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Hold 2

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by Jayne Blue

  He whispered Aghrá into her ear. She whispered back...

  “Love me harder.”

  It was like lighting a match. He tried to be slow, warm her, rediscover her at her pace but now he was beyond slow. He needed release in her and she needed it too. He tilted her back down to the floor, on to her back, and thrust into her harder than she had probably bargained for.

  “Yes!” She yelled, and she reached her hands up to brace herself on the chair behind her.

  He felt her clench around him and he lost all control. He marked her as his with each new stroke.

  “I’m coming, Craddock, I’m...” and her words melted into sighs, he could feel her orgasm and as she hit the top, he lost any control that remained. His body was desperate to find what it needed, craved, and was starved of for too long. He never wanted to live without this woman in his life again.

  “That was so good baby, you feel so good.” He rained kisses on her eyelids, cheek, jaw, and her beautiful breasts as she found her breath again.

  “Craddock,” she said.

  “What love,” he was still unsure if this was real. Could she be another dream?

  “You’re crushing me.” She eeked out the words and he realized he had his whole 200 pounds resting on her.

  “Oh, yeah, you love it.” Then he flipped them both, so she was on top again but he was still inside her.

  “Nice trick you cocky bastard.” She nuzzled down into him. The fell asleep like that, together, connected. It was the best sleep since he had left Grand City.


  They slept on the floor among his couch pillows in front of the fire. She was no longer cold and felt like she would never be cold again as long as his arms were around her. She put away her worries about Zeke and just enjoyed the moment. She enjoyed being with Craddock.

  The ache, the off kilter feeling, that she had been suppressing since they had ended it was gone. Despite her worries about other things, she could not deny how right it felt to be with Craddock.

  She slid out from under his arm, he was dead asleep and she did not want to wake him. He was in training and the last thing she wanted was to be a problem. That had worked out so brilliantly last time. He stirred as she went on a hunt for her clothes.

  Her first stop was Craddock’s bedroom, which they had never made it to last night. She found a hideous purple dress shirt that she was sure he would not need ever again and wrapped herself in it. It nearly came down to her knees. She tiptoed passed him as he slept and found her wet stuff flung to the four winds in the kitchen last night. Craddock had a small washer and dryer in a tiny closet area off his galley kitchen so she made use of it.

  Since she had been out of foster care, she always had to go to a laundromat. It was a luxury to her, to have a washer that did not require quarters. She got her small laundry going and she jumped about a foot when gigantic Craddock appeared in the kitchen, his sweats slung low on his hips, barefoot. Dangerous looking really.

  “Jesus Flynn it’s like finding the Incredible Hulk loading the dishwasher.” He did not laugh or crack a smile at her quip. His blue eyes were dark and his fists were clenched at his sides. She took a step back away from him and the intense aura he was giving off.

  “I thought you were gone or that I dreamt you again.”

  “I’m right here. What do you mean again?” She stayed back as he moved in closer.

  “Every night we’re apart I dream about you.” He took a step forward and she was backed up against his kitchen table.

  “I’m here, don’t worry.” She tried to lighten the mood and breeze by him. She wasn’t entirely sure he was totally awake. He stopped her as she tried to walk away, his hot breath at her back. He whispered into her neck.

  “You come to me in my dreams and then you leave. I thought that had happened again.” He had slid his hands under the shirt that loosely covered her. His hardness pressed against her backside.

  He gripped her hips and locked her to him. His breath was ragged in her ear and his teeth nipped her shoulder. It was as if touching her had plugged him into a 220 line. A powerful energy surged through him to her. Craddock bent her over his kitchen table and found her entrance with his fingers first and then his huge erection.

  He slammed into her from behind with force that took her breath away. He held her head down with one hand, her hips in place with the other, and his thrusts were like a wild animal.

  “Fuck, so goddamn good,” he said.

  She tried to form words but none came, she clenched around him, pushed back into him and took in the surprising heat he delivered. Her breath hitched as Craddock moved in and out without restraint.

  Cassidy desperately reached out to brace herself against the table edge. It was a primal onslaught unlike anything they had ever done before. She came so fast and powerfully that her legs gave way and she could not support herself. His force knocked her and the table into the wall. She screamed as Craddock spilled hot and rough into her only minutes after finding her in the kitchen.

  “Holy fuck,” he said and she felt him smoother the back of her head. Again, “Holy fuck,” as if he was shocked at his own explosive ravaging.

  “You’re so fucking good, I can’t leave you alone.” He slowly eased out of her but she felt like her legs were made of rubber, her body boneless, she nearly fell trying to right herself.

  “I’m sorry, I had to have you again, and I couldn’t wait.”

  “I’m never going to look at that kitchen table the same way again, that’s for sure.”

  “I’ve always wanted to fuck you over this table; I don’t know what took me so long.” His eyes roved over her face and he smoothed the shirt she had borrowed.

  “Good question. Don’t wait so long next time Flynn.” She decided a little sauciness was in order to let him know it was not an unwelcomed pre-breakfast treat, this hard fucking over the table.

