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Capturing Shadow [Cowboys and Werewolves 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Morgan Fox

  “I don’t want to lose you, Shadow,” he whispered.

  “Are you worried that you somehow will?” She wrapped her leg over his hips and positioned herself so she was now straddling him. “I have no intentions of going anywhere unless you’re with me. You’re stuck with me, Gavin Ford. Now and always.”

  He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It was like a dream come true. He grinned. “Maybe I need to make you jealous more often.”

  She playfully smacked him. “Don’t even think about it,” she said, giggling. “And don’t think you’re getting off easy. Tomorrow we’ll have a more thorough discussion about that Alexis chick.”

  He took her in his arms, pulling her down to kiss him. This time when he captured her lips it was sensual and filled with all the love in his heart. Nothing could stop him from sharing his life with her.

  Suddenly, Gavin felt exhausted. His entire body grew limp as his mind clouded. The last things he remembered hearing were Shadow’s screams and the cold presence of her absence, and then total blackness.

  Chapter 5

  Julian clenched his jaw and fists tight. He was putting his life on the line coming to her again. As he stared through the window, he watched Shadow once again making love to the lycan. His heart shredded into a million slivers as he was forced to come to terms with the fact that she didn’t love him like she did the wolf, Gavin Ford.

  He was the one she chose and that knowledge cut Julian deeper than any knife ever could.

  Julian was running out of time. The demon fae was coming for her and whether she wanted him or not, Julian was going to bring her back to his home where he could protect her with his people’s magic. He knew better than most that she was not going to like his plan one bit. But what other choice did he have?

  As he cast the sleeping spell over Gavin, he orbed into her bedroom. Capturing Shadow, he lifted her flailing body from Gavin’s and wrapped her in his arms. Her wild screams would forever haunt him as he stole her from her world and forced her into his. With the click of his fingers she was asleep in his arms and teleporting back to his world.

  The charge of electricity ran over his body as he stepped inside his realm and into his home. He rushed into his bedroom and placed her on his bed, covering her with a blanket.

  Keeping her identity protected from others would help keep her safe. He’d told no one but his parents of his plans to protect her and he intended to keep it that way. Protecting her was his destiny, one his parents supported fully.

  Shadow was special to his people and had been since the day she was born. Her father had made a pact with his kind before her birth. With her parents gone, revealing those secrets would fall on him. He only hoped she wouldn’t hate him for the decisions of her parents.

  A sudden knock came to his front door, and he quickly left her side, closing the bedroom door at his back. Before he even opened the door, he sensed his younger brother Aaron on the other side.

  Julian barely opened the door before his brother barged right in. “Won’t you come in,” Julian murmured, biting back the wave of annoyance that filled his face with heat.

  Julian cringed. The last thing he needed was his nosy little brother discovering what he was up to. His parents were doing a lousy job of keeping Aaron occupied, which they promised they’d do.

  As much as Julian wished otherwise, Aaron was never good at keeping secrets. “What are you doing?” Aaron asked, his gaze shifting around the room as if in search of something in particular.

  Aaron’s sudden appearance in his home was unexpected and out of the norm. He spent little time mingling with family, especially Julian. He never seemed to have time for those that should be most important to him.

  Oh, to be young and have all the answers…

  “Nothing,” Julian replied, arching his brow curiously. “Why do you ask?”

  Aaron shrugged. “No reason, just wanted to know what you were up to. You went back to Earth and you weren’t gone for very long. I only wondered what you did while you were there.”

  “I decided not to stay,” Julian said, moving into the kitchen to get himself a drink, hoping to draw his brother further away from Shadow. He also wanted to switch topics fast. His prying brother was the last thing Julian needed.

  “Right,” Aaron muttered, folding his arms over his chest. “Will you be going back again soon?”

  Julian frowned, inclining his head to look at his brother. His questions were strange and he couldn’t help feeling that something was off. Aaron was usually chasing around after females. His good looks and prince title got him laid as often as desired.

