Capturing Shadow [Cowboys and Werewolves 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Capturing Shadow [Cowboys and Werewolves 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 9

by Morgan Fox

  “Are you all right?”

  He nodded, closing his eyes briefly before returning her gaze. “I’ve waited for this. I almost can’t believe it’s real.”

  She arched up to kiss him and slowly rolled her hips to drive him deeper. He moaned. “It’s very real and I’m very impatient,” she told him nibbling her bottom lip to avoid laughing.

  He nodded with a crooked grin and then followed her lead by rolling his hips, thrusting slowly. He held her close, their bodies so tightly woven together there was no way to see where she ended and he began. Julian made love to her with his heart and she felt every intense beat.

  His pace quickened and she found herself arching to match him, thrust after delightful thrust. Her body trembled with fever as he slid in and out of her warm depths. Julian was quenching the ache that had been throbbing inside her. Her body tensed, erupting in an explosion of pleasure. Her sheath clamped down on him as the spasms of her orgasm sprung to the surface.

  Shadow wrapped her legs around Julian’s waist as he drove deeper inside her. He growled as he buried his head at the curve of her neck and shoulder. His warm breath teased against her skin as his pace quickened with sweet satisfaction.

  This was what she wanted with him. His gentle touch, passionate kisses, everything that was Julian, she wanted.

  Just as she was beginning to regain her own breath, Julian’s body shuddered as he found his own release. He held her tight until the last of his tremors subsided. Then he kissed her lips.

  She closed her eyes as he rolled off of her. They lay in the soft grass, staring up at a sky filled with millions of twinkling stars. As he cuddled up against her, pulling her into his arms, calm washed over her.

  “Do you think if we made a wish on a star it would come true,” she asked him.

  Julian’s fingertips moved along her neck and shoulder, his fingers combing gently through her hair. He kissed her neck. “Mine already came true,” he told her. “I wished for you.”

  Shadow smiled. As she stared up at the stars she made her own wish. I wish that Gavin were here, too. Then she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 8

  Julian tensed.

  “What’s wrong?” Shadow wrapped her hand in his, pulling him closer.

  She was lost in a daze as she stared into his breathtaking green eyes. That was until he smiled and the curve of his lips sent a wild shiver through her veins.

  “My parents wish to see us.”

  “Now?” she breathed.

  He kissed her sweetly and the sensation had her toes curling. He cupped her face in his hands, sweeping back her hair behind her ears.

  “I’m afraid so.” He kissed her forehead. “Close your eyes.”

  She did and knew they were orbing the moment her eyes shut.

  Julian’s body instantly grew rigid. The smile that stretched across Shadow’s face disappeared immediately as her gaze fell onto Silence and Walker standing beside Julian’s parents. A scathing hatred blazed from her sister’s eyes, marking Shadow for a certain sisterly death. She’d seen that cold, hard stare growing up with her. Nothing good ever followed it.

  Shadow licked her lips as a sudden panic weighed heavily in her chest. Shadow gasped, taking a step away from Julian.

  “Relax,” he breathed.

  She inclined her head to look up at him. Through clenched teeth, she said, “The fact that Silence is here should be freaking you out too.”

  Julian frowned, his gaze darting toward his parents. “My concern is who might’ve seen them arrive.”

  Shadow’s heart fluttered sporadically. Fear sank into the pit of her stomach. The last thing she wanted was to place Julian or herself in more danger. Whatever the reason for Silence’s abrupt appearance had better be a good one.

  Joining them, Shadow’s arm was yanked almost out of the socket as Silence led them a few feet away. Her nails bit into Shadow’s skin. She hissed, yanking her arm back.

  “How did you get here?” Shadow spat.

  Silence narrowed her gaze menacingly. “I’m married to a powerful lycan witch,” she said, hiking her thumb up over her shoulder in Walker’s direction. “How do you think I got here?”

  Shadow’s hands dug into her hips. “Maybe I should’ve asked, why are you here?”

  Silence gritted her teeth. “While you’ve been here with him”—she pointed a determined finger at Julian—“Lance is back home trying to save Gavin’s life.”

  Shadow’s legs wobbled beneath her. “What are you talking about?”

