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Beneath Him (Harlow Series)

Page 7

by C. Shell

  I'm startled when I hear the subtle cough of someone beside me. My eyes fly open to find a young man standing by the door holding a white pastry box in his hands. He seems nervous and unsure of himself as he speaks.

  "Sorry to of bothered you. I have a delivery for a Ms. Grayson," he stutters, looking everywhere in the office but directly at me.

  "I am Ms. Grayson," I say confused. I look behind and around him trying to see what exactly he is here to deliver but don't see anything else with him.

  "Oh great," the boy exclaims handing me the box of pastries. "These are for you. Have a great day."

  Watching him leave I stare back at him confused and bewildered than look down at the box he handed me. There is a small envelope attached to the top which I quickly pull off and open. Inside is a vanilla card embossed with the letters AH at the top. My breathing quickens as I read the card.

  For the one that tried to get away. I will see you soon


  What the hell?

  I hesitantly open the white box to find a dozen delicious donuts staring back at me.

  Donuts? He sent me donuts?

  I don't think I will ever be able to look at a donut as a simple yummy pastry again. Now every time I see one I will think of Alex and the first time we met.

  The rest of the day crawls by slowly but thankfully I am able to get caught up on all the boring work that I had been putting off. I kept myself very busy to stop the memories of emerald green eyes that keep sneaking their way back into my thoughts.

  I had texted him after I got the donuts and thanked him but have not heard anything back from him. Every time my phone rings or beeps I race to answer it and each time I am disappointed to find someone else on the other end.

  Jane came back from her last appointment excited and ready to celebrate. She was triumphant in securing a year contract with a local large theater company that will use us exclusively for all their plays and events. It is by far one of the largest and most prestigious contracts we have been able to secure and will help to alleviate the many bills that are piling up.

  "How about margarita's tonight at Juan's? I can see if Jax would like to join us?" Jane asks while stuffing another donut in her mouth.

  "Sure. Sounds like a good plan to me." I was working hard to sound happy when truthfully I am preoccupied with thoughts about a very sexy naked Alex. One night was not enough to suppress my need for him. It pisses me off that he is having this effect on me.

  After my horrible break up with Travis I swore to never let another man control me the way he had. Travis is what I would consider my first true love even though looking back at it now I don't think it was real love but more lust and me wanting it to be love. He was rich, gorgeous and could charm the pants off anyone. I fell for him immediately and was proud that out of all the girls chasing him he had chosen me.

  We dated for eight months and were very serious when he proposed to me one night out by the lake. I was ecstatic and wasted no time working on our wedding plans. I was scheduled to go dress shopping with Jane one day and she got sick and had to cancel so I decided to surprise Travis at work with lunch except when I showed up the surprise was on me.

  Travis had his secretary bent over his desk skirt hiked up while he fucked her from behind. He was not even fazed when I walked in. I freaked out dropping the lunch I brought all over the floor as I stood there in shock with tears running down my face. He was actually mad that I was ruining his afternoon screw and yelled at me to leave and shut the door on my way out.

  Travis's family was well off in our small community and covered his indiscretion well. They created a story and made it to sound as though I was a horrible fiancé who refused to satisfy her man and Travis was only staying with me out of obligation and concern for my welfare. I was humiliated and as if public ridicule was not bad enough he married his slut secretary months later after knocking her up.

  Love is over rated and ugly

  Jax was Travis's best friend and was one of the few who knew the truth of what really happened. He and Jane stood by me through it all and once we all graduated college we stuck together and moved away to start our lives over in Dallas.

  Travis left a horrible taste in my mouth when it comes to rich controlling men, which is why I can't trust Alex or be with him the way he wants me too. Alex has a way of breaking through my barriers and that scares me. I have to keep my distance from him so I can think straight and not fall off the Alex band wagon.

  Someone should make an anonymous group for girls who need help saying no to Mr. Strong Arms.

  Chapter 8

  "One more round," Jax calls out to Randy our bartender.

  Randy gives us a knowing nod and goes about making us more margaritas. I swear each time he makes them they become stronger than the last. I started seeing double after my second and I am not sure if I will be able to function after a third.

  "I don't think I should have anymore," I protest loudly but am ignored by my two best friends who seem to be handling their drinks much better than I am.

  "You can handle one more baby doll," Jax promises. "So Jane here was telling me that you finally gave it up to Mr. Tall Dark and Possessive. I want to hear all about it," he coos giving me a wink.

  "I am so glad to hear that my screwed up sex life is keeping you two entertained." I scowl at them but it just makes them laugh harder. "Really there is not much to tell. I tried playing his game and I ended up losing. End of story Jax," I huff trying to stop my drifting thoughts.

  "You did not lose," he corrects. "You just realized that there might be more going on between you two and you're scared. I saw the way you two looked at each other at the club and it was explosive."

  "It was just sex," I say soundly. "He saw me as a challenge and I needed to get laid. We both got what we wanted so cheers to getting what you want," I say raising my drink in the air.

