How to Date a Mermaid
Page 2
I shook my head. “Oh, be serious.”
“Okay, I saw women walking out, but I didn’t notice much. Why? Were they strange?” he asked.
“Like I said, they were mermaids, which isn’t strange. It’s what they said to each other that is weird,” I said.
“Don’t keep me in suspense anymore,” he said. “What did they say?”
“They were talking about getting rid of someone.” I scanned the area to see if anyone heard me.
The bartender was at the back of the café. No other customers had entered yet.
Jack quirked an eyebrow. “What do you mean getting rid of someone?”
“As in making him vanish. I don’t know what you think.”
“Permanently getting rid of him like murder?” Jack laughed. “I think you’re just reading too much into it. You’ve always had a vivid imagination.”
“My imagination wouldn’t make me mistake what they said. This is scary. I wish I knew what they were talking about.”
“Try not to let it bug you too much. You know how you are.” Jack waved to get the bartender’s attention.
“What about the rumor? People said the mermaids wanted to get to vampires. Aren’t you at least a little worried about that?”
“One vampire. Not all vampires,” he said. “You know what Shelby told you.”
“Maybe Shelby doesn’t know what these mermaids are up to. They could have taken things into their own hands. They chased down the guy and now they’re going to off him.” I mimicked a knife across my throat.
Jack took me by the hand. “Let’s get some breakfast and maybe that’ll make you feel better.”
When the gnawing hunger pains took over I supposed I did get a tad grouchy. I picked up my glass of orange juice and we found a table toward the front windows. Soon the waiter came over to take our order. Unfortunately, they didn’t have steak for breakfast, but I did manage to get bacon, eggs, toast, and oatmeal.
Jack watched me as I shoveled the food into my mouth. “I see you didn’t lose your appetite this morning.”
“Well, I have a high metabolism, you know, from being a werewolf.” I pointed with my fork.
“Yes, I remember,” he said with a chuckle.
Even though Jack was aware of my eating habits, he still didn’t quite understand. He didn’t need to eat as much so he was constantly watching me cram food into my mouth. When I shifted, I had to go for a run. That meant that I burned off a ton of calories all the time, a perk that made up for all the excess hair.
Jack told me all about his surf lesson while we enjoyed our breakfast. I tried to pay attention because I really was interested, but I kept thinking about the mermaids. I definitely wanted to get to that meeting with Shelby so that I could ask her if she knew them. I tried to remember their faces so that I could describe them to Shelby. Too bad I didn’t have names. Maybe she knew mermaids who liked to hang out at this place.
I looked at the time on my phone. “Well, it’s about time for me to leave for the meeting. It’s just right around the corner.”
Jack placed his napkin on the table. “I can walk with you.”
“Do you have plans while I’m in my meeting?” I asked.
“I thought I might check out some of those alligator places.”
“All the tourist stuff,” I said around a sigh.
“Maybe you can take off early and we can have dinner?”
“Yeah, maybe.”
While Jack paid for the food I waited outside on the sidewalk for him. I looked to my left and then to the right for the mermaids. Why was I so obsessed with finding them again? Maybe Jack was right and what they said was just innocent talk. Although I had a strange feeling and usually my feelings turned out to be right.
Jack stepped out onto the sidewalk beside me. “Shall we go?”
“Yes, I guess we have to.” I took one last look around but still didn’t see the mermaids.
Jack and I headed down the sidewalk toward Shelby’s place. It was only a block from the café. The ocean breeze caressed my skin as we strolled along hand in hand. Palm tree fronds rustled with the wind. I inhaled the scent of the salty air. If only I had more time to enjoy the amazing surroundings. After the short walk Jack and I reached Shelby’s place. We stopped in front of the main entrance for the tall condo building. Jack planted a tantalizing goodbye kiss on me.
“I’ll text you soon,” he said.
“Talk to you later,” I said. “Have fun.”
Jack walked away and now it was work time. Honestly, I couldn’t wait to get inside and ask about the mermaids. Shelby’s place was on the twelfth floor of the high-rise. I knew the ocean views would be amazing, but the height of the building freaked me out. Entering the building, I passed several people leaving. A couple of sofas sat in the lobby area with palm plants decorating the space. The concierge watched me as I walked across the space. After passing through the lobby I reached the elevator.
As much as I hated to get on that metal box, I pushed the button anyway. I always worried the thing would plunge to the bottom floor with me in it. The bell dinged loudly and a stern voice announced that the elevator was going up. As if the thing didn’t have me scared enough, now I had to think about that mean voice yelling out at me.
Now that the metal door opened I had to enter. Breathe in and out, I reminded myself. I hurried inside as if ripping off a bandage. The faster I got on the faster I could get off. After pushing the button for the twelfth floor, I closed my eyes, pretending that I was on the beach again. It wasn’t helping much, but I tried.
Once the door opened I hurried off, making a quick left and then another left down the long hallway. I could never get used to living in this place. New Orleans with its old-world charm was truly the place for me. Although I was sure the view from Shelby’s place was amazing.
