Ellipsis - Creators of Six #1
Page 11
“I don’t understand.” Master Nimm spoke up again.
“There aren't many studies on the subject of trading essences, only that it is dangerous to everyone involved. If you had rejected our essence or soul, as you would call it, we all could have died.”
“So, I had begged them to help me and without hesitation, they agreed. I know it was partly for the stone, but they also did it for me. Weaver, I wasn’t ready to let you go.”
“Why did it have to be three? Why not just you?” Master Hor cleared the confusion.
“In the few books of parchment we have, they mention that many affinities can strengthen the process. I am considered the strongest water manipulator on this continent, as are the rest of the heads. I felt Anna could better focus her intentions if she had my mental connection to help her. As I am her father first, I could not see her suffer. Also like she mentioned, the stone was also critical to the future of our lands.”
“The heads represent the manipulations one can control.” I mumbled.
“Correct. Fire, water, air, light, lightning, and mind. The three of us all poured a part of ourselves into you, hoping to reach your soul before it moved on. However, that wasn’t even the strangest part of the evening.”
“Of course, there is more…” I said under my breath.
“When we reached into you, it was as if you were clinging to this world, or being held. None of us could see a difference so we don’t really know. We just knew that you were still inside as we looked deeper.”
“You’re welcome.” And I could feel Gibi’s smile even though it was just in my head. Anna continued unaware of the conversation in my head.
“Within seconds we were able to reach you. Now when a person dies the soul as best as we can guess, is that it starts to disintegrate to something we do not understand. That is where our essence comes in. We had to fill those gaps that had begun to form. Now our magic is connected to our souls just as it is yours now. You have seemed to take on the traits of my father and I, and Master Nimm’s as well.” Anna said.
“That’s why you asked about the draw to other materials.” Nimm only nodded at my question.
“My personal theory Weaver, is now you are potent in wind manipulation as well as water manipulation. More specifically, even stronger than I when it comes to water. Due to having mine and my daughter’s essence in you.”
“I don’t know what to say… I mean, I felt the draw, but I don’t know how to control it.” My thoughts were in swirls trying to contemplate everything.
“Which brings me to the next order of business. I would like you to train with Anna in the mornings with water manipulation, and Master Nimm when he is able to make time for you.” Hor suggested.
“Not to sound rude Anna. But why you?” Les asked.
“Because there is no better person here to teach. Her power, even so young she only rivals me, well, and yours now.” Nimm chimed in.
“So, wait…” A mouth slowly rose upward. “I have more power than you? So, I’d be considered your master huh?”
“Don’t push your luck. My control is severely greater than yours.”
“Well, I don’t want to say the obvious. You better not hold back to make sure I don’t surpass you.” Even Master Hor and Nimm were smiling at Anna’s annoyance.
“Listen here, you have been spending too much time with that walking flirt. Of course, I wouldn’t hold back you ego—” I cut her off with a laugh.
“Thank you, Anna. It would be an honor for me if you would teach me.” She didn’t say anything else as she closed her eyes and looked away from me with a humph.
“Is there anything else, Masters?” I asked after teasing Anna.
“Nothing that is important for now, but since your ‘council’ and Master Nimm and I are here, I would like for you to do me a favor.”
“When you meet the king later today, leave out the part about magic. If he asks you how your body has healed so fast, just tell him myself and Anna have been rejuvenating you around the clock. It should suffice as an answer, and technically you wouldn’t be lying to the most powerful man in the land.”
I stared at him. I knew he wasn’t telling me something, but he has already given me no reason to trust him. He did make Anna lie to me for years. I couldn’t fathom why he would now betray me since he let Anna leave her duties.
“Okay, I will do as you ask. If there is nothing else, I’d like to return to my room to rest before I meet the King.” We all stood, and all gave each other a slight bow then Anna, Les, and I headed back to my room. We all walked inside and stood in the middle of the room. Without warning, I gave Anna a tight embrace.
“Anna, thank you for what you did for me. I know it couldn’t have been an easy choice.”
“It was one of the easiest I’ve ever made.” She smiled and moved back. “Now if I don’t see you later tonight I expect for you to meet me outside of your room here to begin training at dawn.”
“Dawn? Come on...” I moaned.
“It is my will as your teacher.”
“I already hate you.”
“You will be thanking me at the end of it all.”
“We will see.” I yelled to her back as she walked out and shut the door without saying goodbye.
“Err, there’s too much information in my head Les. I mean I died…” Les brought me over to the bed and sat us down.
“Even so, but we don’t need to think about it now. Only move forward as best we can.”
“Les, there is something I need to tell you. I’m not sure how you will take it.”
“You don’t need to ever worry over truths. Just like you, I would rather have the truth than a sweet-coated lie.” She placed her hand on my back for comfort.
“The day I left, well the day Dirk followed me as well. I asked for his guidance to teach me how to use a sword. It was for a specific reason however. I had it burned into my memory of what your father did to you that night.” She cleared her throat but didn’t speak. “Before we came back, we stopped at the Oslo with the hope of killing your father.”
