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Page 23

by Layla Nash

  “I’d like that.” Jess sighed as she relaxed, cocooned in the soft robes and the warmth of his arms. “This is incredible.”

  “I brought food, if you’re hungry.” Trazzak’s arm tightened around her middle and Jess’s heart jumped. “But we can do anything.”

  “Normally I’d be napping around this time,” she said, and bit her lip to keep from smiling at the change in his expression. Jess half-turned so she could slide her hand inside his robes and caress his chest. “But Maisy has been pushing me to increase my cardiovascular exercise.”

  He laughed, his scales swirling with blue and purple, and nuzzled behind her ear. “I think we could both use a workout.”

  “Normally I’d be napping around this time,” she said, and bit her lip to keep from smiling at the change in his expression. Jess half-turned so she could slide her hand inside his robes and caress his chest. “But Maisy has been pushing me to increase my cardiovascular exercise.”

  He laughed, his scales swirling with blue and purple, and nuzzled behind her ear. “I think we could both use a workout.”

  She leaned back on the cushions and rugs, and Trazzak knelt next to her. He tugged at the belt he’d tied for her and Jess sighed, reveling in the look on his face as he gazed at her. She’d gotten accustomed to him being careful with her during their convalescence, but Jess kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and for Trazzak to cease being so calm. The darkening sky of Xarav rotated above them as another sun set and a cascade of meteors chased across the dome.

  Trazzak unwrapped her like a present, finding his way through the layers of robes until his fingers drifted across her stomach. Jess stretched and moved so the robes fell open more and exposed more skin. She wanted Trazzak to see all of her. She knew he wouldn’t judge her body; he worshiped it instead. The only problem was that she couldn’t see any of him.

  “You are so soft,” he said, leaning so his mouth could trace a path from her stomach to her breasts and back, lingering wherever made Jess grip the fabric of her robes.

  Heat surged between her legs as the night they’d spent together came back in flashes and she felt the barely-restrained lust in Trazzak as his grip tightened on her hip. Jess worked her fingers into his hair as Trazzak lay next to her so he could pay more attention to her breasts. Jess arched her back as he took her breast in his mouth and teased her other nipple, and tension built low in her stomach. The rough texture of his scales sent goosebumps through her as he draped his leg over hers.

  She managed to lift an arm around his neck and kept his mouth at her breasts, while Trazzak chuckled and renewed his attention to her nipples. His free hand drifted down her stomach once more and teased the inside of her thigh. “What should I do with you, Jessalyn?”

  “Show me I made the right choice,” she murmured, and slowly stroked one of the spikes that stood up on his shoulders. The long slow drag clearly gave Trazzak ideas, because his hips moved in a similar thrust against her hip, and Jess closed her eyes in anticipation. She desperately wanted to feel him inside her, to feel the strength of his body moving over her, but she wanted to take her time. She needed to appreciate every moment. It was the first time in forever.

  Trazzak grumbled and growled, moving slowly down her body to drag his teeth across her stomach. Jess’s back arched in response, seeking more of the pleasure-pain, and she renewed her grip on his spikes as her hips rose to meet his touch. The cool friction of his scales made her shiver.

  He rubbed his cheek against the inside of her thigh as his fingers stroked into her slit, and stars sparked in Jess’s vision. Her head fell back against the pillows and she lost the strength to grip his spikes. She sprawled before him, completely open to him, and she loved every second of it. The vulnerability and openness was still frightening, but she trusted him. Trazzak knew her secrets and he didn’t judge.

  He explored her body, nipping and sucking at her heated flesh, until Jess started to tense. Her breath came faster and faster as tension coiled low in her stomach, and Trazzak slid a thick finger deep inside to tease her more. Jess thrashed on the pillows, rocking her hips to meet the steady rhythm of his hand and mouth, and couldn’t contain the moans that tore free. Trazzak growled, pushing her faster and deeper ruthlessly until her muscles clamped down on him and lightning raced through her in an overwhelming orgasm.

  She thought she might fly apart completely as wave after wave followed the first tsunami of pleasure, electricity racing through her muscles until she twitched and jerked against Trazzak’s unrelenting touch. Jess went limp and he slowed, retreating to a gentle friction that kept the aftershocks rolling through her until Jess finally gripped his shoulder and begged for relief.

