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Beneath Him (Harlow Series)

Page 10

by C. Shell

  Me: Not happening. I will call you later and leave my ass out of this.

  Control Freak


  A consistent loud pounding pulls me out of a deep sleep. Disoriented I take a few minutes to sort out where I am. After getting home early from my horrible lunch with Jane I took a long hot shower than passed out on my bed. The days emotional rollercoaster wore me out and sleep seemed like the best answer to help calm me down before dealing with what I saw today.

  A familiar feeling of dread fills my body as I pull myself out of bed and go answer the door. The moment I unlock the door it is thrown open taking me by surprise and causing me to scream and instinctively jump back towards the living room.

  Looking up I am met with a menacing looking Mr. Strong Arms. He still has on the same clothing as I saw him in earlier except now he is missing his jacket, his shirt wrinkled and his tie is lose and askew. His dark eyes bore down on me as he stands inside my doorway looking like a lion about to take down his prey.

  "Why the hell have you been ignoring me today?" His tone is harsh as he saunters towards me slamming the door behind him. His hardened gaze travels down my body hungrily taking in my tiny camisole and boy shorts that I changed into before lying down.

  A tingle of excitement shoots through my body but quickly turns into anger. How dare he show up to my home unannounced yelling at me as though I am out of line. Asshat!

  I bristle as I meet his gaze." How was your meeting today?"

  His mouth is set in a grim line as he answers," It was manageable until I got your texts than the rest of the day went to hell and I have been frantic to know what the hell is going on in that head of yours. Tell me what the fuck that was all about today and why you are trying to back pedal on us," he growls out.

  Before I lose my nerve I ask the question that keeps running through my mind. "Who is the blonde? What is she to you?"

  His sharp intake of breath tells me know I am not going to like the answer. "You saw me today at the Bistro?"

  "Yes. I saw you with her and I remember seeing her in a family photo you have in your bedroom." He watches me impassively as I continue. "She doesn't have any of your family features so I know she is not related to you. Who is she?" My voice breaks and I hate him for making me feel this vulnerable.

  He shakes his head in irritation as he starts walking towards me all the while undressing himself leaving a path of clothing in his wake. I slowly walk backwards further into the living room trying to pull my eyes off of his toned torso and hold onto my anger.

  "I don't need a reminder Alex," I warn. "I need answers."

  My calves bump into the sofa and I gasp realizing I have no escape. He grins knowingly as he continues towards me until we are standing a mere inches apart and he is left in only his black boxer briefs. My eyes drift down admiring his hard arousal as it presses against the thin cloth. I lick my lips wishing to taste him again, to see his beautiful face as he falls apart as I work him in my mouth.

  Lifting his hand he lightly traces the outline of my jaw down to my chest until he reaches the hem of my camisole. This is the point that I should push him away and stop him but I don't. I can't move. My feet feel as though they are incased in concrete. Gripping my camisole he lifts it over my head in one swift motion leaving me in nothing but my small black boy shorts.

  "Her name is Lexy Brill and she is an old family friend. Our families grew up together and we were dealing with some legal issues over some outdated contracts and agreements our families have together," he breathes out.

  Lexy? That is who he was talking to on the phone the morning I ran..

  I flush. "You seemed familiar with each other. Intimate even."

  He frowns while running his hand through his hair. I have to stop the urge to reach out and run my own hands through it, the temptation to feel the silky strands is strong.

  He glides his hands across my breasts and my nipples immediately harden, aching for his touch. He slowly massages each breast before taking my nipple into his mouth and sucking on it hard. I moan loudly loving how rough he is being.

  Scooping me up into his arms he carries my into my bedroom, kicking the door shut behind us and placing me on my bed.

  I am panting hard as I watch him peel off his last article of clothing. Damn! I will never get tired of seeing him naked.

  "Lexy and I have had sex before but it was a very long time ago and I do not see here that way anymore."

