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Ladd Springs (Ladd Springs, Book #1)

Page 5

by Venetta, Dianne

  Nick’s gaze drifted over the man in the rocker, out to the fresh spring palette of flowers and sunshine. This time he’d set his eyes on Tennessee. He’d done rugged, beach, river and rainforest, but nothing spoke to the heart of southern hospitality and natural healing like this property could. Yoga enthusiasts and naturalists from around the globe would seek his springs for rejuvenation. The fields would be colored by wildflowers, punctuated by labyrinths. Paths would trail off and lead to renewal falls. Guests would end their day with a relaxation treatment, followed by a candlelight dinner featuring the culinary specialties of the region. It would be the premier experience in Southern hospitality, combined with luxury eco-living. People would pay top dollar for the experience.

  Nick’s thoughts were interrupted by a truck barreling down the road. He turned and saw the man from last night speed off in the direction Delaney had gone, the vehicle bumping and bouncing over the rough terrain. Someone was in a hurry.

  The truck stopped, the man jumped out and headed into the woods. The same direction as Delaney. Without a word to the man on the porch, Nick took off after her.

  Chapter Five

  Delaney slid off Sadie’s back and walked her to the tree line. Stopping in the shade beneath a heavy section of branches, she pulled the leather bridle over the horse’s head and loosely tied it to the post. With a light caress to Sadie’s backside, she said, “I won’t be long.” The Palomino emitted a soft snort and pawed at the ground.

  With a determined step, Delaney headed into the forest. The trail that began the width of a car narrowed to accommodate foot traffic only. To her left the land rose sharply and, to her right, fell away to a tiny creek cutting across the forest floor. The light was flat, the air held a slight chill. Beneath her feet, a thick layer of crusted clay and chunks of gravel challenged her stride, but nothing could slow her down. When Delaney Wilkins was on a mission, stand back or get hurt.

  She could see a good distance ahead and calculated the trip to the spot in question to take about fifteen minutes. Ten if she hurried. Kicking up her movements, curiosity spun her thoughts into a tangle of suspicion and questions. Those men were up to no good, but what were they after? Over the years the Ladds experienced their share of squatters and vagabonds, petty thieves and lazy drunks. Something told her these two didn’t fit into any of the standard categories. They were too intent in their activities.

  As she neared the site, Delaney slowed her pace. Scanning deep into the woods, she looked for signs of movement. In some areas the trees were thinned, sunlight casting slim shafts of light through the tree tops, a few patches making it midway down tree trunks. Below her, the brush remained dark and damp, mostly covered by a layer of brown leaves. But she was going straight in. Delaney purposely wore a long-sleeved jersey to help cut down on scratches from traversing the jagged brush. Expediency was her word for the day. Pushing branches out of her way, she made a beeline for her target, detoured several times by massive tree trunks and insurmountable gray boulders splotched by patches of white fungus. Excitement mounted as she neared. What would she find? Stolen property? Were they using the woods as a hideout?

  Inundated by scenario after scenario, Delaney was relieved to finally have the answer at hand. Slightly winded, she reached her destination and with a cursory glance detected nothing sinister. No camping gear left behind, no articles of clothing or personal belongings. If they weren’t living here, then what?

  Moving in closer, she noted the branches and leaves were matted down in areas—most likely the result of their extended stay from yesterday, she mused. However, the extent of flattening was significant. More than she’d expect from the weight of their boots. She tried to recall if she’d seen them carrying anything. Had they been wearing backpacks? Delaney inspected the ground. Would that have been enough to lay the small greenery in a perma-flat slate?

  She shook her head. Hard to say. Nick’s unexpected arrival had muddled her ability to remember. Stepping toward the rotting tree trunk, she grabbed a stick and began to poke around.


  Delaney jumped, turning in the direction of the trail. What the hell was he doing here?


  Damn it—was there a bell strapped to her buckle? How did Clem know she was here? And why was he following her? Heart pounding, she squared her shoulders and firmed her spine. First Nick and now Clem. What the hell was going on around here?