  He breathed against her skin instead, and the warm heat of his body reignited the fire in her. Trazzak gently kissed her thigh and waited for the flush to recede from her face before he moved. Jess waited for fatigue to take over and knock her out, to steal the rest of the night from her, but she wasn’t tired. Not even a bit. Trazzak eased back up her body so he could nuzzle behind her ear, palms still gliding up and down her body in a leisurely, possessive motion. “I love when you turn red like that.”

  Jess smiled, closing her eyes, and reveled in the overwhelming sensations. “How do you know I’m not angry? Earthers turn red for many reasons.”

  “From the sounds you’re making,” Trazzak murmured. “There is no doubt. But maybe I should make a cultural study of you.”

  A cultural study. Jess laughed. She pushed up on her elbows to study him, loving the flush of blue and purple that cascaded through his scales. Ridiculous Xaravian. “I didn’t realize barbarians knew anything about studying other cultures.”

  “I will make a career of studying you,” he said. His silver eyes flashed, and Trazzak squeezed her hip. “And all the things that make you sigh and squeal and moan. I love the sounds you make. I’ll be learning every one.”

  Heat surged through Jess as his grip tightened on her side, dragging her under him more, and she reached into his robes to find the impressive organ she remembered from before. Trazzak grumbled and held himself over her, letting Jess search and rip at his belt until the robes fell to the side. He dipped down to kiss her just as his hips pressed forward.

  His knees shoved her thighs apart and Jess held on to his shoulders as the pressure increased and she thought she might shatter into a million pieces. Trazzak growled and lifted her hips, tilting her to meet him, and Jess cried out as he plunged still deeper. She loved it, every touch and ache. She surrendered completely and just held on as Trazzak moved faster.

  The stars wheeled overhead as Jess clung to Trazzak, desperate for the unbelievable sensations to continue. Trazzak nipped at her lip in a bright little spark of pain, and as Jess opened her mouth to cry out, he sealed his mouth to hers in a bruising kiss. His tongue plunged past hers in a heated mimic of how his cock drove into her channel, and the dual motion sent Jess over the edge. Her body seized and she clung to him in desperation.

  Trazzak’s body was buried deeply in her by the time he snarled and jerked against her, just as Jess started to come down from the first wave of ecstasy, and his climax pushed her into another wave of uncontrollable spasms. She gripped his spikes for dear life as their bodies tangled and seized and everything turned into a sweaty mess of robes and blankets and limbs, and Jess felt like she couldn’t have moved if she wanted to. His cock pulsed and seemed to expand inside of her, and Jess braced for the pressure of the heavy thickness at the base as it slipped inside of her. Jess let the heat and fire take over until everything faded into darkness.

  Reality came back in bits and pieces as Trazzak grumbled and whispered in her ear. His fingers ghosted over her skin in long caresses that sent shivers and tiny little aftershocks of pleasure through her, until Jess could hardly focus enough to form a coherent thought.

  Trazzak kissed her jaw and cheek, rubbing his scales against her. “When I take you to Xarav, we will have the formal ceremony. You’re my mate, and
I want all of the universe to know it.”

  “Is that a question?” Jess smiled, blissful in his hands. She mostly teased him. Mostly.

  “You are my mate,” he repeated. Trazzak bumped his nose against her, and Jess lost herself in the liquid silver of his eyes. “Will you stay with me forever, no matter what happens? No lies, no secrets, no hiding. I want all of you, and I will give you all of me.”

  For once, she appreciated the straightforward attitude. Jess tilted her head back to expose the long column of her throat in a shared symbol of submission, of acquiescence. “I will stay with you forever.”

  Trazzak chuckled and his body responded, hips pressing forward again, and Jess tangled her fingers in his hair to keep him close, so she could wrap her arms and legs around him. She didn’t even need to check her bracelet to find the right heading — her true north was right beside to her, ready to show her the way to the next adventure.

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  Also by Juno and Layla

  Vaant (Galaxos Crew Book 1)

  Vrix (Galaxos Crew Book 2)

  Trazzak (Galaxos Crew Book 3)

  Frrar (Galaxos Crew Book 4) - Coming soon!

  Find more of Juno’s books here!

  And find more of Layla Nash’s books here!




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