  He scans my eyes trying to gage my reaction but I school my face and refuse to show him any emotion. I have already given him more of myself than I intended, he does not need to know that his words hurt. I hate thinking of him having sex with her. She is elegant, graceful and obviously comes from money. Everything I am not.

  "I don't want her Jessica. I only want you," he mouths as he pulls my boy shorts down my legs dropping them on the floor.

  I want to believe him but I have heard similar words before and remember how that turned out. I kiss him hard stopping any chance he has to tell me more. "Shut up and just fuck me," I whisper against his lips.

  "Oh, I will," he says with a smirk. "Lean back and prop yourself up on your elbows. Spread your legs wide apart for me."

  I writher under his stare as I comply and position myself to his liking. He moves between my legs and begins raining kisses up and down the inside of my thighs. He gets within inches of my heated core before moving back down. The anticipation is maddening.

  "I am going to bring you to orgasm so many times you will never question my feelings for you again. You will no longer doubt that you are all mine and that I am all yours."

  Mine? Yours? I want to be his.

  His hand moves up cupping my sex. I sigh happily as his fingers shift through my folds before thrusting two fingers into my wet channel. I cry out as he drags his fingers in and out of me rubbing all the right spots. The pressure builds fast and I am so close. I continue to move my hips in rhythm with his thrusts as he finger fucks me mercifully. His finger grazes my g-spot and I come hard, crying out his name in release as I grip the sheets beneath me.

  "That's one," he murmurs against my clit, his tongue licking harshly against it as he begins to work me over again. He slips one finger in me than sucks hard on my clit. It is too much too soon after my last orgasm. My body explodes hard arching my back off the bed as I scream out, my voice harsh and strained.

  "That's two," he murmurs giving me no time to come back to earth as he stands up, pulling my hips to the edge of the bed and thrusts his cock into me. I am so wet enters me easily with only one thrust.

  "Oh shit!" I scream out digging my nails into his shoulders.

  "Language Jessica," he warns.

  My inner muscles clamp onto him, still twitching from my last orgasm. He stills inside me panting hard "Don't move baby or I will lose it and I am not done with you yet," he says through clenched teeth.

  I don't know if I can take any more. I am exhausted and my muscles feel like liquid.

  Can you die of too many orgasms?

  Kissing me softly he starts moving inside me. The kiss turns more frantic and possessive as his thrusts increase. I suck on his tongue and he moans an approval. My libido has come alive again as if I have not already had two mind blowing orgasms in less than an hour. This man is deadly.

  My hands grip his shoulders as his mouth sucks on my neck hard, no doubt marking me once again before moving down and devouring my breasts. What is it with him and marking me?

  He pulls out and drives back into me repeatedly sending me back onto the brink. I can feel that familiar pressure building between my legs as I beg," Please Alex."

  Flicking his thumb across my taunt clit he growls," Come for me Jessica." He moans and curses as we both find our release losing control in each other. I scream, clamping my muscles around him as he jerks in me, his hot liquid shooting deep inside me.

  I have no energy to move so I just lay there under him as my breathing begins to slow down. I hold on ti
ght to him realizing I am screwed. I could not walk away from Alex if my life depended on it.

  "Look at me," he orders."

  I slowly pull back and look into his stormy green eyes. "Don't over think it," he says brushing an errand stand of hair off my face. "This is whatever we want it to be and to hell with labels and expectations, ok?"

  I nod yes, not trusting my voice at the moment.

  "Your mine Jessica," he says grounding his hips against me while his cock is still buried inside of me pulsating. "Promise me your mine. I can't stand the thought of losing you."

  There is a raw vulnerability in his voice that takes me by surprise and makes me smile. I melt realizing he is as lost in me as I am in him. I wrap my arms around his him sucking on his neck with the same intensity as he did mine, leaving my mark. I pull back and study it was a satisfied grin.

  He chuckles reaching up and touching the dark red mark. "I like you marking me," he groans against my mouth with appreciation. "I also like that you got jealous over me today."