  One thing for sure, she didn’t have to answer him. She and Clem Sweeney shared a long history, none of it pleasant.

  “What are you doing?” he called out. Fixing her in his sights, he started to make his way toward her.

  She blew out her breath in a ragged stream. “What the hell are you doing here, Clem?” she yelled back. “I didn’t invite you.”

  His tone assumed a friendliness as he replied, “You never were filled with honey, were you, Dell?” Shoving branches out of his way, he practically jogged the distance to her. His fetid stench of smoke and body odor arrived before him, soiling the fresh scent of trees. “Whatcha doin’?” he asked, glancing about.

  “None of your business.”

  His thin lips curled into an ugly smile. Almost forty-years old and practically bald, Clem wasn’t the picture of vigor and health. “Aw, Dell, you don’t have to be so mean. We’re neighbors, practically family. Why can’t we get along?”

  “We are not family and nowhere close. I didn’t ask for company. I want to be alone.”

  Clem stepped toward her and she tensed. “It ain’t safe for girls to be out in the woods alone.”

  “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

  Shadowed beneath his ratty cowboy hat, his gaze dropped to her boot, then leaped back to her face. His eyes took on a nasty sneer. “That you are, aren’t you?”

  Years ago, Clem learned the hard way that she carried a pistol in her boot. They were teenagers at the time, she hiking along the south end of the property when Clem snuck up behind her. “Surprised her accidentally” is what he claimed after the fact, but either way it didn’t change the outcome. She was alone, and he jumped out from a dense pack of trees. She pulled her gun and shot. The bullet grazed his shoulder and he screamed like a baby. Called her all kind of sordid names, all of which she ignored. Leveling her gun at him, she’d ordered him to get out of her woods. He obliged, but only because he was bleeding and scared senseless his scent would catch the attention of a nearby bear.

  Fool. No bear would have anything to do with a rank piece of meat like him. But he had been forewarned from then on. Surprise Delaney Wilkins and you’d better be locked and loaded. She held her leveled gaze. Shooting him now would be too easy and probably ensure Felicity lost any chance to the property. If Uncle Ernie meant what he said about giving the land to Clem, he’d do it just to spite her if she harmed the grease ball. “What do you want, Clem?”

  His eyes darted to the area behind her. “Just wanted to come see what you were up to, is all.”

  She stepped toward a nearby tree, glancing about for signs of the men’s earlier presence. “And why do you care?”

  His gaze narrowed to a fine point. “Your uncle don’t trust you. He’s asked me to watch out for you, keep you out of trouble.”

  She stopped suddenly. “Stay away from Ernie. If you think you’re going to con him out of this property, you’ve got another thought coming. This land belongs to Felicity, and I have lawyers to prove it.”

  “Who cares what lawyers say when it’s my name on the title.” He tipped his hat back from his forehead and said, “Then it ain’t yours to say nothin’ about,” he jeered.

  “It’ll never happen.”

  He chortled, revealing his crooked yellow teeth. “Don’t be so sure. Your uncle and I have grown mighty close over the years. I’m the only one he trusts, kinda like father and son.”

  Which didn’t speak highly of Ernie’s judgment. Clem was on the outs with his own father. But Delaney understood the connection. Ernie
was raised by a hard man to become a hard man. He had no respect for women or what they thought—except in the case of Susannah and Felicity. Those two females alone were held free from contempt. “It’s a misplaced trust that will reveal itself soon enough,” she said. Normally, she’d let him simmer and boil in his stupidity, but this time she couldn’t. There was more at stake than the old man’s feelings and finances. Felicity’s future hung in the balance. “I’m putting you on notice, Clem. Back off or I’ll make it my personal mission to reveal you for the con artist you are.”

  “There you go again, callin’ names. Why can’t we just get along?” he whined.

  “I don’t want anything to do with you.”