  “If you keep looking at me with those dirty eyes you’ll be sorry.”

  “Prove it.”

  “Fine, let’s hit the showers.” Then he hoisted her over his shoulder caveman-style and delivered them both to his bathroom.

  “Beast.” He grabbed the showerhead and proved her right.

  Being in the shower turned into their third time together, since she knocked on his door last night. It was slow, delicious, and soapy.

  Cassidy realized there would be an x-rated show playing in her mind all day at work. New carnal images that she knew would make her face flush hot would pop in to her mind at the most inappropriate times.

  Chapter Nine


  Cassidy did not want anyone to know they were together. He was okay with that for one reason and one reason only, Tough to the Top. He did not want to expose her any more than he wanted to expose Mom and Dylan. Reality show notoriety was like meth, cheap and deadly. He did not want it to land any of the people he loved. He would get his 21C gig out of it and then go for endorsements but there would be no spin off into the rest of his family if he could help it.

  So they both agreed they were going to try to play it cool at the GWG.

  He drove her to her apartment so she could then take the bus to her internship, that part was ridiculous really.

  “And I know you don’t want to hear this but I owe Zeke. He has a part of all this mess but he is my, was my, friend?” Cassidy’s voice revealing a pain he did not know what to think about. Last time around, he would have made pronouncements, called Zeke an asshole, and accused her of shit. He was trying hard not to be that person. He was trying to understand.

  “Okay, I can be quiet about this. It’s good for both of us to just keep it on the DL.”

  “Right. And what is this exactly?” Cassidy was growing distant every mile they drove from his apartment to hers. He was sure it was guilt over dumping Zeke for him. He felt a little surge of victory on that score but he tried not to let it show.

  “Hey.” He pulled up to her place and put the car in park, “This is eve
rything. Got it? Make no mistake. You and me are everything.” He’d spell it out a hundred times if he had to for her to believe it.


  “I’m serious; after I get in the league I’m coming right back here to get you. I’m going to take care of us, Mom, Dylan.”

  “Craddock that’s sweet. But you know I’m very good at taking care of myself.”

  “Don’t put up a wall yet, okay? Let me have these few more days with you to convince you we can do this.”

  She gave him a shy nod, and he’d take it.

  She looked so goddamned cute as her hair spilled down over one side of her face. Craddock pulled her close and kissed her lips.

  Her response made him want to take her again, right here in the front seat. Craddock reminded himself that this was about reassuring her, not banging her brains out. Sometimes he wanted to smack himself in the face for the thoughts that she put in his mind.

  He leaned back and she looked in his eyes. She was again shy, tentative, and it was going to take more than one day of work to earn the trust he had destroyed. She was here, she came to him last night, and it was enough for now.

  “See you at work.” She said and he watched her little wiggle up the stairs. No wonder Zeke was in love with her, no wonder even The Preacher’s Son was willing to break commandments to be with Cassidy. He understood it but he did not have to like it.

  If Zeke Powell showed up at the gym today, the plan to keep this quiet would go the fuck out the window. Craddock would be hard pressed not to show Zeke who was going to win this fight.

  He visited with his mom and Dylan like always that morning and then headed to the GWG.

  For a moment Craddock knew total contentment, training for a fight, Cassidy in his life, his mom and Dylan all situated for the day. He was trying to savor it. He was also trying to balance. If he could keep Cassidy happy and train for Teagan and ultimately Gustavo, he would be set.

  He had to not trip at the finish line as he did last time. Thank God, he had learned from his mistakes though. He was going to try hard not to say dick about Zeke. That was going to be tough but it was worth it to keep Cassidy.


  Cassidy was very glad she had a morning away from the gym and was working at her internship. She needed a little distance from Craddock, not because she did not want to be with him but because she did. Too much, so much, and really so fast after hearing what had caused him to lash out after the fight in Detroit.

  Dr. Showers had her typing in data today. It was not fun but he needed it to prove the importance of school influences in the adult outcomes for kids in the foster system. She knew her outcome was related to Bess. If Bess had not provided her with a safety net, a path, even a career goal she very well could have starved after the restaurant closed. But Cassidy had ambition and direction.

  Despite her passion for helping Dr. Showers with his research, she found herself going back over the work she had just done. Her mind kept wandering to her current very tumultuous love life.

  Dr. Showers popped in to her little work cubby area and offered her some coffee.

  “I think you need some, you are slower than normal.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “No need to apologize. You’re still way faster than the last intern, by like three times.”

  Dr. Showers was every inch the charming academic. He was long and lean, had a curly head of brown, totally messed up hair. His brown eyes were kind and conveyed the human reason why he was working so hard on this project. He loved kids and wanted to see if he could prove something that could change lives. It was amazing and Cassidy vowed to do all she could to help.

  She pushed thoughts of Craddock and Zeke to the back of her mind and put her energy where it belonged, with Paul Showers and his project.

  “It may not matter how fast you go unfortunately.” Cassidy had been so immersed in her own little soap opera as Whitey called it that she failed to notice a lot less bounce in the step for her supervisor.

