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The Wedding Season

Page 5

by Samantha Chase

  Ryan, on the other hand, stood rooted to the spot long after the door had closed. As he had watched her walk past, he had taken note of her trim figure and the long expanse of silky legs. There had been small moisture droplets all over her and for the briefest of moments, he tried to imagine how they felt sliding down her smooth skin.

  He knew he shouldn’t be thinking of Tricia like that and then stopped himself. Why not? Why shouldn’t he think of her like that, as an attractive woman? It’s what she was! She wasn’t his best friend and although there was still a little gray area on how exactly Sean felt about her, Ryan knew he basically had nothing to feel bad about.

  But maybe he should call Sean and clear some things up first.

  Looking at his watch, he did the time difference math and then rationalized that Tricia would probably be upstairs getting ready for at least a few more minutes and knew he’d have plenty of time to talk to his brother.

  Stepping out onto the back deck, he made the call. “Hey, bro,” he said when Sean answered. “How are you feeling?”

  “Good,” he said. “Really good. If it weren’t for this body cast, I’d be fantastic.”

  Ryan couldn’t help but laugh. Sean always had a way of making light of things.

  “So I take it you got my video message.”

  “Yeah, I did. And as a matter of fact, I’m here at Tricia’s now.”

  “And? You’re gonna do it, right? You’re going to go with her to all these weddings so she doesn’t have to go alone, right?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Of course,” Ryan said quickly. “But…can I just ask you something?”

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  “Why? Why is this so important to you? I mean, people would understand why you’re not there with her. Why not just let it go? It’s not like you don’t have other things to be focusing on. Which reminds me, any word on when you’re coming home?”

  “One topic at a time, Ry. It’s still early here,” Sean chuckled. “First, no. I don’t have a date on when I’m coming home. It’s only been two weeks and it’s too soon to see how things are healing. If I had to guess, I’d say I’m going to be here for at least another month.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay? Mom’s chomping at the bit to fly over there and be with you and I can’t blame her. I’d be sitting right next to her on that flight.”

  “We’ve been over this already and I thought you both understood. There’s nothing you can do here. I’m going to need you both more when I get home. I’ll call mom tonight and put her mind at ease. And as for you, you can’t get away. Your summer is going to be pretty full now that you’re taking my place at all those weddings.”

  “Which brings me back to my original question – why is this such a big deal to you? Tricia didn’t seem all that bothered with going on her own. So if she’s okay with it, why aren’t you?”

  There was a lot of static on the line again and Ryan cursed. “Sean? Sean? Are you there?”

  The static broke up a little. “…so you can see why it’s important to me,” Sean said when the line cleared.

  “What? No. No! I didn’t hear what you said!” he growled with frustration. “Look, I’m going to do this. I’m going with her, I just…I need to know what the deal is.”

  “I just told you…”

  “And I told you the static made it impossible for me to hear. C’mon, man. Just say it again.”

  “I love her.”

  “You…you’re in love with Tricia?” The news hit Ryan like a sucker punch. It was one thing to think it; it was another to have it confirmed. Shit.

  “Well…yeah. I thought you knew,” Sean said casually.

  “I…I guess I knew you guys were really close but…love? Are…are you sure? Is that why you came up with this crazy plan to go to these things as a couple? Were you hoping that playing make-believe would turn into the real thing?”

  “Wait, wait, wait…what are you talking about?”

  “You!” Ryan snapped. “You just said you’re in love with Tricia!”

  “What? No!” Sean laughed. “I mean, yes, I love her, but no, I’m not in love with her. Sorry, our connection isn’t the greatest.”

  Relief washed over Ryan with more force than it should have. He sat down on one of the teak benches by the pond and let out a shaky sigh. His brother wasn’t in love with Tricia. The coast was clear.

  An image of Tricia wrapped in her towel came to mind and Ryan let it stay there for a minute.


  “What? Oh…um…yeah. Okay. I guess I just thought maybe you had an ulterior motive for wanting to play pretend couple with her.”

  “Dude, she’s like a sister to me and I hate to see her get her feelings hurt. People don’t always realize they’re being mean and…well…I know it bothers Trish that she’s not in a relationship right now. It was actually a win-win situation for us both. We had each other’s backs. And if I can’t be there to look out for her, I feel better knowing you are. I trust you. So…thanks. ”

  Well that put a whole different spin on the situation.

  And not really a good one.

  Sean was trusting him to look after Tricia and make sure no one hurt her or hurt her feelings. Ryan knew he was growing more and more attracted to her the more time they spent together, but that didn’t mean he was looking for something long-term or permanent. And he’d hate to be the guy who hurt her and then have to deal with his brother when he got back to the states and found out.

  That only left one solution – take a step back and go back to looking at Tricia like he used to. She was his younger brother’s friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

  The image of her in the towel made another appearance.

  It was going to be one hell of a long summer.


  “That was a great party,” Tricia stated as she sank comfortably into the passenger seat of Ryan’s BMW. They had just left their first wedding reception and she was feeling extremely happy and carefree. “I think we pulled it off.”