  A knowing leer snaked through his gaze. “You should’ve picked me, Dell. I would’ve treated you better.”

  Reference to her ex-husband made her skin crawl. “Go on, Clem. Leave me alone before I start to get mad.”

  He chuckled and reached out for her. “What are you gonna do if I don’t?”

  Delaney stepped back and Clem lunged for her. “What the—?”

  Clem grabbed her arm and propelled his mouth toward hers.

  “Delaney!” A male voice powered through the trees.

  Clem froze, digging his fingers into her arm.

  She slung her free hand into a fist across the side of his head, connecting solidly with his ear. Clem yelped.

  Nick Harris charged down through the brush. Branches cracked like twigs as he drilled through them.

  Clem released her and immediately reached for the side of his head where she’d slugged him.

  Delaney’s pulse still ricocheted through her veins, thundered in her chest. “Get away from me!” She shoved Clem hard to the side.

  He lost his balance, sending his shoulder into a tree trunk. He cried out in pain.

  “Are you okay?” Nick demanded, but quickly turned on Clem, yanking his skinny body to attention like a rag doll.

  Delaney savored the plug of fear in Clem’s eyes. Served him right for making a stupid move like that—what the hell was he thinking?

  “Did he hurt you?”

  She shook her head and breathed deeply. Straightening, she replied, “I’m fine.” As much as she would enjoy seeing the burly Mr. Harris pulverize the loser, it would cause more trouble than it was worth. Her mind quickly zeroed in on Nick’s unannounced arrival. What was it with these men? Was she leaving a trail of blinking lights behind her? Not only did they know where to find her, but why were they interested? Delaney made a hasty mental note. Next time, cover your tracks.

  Nick glowered at Clem, disgust seething in his dark expression, underscored by the enormity of his physical presence. “If I ever see you touch her again, you’re mine. Do you understand?”

  Clem’s head nodded like a shaken bobble doll.

  “Now get out of here.” Nick gave him a sharp push. “And don’t let me see you again.”

  Clem scurried away, a scared fawn fleeing an angry bear. Delaney gazed up at Nick. Shoulders the size of boulders, muscles rock solid, eyes volcanic hot, he exuded an ominous strength. She had no doubt this man could kill someone with his bare hands. Finding it an attractive quality, she savored a private smile. “I guess a thank-you is in order.”

  “You’re welcome.” After checking Clem’s progress, Nick returned his focus to her. His dark gaze smoldered. “Does he do that often?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I’m not even sure why he was out here.” She paused. Nick’s brows furrowed, dark and dangerous. She cupped a hand to her forehead. “I’m not sure why you’re out here either.”

  “I saw you head out here earlier, then I saw him do the same. He seemed in an awful hurry.” Nick shrugged. “I figured I’d come and check on things.”

  “Check on things? What exactly did you expect to find?”

  Caught off guard by her insinuation, he chuckled. “Oh, I don’t know...that’s what I came to find out.”

  Delaney didn’t believe him for a second. Nick Harris had already demonstrated his propensity for rescuing damsels in distress. Did he think she wanted him to hover about her? Though his interference did take the bite out of handling Clem herself. But still...

  Delaney glanced about them and wondered why he really came. She was no neophyte when it came to people’s true intentions. Rarely were they as they appeared on the surface. No, people usually played one hand above water while the other was dabbling beneath the surface into places it didn’t belong. Delaney took one last look around and sighed. No sense in trying to investigate with him looking over her shoulder. She’d have to make yet another trip. Delaney grunted and took off for the trail.

  “Hey—where are you going?”


  “On your own?”

  “Same way I came in.” She pushed wayward branches out of her path and headed for the main trail. “I’m sure you can find your way out.”

  “What about that fellow, that—”

  “Clem?” She continued to press forward, appraising the terrain ahead as she trekked over roots and rocks and leaves. She heard Nick crunching over branches behind her.