  “Something attacked him, nearly killed him. He’s hanging on by a thread.” Her fists clenched at her sides. “So help me, Shadow, if something happens to him…”

  Dismissing her sister’s threat, Shadow turned toward Julian, her heart racing. “Did you know?” she mouthed to him, knowing damn well he heard everything Silence had just said.

  He orbed to her side. “No, I didn’t know.” His gaze fell to Silence. “I’ll go to him now.”

  Shadow gripped his arm. “Not without me you won’t,” she told him warningly.

  “You suddenly feel guilty, little sister?” Silence’s tone was haunting.

  “You’ve no right to talk to me about guilt.” She cocked a frigid stare toward Walker. “Is he still your favorite or have you learned to play nice with both your mates?”

  Silence’s mouth formed a small O. But rather than strike out against Shadow, she pressed her lips together in a hate filled sneer. “Go to Gavin, save his life,” she said with her jaw ticking. “But know this. When he’s well, I’m going to let him know exactly who his mate really is.”

  Shadow swallowed hard. She could only imagine the horrible things Silence would tell Gavin. When Silence was pissed, she’d tear off someone’s head and not think twice about it.

  I guess it’s my turn to feel her wrath. “You do what you gotta do.” Her gaze turned to Julian. “Take me to Gavin.”

  He didn’t have to tell her to close her eyes this time. The moment she spoke the words, Julian had her home. Lance was sitting beside Gavin who was lying on the sofa. Her throat squeezed tight as she rushed to him. Her medical background was nothing compared to the overriding emotions of her heart and mind. She was paralyzed, staring at him as if he were already dead. She glanced up as Julian’s hand pressed to her shoulder.

  “Give me room, sweetheart,” he told her, shifting to stand above Gavin.

  Julian rested one hand over Gavin’s heart and the other on his forehead. He then closed his eyes. Time stood still as she waited for any sign of improvement. Nothing was happening.

  “Julian? Why isn’t this working? What’s wrong with him?” Shadow begged.

  Julian shook his head. “I’m sorry,” he breathed. “He’s been cursed. There’s nothing I can do to save him.”

  In a split second, she replayed Julian’s words over and over again in her mind. Trembling, she shoved her way back to him. “No. That’s not true.” She kissed Gavin’s cheek, his lips, and forehead. Then her mind went rampant, trying to find the answer to saving her mate. “Your mother, she’s probably a stronger healer than you. She can save him.”

  Julian reached to comfort her, but she shook his hand away. “Don’t touch me. This is your fault. If you hadn’t taken me away from him then he’d still be okay.”

  Lance shot up from the chair and moved out of the living room. She felt the sudden appearance of her sister and Walker. How could she look any of them in the eyes if Gavin died?

  Lance stepped up beside Julian. “This curse,” he started, “how do we remove it?”

  Julian’s voice scraped against his throat as he replied, “You kill the one who cursed him.”

  “And how do we find who did it?” Walker asked, entering the room with Silence.

  “You don’t. I do,” Julian said matter-of-factly.

  “Fuck that,” Shadow barked. “This is the work of that demon fae, isn’t it?” She studied Julian’s gaze and knew she was right. “You th
ink you can kill a demon who can do this much damage to a powerful lycan?” She scoffed. “You’ve got to be joking.”

  “I’m magically equipped to handle—”

  “I don’t care if you can shit rainbows,” Shadow blurted. “You’ll need help to defeat him.” She held Gavin’s hand and her body tingled as if his wolf was crying for hers.

  Shadow gasped.

  “What’s the matter?” Silence asked, stepping closer.

  Emotions ate away at her resolve. Clearing her throat, Shadow explained, “I can feel his wolf. I think it’s trying to fight the curse.”

  Shadow’s heart warmed at the simple shred of hope that still lingered inside her. She wouldn’t give up on him. She couldn’t.

  Silence patted his outstretched leg, muttering, “That’s my boy.” She faced Julian. “How do we stop this…demon fae?”

  “You don’t,” said a snarling voice.

