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Alpha Bait_BWWM Billionaire Romance Novel

Page 11

by Jamila Jasper

  It was my turn to laugh.

  "Why does your tone seem like you’re begging me? Like that's what you really want from me."

  She fell silent again, biting down on her lower lip.

  "I'll make sure it doesn't hurt," I assured her.

  She glanced at me skeptically.

  "It's just not something I do," she replied, a hint of indignance in her voice.

  I couldn't help but smirk. She had been more than willing to get close to making love with me before she even knew my name. All this taboo meant she had reached her limit quickly, I supposed. I wanted to back down from my request, but my tenacity meant that I couldn't let it go just yet. I could tell by the slightest turn of her lip, the slightest curl of her smile, that she was tempted. Her temptation meant I had a chance at victory.

  Like a good negotiator, I couldn't back down yet.

  "It might please you," I said.

  "Please me? How could it?"

  "I'll go slow. All make it good for you."

  "You expect me to trust you?"

  Without hesitation, I responded, "yes."

  Of course, I expected it. I would expect nothing less. We had been through so much together and never once I give her any reason to fear that I would falter.

  "Allow me to change your mind, Indie."

  She inhaled slowly but sharply and then released.

  "Okay. I'll do it."

  She sounded resigned or more likely relieved. It was one or the other.

  "You have to believe you'll enjoy it."

  "I doubt it."

  "Don't be a spoilsport. I promised I would make it good for you."

  I kissed her again and then I pushed her onto her stomach. She let out a little cry of surprise as I forcefully pressed her into the bed and spread her legs apart.

  "I'll take it slow."

  I slid a rubber onto my hardness. I could tell that she was terrified I would thrust every inch into her buttocks at once. I was a man good for my word. I began with a single finger. I rubbed it around her tight, forbidden hole until she relaxed enough to allow me to slip the finger in.

  Just a finger was enough to force a slight moaning out of her. I continued to work her tightness with slow movements of my finger. She began to moan.

  They were clearly audible moans of pleasure.

  "I'm putting in another one."

  This time she didn't protest and offered no resistance as I slipped a second finger where I had the first.

  She moaned again. I had promised her I would make it feel good, and before I had even gotten started I was delivering. I worked her tight hole and I knew exactly where to put my hands to stimulate tiny but consistent eruptions of pleasure.

  With two fingers working in and out of her tightness until her asshole had relaxed and stretched slightly, I was now ready to thrust my hardness it.

  I began slowly and she tensed up when she first felt the warmth of my head pressing past her sphincter.

  "Relax," I murmured, rubbing her spine to soothe her as I began to slide in my enormous, bulging cock head.

  She relaxed upon my command and I exerted little effort in sliding my head past her tightness. It slipped in with the tiny popping sound and she moaned.

  "Does it hurt?"

  "No," she whimpered.

  Good. This was exactly what I wanted and exactly how I expected everything would go. I began to work into her inch by inch, listening ever so closely to her body's response as I penetrated her virgin hole.

  With every inch of my clock buried so fiercely inside her, I wanted nothing more than to begin ramming into her like my life depended on it. But I had promised slow, so I set about tender lovemaking. With each stroke, her moans grew louder and louder. The slow stimulation allowed for every inch of her insides to reach their maximum peak of pleasure.

  Her tight satiny heat gripped my hardness like a vice. I didn't know how much longer I could hold on myself. As she grew more comfortable, she exploded in the throes of climax.

  I began to pump inside her ass harder and faster. She moaned louder and louder and exploded with another climax as I to came close to a magnificent finish.

  I gripped her hips, pressing into her deeper and deeper and inevitably grunting louder and louder as I approached my euphoric finish.

  She thrust her hips back to meet me in eager anticipation and at the culmination of it all, we both erupted into forceful orgasms that caused every inch of our bodies to tremble. With my fantasy satisfied and her own only just being discovered, I slipped out of her and slipped the rubber into the trash.

  We returned to bed together and heaved until we caught our breath.

  Somehow, the act had broken the tension. I felt more relaxed, more at ease with the decision I had made and the agreement I had come to with my brother. The agreement could stand. All I'd need was a slight amendment.

  "I'll leave, but I'll come back for you. Just promise you will be here when I do."

  "When will you be back?"

  "I can't say for sure. But by God Indie, it won't be too long. I don't think I could spend much time without you."

  She didn't use her words to respond and instead, she nuzzled deeper into my embrace. I got the message. She wanted me back quickly too.



  I have never liked surprises.

  "Where are you taking me again?" I asked my brother.

  He smirked, "you'll see."

  I sighed.

  "I'm glad we decided we could put this behind us."

  "Like I said," Jamal replied, "we need to put the past behind us and do what's best for the company."

  "I agree."