  “I’m not worried about him.” She grabbed a nearby branch and hauled herself up a narrow path between rock and tree, but hands at her waist stopped her cold. “Whoa!” she exclaimed, shock shooting through her body. She turned around.

  “I just saved your butt back there.” A small smile pulled at his mouth, but his eyes held a hint of tease. “Don’t you think it would be nice to show me the trail back?”

  Face-to-face with a man she hardly knew, Delaney’s heart thumped against her ribs. The steel grip on her hips made it impossible to move. The rise of his cologne drifted between them, a gleam built in his eyes. She glanced at the hands on her waist and said, “If you don’t mind...”

  His grasp loosened, but remained intact. “Well?”

  Simultaneously enjoying the feel of his hands but not caring for the ease with which he assumed permission, she hesitated. Delaney hadn’t been touched by a man in almost two years, and even though she thought she had moved past the need, his warm touch assured her she had not.

  Nick let go, the sudden withdrawal jarring. She felt lighter, emptier. Delaney cleared her throat. “Well, if you can’t find your way out, I guess I can lead you to the trailhead.”

  Nick dished out a salty grin. “Appreciate it.”

  When he released her, Delaney darted up the trail like a deer before he could stop her.

  Doing his level best to keep up, Nick could not maneuver the passageway quite as easily. No longer hiking, they were half-climbing, half-scaling rocks, but he wasn’t about to let her get too far ahead of him. She was likely to run off without him. He squeezed himself between branches and trees and bushes and slipped on a moss-covered rock. “Ouch!” A jagged limb stabbed into his side. He looked up, but she was yards ahead of him. Managing the last section as quickly as he could, Nick reached the top, heartened by the sight of her waiting. Winded himself, he was surprised by her lack of fatigue. “You’re in good shape.”

  “When you grow up around here, climbing becomes second nature.” She turned, pushed her sleeves up her arms and headed out.

  Matching his stride to hers, Nick walked alongside Delaney. Apparently content with their silence, she didn’t speak a word. There was nothing but the muted sound of boots hitting clay, the piercing quiet of nature. He’d seen a creek below, but there was no evidence of it up here. Only dirt, air and the occasional stream of sunlight marked their hike. Peering at her from the side, Nick found it odd that neither she nor her uncle welcomed his offer. They weren’t even the slightest bit interested, which didn’t make sense. Money was money. The taxes were going unpaid. Would they rather lose it at auction than sell it to him? Was it possible Delaney didn’t know?

  “So you grew up on this land?” he asked, opening conversation in his quest for information.

  “I did.”

here your whole life?”

  “Pretty much.” Delaney kept her line of vision on the ground ahead of them.

  “Even when you were married?”

  She flicked him a glance lit by annoyance. “I lived on the other side of town back then.”

  Married her high school sweetheart and from what people around town said, the two seemed like a nice couple. Both families approved. They had a child and then one day Delaney up and left him and he moved out of town. That’s where the details became murky. Lips zipped closed and backs turned to business. But a man didn’t leave a woman that quick unless he had another bed to sleep in. Did a woman? Glancing sideways at her, she didn’t strike him as the type. Needy women cheated, vain women cheated, neither of which Delaney seemed to be. “Was your husband from around here?”


  Queen of the short and sweet. He smiled inwardly. “Mind if I ask what happened?”

  “I do.”

  Nick laughed softly and held an overhanging branch out of her way, clearing her path as she passed beneath. “Is it always this difficult to have a conversation with you?”

  She looked up at him, but the previous irritation seemed to be gone. “Depends on the subject matter.”

  “How long have you lived with your uncle?”

  “Since Felicity was eight.”

  “Ten years.”

  She smirked. “You’re good in math.”

  Nick smiled, unaffected by the remark. He liked looking at her face. Soft and flushed from the hike, her skin was lightly tanned from a life lived outdoors, her eyes brown, yet her brows were dark, almost black. A sharp contrast to her pale blonde hair—a contrast that appealed to him.


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