Her hand stopped rubbing but stayed on my back.
“Yes, but when we got to him, I couldn’t stop what I was doing when I saw him. I beat him as he beat you. I put a knife through his shoulder just to prove I could hurt him at my will. The power I had over him felt nauseating, but it was like it had been there long before that night. It was so easy to hurt him for all he had done.” Tremors came to my hands. I didn’t know what was causing it. The fact I took another man’s life or because that life was tied to Les’s.
“Did you kill him?” I couldn't lie now that I’ve committed.
“Yes. Les. I did. I couldn’t let him get away with what he had done.”
“Did he suffer?”
“That is the part that scares me, I boiled him from the inside out. Watched him bleed from everywhere and at first, it didn’t even bother me.” She put her head on my shoulder. “Does this make me an evil man? I had the choice to let him live, but I chose not to. I don’t want to become a dark presence in this world.”
“The fact you are telling me this, makes it harder for you to let in the darkness that you speak of. You recognize your struggle and you want to deny the evil that rose. I’m sure in our future there will be more chances for evil to grow. You might even choose the darker path, but I know your soul is one of light. Know this: no matter what side you stand, I will be there as well.”
I didn’t know what to say after that, so I just brought my arm around her and kissed the top of her head.
“Also, Weaver, thank you. I’m glad he no longer has power over me. He deserved what happened to him. So, thank you.”
Royal Tailor
It was a good that Ralph had come to get us. We decided to sleep through our mid-day meal and beyond. We quickly re-arranged ourselves to be presentable. It was better this way as it left me little ti
me to dwell on the task ahead of me. The castle’s interior was filled with desserts for the eyes. There were beautiful paintings that took up entire corridors, statues that resembled the god’s. It had no end. We finally walked past two huge wooden doors decorated with subtle jewels that made it seem less daunting.
“Ralph, wasn’t that the throne room?” I asked him.
“It is, but the king is in his study, which is in the next hall.” Things were looking up; I was afraid of having to address the entire court, but it seemed the king had common sense after all. We rounded the corner and saw two guards standing on each side of a plain looking entrance. They both nodded at Ralph and told him that the king wanted to see us as soon as we arrived. Ralph gave a knock and pushed it open.
“I’m afraid Les and I will have to stay out here. He only wishes to see you.”
“Okay then.” I squeezed Les’s hand and walked past Ralph. The door gently shut behind me. The inner room was bigger than I thought it would be as well as homelier. It reminded me of how a house would look on the inside, a place of comfort, not a place to show off wealth.
This king continued to surprise me. He gave me the impression that he was not a vain man. The extravagance of the castle didn't match the man in front of me. The King however, was not alone in his study. The crown prince was also there standing next to the oversized hearth. His gaze was focused on various trinkets along the mantle. He noticed me come in and greeted me with a huge smile just as the day he returned from the Twins. The same black locks of hair brushing the top of his eyes, his fit stature, and dark brown eyes. As I went to a knee, the prince made his way over to the long sitting couch to my right side. On the left was three separate armor displays, some even looked used. The king waved me to stand.
“Greetings, my king, I was told you wanted to see me?” I said as I kept my head low. The king stood and walked over right in front of me. He, grabbed my shoulders and brought me into an embrace.
“My dear young man, you might have saved the kingdom, it is I who should have to kneel.” The crown prince snorted at the comment but if the king heard he didn’t show it. “Let us drop the formalities as we are in my private chambers. Outside, however, the usual respects remain.”
“Of course, my King.” And I finally met the king's face. His smile was warm and inviting. A thick beard neatly trimmed full of white took up his face. He was, the same height as me, but a small belly beginning to form to show he wasn’t a king of battle. He looked me over as well and sat back down. Not wanting to think I meant offense, I spoke.
“I have to apologize for my appearance. As there was a fire at my home, I do not have many options.”
“Think nothing of it, Aden here will make sure you are taken care of. Also, you will be happy to know the Yezmon is being repaired as we speak. Nicer than before I might add. I heard what you did for those living under you. I do this to show my appreciation for your generous act.”
“I don’t have the words to describe my thanks.” The king waved me off. He turned his head towards Aden as he spoke.
“Now, to the other reason the king requested you. I take it you have spoken with the heads?”
“Yes, my prince. Well, most of them. One decided to leave as he didn’t approve of my choices of who would usually offer me counsel.”
“Excellent, so do you have any idea what we need to do from here?” Prince Aden asked me.
“I can’t say that I do. The one clue that I do have, is that it pulsed when my hand was over the map of the Twins.” That drew silence between all of us. I was worried he would see though my lie, but I didn’t feel like it was the time to reveal Gibi’s connection. The King was first to speak.
“If I have this correct, the legend says that the Creators’ Stone must be given and received, correct?”
“As far as my understanding goes.”
“Well, this is better news than we had hoped for Aden. My son is due back to the Twins in three months’ time with reinforcements to crush the rebellion that hides in the mountains. After several failed negotiations and raids on the city. My son went there to act as a deterrent. Only to return again without the promise of a truce.” The King’s face resembled exhaustion as I looked closer.