  I leaned back in the front seat of my brothers new Mercedes. He would only drive during times like this, when we were headed out of the city and when he had the particular urge to drive one of his newest sports cars.

  Jamal went through sports cars like some people go through underwear. He wouldn't own them longer than a few months, long enough to take plenty of joy rides out of the city deep upstate or far out on Long Island.

  "So this is some kind of exclusive club?"

  He grinned again, enjoying his sadistic torture.

  "Sort of."

  I wanted answers, but there was no way I would get them out of Jamal if he had determined not to give them. He was a master at playing his cards close to the chest and he had always been that way. Even when we were kids imitating our parents' weekly poker games, Jamal had always been an easy winner.

  We went West out of the city, in the direction of the red-orange sun that gleamed brilliantly on the horizon.

  The houses transformed from hideous rundown brick into more luxurious and contemporary mansions. The farther out of the city we drove the larger the homes, and the larger the space between them. After a few miles, you wouldn't have believed that New York City was only a hop skip and a jump away.

  The suburbs were a different world. I noted how quiet it was. My brother must have noticed the silence too because he flipped on the radio as if by pressing need. Us New Yorkers need a certain amount of white noise just to get by I suppose. You grow accustomed to it -- the bustle, the continuous pulsing vibration of the city.

  We turned down a private road that didn't seem to lead anywhere in particular. There were no signs and I might have missed the exit completely had my brother not taken a sharp left turn there. Questions burned in my chest as the mystery deepened. The anticipation wasn't a quiet murmur anymore but a yell that rivaled the ones on the rap track that was spinning on the radio.

  "You know I hate surprises," I chided.

  My brother shrugged.

  "Hey, I'm doing this in the spirit of family."

  I relaxed and listen to the music for a while as the driveway grew narrower and narrower. Clumps of trees hung over the road and it was as if the deciduous forests had joined together to form a tunnel. Once we emerged from the dark patch of road, the giant colonial house we had been approaching stood
only a few hundred feet off. My brother pulled the car to a sharp stop in the driveway, on one side of a large granite fountain with water that smelled like magnolias in the spring.

  "We're here," he announced.

  The announcement was unnecessary. There was nothing else for miles around. I opened the car door and I could've sworn that I heard an owl hooting. I shuddered. Out of all the horrors I'd witnessed in New York, nothing could get me more shaken up than what other people would consider natural. To me, having animals so nearby you could hear them singing to each other was far more natural than I was accustomed to experiencing.

  As we got out of the car, I noticed another one parked in the driveway. The car looked familiar, but I couldn't place who it belonged to. Perhaps one of our second cousins? The shiny black Tesla parked in the driveway was almost invisible in the twilight.

  "Who are we meeting?" I asked.

  My brother's tone and his mood shifted. Throughout the drive he had been friendly and very nearly chipper. Now that we were both out of the car, that upbeat attitude was gone. His lips curled into a sullen frown and his brow became a furrowed caterpillar on his forehead.

  "Enough questions."

  That was it. Frustrated, I stepped behind him as he approached the front door of the colonial.

  At first, I had no misgivings. The house was a large countryside mansion, perhaps a friend of his. The place was gorgeous and well kept, with a rose garden. The mansion could have been ten thousand things without ringing any alarm bells. I saw no reason to expect the worse.

  The presence of just that one other car with its nagging familiarity was what set me on edge. My brother's shifting mood did nothing to help any suspicions of him that may have been developing.

  The large black wooden doors with burnished brass door handles beckoned for us to knock. Another owl hooted and then a coyote howled. The howl was loud, the animal sounded close. I had never heard such a creature make such a noise up close before. Gooseflesh prickled over my arms and I wrapped my coat around my waist tighter, my impatience evolving into vexation.

  "Knock on the door," I grumbled.

  My brother seemed unperturbed by the possibility that we might get eaten out here by whatever wild creatures lurked about the forest. He slowly raised his fist and rapped on the door exactly twice with delicate knocks.

  "We're expected," he assured me.

  I heard shuffling inside, but that did nothing to quell my fears that I would immediately be gobbled up by some forest creature within a few moments. My heart raced in my chest until I heard the handle on the front door creaking open.

  My feelings of relief were premature and when I saw who posted on the other side of that door, I knew that I was in big trouble.

  "Good evening, Indie," Will Harkness whispered into the darkness with his weathering almost high-pitched voice.

  The doors swung open. I turned back to look at my brother, fury in my eyes and he revealed a coy smile. He had planned this all along.

  Will Harkness was far too old for me, and he stood at around my height. He was bald with a few patches of silver-ish hair on the left and right side of his lightbulb shaped head. He wore spectacles, ones that were too large for his face and perfectly round. The lenses were so thick that his eyes were magnified to nearly 4 times their size.

  His eyes were blue, but his pupils were so large you could barely detect the cerulean color of his iris.