  “What’s with all the questions?”

  Aaron narrowed his eyes. “No reason, just curious is all. I’m not allowed to roam the realms like you are. I guess you could say I’m interested in what it’s like.”

  Julian’s frown deepened. He didn’t believe Aaron. “I’ve documented my trips, and as instructed by our parents, I’ve placed them in the library for review.”

  Aaron smiled, but the sentiment didn’t reach his eyes. He seemed distracted. “Why go to the library when I can come directly to you.”

  “You never have before.” Julian smiled sarcastically. “And it’s protocol,” Julian told him. “Mom doesn’t want you to follow after me. She wants you to be focused on our world. Not joy hopping around the realms impregnating their women.”

  “Whatever,” Aaron said, rolling his eyes and waving his hand dismissively. “I’m tired of Mom worrying about me so much. I’m ready to do what you do. I want to be a warrior for our people.”

  “I’m not a warrior, Aaron,” Julian said dryly.

  “Sure you are. You might not have the title, warrior, but you are a prince who can use a bow better than most and you could teach me to defend myself as you have done over the years.”

  Julian swallowed the tightness in his throat. Training his brother to be a guardian for their people was not something he wanted to do. He believed Aaron wouldn’t succeed as a guardian. He was too self-absorbed. Being a guardian required that the person you protected came first. Staring into his brother’s eyes, he knew firsthand that Aaron didn’t have the stomach for such actions. He also knew that Aaron had no clue as to what Julian truly did for his people.

  “Why don’t you ask Father what he thinks of this new proposition of yours? If you can get his blessing then I don’t see why your training should not begin immediately.”

  Julian thought he could finally breathe easy with his brother. All the pleading in the world wouldn’t get him the approval to become a guardian. There was no way in all the lands that their father would grant Aaron permission. It was against their laws to have two sons with the capability of dimension and realm travel. Julian was firstborn and that honor fell to him.

  Not to mention that they were royalty and the presence of at least one prince was required at all times.

  Julian poured a glass of flavored water from the pitcher he’d left on the counter. The contents were fruity and sweet, a flavor that instantly reminded him of the woman in his bed and the desires that had always flared inside him in regards to her. He needed to get rid of his brother. Shadow could wake up at any moment and he couldn’t risk her discovery.

  “Perhaps now would be a good time to ask,” he encouraged, taking another sip of the fruit drink.

  Aaron studied him. “Maybe, but I’d really like—”

  Julian placed the glass down onto the counter harder than he’d intended. “Aaron, I’m really trying not to be rude. I love that you want to visit with me, but I’m exhausted and I’d really like to get some rest.” He sighed. “Traveling is very tiresome,” he admitted. “Perhaps I’ll even get a chance to show you one day.”

  Aaron nodded. “All right, I’ll leave you to it. But remember, if Dad asks you what you think on the matter…you better speak up on my behalf.”

  “Sure,” Julian said, a blatant lie.

  He walked his brother to the door and wished him well a
s he departed. The moment the door closed, his body froze. Turning, he watched as Shadow moved from his room. Anger spiraled out from her eyes.

  “You better have a very good explanation for dragging me here,” she said through clenched teeth. “Because if you don’t I’m about to get all wolfy on your ass.”

  Julian raised his hands in an attempt to assure her he meant her no harm. After all these years together, she must know he would never hurt her. He worshiped her. Respected her. Loved her.

  His body tensed as he remembered each night he’d watched over her, guarding her from the evil that was now in pursuit of her. Never had he imagined that any of it was real. But now, knowing what his parents had told him, he knew he couldn’t risk letting her out of his sight, even if it meant forcing her to stay.

  “I want to go home. Now.”

  Julian took another step toward her. His eyes raked her body, silently enjoying that she was wearing only his favorite blanket. The idea that she’d been naked in his bed had his cock stirring.

  Damn it. Not now.

