

  Yadira waved the gun over her head, not taking her eyes off Brandi. “Fuck her! Fuck you, Brandi! This bitch thinks that she’s better than some got damn body!” She stared at Brandi. “You ain’t nobody, bitch! I’m the got damn law!” Yadi screamed, pointing the gun in Brandi’s face. “That’s right! You couldn’t walk a block in my shoes!”

  That was the last straw for Sean. “You’re the law?” Sean asked. “Now you wanna talk about being the law? Who are you fooling, Yadi? You don’t give a fuck about your career!” he added. “Look at you. Yeah, you’re a correction officer and everything but you know motherfucking well that you shouldn’t be doing none of this shit right here! If you kill me and Brandi, just know that you’re going to do a shitload of time; our families are going to see to that! Do you understand that you will go to jail? And you wanna talk about being a good mother? Why would you wanna subject your daughter to that?”

  Yadira started pacing around the room, as if she was thinking about what Sean said to her. “If anything happens to me, my daughter has her father and her grandparents to take care of her! She’s better off without me anyway. I know that I’m messed up and I know that you don’t love me, Sean. My daughter’s father never loved me; my family and friends think that I’m fucking crazy. I just don’t give a shit anymore!”

  Sean began thinking about what Yadira was saying to him. It sounded like she wanted to end her own life. But he wasn’t about to let her go out like that. He didn’t want that to be on his conscience. Suddenly, his anger turned into concern.

  “Yadi, just put the gun down, please!” he pleaded with her. “You don’t need any more drama and neither do I! Maybe we could work something out,” he said.

  “Sean, baby, you just don’t seem to understand me, do you?” Yadira asked, with a pitiful look her face. “I just love you so much. It’s you I want; you’re what I’m holding on to.” Yadira slowly began breaking down right before Sean’s and Brandi’s eyes. “I don’t have anyone to love me except my baby girl and she is much too young to understand her mama’s pain! That’s why I need you, Sean! You know, what it takes to make me happy!” she cried out, still holding the gun in her shaky hands.

  Sean took a deep breath. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find the words to console the distraught Yadira and he didn’t want to say anything that would set her off. But Sean knew that he had to come up with something that would make her put that gun down.

  Sean got up from the couch and attempted to soothe the tense Yadira from a distance. “Look, Yadi, you need to calm down, babe! You’re going to get into a whole lot of trouble if you do anything stupid, sweetheart! Just put the gun down, please!”

  Suddenly, the frustrated Yadira regrouped and let off a warning shot in the air. Sean jumped back and looked up at the dust falling from a gaping hole in his ceiling. He plopped back down on the couch and shook his head, in annoyance.

  “Why are you doing this to us, Yadi?” Sean asked her again, too livid to be afraid of the gun-toting woman.

  Yadira laughed. “Doing this to us? I do not believe this Negro!” she said. She looked at Sean with a scowl on her face. “You’re still taking up for this pathetic little heifer, huh, Sean?” she asked.

  Yadira raised the gun and aimed it in Brandi’s direction again. The reflection from the light in Sean’s family room made the gun shine like platinum.

  “Would you still love the bitch if I just blow her head off right in front of you, Sean? Would you take up for the bitch then?”

  All of a
sudden, Yadira walked over to Brandi and grabbed her by the hair. She dragged her from the couch and onto the floor. Once Brandi was on the floor, she gave her a swift, hard kick to the ribs. “Now get the fuck out of this house so that I can be alone with my man, bitch!”

  Brandi tried to stand up but her sore ribs felt as if they were cracked in half from the impact of Yadira’s foot. If a younger, hot-tempered Brandi had anything to do with it, Yadira would have definitely been six feet under. It was that moment that she realized how much she had evolved as a woman.

  Brandi wasn’t moving fast enough for Yadira. She grabbed her by the shirt collar and physically helped her get to the door.

  “I’m going to need for you to hurry up and get the hell out of here! And if I see your ass around here again, I’m gonna blow your got damn head off your shoulders!”

  Yadira shoved Brandi outside and locked the door behind her.

  Seeing how things were being played out with the two women, Sean felt bad for Brandi. She didn’t deserve to be caught up with his messiness. Everything that was happening was because he couldn’t keep his penis in his pants. In the meantime, Sean hoped that Brandi could put any bad feelings to the side and get the police over there before Yadira killed him.

  Outside of Sean’s house, a battered and bruised Brandi slowly got up from the stained concrete. She brushed the dirt off her bloody, scraped-up knees. Then she went through her jeans and sweater pockets to retrieve her car keys. Thankfully, she still had those.

  As Brandi limped to the car, she began crying. How and why she became a target in all of the craziness that was going on between Sean and Yadira was beyond her. The only thing that she ever strived for was a relationship with a decent man and all she got in return was some deranged, obsessive bitch wanting to kill her.

  Ironically enough, Yadira Cruz was nothing but a replica of Brandi’s former self. She too had been crazy in love with Maleek, the father of her son. Brandi snapped out of her daydream. She could have easily gone home and let whatever was happening with Sean and Yadira play itself out. But she couldn’t bring herself to do that. Sean was in serious trouble and it was up to her to get him some help.


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