  Will Harkness carried his spindly frame with dignity. He always dressed as if he were about to have a board meeting. Even now, in the twilight hours, and at his countryside mansion, he donned the most formal attire.

  He smiled at me with a distinctive glee that sent chills down my spine.

  "I brought her, just as I promised."

  I turned to look at my brother but he refused to meet my tortured facial expression. He stared forward at Will Harkness, with a stern, unflinching, forward gaze.

  "Thank you," Will whispered, his Earl Grey scented breath floating on the breeze.

  "What is going on here?" I snapped.

  "As I advised," Jamal said cryptically, nodding at Will.

  Before I could react, Will Harkness wrapped his arms around me squeezing my arms close to my chest. I wriggled instinctively and kicked against him. Despite his weak appearance, he was too strong for me. As his muscles tensed around me like a boa constrictor, I knew my resistance was futile.

  I still had to try.

  "Let me go! Let me go!" I screeched into the night.

  My brother chuckled.

  "I need to head back to the city tonight. She'll have no choice but to behave. There's nothing around here for 20 miles besides coyotes. Good luck. She can be stubborn."

  Will Harkness grunted as I made the work of restraining me more difficult with more screaming and kicking.

  He still managed to grunt out himself to my brother, "nothing but coyotes and hunters. You're right. I can handle it."

  I continued to kick and I yelled until my lungs could no longer hold onto enough breath to do so. I watched my brother enter his Mercedes and drive away, leaving me at the mercy of Will Harkness.

  Once my brother was safely out of sight, and not even his tail lights were visible from the porch, Will let me go. I'd met him once or twice before and then, he'd never impressed me. The same held true. He might have me here as his prisoner, but whatever he'd planned with my brother wouldn't happen. I'd rather die than allow it.

  I crumpled to my knees, weak from screaming and from kicking against his frame.

  "It will do you no good to run. You'll only die."

  "I'm willing to take my chances!" I howled.

  I got to my feet and prepared myself to run, scanning the forest for a suitable path that hinted at civilization.

  "I won't hurt you if you stay."

  I snorted, "you expect me to believe that?"

  "Come inside. You think I would be so foolish as to harm Gail Holloway's daughter?"

  Will stepped inside, as if uninterested about which path I would take. As far as he figured, I would either leave and get killed, no longer becoming his problem, or I would practice common sense and enter his house.

  My heart raced. If I went in there, he could hurt me in any way imaginable without anyone knowing. Yet, the same could happen in the woods. And in the woods, no one would know where I was. Not even my brother. I weighed the options and figured that I would rather take my chances with a wolf of Wall Street than an actual wolf.

  I nodded, attempting to disguise the fact that I was shaking and trembling with fear.

  "Why am I here?"

  "Did your brother not tell you?"

  I shook my head, still trembling.

  "We're getting married."

  Then, the decision to go inside was no longer my own. The world seemed to have flipped upside down. I stumbled for a couple steps and then I fell to the ground in a dead faint.

  When I woke up, I knew where I was. The smell of Will Harkness' overly alcoholic aftershave filled my nostrils. My eyes fluttered open and I heard his lilting voice say my name.

  "Indie? Are you awake, my love."

  I groaned. I didn't want to let him know that I was awake but hearing him refer to me as my love had the unfortunate effect of turning my stomach. I felt nauseous.

  "Good. You're fine."

  I avoided grunting again and instead made my best attempt to regain control of my senses. There had to be something in this huge old house that I could use to pummel him over the head and make my escape in his car. I might not get far, but at least I have my dignity intact.

  I sat up and realized that I was in a bed, and there were no available weapons nearby. Clearly, Will and Jamal had thought their little plan through.

  "Your brother informed me that you were aware of the news."

  "I'm not going to marry you," I hissed.

  "Yes you will," he chuckled.

  "I would rather die," I grunted.

  "Unfortunately, it's not that simp
le. If you don't marry me, your family will be for forfeiting 75% of their wealth over to me. Jamal and I signed the contract today. It's up to you, of course. You can go through with it, or your family will be left destitute."

  I wanted to feel sad, scared, or worried about the future but all I could feel his anger. My brother made me believe that we were going to put the past behind us. All he wanted was to get me to let my guard down enough so that I would make a mistake.

  And I made a big one -- trusting him.

  "Jamal can't sign a contract like that on my behalf."

  I had my doubts he would be so foolish as to try to manipulate me that way in the first place.

  Will Harkness replied with an impish smirk, "signatures are not that hard to obtain my dear."

  "Whatever you two are planning, it won't work."

  The man who sat before me, with the hunched posture of a demure old professor, rose to his feet. His face took on a look of disdain and absolute revulsion. In the light, he looked just like a ghoul, something that had risen up from hell's depth with the sole intention of tormenting me.


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