  She stepped into his living area, which brought her closer to him. “Julian, we’re not children anymore. You can’t just snatch me from my bed.” She gasped as if remembering something. “Oh, God, what did you do to Gavin?”

  Her wide, fearful gaze tore through him.

  What did Julian expect? She was everything to the lycan and had been since she was born. She’d been chosen for him, selected above all others to be his mate. Knowing that she cared for Gavin would make convincing her to stay all the more difficult.

  “Nothing,” he finally said.

  “Bullshit,” she spat. “I saw him. He looked like he was in pain.” She closed the distance between them. He could feel her wolf pulsing with each step she took. She slapped him across the face. “Tell me what you did.”

  She rose to strike him again, but he caught her hand in midair. “I deserved the first one. Don’t push it.” He held her wrist firmly. “I put him under for a while. He’ll wake up soon, I’m sure.”

  Shadow trembled. Her breathing ragged. “Why am I here, Julian? What’s going on?”

  Julian wanted to spill his guts to her and tell her everything, but how could he? She’d freak and he couldn’t risk that she’d charge from his home like a wild lunatic. She’d be caught for sure and then everyone would know where to find her. If he kept her safe and hidden away, then no one but he would know where to look for her. He wouldn’t risk her death. She meant too much to him.

  “An evil demon fae wants to hurt you,” he said plainly, choosing his words with extreme care.

  She narrowed her gaze. “What the hell are demon fae?”

  Julian hadn’t even known of their existence until a few years ago when his parents caught word of their plan. He knew that too much information would overwhelm her and she’d run from him. Shadow was always running.

  “I’m afraid he set his sights on you because of me,” he said, hating that he was starting to get accustomed to lying to the people he loved.

  But it’s for their own good.

  It’s still lying. His subconscious mind was starting to piss him off.

  Her gaze softened just a little. The veil of protection she’d thrown up was slowly coming down.

  “I didn’t want you hurt.”

  Shadow breathed a heavy sigh. “You could’ve asked me to come here. I would’ve listened to your concerns.”

  He wanted to laugh. “But you wouldn’t have come. You’re a stubborn woman.”

  One side of her mouth curved up into a knowing grin. “So what’s your plan? Surely you don’t plan to hide me in your home forever,” she teased, but her smile quickly faded when he didn’t respond with the same lighthearted reaction. “Julian?”

  He shook his head. “Of course not,” he told her, trying to sound like he’d actually thought things through. “I only need time to figure out what to do. I need to track him and kill him before he can hurt either one of us.”

  She folded her arms over her chest, pushing the blanket down enough to reveal more of her supple breasts. His tongue felt thick as his eyes drank her in.

  “Okay…and how long will that take?”

  Jarred by her question, his desires quickly fled. Truthfully it could take years. But Julian didn’t have the heart or strength to tell her. She’d never agree to stay with him. At one time she might’ve consented to remain with him, but now she had Gavin and his presence in her life was screwing everything up.

  He closed the distance between them, his hands instantly moving to her shoulders. She didn’t flinch or move away and that gave him hope. It wasn’t the first time he’d touched her like this and he prayed it wouldn’t be the last. The warmth of her skin burned the tips of his fingers as he tenderly caressed her skin. Her illustrious blue eyes robbed him of breath and it took more than a moment for him to pull himself together.

  I wish she’d picked me.

  His heart hammered in his chest and a wave of sadness consumed him. She might not want him as she did Gavin, but he would still protect her with his last breath.

  “Do you trust me, Shadow?” His voice had dropped an octave.

  Her arms loosened from around her, easing the tension she’d obviously been feeling. She never looked away from him as he gazed down at her.

  “Yes,” she breathed, sounding defeated. “I just want to get back to my life. I’m needed at the hospital.”

  You mean you’re needed by Gavin. What about me? I need you too.

  The war inside him was likely to destroy him. He had to remain focused. He couldn’t let something as trivial as jealousy stop him from doing what he was born to do.