Now that I was in front of her door, I rang the bell. A few seconds later she opened the door, immediately grabbing me and embracing me in a hug. Shelby had sun-streaked blonde hair that fell in waves to her shoulders. Her white smile was brighter than the sandy beach and her eyes the same blue as the water. She looked as if she’d just stepped out of a shampoo commercial. She wore white shorts showcasing her long legs and a red and white tank top that fit tightly around her fit upper body.
“Rylie, I’m so glad to see you.”
“It’s good to see you too,” I mumbled into her shoulder.
The scent of ocean salt and coconut filled my nostrils. Shelby finally let go and gestured for me to enter her place. Sunshine greeted me as soon as I stepped into the room. The large windows gave a massive view of the blue sky. Moving across the condo, I stepped closer to the window.
I peered down, feeling a bit queasy. “You have an awesome view of the palm trees and stuff down below. Has anyone ever fallen to their death from up here?”
“Um, not that I know of. I take it you’re not a fan of heights,” she said.
“It’s not my favorite, but your place is fabulous.” I turned to face her.
Little mermaid knickknacks decorated the space and there were pictures of mermaids on the walls. We had something in common. I loved collecting figurines. They collected dust in my office. I was constantly dusting the things.
“Thank you,” Shelby said. “It’s my home away from home, I guess you could say. When I’m not hanging out in the ocean.”
I wasn’t sure how much time she spent in the water. That was something I would have to learn about mermaids.
“Please have a seat,” she said as she gestured toward the white sofa.
After I sat down, she took a seat across from me on the bright blue lounge chair. Her place was full of colorful furniture.
“Oh, I don’t know what I was thinking. Would you like something to drink? Maybe some breakfast?”
“No, thank you. Jack and I ate at a little café down the street.” I motioned as if she would know exactly which one I meant.
Now was the perfect time to ask if she’d
been to the place.
“It was the Blue Water Café. Have you ever been there?” I asked.
“Yes, I go there all the time. They have great food.” She smiled.
“The food was fantastic, but that’s not all…” My words were cut off by her excitement.
“I can’t wait to share my ideas with you for the office space and other things that I can do to help bring in new customers.” She laughed. “But I don’t want to overwhelm you with all that. I just want to hear what you have to say.”
She took a breath and peered at me with her big blue eyes. She seemed so enthusiastic about all of this, I hated to change the subject. Alas, it had to be done.
“We will discuss the business, but I wanted to ask you about some women I saw at the café.”
“Yes?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
“They were mermaids. Well, I suppose I don’t know for sure all of them were mermaids. One had scales forming on her leg, so I assumed that they were getting in the water soon. The point is I overheard them say something that was a little strange. I just wanted to ask you if you knew them since you live close to the café. What they said made me feel uncomfortable.”
“Was there anything about them that stood out?” Shelby asked.
“Actually, I noticed they were all wearing the same kind of gold ring. It had a waterdrop on it.”
“I know exactly who they are. And it doesn’t surprise me that you overheard something strange coming out of the three of them. They really are bad news.”
“Is that right? I knew something was off about them.”
“Tell me what they said.” Shelby leaned closer.
“They said there was a guy they wanted to get rid of,” I said.
Her eyes widened. “You don’t know who this man is?”
“Not a clue. Do you think it has anything to do with that rumor? You know, that the other mermaids wanted to get rid of the vampire?” I asked.
“That was nothing and this is probably something silly too. Although the mermaids are strange and a little scary. They wouldn’t do something like that over a guy I was dating.”
“Why do you say they’re scary?” I asked.
“If anyone says anything to them they are really mean about it. I feel like they’d hit me or something if I did something they didn’t like.”
“That sounds bad,” I said. “I should look into this more. I don’t want someone to get hurt if I could’ve prevented it.”
“That would be terrible if that happened,” Shelby said. “But I don’t know if I want to get involved with that trio. They’re really scary.”
“Yes, you said they were scary, but are they really that bad?”
“Bad news,” she said with a click of her tongue.
“They looked at me strangely and I thought maybe they would punch me, but they didn’t. They left without saying another word so they’re probably all talk.”
Her eyes widened. “They seem violent.”
“All I’m saying is I think I need to look into what they said. I don’t mean that you have to be with me,” I said. “You can just tell me where to find them and I will go from there.”
Yes, I was just a matchmaker and maybe this was none of my business. I knew of nothing they’d done wrong, but something was telling me to check it out. So naturally, I would.
“Are you sure about this?” Shelby asked.
“Positive,” I said with a smile. “Do you really know where I can find them?”
“They share a house. They’re best friends and never go anywhere without each other. I have their address,” Shelby said with hesitation in her voice. “They had a party once that I almost went to.”
“I just walked up to the front gates and then chickened out,” she said.
“Just write down the address and I’ll check it out,” I said.
Shelby sighed. “I can write it down, but it’s difficult to find. You really need someone to go with you.”
She said she didn’t want to go, but the hesitation in her voice made me wonder if she wanted to tag along.