  I treat my freshly new drink from Randy like a shot and down the majority of it wishing it will numb all feelings and thoughts relating to Mr. Strong Arms. The drink is strong and burns going down. I catch the knowing looks Jane and Jax keep giving each other but at least they have finally stopped harping on me about him.

  "How are things with David," I ask Jane. I know it is wrong that I secretly wish him gone but he gives me a bad feeling.

  "As good as to be expected considering he is halfway around the world. He does not think he will be able to visit as often as we had hoped."

  I feel so woozy and disoriented as I sit and listen to my two friends joke and act up. The third drink was too much for my system. I should have eaten something of substance before I began drinking.

  The song Crazy drawls me out of my thoughts and makes me cringe. Frowning I reach into my purse and pull out my phone and stare at his name as it blinks across the screen. Taking a deep breath I hit the accept button.

  "Good evening Master of the Universe" My words are slurred even as I try and steady my voice to sound normal.

  "Jessica? Why do you sound like that?" He demands, his voice edgy.

  "Why do you care Mr. Harlow?" I know I am playing with fire but the drinks have given me false courage and my mouth seems to have a mind of its own tonight.

  "You sound drunk. Where are you? Are you alone?" He sounds mad which only serves to make me angry. How dare him question me. I am not his to question. One night of great sex does not give him the right to dictate what I do.

  "Wrong answer Alex. Have a good night." I say cheekily as I end the call.

  Oh shit! I can't believe I just hung up on him.

  I notice Jane and Jax staring at me wide eyed with their mouths hanging open in shock. I absently shake my hand in their faces, "Don't even say a word," I threaten. "Now order me another drink before what I just did really sinks in and I panic."

  Jane looks at me worriedly as she orders me a shot of tequila. I throw it back before I have a chance to change my mind. My phone starts singing again and I quickly turn my phone off and throw it b
ack in my purse. My vision is blurred and everything around me is distorted. I lay my head against Jax's shoulder loving the way his soft shirt feels against my skin.

  "You want me to take you home baby doll? That last drink will probably make you sick soon." Jax gently stokes my head the same way my mom used to when I was sad.

  "No, just let me lay my head here for a moment," I murmur. "You're a great friend Jax," I say smiling.

  I shut my eyes in hopes to stop the room from spinning. I dread tomorrow and the hangover that is sure to come but for now I feel content and worry free.

  My eyes flutter at the sound of yelling. I lift my head and quince. My mind is useless from all the alcohol. The pounding in my head is all consuming as I rub my temples trying to alleviate some of the pain. I try to get my bearings but everything is fuzzy. I remember being in the bar and laying my head on Jax's shoulder but everything is a blank after that. I must have fallen asleep or passed out.

  Glancing around through blurry vision I see an empty booth in front of me and realize I am still at the bar with my head cradled in my arms over the table. The yelling grabs my attention again as it is becoming more prominent. The two familiar voices yelling at each other causes a sickly feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  Why is Alex yelling at Jax? Why is he even here?

  Pushing myself out of the booth I manage to walk over and stand next to Jane who is staring at the two enraged men slack jawed. Noticing my arrival she gives me a sympathetic look.

  "What is going on?" I ask apprehensively.

  "After you passed out Alex freaked when he couldn't reach you and looked up my number from our work contract and called me trying to find you. I did my best to reassure him you were fine and we were taking care of you but he was beside himself and I made the mistake of telling him where we were."

  "So I take it he was not reassured?"

  "No he was not. Finding you passed out did not help matters," she sighs. "He tried to take you home with him and Jax said "Hell no" and this is the result," she says waving her hand towards the spectacle in front of us.

  I can't just stand around and let Jax take the brunt of my stupidity. I am the moron who kept drinking knowing I could not handle it then purposely poked the lion knowing he would bear his claws. Seeing the fury in Alex's face makes every hair on my body stand on end.

  As if sensing me Alex turns and I am swallowed up in a fury of deep green that steals my breath away. I nervously lips as our eyes lock on the other. I take a tentative step towards him finally find my voice.

  "Alex leave my friends out of this. They were just doing as I asked. They wouldn't let anything bad happen to me."

  His eyes darken and I notice the prominent tick in his jaw. "Get your stuff Jessica." he commands. "We are leaving. You are staying with me tonight." His tone leaves no room for argument.

  His authoritative deep voice seeps through my body and my nipples tighten in response. How can something so wrong make me aroused? I am exhausted and my body feels like it has gone rounds with a prize fighter and lost. As pissed as I am that he is encroaching in on my night my body warms at the thought of being near him.

  I move back to the table and retrieve my purse feeling the concern and worry rolling off of my friends. Jane is the first to speak, "Are you sure you want to go with him? You don't have to Jess ," she says softly.

  "I need to. I can't drink him away so I might as well deal with him." Giving her a half smile I kiss her on the cheek and walk over and do the same to Jax.

  "Thanks for looking after me Jax. Sorry I ruined your night."

  "Baby doll I would do anything for you," he says lightly kissing the top of my head. "Are you sure you will be all right?"