  He stroked her hair, loving the feel of the silken strands as it brushed between his fingers. “I know,” he whispered, wishing he could kiss away her worries and concerns. Then his heart skidded to a stop. “I do need to ask you to remain in my home.”

  “Why? I’ve been here before.” She shrugged. “Granted it was a long time ago, but I think I could find my way around.”

  “It’s too dangerous. You need to stay inside. No one but my parents even knows you’re here. There is strict protocol about bringing outsiders to our land.” He cupped her face in his hands, forcing her to meet his gaze. “I could get into a ton of trouble if someone sees you and you’re not cleared to be here. We would be taken into custody.”

  He wasn’t kidding. Everything he was doing with Shadow was forbidden, but it had to be that way. If the demon fae had an insider, they could easily report Shadow’s whereabouts, and he couldn’t risk that she’d be a sitting duck in detainment.

  She turned into his touch, seeking the same level of comfort he was desperate to share with her. “What kind of trouble am I in, Julian?” She trembled in his arms. “What’s after me that has put you in this position?”

  He gently stroked his thumbs over the smooth skin of her cheek. His eyes were glued on her lips as he watched her pretty pink tongue moisten her mouth as if in invitation. He inwardly groaned as he contemplated his advancement. But being the gentleman he was, he thought better of it.

  “No matter how much I want to unburden you with this, I can’t seem to make myself lie to you.” His stomach was in knots. “The demon fae is tracking you and I’m the only one who can stop them.”

  “Why is that? You have a full army at your disposal. I’ve seen them. Why can’t they help destroy what’s hunting us?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  She stepped back and his hands dropped to his sides. “It’s bullshit, Julian.” She scoffed. “Please don’t make me turn into Silence and be forced to—”

  “I’m in love with you, Shadow.” The words launched from his lips before he could stop himself. Her stunned expression had the nerves in his body stretching to a breaking point. “I’ve wanted to tell you for so long.” She stared at him, her eyes wide and filled with emotions he couldn’t decipher. “Say something. Please.”

  He moved toward her, but she sho
ved him away, fleeing from his sight and slamming his bedroom door at her back. Nothing had stung worse than telling the woman he loved how he felt and watching her reject him as if he hadn’t meant anything to her.

  I’m such a fool.

  * * * *

  Shadow flattened herself against Julian’s bedroom door and sank to her feet in disbelief. Covering her face in her hands, she sobbed. Her heart hurt. Physically, emotionally, mentally, whatever it was made her feel as if her world was closing in on her.

  Folding her arms over her bent knees, she lowered her head to rest against her arms. Her body trembled as tears ran from her eyes. Guilt ravished her and she didn’t understand why.

  Julian had been her childhood friend, her teenage love, and now after a dozen years of pining for a man she believed she could never have, she discovered that he was in love with her.

  Gavin’s face flashed in her mind. Her heart had been so full of joy just hours before. Julian’s words left her hollow and devoid of coherent thought. Nothing made sense.

  Why did Julian have to go and mess everything up?

  After fighting a losing battle against resisting the bond she shared with Gavin, she’d finally admitted that she loved him and accepted his claiming. But what would he do if he knew a piece of her heart belonged to Julian?

  She already knew the answer to that question.

  Gavin would kill him.

  Wolves didn’t share mates. At least that’s what she believed prior to her sister’s three-way. Silence had been unable to choose between Walker and Lance. But was that a life Shadow wanted for herself, sharing her bed and life with two men from different worlds?

  She shook her head, unable to get the swarming butterflies to settle in her belly.

  A knock came to the door. “Shadow,” he breathed and his concerned voice had even more nerves fluttering wildly inside her.

  Wiping her damp face with her hands, she begged, “Go away, Julian.”

  A moment of silence passed between them before he orbed into the room. She gasped as he stood before her. She didn’t know if the emotions swirling around inside her were anger or fear.


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