“It would be an honor to accompany the Prince.” I expressed.
“You misunderstand Weaver. I mean you are to give him the stone for safekeeping. I’m sure the next step of this journey will be revealed to him as well once he arrives.” My mind raced. I suppose I could give him the stone. I could be done with it. Return to the Yezmon, create a new life of peace. No more pain. That dream was instantly crushed.
“You cannot do this. You are meant to deliver the stone. I feel Prince Aden means well but not revealing something at the same time.” Gibi’s voice echoed in my mind.
“You could just say hi sometimes, not only critical moments.”
“I will think on both of these new findings.” He was gone again leaving me without any help. I was getting better at speaking in my head. At least I assumed so since they weren’t looking at me like I was insane yet. As soon I made the choice to turn down a king, I thought perhaps I was slightly insane.
“My king, I mean no disrespect, nor do I know how to describe the feeling. The Creators Stone almost has a mind of its own. I must be drawn to whoever should hold it next. I do not feel the prince to be that person.” I could feel my head slowly separating from my body. “I am to start training tomorrow for better survival in the open world. Maybe this would reduce the risk I would add to the prince?” Just as I thought I was dead, Prince Aden came to the rescue.
“Father, we have no reason not to trust him. Maybe we are only meant to help and guard him best we can until the time comes of the exchange.” The Kings forehead wrinkled in thought.
“If you think so Aden. We shall do what we can. Please let Aden know what you would require as far as supplies and clothing for the future.” My shoulders instantly relaxed.
“Thank you, my king.” I received no other response and took it as my invitation had been revoked. I bowed deeply and turned for the door.
“Weaver, wait for me outside if you will.” The Prince said from the long chair.
“Of course, my Prince.” Then I was back outside, looking at Les and Ralph.
“How did it go?” Les asked before Ralph could.
“Your guess is as good as mine. I had to tell the king no. I will tell of it later.” Her eyes widened. She didn’t press but started to walk off.
“I have to wait for the prince. He wished to speak with me.”
“The handsome Prince? Maybe I should wait too.” We didn’t have to wait long as the door to the study opened and the guards went to attention. The prince dismissed them and walked to my side smiling. I did not miss however his sideways glance towards Ralph. Even Ralph thought it best to find something to look at on the floor.
“Weaver, come walk with me, as well as...”
“Les, my Prince.”
“Just Aden, please. Weaver refuses to say it, however, but I think I will make a friend out of him yet. Ralph, you may return to your duties. I can escort them from here.” He said to Ralph without looking at him.
He held out his arm for Les to take and we began to walk back to the mage wing within the castle. “So, Weaver, I will be sending up a tailor up this evening, and with some luck, you shall have new attire by the morning.” He turned to Les. “So, am I as handsome as you think me to be?” Les’s face became flushed in pink.
“I’m sorry, my Prince… I meant no offense.” Inside I was laughing as loud as I could at her embarrassment.
“No offense taken, in fact, I’m glad a beautiful woman such as yourself would think me so.” A squeak left her as she looked straight ahead.
“Aden, if it is no trouble, I was wondering about other issues as well.”
“Just because you used my name, I shall grant it as best I can.” He said through a smile.
“Les here, and the others I came
with, just as I, have no other clothes. You have done more than expected and feel bad to ask, but is there a way for them to be dressed as well? My next question is about receiving some simple weapons to practice with.” Les decided to add her opinion as well.
“As well as a bow he could train with, the man has no need to go headfirst into a battle only to lose his head. I would feel more comfortable if you could appease me, my prince.” She batted her lashes towards him.
“My, my, Weaver, Les here is one to watch. I could barely tell she was trying to work me over. As for your requests, consider them done. I was worried that it would be something hard. Also, my father has deemed you be moved to the Royal Wing for your safety. Meaning you will be dining with us when you have time as well as spending time with me. I can better know the man who holds the world literally in his hand.”
“Of course, my prince, and I thank you for your safety. I do however wish for Les, to have a room close to mine. Her council—”
“Weaver, that is not necessary, I can manage on my own,” Les said as she bared her eyes into mine.
“No, it’s quite all right. I will even see to it she has a room with an adjoining door and able to dine with us as well.”
“Can I be honest, Aden?” I asked.
“I hope you can.”
“You and your father have been amazingly generous, and I don’t know how to ever thank either of you. However, I am curious how everyone thinks the stone can save the world.”
“Well, as long as I have remembered, the stories of the Creators Stone was always one of my favorites. Do you remember the ending of the story?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t say that I do.”
“Well, in the end, it says that only one stone will be the difference between light and dark. I’m sure that every kingdom thinks that there’s will be the one to save us all. All the same, we want to make sure that if there is a chance that these events come to pass. That we have some type of safe guard in place.” He didn’t know that this was the last one as far as Gibi knew, but based on Gibi’s warning I kept it to myself. “Also. No thanks are required.” We came to the hall leading back to our rooms. I noticed that our conversation had taken up all of our walk.