  Ryan had to agree. When he’d shown up at Tricia’s earlier that day, she hadn’t been home, as she had warned him. The entire drive there he had agonized over how the night was going to go and how he was supposed to play this role of wedding date. They hadn’t discussed specifics and instead had decided to go with the flow.

  The flow, it turned out, was that they were a new couple. Tricia – without any warning – had started telling people they’d only been dating a couple of weeks¸ since Sean’s accident. It wasn’t a complete lie, he supposed. Other than the dating part. But they had started spending time together since they’d gotten news about his brother.

  Everyone had been really friendly and he spent half the night giving people updates on his brother and the other half laughing and dancing with Tricia.

  And damn if it didn’t feel good.

  He realized she was looking at him. “I’m sorry. What?” he asked distractedly.

  “I said I think we pulled it off. What do you think?” Her eyes were drooping and her voice was soft and just a little bit sleepy.

  It was sexy as hell.

  “Absolutely,” he said, forcing his focus back on the road because it would be very easy to keep looking at her. “You were an excellent date.”

  “Why thank you,” she said with a smile, her eyes closing. “It was so good to see everyone again! I know you really didn’t know any of them, but Sean and I have been friends with them for as long as I can remember. He introduced me to most of them the first week I moved here and we’ve never lost touch.”

  “That’s a good thing. It doesn’t always happen,” Ryan said, thinking of his own friends he’d lost contact with over the years.

  “I had forgotten how much fun we all used to have. I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed them all. I mean, we talk on the phone and keep up with each other on Facebook, but it’s been a while since we all just hung out. And now we’ll get to see most of them again Sunday at wedding number two.” />
  “That one is in the early afternoon, right?”

  Tricia nodded. “Mm-hmm.”

  “I plan on driving back to Jersey after I bring you home if that’s all right with you. I’ve got work on Monday, so…”

  She reached across the car and touched his hand. “Ryan, you don’t need to ask my permission.” She smiled. “You’re the one doing me a favor by going to the wedding with me. It’s completely okay for you to go home when you want to.”

  Yeah, he knew that, but for some reason the thought of just dropping her off wasn’t appealing.

  Tonight had been a good night. No, a great one. Ryan couldn’t remember the last time he’d enjoyed himself so much. It wasn’t that he cared one way or the other about the wedding itself, but being with Tricia had been…good. He was finding they had a lot more in common than he ever realized and she had a great sense of humor and when they danced she felt amazing in his arms.

  Lines were getting blurred and right now Ryan didn’t have the will to care.

  They pulled up in front of the house and Ryan walked around to the passenger side of the car to help Tricia out. When she placed her hand in his, he felt that buzz of attraction he’d been feeling all night every time they touched. Did she feel it too?

  Tricia trembled slightly as she came to her feet.

  “Cold?” he asked, his voice low and gravelly.

  Her eyes were wide for a moment and then her features relaxed as she shook her head. “I’m good,” she said. “Just looking forward to getting inside and kicking these shoes off.”

  Looking down, Ryan admired the stilettos. They’d been making him crazy all night. In combination with the jade green strapless dress she was wearing, the look was lethal.

  Together they walked to the door and into the house. Tricia immediately kicked the shoes off and sighed, wiggling her toes. “Sweet relief.”

  Yeah, she was killing him.

  Turning, she walked to the kitchen and I was surprised to see her open the freezer. He followed. “What are you doing?” And then he saw the ice cream carton and laughed. “Seriously? At this hour?”

  Without hesitation, Tricia walked over, grabbed a spoon and dug into the chocolate ice cream. “I told you. It’s my weakness.”

  “But we had dessert,” he reminded as he walked toward her, loosening his tie and still chuckling.

  “Not the same,” she countered. “Cake is one thing, but ice cream is completely different.” Then she relaxed against the cabinets. “So good.”

  Ryan knew he was going to need a cold shower or…

  He opened the freezer and grabbed the carton of chocolate chip, a spoon and a seat at the breakfast nook. Tricia watched him and smiled.

  “Okay, I can see where you’re coming from,” he said and together they happily ate their late-night snack.

  When they were done, Tricia slowly made her way to the stairs. Ryan wasn’t far behind her. She made it up only one step before she turned. This almost had them at eye level. “I had a really good time with you tonight.”

  He nodded. “Me too.”

  The house was mostly dark around them. Slowly, Tricia leaned forward and placed a kiss on Ryan’s cheek. Her lips lingered for just the briefest of seconds but it was enough that Ryan noticed. “Thank you,” she said softly.

  Unable to resist, he reached up and cupped her cheek in his hand. His thumb stroking her soft skin. Then he leaned in and gently claimed her lips with his. It was short and it was sweet and when he lifted his head he had a feeling things would never be the same again.

  Slowly Tricia’s eyes opened and when she looked at him, Ryan knew he was right. It was already different. There was a kaleidoscope of emotion playing there. He stroked her cheek one more time before wishing her a good night.

  Then, taking a step back, he watched her go up the stairs and didn’t move until he heard her bedroom door close.


  Saturday morning dawned bright and sunny. Tricia slept late and figured Ryan would do the same. Actually, she hoped he’d at least sleep later than her so she had more time to come to grips with the kiss they’d shared last night.