  "Yeah I will be fine. Alex might sound like a brute but he would never hurt me," I say honestly. It is odd that I truly believe this considering I don't know anything substantial about him besides that he can do amazing things with his hands and mouth.

  Jax leans down whispering in my ear. "Turn your phone back on so we can reach you and promise you will call if you need anything."

  Smiling at his big brother protective attitude I pull my phone out and turn it on in front of him hoping it will help to erase some of the concern etched on his face. He smiles weakly back at me as Alex moves in pulling me against his side as we leave the bar.

  I am thankful for his support as my feet and head don't seem to be communicating very well through my drunken haze. I turn my gaze to Mr. Strong Arms wondering why he showed up tonight acting like a worried boyfriend, he's not my boyfriend.

  As he helps me into the backseat of his car I wait until the patrician is up between us and Carson before I let my thoughts lose on him.

  "Why are you here?" My question comes out more forcefully than I intended.

  "Don't ask stupid questions Jessica." The scowl on his face would normally make me bite my tongue and shut up but my mouth is being driven by tequila.

  "You fucked me. You don't have to play the hero card and come to my rescue to get me to have sex with you again," I spit back harshly.

  His handsome face turns deadly with fury and I quickly regret running my mouth. "Language Jessica," he growls. "You are mine Jessica and I take care of what is mine. You ever pull this shit again and I will haul you over my knee and blister your ass."

  He actually seems worried about me.

  I sit back in the soft leather seats and stew on his words the rest of the way to his Penthouse. Carson opens the door and I follow Alex out of the car knocking his hand away when he offers it to me. Refusing to stumble and give him something else to complain about I slip off my heels and carry them in my hand as I stomp towards the elevator with him following on my heels.

  I feel his eyes boring holes in the back of my head as we ascend in uncomfortable silence up to his place. I refuse to turn around afraid of what I might see so I train my eyes on the metal doors in front of me while I silently wring my hands together.

  The doors open and I walk nervously through the entry way into the living room setting my purse in an empty chair and muster up the courage to finally face him. My eyes sweep over his body taking in the loose worn blue jeans that hang on his hips and black t-shirt that grips his arms giving a glimpse of the strength it encases. As much as I love him decked out in a power suite he looks almost more handsome dressed down in comfortable clothes.

  Moving with purpose into the kitchen I watch as he fills a glass of water and starts searching through cabinets before coming back and sitting a glass of water and two Tylenol next to me.

  "Drink all of the water and take these to try and lessen the headache you will no doubt be feeling later." He says dryly.

  Licking my lips nervously I try and think of something to say to break the tension but find myself void of words. His stoic face is not giving away an ounce of emotion. I would welcome screaming and anger over this nothingness. Without giving me a second glance he heads towards his office and shuts the door soundly behind him. Throwing myself onto the sofa I turn on the television determined to ignore Mr. Moody and his apparent mood swings.

  I absently stare at the television as the movie Friends with Benefits plays on but as I watch it I wonder if that could be our relationship. Friends with benefits may be one way to describe us although we aren't really friends. What the hell are we?

  We had sex once and now according to Mr. Moody I am his? What does being his entail exactly? Another question to be filed away for later.

  Several hours later Alex has yet to come out of his office. I contemplate leaving but it is really late and Jane would kill me if I took a cab anywhere by myself at this hour. Rising off the couch I walk to his bedroom and riffle through his drawers again to find myself something to sleep in. Climbing into his bed I wrap myself in the warmth of the sheets and cuddle up with his pillow as I breathe in his scent wishing he was here with me instead of sulking away in his office.

  Why bring me here if he is just going to ignore me? Am I being punished
for drinking too much? I toss and turn for a while before finally giving in and falling asleep.


  My body is on fire. A delicious all consuming fire that is spreading throughout my body singeing everything in its path. My eyes flutter open still hazy and sleepy as I glance around the room remembering where I am and then I feel him. A small moan escapes my lips as my body roars to life under his skillful tongue and hands.

  His thumb lightly skims over my clit teasingly as he pushes his index finger inside me as he coaxes my legs farther apart. I happily comply giving him an unrestricted view of my wet glistening slit.

  He shifts his body so he is laying in between my legs, his face inches from my sex. I watch him as he lays there staring at my body, hands splayed on my thighs holding down my hips. The intimacy of the situation is almost too much to bare. I have had a few boyfriends that have gone down on me in the past but none of them took the time to just look at me. They were all too busy worrying about hurrying up and finishing so I could get them off in return.

  I squirm under his gaze hoping to urge him on but he just smirks and strengthens his hold on me. The anticipation is almost too much to handle. My breathing increases until I am panting. God this is torture!

  "I love seeing how wet you get for me," he growls as he swipes his tongue through my slippery slit. He begins to feast on my core, licking and tongue-fucking me as I buck and wither beneath him.

  "Oh God!. . .Please... I am so close." The sensations flowing through my body are amazing as I feel my orgasm building to a crescendo. Slipping in two fingers he magically works them in and out curling them in a come hither movement that ignites me all over. As if knowing exactly what I need to throw me over; he flicks his tongue over my clit, pressing down on it firmly with the flat of his tongue.


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