  All eyes moved to the fireplace where the demon fae stood. His massive size devoured the room. Dark menacing eyes stared down at Shadow, picking her apart and making her tremble. She rose to her feet. Her hand wrapped tightly around Gavin’s. Connected to his wolf, she refused to let go. Her skin crawled as the demon stepped closer.

  “Shadow,” the demon breathed, smiling wickedly. “I’ve waited for this moment for far too long.”

  Julian stepped in front of her, blocking her from the demon fae. “You’ve no business in this realm, demon,” Julian spat.

  The demon tsked under his tongue. “Now, Julian, is that any way to speak to someone who could rip the spine from your body?” He shook his head, looking disappointed.

  The demon waved his hand and sent Walker and Lance slamming hard against the wall at their backs. Silence and Julian remained standing. A curious gleam filled the demon’s eyes.

  “Interesting,” he muttered, narrowing his gaze on Silence. “Very interesting.”

  The demon moved closer to Silence whose posture immediately took on a defensive stance.

  “Stay away from her,” Walker growled, struggling against the imaginary bonds that held him.

  The demon ignored him.

  He gripped her chin, forcing her face to angle from side to side, studying her. “You resemble each other remarkably,” he said, skimming his clawed finger over her skin. “But you don’t possess what I need.” He shoved Silence into the chair and met her angry gaze. He breathed her in, gliding his face alongside her neck, face, and hair. Then he stepped back. “Be a good girl and sit there. If you even think of attacking me, I’ll snap their necks.” He tossed a villainous glance toward Walker and Lance.

  Silence swallowed hard.

  Julian was the only thing separating Shadow from the demon. His arm wrapped around her front, his hand pressed against her hip. Even in his protective shadow, she felt vulnerable. Something inside her knew that soon she would be face-to-face with the demon who’d come seeking her.

  Gavin’s hand squeezed hers and she jumped in surprise. The wolf was raging like an out of control beast. His grip on her tightened the closer the demon got to her. Fear raced through her veins. But it wasn’t her own. It was a combination of Gavin’s, Julian’s, and hers.

  * * * *

  Gavin’s mind was splintering as he felt the demon close in on Shadow. His body was rendered immobile, but his thoughts were as clear as air. His wolf clawed at him from the depths of his soul to protect his mate. But he couldn’t move. Something was keeping him frozen in place.

  His muscles flexed and tensed, but did little else. He couldn’t even force his eyes to open. The demon wanted him out of the way and knowing that angered the wolf, turning him almost feral.

  Gavin’s breath hitched as he felt the warmth of Shadow’s hand slid into his. Everything inside him tingled. His mate was touching him, comforting him. Her tears dripped upon his skin, burning him. Then he felt her pain, her unbearable sadness at the thought of losing him.

  He somehow managed to clasp her hand as she rose from his side. His wolf was on guard as the demon drew near. Gavin could feel the demon’s pulsing magic. Fear consumed him as he defenselessly waited for the next strike.

  Then a wave of energy shot through him and jolted his body with enough electricity to send him reeling from the pain. His eyes sprung open.

  Shadow stood beside him with her back to him. Her hand still fully clasped in his. Her other hand was laced with Julian’s. He ground his teeth as resentment consumed him.

  * * * *

  Never had Eblis imagined that Shadow would be as breathtaking as she was. Gazing at her now had his body warming deliciously. His power buzzed in his ears as he breathed in her euphoric scent. She was perfect in every way. Seeing her now, feeling the power she held, made him smile broadly.

  Eblis took another step toward her, but Julian reached his hand out to block his advancement.

  He arched a brow, glaring at Julian’s hand. “Are you so stupid to think that you are strong enough to stop me?” He slammed his closed fist against the side of Julian’s face, sending the fae prince flying across the floor. He tsked, shaking his head. “Maybe you’d better run home, little prince. I’m sure your mommy and daddy are worried sick about you.” Eblis laughed coldly.

  Julian jumped to his feet, but before he could retaliate, Shadow screamed, “Stop!” Her eyes were filled with unspent tears. “Julian, please. I can’t lose you too.”

