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Page 3

by Riley, Alexa

  I nod so he knows I’m listening, but really my mind is trying to play catch up on the last hour of my life. What the hell is happening?

  “I don’t think you are.” He gets up and looks down at me. “Stay,” he commands as he marches from his office. I don’t turn to look when I hear his door slam, but I know he’s gone. The power that surrounds him leaves the room with him.

  Before I can think about what I’m doing, I slip my hand between my thighs, needing my own release. I tell myself I have to do this or I won’t be able to focus or think straight. I’ve tried to touch myself before. I’ve thought about what it would be like to have a boy touch me while I did it, but I could never get there or even close. I couldn’t even get myself wet, but now my thighs are coated with need, showing me I wanted everything he did.

  Maybe that’s the problem. I’ve been thinking about soft caresses. Not a dominant force taking what they wanted. Smith didn’t take anything from me. He stepped away from me and pleasured himself as I watched. It makes me wonder what it would feel like if I got to wrap my small hand around him or even my mouth as he’d said in the car. His crude comments took me by surprise. My whole body tingled at his words.

  I close my eyes and this time I think about what he would’ve done if he took my hand and put it around his cock. I conjure an image in my mind of him grabbing my wrist and guiding me up and down. His deep voice commanding that I get him off exactly how he wants me to.

  My fingers brush my soaked clit and my whole body jerks at the light touch. I’m so ready for release that I choke out a moan, trying desperately to remain silent. My mind goes to him grabbing me by my wet hair and forcing me forward. I can see his other hand on my jaw making my mouth open wide as he thrusts into it and I taste him.

  I cum as the fantasy plays out and my eyes close tighter. As my first orgasm rolls through my body I’m shocked at the pleasure. It’s unlike anything I knew existed in this world and it takes a hold of me.

  Something clicks around my ankle and my wave of warmth is cut short. My eyes fly open and all I see is Smith. His eyes are fixed between my legs as I pull my hand from my pussy. I hadn’t heard him come back in and I can’t believe I just did that in his office. I’m out of control.

  He grabs my wrist to stop me as he stares at my glistening fingers. I stay frozen.

  How do I keep getting caught in these positions? It’s almost as if I want to get caught. I knew he came to the gym earlier than everyone else. I knew he’d be back in his office in moments, but still I’d pushed that line. Heck, I think maybe I marched right over it. Maybe I really do need a guardian at eighteen to oversee me. I’m either too naïve or too risky—I don’t have a middle ground.

  He pulls my hand towards his mouth and I slide in the chair towards him. His mouth closes around my fingers and sucks on them. I can feel the warm, wet heat of his tongue as he goes between them. His eyes close as a sound vibrates from him. I moan, watching him, and as fast as I made the ache go away, it’s back. I need to orgasm all over again. Only this time I want that suck between my legs. My throbbing clit is making itself known and it’s out of hibernation.

  He opens his eyes and they lock with mine when I moan. He looks so angry that I jerk back because I don’t know what else to do. He lets go of my wrist as I slide back into the chair. He towers over me before leaning down and resting his hands on the arms of the chair.

  “You’re asking for it.” I don’t respond because I’m not sure if he’s right or not. He sucks in a breath and I swear I think he’s breathing me in. “You’re lucky I got to see you cum or I’d have you over my desk.”

  My mouth falls open and he pushes away as he goes to the other side of his desk. How do I want to get away from him but also hate the distance he put between us just now?

  It’s then I realize there’s something around my ankle. I look down to see an ankle cuff and it knocks me back to reality. My head snaps up and I glare at him. He has a small satisfied smirk on his face and all it does is make my blood boil.

  “Since you like to run, I thought the tracker was necessary.” I grab at it and pull but know it’s not coming off. Still I keep trying. “Knock it off before you hurt yourself.”