  It wasn’t that it was passionate or that they’d gotten out of control, but it had seriously been more potent than any kiss she’d ever experienced. It had taken every ounce of self-control she had to walk up the stairs and away from him. What she really wanted was to lean back in for another kiss. And then another until they were both breathless.

  Yeah, self-control sucked.

  Forcing herself to rise from the bed, she threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, pulled her hair up into a ponytail and opened the bedroom door. Ryan’s door was open so she could only assume he was already awake. She found him down in the kitchen reading the paper and drinking coffee at the breakfast nook.

  Her tummy fluttered nervously and she wondered how she was supposed to act now. Did she kiss him good morning? Or keep it casual?

  “Hey, how’d you sleep?” he asked pleasantly when she walked into the room.

  “Oh…um…fine, thanks. And you?”

  “Great. It amazes me how I can sleep that well in a twin bed. It’s hard to believe I used to sleep in that thing growing up. Back home I’ve got a king size bed and yet I didn’t feel the need to stretch out as much last night. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.”

  She really wished he’d stop talking about beds and pillows and stretching out all over them. With a small smile, she made her way over to the coffee maker and poured herself a cup. “That’s good.”

  Folding the paper, Ryan looked at her as if everything was completely the same and that’s when she knew she was the only one affected by the kiss. Well, darn. It definitely sucked but she’d get over it. At least she knew where she stood now. That was a good thing, right?

  Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

  “I was thinking about having lunch out on the deck,” Ryan said after a minute. “It’s after eleven and if you’d like, I can go to the deli and grab us some sandwiches. What do you think?”

  “I’ve got the makings here. You don’t have to go anyplace.”

  He stood and stretched. “Nah. Not the same.”

  Tricia trailed after him as he walked out of the room and toward the front door. “It’s really not a big deal, Ryan. I don’t mind making us some lunch.”

  He turned and gave her a patient smile. “Let me ask you this – do you have any Italian bread?”

  “No, but I do have…”

  “Do you have any bacon?”

  She shook her head.

  “Roast beef? Provolone? Barbecue potato chips? Potato salad? Pickles?”

  “Okay, no I don’t have any of those things but what I have is just as good!”

  “Okay, lay it on me. What have you got?”

  She walked back to the kitchen and pulled the refrigerator door open. “I’ve got turkey breast, Swiss cheese, some tuna fish and some whole wheat sandwich thins.” Peeking out from behind the door, she grinned sheepishly. “Yeah, okay. Go to the deli.”

  Quickly she rambled off her sandwich order and watched him leave. While he was gone she set up the table on the deck and got out everything they’d need and then sat herself down on one of the chaise lounges to get some sun.

  It was a beautiful day with just the right combination of heat and cool breezes and she was content to simply stay where she was. With a sigh of contentment, she closed her eyes. This was good. Ryan didn’t seem to be fazed by the kiss, so things could go on as normal. It was for the best. Maybe later they’d call Sean together and talk to him. Other than that, she had no real plans for the day. She didn’t think they had to spend the whole day together and if Ryan had something he wanted to do, she certainly wouldn’t stop him.

  The image of them on the stairs last night came to her mind. Okay, maybe Ryan wasn’t fazed by the damn kiss, but she still was. Kind of. Okay, a lot. If he had the ability to make her feel weak and needy with barely the touch of his lips,
what would he be like if it was a full-on experience?

  And as she squirmed on the chaise, Tricia realized how much she really wanted to know.

  It didn’t matter that he was Sean’s brother.

  It didn’t matter that it could make things all kinds of awkward if they were to get involved.

  There were five more weddings for them to get through. How was she supposed to play the part of his girlfriend when being close to Ryan was now going to mess with her senses?

  Now she wanted to know how he really kissed. And how his hands would feel roaming over her. Or how the scratchy skin of his jaw would feel. Or what it would feel like if she bit him…

  She groaned.

  And tried to think of a dozen different things she could do to keep distance between them for the rest of the day.


  They were sitting in church the next day and Ryan felt a little ill at ease.

  Tricia had pretty much kept her distance yesterday after lunch and he had a feeling it was because he’d kissed her. Dammit. It had been a stupid impulse and he hadn’t meant to make things awkward between them. It was probably a good thing this was an early afternoon wedding and he’d be gone and on the road by six. Then they’d have a week before they had to see one another again.

  If she wanted to even see him again.

  They were sitting in a pew and Tricia was talking to several friends in the row behind them when Ryan saw her sort of freeze and go pale. He was about to ask if she was all right when he noticed a few other heads looking in the same direction as she was.

  “I didn’t think he’d come,” several of them were saying and if Ryan had to guess, he’d say that the guy who’d just walked into the church had to be an ex-boyfriend of Tricia’s. Shit. He had no idea about who she’d dated or what kind of situations were involved and with the time difference, there was no way for him to text Sean to find out.

  He leaned in close and murmured, “Are you okay?”

  She nodded but didn’t look at him.

  Not a good sign.

  The only thing Ryan could do is reach for her hand and hold onto it. It took her a minute but she did eventually turn and give him a weak smile. Before he could question her, the music started and everyone stood.


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