  “What’s wrong? Bad news?” She knew he was waiting to hear about next year. She was hoping that he would keep her on as an intern, renew her grant, and let her continue to help. He had said as much if funding came through.

  “The worst actually. I find out next week officially but right now the money just isn’t there for my research in the next year.” He pinched the top of his nose as she had noticed him do before when he was deep in thought.

  “Are we close to presenting your paper? Could I work double, nights, whatever you’d need.”

  “I appreciate the thought but I have at least six months more work and about six days more funding unless there’s some sort of miracle the university is pulling the plug without the cash.”

  “That’s awful, can you continue in some other way.”

  “Well the grant that pays for you also pays my salary, in part, I teach for the other half. I’d be back to full time teaching, gotta eat you know?”

  “I wish there was some way I could help. I really believe in your work. It could make the difference for so many kids.”

  “I appreciate your enthusiasm and you are a big help but unless you know a millionaire.” He let it hang there. Cassidy felt so terrible for this passionate and intelligent man. She was reminded again how few people cared about foster kids. Apparently this was about to be another example, not one donor to step up.

  “Well what should I do?”

  “Let’s pretend it’s going to work out and keep forging ahead!” His eyes sparkled a bit again. The man was an optimist and she decided it was contagious. Cassidy went back to entering the responses to a questionnaire in the grid Dr. Showers laid out. She sent up a silent prayer for a miracle or millionaire.


  He spent the morning watching films with Whitey and Coach Boggs. Teagan’s game was easy to figure. He would block that strong right hook and look for an opening to take his shot.

  “His inexperience is what’s going to help,” Coach Boggs said, “you’re going to have to tire him out a bit and then go in with your double leg.”

  “I don’t think he’ll be able to fight that off,” Whitey said as all three looked at a monitor that had one of Teagan’s fights from before the show and from the first two weeks of Tough to the Top. Craddock was prepared to set up his DVD of the fights, but Whitey had been taping every one.

  “I had Jessie make sure. I didn’t want to miss any details that may be important.” Whitey’s sentence effected Craddock more than he had realized. When his coach had kicked him out of the GWG for his illegal knee to Zeke Powell, he thought Powell had not only taken away his girl but also his home away from home. To see that Whitey was in his corner, even if his corner right now was Vegas, touched his heart.

  “Thanks, Coach,” and Craddock put an arm around Whitey and squeezed his shoulders. It was almost a hug.

  “You’re the best there is Craddock Flynn, now let’s get you in the 21C.” Whitey appeared to wipe a tear from the corner of his eye.

  “Is that a tear?” Coach Boggs looked shocked.

  “No, it’s liquid sunshine, now go fuck yourself Nancy.” Whitey shrugged off Craddock’s quasi-hug and yelled across the room.

  “You all that a kick? I’ve seen babies in their mother’s bellies that kick harder than that Flannigan!” Whitey headed to the ring to deliver a few insults that are more pointed.

  Coach Boggs remained, “You know and I know it’s Gustavo we need to look at. He’s dangerous as hell.”

  “What do you think?”

  “I think he's strong in just about all aspects, strikes, shots, and he has good wrestling. He's going to take advantage of the way you drop that left Whitey always nags you about.”

  “So what should I tweak?”

  “We’re going to work on three lethal submission holds. One thing I know for sure is if you get it in you have to put him away. He will not give you two chances. He learns and adjusts during the fight.”

  “Okay l
et's get to work.”

  When Cassidy came in for her shift, he did not crowd her. He paid her no more attention than he had done the day before, which is to say he snuck glances at her in between training session. She caught him a few times and he knew she was smiling, even if it was a secret one.

  He watched as she worked, typed, did a unit of school, and when Zeke Powell walked in the door Craddock was sparring with Jessie. Jessie immediately keyed into Craddock’s shift in focus and intensity.

  “They’re together now. You know that. You need to get back to work here. Don’t make things bad for her.” Jessie said and it was more of an order than a suggestion. Jessie was a few inches shorter than Craddock but he had no doubt if Jessie wanted to physically restrain Craddock, he would be able to do it.

  Craddock circled Jessie and they made the motions of continuing to spar but damned if he was not keeping his eyes on Zeke and Cassidy. He could not hear what they were saying.

  Cassidy got up, left her desk, and came around to Zeke. He put a possessive hand on her back, and then slid it lower. The fucker then pulled her a little into him. Craddock’s blood was boiling. He stayed in the ring with Jessie.

  He had messed this up before. He had jumped to the wrong conclusion and then what he had feared became true with Zeke. Every cell in Craddock’s body wanted to jump through the ropes and push Zeke away from Cassidy, but he did not. He had to trust her.

  “You’re doing good,” Jessie said, just as aware of how Craddock’s possessive instincts could cause a shit storm. Not only did he need to trust Cassidy he also needed to protect her. If the producers and camera caught him rushing to her, she would become a storyline, not a person to them.

  Then Cassidy walked out of the GWG next to Zeke. With Zeke. What the fucking hell?

  Jessie was trying to get his attention but Craddock ignored him. He needed to trust Cassidy. He needed to trust Cassidy.


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