  His words are forceful, but I can hear a trace of concern there, too. I let go of the cuff. “I’m not some criminal,” I throw at him, and he raises an eyebrow at me. We both know I am, but for a moment I’d forgotten.

  “Not to mention the report your uncle filed on you.” He taps the folder on his desk.

  Does he believe all the lies my uncle said about me? Is that why Smith is acting this way with me? Maybe he thinks I’m the kind of girl that does this all the time. Maybe I am and didn’t know it yet. Yet even with my anger growing I want to throw myself at him. I wonder if his lips would be firm or soft against mine. I want to know what it would feel like to be kissed by someone like him.

  “He’s a liar,” I say as I straighten up in my chair and smooth out my dress.

  “Most lawyers are.” He gives a shrug. I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing. “That said, you’ve been caught trespassing, among other things. Not to mention you’ve missed school. It’s my understanding that’s required if you want to stay in line with your inheritance.”

  “Yeah,” I mumble. I feel bad, but not because of the money. It’s about not finishing something my father wanted me to. He’s gone and it’s the last thing he asked of me.

  He puts both hands on his desk and leans forward, calling my attention without words. He has no idea that I can’t possibly look away from him even if I wanted to. It’s been that way since the first time I spotted him.

  “This is how things are going to go.”

  Chapter Four


  I sit in class not listening to a thing the teacher is saying. My mind is still on Smith. I’m not sure I care for him, so I’m going back to thinking of him as a man in a suit and nothing more. Even if my body loves him and begged me all night to leave the soft comfy bed he’d left me in to join him in his.

  The naughty thoughts have taken over and are running wild. Pandora’s box has been opened and he’s the one who lifted the lid. I fear it might never close and I’ll forever be stuck on the edge of a need I can’t ever fulfil.

  Smith was cold and it isn’t how I thought the suited man would be when I daydreamed about him. I watched him come and go from the gym each day and in my mind he was sweet. I can’t read him now and I don’t know what he wants. One moment I think he wants me as his own personal plaything and the next he’s treating me like a concerned parent. He told me I had to get my life together and he put me back in school. He also gave me a job.

  I’m working off the money I owe the gym for the items I’d taken by helping him when I’m not in school. Today I have to clean his office. I’d make a run for it if it wasn’t for the bracelet wrapped around my ankle. Luckily I have a pair of jeans I can wear to cover it. I didn’t want to explain that thing to the kids at my school who were already looking at me curiously because I’ve been missing for two weeks. I’m surprised they even noticed and I ignore their stares the best I can.

  When he took me home with him yesterday I was shocked. I don’t know what I was expecting, maybe a place like my uncle’s or even my dad's. It was nothing like what I thought it would be. His home was warm and welcoming and it looked like a family belonged there. I paused for a moment when he started to usher me inside, thinking when I entered I might actually see his family. It never occurred to me that he could have a wife and a couple of kids. Thankfully there wasn’t anyone else.

  Everything about him keeps surprising me. It’s refreshing and scary all at the same time. I want to know more about him and what he’s doing with me. He could have handed me over to the cops, but he didn’t. He isn’t only the judge now, he’s also the jury and executioner.

  “You know your uncle was looking for you a few weeks back.” My head jerks up at the mention of my uncle. I look over at the boy sittin
g next to me. I think his name is Paul. Pretty sure it’s followed with a ridiculously double-barelled name with him being the twentieth in line for something.

  “I don’t live with him anymore,” I tell him. “Was he mad?” Crap. Would the school have told him about me being back here? I’m not sure. Smith walked me into the building and pushed me down the hallway towards my class as he went into the office. I’m sure word would get to him at some point. What that means for me I’m not sure, but I’m not going anywhere with this thing on my ankle.

  “He thought you took off with a boyfriend. He wanted to know who you talked to around here,” he responds leaning in closer to me. “You never talk to anyone.”

  I shrug because it’s true. I’m the new girl in my last year of high school. No one went out of their way to say hi to me so I didn’t try. When I first got here I was still a little shell-shocked by the changes in my life and I guess I never went beyond it after I got comfortable.