“Are you sure you don’t want to ride along with me?” I asked.
Shelby probably thought I’d be hurt if I went to the mermaids’ house. I could assure her I’d be fine. I was a werewolf. Nothing would happen to me.
Shelby inhaled and released a deep breath. “Okay, I’m ready.”
“Great. Just remember, you’re tough.” I pumped my fist.
“Right… tough.” The words came out like a slow leaking balloon. “I’ll just get my things and we can leave.”
Shelby was counting on me, so I had to act tough, but I wouldn’t lie, I was a little anxious. I didn’t know what to expect. I just hoped that the mermaids didn’t do something crazy when I showed up at their front door. Would they recognize me from the café bar? If so I needed a sneakier plan. I had to figure out what they were up to before it actually happened. Maybe it was a good thing that Shelby was coming with me.
Chapter 3
“We can take my car,” Shelby said as she emerged from her bedroom with a big white purse tossed on her shoulder.
“Great.” I jumped up from the sofa. “Let’s go now.”
“Oh? So you’re really going through with this?” she asked as if she’d thought I was just kidding.
I guessed she’d only offered to appease me, thinking that I wouldn’t actually do it.
“Yeah, why not? Like I said, we have to stop them if they’re going to do something bad to someone.”
“We can call the police?” Shelby asked with hope in her voice.
“What would we tell them? We don’t exactly have proof that they’ve done anything wrong,” I said.
“I bet the police know how mean they are,” she said.
“Come on, let’s go.” I stood by the door and waved for her to join me.
It was like luring a scared cat to a bathtub of water. After hesitating for a few seconds Shelby grabbed her keys and headed for the door to meet me. We stepped out into the hallway and she locked the door behind us.
“I’m just not sure what we’re going to say when we get there,” she said as she shoved the key into the lock.
“We’ll think of something,” I said.
“That’s it? That doesn’t sound like much of a plan.” Shelby fidgeted with the car keys as we walked down the hallway.
“Well, it’s always been my experience that we’ll develop a plan when we get there.” I smiled, hoping that would reassure her.
“What does that mean? You don’t really have any ideas?”
“I think it’s just I don’t like planning ahead,” I said as I pushed the elevator button.
At least I had someone to get on the elevator with me this time. We stepped onto the elevator and I pushed the button for the ground floor. Silence settled between us as we watched the indicator take us from the twelfth floor to the eleventh and then the tenth. This was the slowest elevator in the history of elevators. Plus, there wasn’t enough air.
“Have you actually spoken with these women before?” I asked, trying to stop my racing thoughts.
“Yes, we’ve had words. Like when they asked me what the hell I was looking at and then they also told me my scales were ugly, my hair looked bad and my outfit was atrocious. Other than that, that’s about it. Oh, and that they’d punch me in my stupid face.”
“They sound delightful,” I said. “What did you say when they insulted you like that?”
“Nothing,” she said.
“Maybe these bullies just need to be stood up to,” I said.
Shelby shook her head. “I’m not sure I’m willing to sustain bodily harm in order to do that.”
The elevator door opened, and we stepped out into the lobby. The woman behind the counter looked at us suspiciously but then turned her attention back to the computer screen.
“I don’t think she likes me either,” Shelby whispered.
“Why would you
say that?” I asked.
“Well, her boyfriend was flirting with me.”
“That will do it,” I said.
Shelby and I stepped out the exit and waited as Shelby handed the valet her car key. As we waited Shelby fidgeted and shifted from foot to foot. If it caused her this much anxiety I didn’t want her to go. A few more seconds passed before the guy came around with her red Corvette.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
Shelby motioned for me to get in the passenger seat. “I’ll be fine.”
We slid into the car and Shelby took off.
“How far away is the place?” I buckled my seatbelt.
“It only takes about fifteen minutes to get there. They have a beautiful place right on the beach. I don’t really think we’ll be able to get to the house. It has this big wall surrounding it and a gate in front.”
I tapped my fingers on the leather car seat. “Well, you know, I am good at jumping when in werewolf form.”
“You mean you’re going to turn into a werewolf when you go see them?” She snickered. “That might be kind of cool. I’d like to see their faces.”
“Well, I’m not sure how to get you over the wall if you can’t jump, but maybe I could open it for you once I get over there. You could come and watch.”
“Maybe I’d better not do that. Like I said, bodily harm and all that,” she said as she made a left turn.
“Right… that’s understandable. Well, I’ll definitely report back what happens, of course.”
“Are you sure you’ll be all right? I mean, there’s three of them and one of you.”
“But I’m a werewolf.” I studied my freshly painted pink fingernails.
“What exactly does that mean? Other than having a bunch of hair? No offense.” Shelby glanced at me.
“None taken,” I said with a smile. “I run fast. I jump high and I have claws.”
“Oh, claws are good. They wouldn’t like that. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t want to ruin their scales.”
“I don’t condone violence or anything,” I said. “But if push comes to shove, then I’ll be the shover.”
She gave me a timid smile and then focused her attention on the road once again.