  Eblis glanced from Shadow to Julian and back again. A wicked thought pierced his mind. “Well, isn’t that sweet.” He clasped his hands to his chest in a mockery of love. “I had wished you were a virgin before I claimed you as my bride, but inexperienced women can be such a bore.” He eased toward her, a breath separating them. “I think you’ll be a wildcat once you learn your place.”

  Shadow stiffened her spine, jutting her chin up in defiance. “My place?” she questioned harshly.

  He captured her face in his hands. His claws combed through her hair. “Your place has always been by my side, Shadow Foster. It is your birthright.”

  Shadow’s eyes rounded. Her shocked gaze amused him.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked through clenched teeth.

  He ran his thumb over her full bottom lip, angling his head, preparing to sample her sweetness. “Your parents betrothed you to me before you were born.”

  Shadow trembled in his arms. “No.” She shook her head. “You’re lying. They would never do such a thing.”

  “Am I?” Anger seethed inside him. “Perhaps you should ask your beloved Julian. Maybe you’d believe him.” He met Julian’s defeated gaze. “Go ahead, Prince Julian, tell her what your parents and hers did all those years ago. Tell her how she’s never been anything but a pawn to unite two kingdoms.” Eblis glared at Julian. “Tell her,” he shouted.

  Julian moved to stand beside her. Shadow gasped as she read the truth in his green eyes. Her legs wobbled, but Julian took hold of her hand, while Eblis held her shoulders firmly.

  “Don’t worry, my dear.” Eblis snickered. “I’ll take care of you. You’ll never be without where I’m taking you.”

  “You’re not taking her anywhere,” Silence blurted out, standing quickly.

  The moment she reached out to him, he struck her. The impact sent her sprawling over the chair and onto the floor. Her reflexes had her landing like a cat. Shadow grabbed hold of his arm, pulling his attention back to her. “Please, don’t hurt my sister. I’ll go with you, just don’t hurt any of them.” Tears tracked down her cheeks. “Please, take the curse off of my friend. I beg you.” She clung to his arm, dropping to the floor on her knees as if to beg for his mercy.

  He found her actions pleasing. “I know the lycan is your mate. Why should I save him? As long as he lives, you’ll always seek to be with him.” He shook his head. “I can’t have that.”

  “But I don’t love him,” she muttered. Hard sobs rocked her body. “That’s why I slept with Julian.” She sniffled.

  Eblis studied Julian’s reaction to her wo
rds. He enjoyed watching the prince squirm as he robbed him of the woman he cherished. For years Eblis lingered in the shadows, watching as Julian’s heart was lost. The prince never stood a chance against Shadow’s charms. She truly was irresistible.

  “I’m sorry,” Eblis said, not really feeling a tad remorseful for his actions. “But I can’t free the lycan. He must die.”

  Shadow rose to her feet and shoved Eblis to the ground. Eblis’s eyes rounded with surprise and rage. “How dare you,” he growled.

  As he charged toward Shadow, she flung herself overtop of Gavin and then Julian threw himself over top of her, uniting the three of them in a lovers’ heap. As Eblis reached to pull Julian from her, his entire body was engulfed in pain. A sharp ripple of energy charged through his body, setting his mind into a terrorizing spin. He tore his hand away and jumped back, afraid to get to close once again.

  Eblis hissed, clenching his teeth together in a fierce snarl. “You are not supposed to have your powers yet,” he snapped.

  Julian tossed him a victorious glance. “Looks like your timing sucks, Eblis.”

  “This is far from over, prince.” Eblis glanced around the room, as if marking each person with the promise of his return. “Count my words. This is not over.”

  * * * *

  Shadow’s body quivered with the remnants of the power she somehow shared with both Gavin and Julian. Together their power had been enough to send Eblis away. She had no idea for how long, and she had no idea what was happening to her.

  Julian’s weight was lifted off of her back and she instantly eased up to see Gavin’s eyes locked onto hers. She gasped the moment she realized he was awake.

  “Gavin,” she breathed, cupping his face and kissing him everywhere. “Oh, Gavin. I thought I’d lost you.”

  Gavin groaned, shoving her off of him, and shifting his body to sit upright on the sofa. “You almost did.” His voice was gruff as his gaze rose to meet Julian’s. A low growl rolled from his throat.


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