  "I am yours Alex," I say kissing him softly, stoking my tongue with his. We remain entwined together as sleep begins to take me over. I cannot remember the last time I felt this tired and truly fucked. I feel like I just ran a marathon.

  "Why me?" I ask as I fight to keep my eyes open. "You could have your pick of women so why me?"

  "It's hard to explain," he sighs. "From the moment I met you I knew I had to have you. There was an undeniable chemistry between us that I have never felt with anyone else. You can deny it all you want but I know you felt it too. You're sexy and beautiful and I knew you would fit me perfectly."

  "Ok," I say too tired to argue with him.

  I cuddle up against him loving the way his hands feel wrapped possessively around my body as I give in to sleep and my beautiful man.

  Chapter 10

  I wake up once again to an empty bed and feel a dejected until I hear voices coming from the living room. Several voices to be exact. Wrapping my robe around myself I pad into the living room and am brought up short at the sight of Jane, Alex, and Jax all sitting around laughing and having coffee and donuts

  Damn donuts.

  "Morning baby doll," Jax says his eyes dancing with mischief. Alex flinches at Jax's nickname for me but doesn't say anything.

  "Morning," I answer back cautiously. "You all look up to no good. What is going on?"

  Jane and Jax giggle which does nothing to ease my nerves. I go into the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee needing something to distract myself from the 'fuck me' stare Alex is shooting my way. I look around relieved to see our clothing is no longer taking up space all over the living room floor. I hope Alex cleaned that up and not Jane.

  Against my better judgment I grab a glazed donut, silently cursing the sweet goodness the whole time I devour it.

  The three amigos have finally stopped their secret conversation and all turn to let me in on their evil plotting. Jane speaks up first, "You need to go shower and get dressed we have a full day of girl time planned," she says beaming at me.

  "What about work? Today is a normal day of the week not a weekend?" I chide.

  "I have already re-arranged our appointments so our day is empty. Jax is even coming with us." She is practically bouncing up and down with glee.

  The conversation makes me smile but I wonder what part Alex has in all of this. "Are you behind this?" I ask coolly.

  "A little bit," he says with a smirk. "I own a hotel and spa downtown and have made arrangements for you and your friends to have a day of pampering. It will give you a chance to unwind before our big charity event tonight."

  I stand staring at him shocked and impressed at his kindness towards my friends. Just when I think I have him figured out he goes and shows me another side of himself that I did not know existed. "Thank you Alex, that is really nice of you and totally unexpected," I say honestly.

  He shrugs as though it is no big deal and maybe for him it isn't. I sliver of excitement rolls through me at the thought of a spa day with my friends; we have not had one in so long.

  Standing abruptly he says his good-bys to his partners in crime, gathers his things and heads towards the door with me in tow. I am caught off guard as he leans down taking me in one of his all consuming mind blowing kisses. My body instantly heats, craving him all over again. He has ruined me; I don't think I will ever get enough of him.

  Pulling back so we can both catch our breaths he rubs my swollen bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. "Enjoy today and get any treatment you desire. Lunch will be delivered to you whenever you are ready and I will send the car to pick you all back up at four o'clock."

  I feel undeservingly spoiled but I know better than try and protest; it would only disappoint my friends and start another argument between us that is not needed.

  "I will have to try and find a way to thank you later," I murmur running my hand across his already hard shaft that is tenting the front of his custom fitted slacks. Glancing down I realize he is wearing new freshly pressed clothing, not the ones from yesterday.

  "Where did you get the clean clothes from?"I ask on a raised brow.

  "I had Carson bring them to me early this morning while you slept," he breaths. His lips once again moving against mine.

  "OK," is the best response I am able to get out as he nips my bottom lip with his teeth before licking it better with his tongue. Whoa...His mouth should be illegal.

  His gaze holds mine for a moment while he quietly studies me. His look is intense and troubled as if he is internally fighting over something. His mood instantly changes and he is once again smiling as he leans down to kiss the tip of nose before darting out the door without another word.