  He slides me a piece of paper. “You can talk to me anytime.” He gives me a wink before leaning back in his chair. He’s cute with wavy blond hair and green eyes. I think he’s on the basketball team and I know he’s popular. Maybe I would have thought he was super before Smith, but now Paul holds no appeal. I take the paper and put it in the pocket of my jeans, not wanting to be rude.

  The bell rings, releasing me to my fate. I grab my bag that’s filled with homework I need to make up and I keep my head down as I exit the school. I realize once I’m outside that I didn’t think about how I was going to get back to the courthouse. My uncle always had a car waiting for me.

  “Miss Nora,” an older man calls out and I turn to see him wave me over. He’s holding open the door to a black SUV and I walk over.

  “Mr. Prescott sent me to collect you.”

  I should have known. He might be a judge, but it’s looking like all lawyers are the same. Smith is doing the same thing my father and uncle did, sending people to fetch me since they never had the time to do it themselves. I slide in the seat and I don’t know why I care. The man doesn't know me and he’s a freaking judge. Of course he doesn't have time for me. I should be happy he’s giving me a place to lay my head at night where I don’t have to worry about someone creeping into my room. Even if I wish Smith had.

  It doesn’t take long before we’re in front of the courthouse. I wonder what people would think if they knew what Judge Prescott does in his chambers to girls who misbehave. A lick of desire spirals up my body only to be washed away when I think of all the others he’s probably done the same thing to. Maybe he has a line of woman like my uncle has. He hasn't said much more to me since he laid down his rules. He went cold as ice and I think a few times he forgot I was around. I feel like a sad little kitten wanting attention but being ignored. The nickname he’d given me became too real even as I’d tried a few times to bait him into something.

  Security lets me pass without incident. Smith must have told them about me. When I get to his office, the same woman I saw briefly yesterday stands from the desk that sits outside of Smith’s office.

  She’s older and her gray hair is pinned up in a tight bun reminding me of a Sunday school teacher. She’s in a conservative suit dress and she looks at me the same way she did yesterday. Curiosity is written all over her.

  “Hi.” I raise my hand and give her a small wave.

  She’s warm as she welcomes me over and her smile puts me at ease. “He said for you to wait in his office when you got here. He’s still in court. Can I get you anything?”

  “No thank you, I’m okay,” I tell her before pushing into his office. I’m disappointed that he isn’t here. It’s a silly thought, but I was looking forward to seeing him. I glance around and see that everything is spotless and in its place. I’m not sure what it is he wants me to clean around here.

  “In my chambers now!” someone barks at me.

  I suck in a breath.

  “Yes, let’s do this in private.”

  My heartbeat pounds in my chest at the sound of that voice. I’d know it anywhere. I turn as Smith and my uncle walk into the office and I stand there frozen. Both look as surprised to see me as I am to see them. I take a step back, wanting as much space between him and me as I can get and I think about the last time I saw him.

  “Nora,” Smith says as he glances down at his watch and mutters a curse.

  “Where have you been?” my uncle demands. Unlike Smith, Harry’s voice rakes against my skin.

  “Watch your fucking tone with her,” Smith growls at him, and it’s an honest-to-god growl. I’m not shocked by the sound coming from him. He looks like he could make the sound easily. I watch Harry pale a little. “Remember your place and where you’re standing,” Smith adds.

  Against my will, my core clenches. There has to be something wrong with my body because I should not be getting turned on by the way Smith is putting Harry in his place.

  “I’ve been worried about her.” Harry glances over to me and I take another step back. “Your Honor,” he adds quickly. “There is no need for this. I’m not pressing charges. She can come home.”

  I clench my hands into fists at my side as I look over to Smith in a silent plea. He studies my face for a moment and I swear he looks even more pissed than I’ve ever seen him before. I didn't know that was possible, but there it is.