  Mr. Moody is back

  I join my friends in the living room and find that they are already running around cleaning up our breakfast mess and getting everything we need for our day together.

  I quickly shower and dress in a pair of shorts and a light yellow tank top before grabbing my friends and beating a hasty retreat. Since we started our business endeavor we have not gotten many days to just relax and play hooky and now that we have one I am beyond paranoid that someone will call about work and ruin our planned day. I even go as far as leaving my cell phone behind just to make sure everything goes as planned.


  The spa was amazing! We started with a deep tissue massage, had a mani-pedi, then Jane and Jax went to have a mud bath while I got my hair and make-up done for tonight. Alex did not spare anything. We had our own hostess and team of attendants to make sure we had anything we needed. We snacked, drank champagne, and gossiped the day away, it was absolutely perfect.

  My body feels boneless and completely relaxed and as we arrive home. I wish I had time to take a small nap before tonight but glancing at the clock I don't think I will be able to fit one in. Jax made the mistake of falling asleep while in the mud tank with Jane. She took candid pictures of him and posted them to his Facebook wall. His phone has blown up with calls from his guy friends laughing at him and giving him hell. Poor thing will never live it down.

  Entering the apartment I throw down my bag of lotions and creams I bought at the gift shop and go to find my phone to send a thank you text to Alex. Finding it still hooked and charging next on my bedside table I unlock it and grimace to find three missed calls and a voicemail. Two calls are from a private number and one is from an unfamiliar number with the same area code as my old home town.

  I hesitate for a moment, staring at the phone not sure if I want to listen to it. Something about all these anonymous calls gives me an unsettled feeling. They no longer feel like an innocent mistake and more like something a little sinister. Taking a calming breathe I push the voicemail button and freeze once I hear the familiar male voice come through the speakerphone.

  Jane must not have been too far away because she comes running into my room eyebrows raised in concern. "Is that who I think it is?"

  "Umm...Yes," I manage to squeak ou
t. "How did he get my new number?" I ask mostly to myself.

  We listen to the voicemail again than hit repeat and listen to it all over again. Hearing Travis's voice travel through my phone makes my skin crawl.

  Jess it's me Travis. I am sure you are surprised to hear from me but I really miss you ladybug. I have been thinking a lot lately about how we ended things and I was so stupid to have screwed things up with you. I ended things with Trish. She was a mistake and could never be you. You and I were good together and I know if we work at it we can get that back. I would like see you again. Love you ladybug.

  "What the fuck was that about," Jane yells.

  "I don't know," I say shaking my head. I feel dirty just from hearing his voice again.

  "Not that I doubt you but please promise me you won't call that asshole back," she says softly.

  "You don't have to worry about that. I feel nothing but disgust for him anymore."

  Hearing from Travis is the last thing I ever expected to be dealing with. He and his family did such a great job of ruining my reputation I was sure he would never have to worry about being bothered by any of them again. He has lost his ever loving mind expecting me to call him back let alone expecting me to want to be with him ever again.

  When pigs fly! How desperate does he think I am?

  My phone beeps while I am holding it causing me jump a mile and Jane to shriek loudly. We both look at each other and dissolve into laughter as I check my phone and find a text from Alex.

  Alex: I will pick you up at 6:00. Have a good time today?

  Me: It was wonderful thank you

  Alex: I can think of a few ways you can thank me later. Don't wear any panties tonight, I want full access to you at all times

  Me: You can't be serious? I can't go to an elaborate event and not wear panties

  Alex: Yes you can and you will. No one but me will know. No Panties!!

  Kinky bastard.

  Retrieving my garment bag out of my closet I quickly step into my gown sans panties. I take my time so as not to mess up my hair and make-up. The spa did an amazing job of curling and pinning my hair partially up with long tendrils hanging down to frame my face. Alex had already given them a photo of my dress so they knew what style and make-up would compliment me best tonight.


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