  “I issued her sentence and it will be followed through. She’s racked up some other petty crimes.” Relief fills me and though I might only be free of my uncle today, I’ll take it.

  “She didn't even have a lawyer. I want to see the files since I’m representing her.”

  “Sorry, she already took a plea deal,” Smith says casually, and the anger isn’t as thick anymore. I can see it in the lines of his body as he removes his robe.

  “She’s my ward and I’m to oversee her.” Harry’s face starts to redden and he reminds me of a child about to throw a fit. He’s not used to being dismissed so easily, but Smith doesn't even want to hear what he has to say.

  “You think I haven't gone over the files?” He gives Harry a sharp look, but clearly Harry doesn't catch on because he keeps talking.


  “Enough! At any time a judge has the power to change a will because of circumstances. Circumstances have changed. You failed her as her guardian. Now get out of my chambers.” Harry stands there for a moment in complete shock. “Now!”

  Goosebumps break out across my skin at his tone. This time Harry does know better and he gives me one last look. I can tell by the glare in his eyes that this isn't over. But I don’t say anything as he leaves Smith’s chambers in a huff.

  When the door slams shut, Smith walks over and turns the lock. I peek up at him and see him studying me. Before I know what I’m doing I fling myself at him and he catches me easily.

  “Thank you,” I mumble into his neck as he wraps his big arms around my back.

  I breathe in his dark scent as he holds me close. It’s so tight I don’t think he’s going to ever let me go. When I lean back to look at him, his eyes are intense. They’re the same as when he grabbed in me in shower. I can’t believe that was only yesterday.

  He may not have thrown me back to the wolves, but instead is the alpha staking his claim.

  Chapter Five


  I set her down slowly and let her feel my cock against her. She’s too fucking innocent with the way she jumped on me. Doesn’t she know I could easily hold her to the ground and take what I want? This girl has no sense of self-preservation.

  “You’re welcome.” I step back and go over to my desk. I need some distance from her because I can’t control my fucking self.

  Last night was hell on earth. I’ve never been so challenged in all my life. This isn’t me. This isn’t who I am. I’m not someone who preys on a young woman and works the system I’ve sworn to protect all for my own sexual gratification. I tried last night to convince myself that yesterday in my office was a lapse in judgment and it w
ould never happen again. But every time I closed my eyes all I could think about was fucking that fresh little cunt she teased me with. Goddamn Nora Vaughn and every inch of smooth skin on her perfect, ripe body.

  I move some papers around and pretend to read them when all I want to do is put my fist through a wall so I don’t fuck her dirty on my desk. I bet she’d get fucking pregnant the first time I put my cock in her, and the thought of unprotect raw sex with her teenage pussy has the wet spot on my suit growing. My dick hasn’t quit dripping cum like a leaky faucet since I got that taste of her in my mouth.

  “What is it you’d like me to clean?” she asks as she bounces on her toes.

  I can see her nipples through her white cotton shirt and I can tell she isn’t wearing a bra. Her tight body was made for fucking, and what I’d like her to clean right now is my balls.

  “There are some files on the desk behind you. Put them in the bottom cabinet in alphabetical order.”

  I don’t need this done, but I had to think of something earlier today so that she could stay busy with me in here. I took the files out this morning and messed them up so she’d have to spend hours fixing them.

  “Sure,” she says and turns around.

  I watch her ass like the opening ceremony of the Olympics and all I want to do is gold medal in plowing her barely-legal cunt.

  Before I realize what I’m doing, I’m already running my hand over my crotch and trying to find some relief. She doesn’t know it, but I snuck into her room last night just to look at her while I came. I was completely naked with my cock lubed and shiny like the North Star as I stood next to her bed and beat my meat. She was in my house, so she might as well be my property. At least that’s what I kept telling myself.

  Someone could ask how I sleep at night, but I didn’t get a wink so fuck them.


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