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Freedom: A Captivating and consuming contemporary romance (Freedom series Book 1)

Page 11

by J Grayland

  “Let's just concentrate on what's happening now, ok? I'm looking into Steve Belson, the one who hooked you up with IMA in the first place, I've got an address on him so I want to pay him a visit and see what he knows.” Flynn says.

  “Please Flynn, just be careful.” “Always Casey, always.” After I hung up from our phone conversation I took a quick shower, changed into my black yoga pants and a black t-shirt, grabbed the T.V remote, got comfortable on the couch again and did some channel surfing until I found an old musical, “Singing In The Rain” to watch until my eyes grew tired and slowly closed.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Paxton had been doing quite a bit of research on this Steve Belson, the so-called work friend that had put the first link between Peterson and Casey, but there was nothing too damaging. He was a general practitioner, forty years old, single with a crystal clear record. Paxton had already called him and was satisfied that he hadn't known anything other than he had a great experience with IMA and thought that it was something Casey would also enjoy. Paxton said he seemed pretty sincere, and there didn't seem to be any holes in his story. The other interesting bit of information that he found out was about her “so-called brother” Flynn Cooper, who turned out to be some shit- hot lawyer with no biological ties to Casey at all. So why had she lied to me about him? What was she hiding? There was something, I could felt it in my gut, but for now, we were back to square one for tonight. Tomorrow, it was Petersons turn.

  We’d had a late night tonight, catching up on work and looking into that Belson guy, so we had gotten some Chinese takeout and eaten in the office along with a couple of beers. By the time the elevator doors opened up into the Penthouse, it was way past 1 am, I noticed that the big screen T.V was on and the credits from a movie were rolling up the screen. Walking further into the room to find the remote to turn it off, I notice her, laying curled up on the couch, clutching the remote in both hands against her chest. Stepping closer to her, I see that her eyes are closed and her pink lips are slightly parted as she breathes in deeply from sleep. Moving my eyes down her body she has the remote pressed into the middle of her ample breasts that are gently moving up and down as she breathes. I hold my own breath as I try to ease the remote out from between her fingers without waking her, but as I slip it free, my fingers brush against one of her breasts; she stirs moving her head to one side; a blonde lock of hair falls over her face, and I move it away tucking it behind her ear. Inhaling, I sit back onto the coffee table and watch her sleep…. Again. I’m starting to think this is becoming a habit, but she is so exquisite to look at, she looks so pure, so innocent, and I have this strange need to protect her, whatever the cost is.

  Eventually pulling myself away from watching her sleep, I go to my bar and pour myself a large scotch and take it into my office I need to get a head start on tracking down Peterson as he appears to be the eye of this tornado, and that's where I intend to start first. I’ve found in the past forgetting the symptoms and curing the cause has always worked in my favor.

  Leaning back into the comfort of my chair I swirl the amber liquid around in the tumbler before taking a drink, when I hear a soft noise that sounds like a whimper. Placing the glass down on my desk, I tune into where it's coming from, silence…. then a small cry that starts to ascend louder, and in such a pained tone it makes my stomach churn. Jumping up, I move quickly from the office and into the living room to where I see what was just a few minutes ago a beautiful woman in a peaceful slumber, was now a woman writhing around on the couch like a tortured soul in pain; legs moving, arms flailing in the air; with her head rapidly shaking from side to side. Walking over to her, I place both my hands on her arms and softly speak to her. “Casey, wake up.”

  “Nooo, please” she cried out.

  “What the fuck?” I shake her again, this time a little harder until her eyes open and she pulls herself into a sitting position pulling her legs up and wrapping her arms around them.

  “What? Shit..I'm sorry” she breathed out.

  “Are you ok?.” I ask smoothing a hand over her arm.

  “Yeah, just a bad dream or something, I don't know.” With her rapid breathing starting to slow she looked around the room and then to me, with such a mix of emotions in her eyes. I got up and grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and brought it back to her.

  “Here, drink,” I said putting the bottle into her hands. Within a few minutes, she had calmed herself and took a drink of the water. I sat next to her on the couch “Better?”

  “Yes, thanks.” she breathed out.

  “Do you want to tell me about it?” I ask, cautiously but she shakes her head. “Like I said, just a bad dream.”

  “That looked a lot more than just a bad dream Doc?” I said tilting my head slightly to look at her.

  She looked down at her hands. “I'm sorry, I was watching T.V and I must have fallen asleep.”

  “Don't worry, I want you to make yourself at home. It's just late, I thought you would be in bed by now, is your room comfortable?”

  “Yes, it's great I just.... hate being cooped up in a room that's all. If you don't mind, I would prefer to leave my bedroom door open?” she said with some apprehension.

  “Sure, whatever makes you feel comfortable I didn't mean to leave you here alone on your first night but I wanted to get started on our little problem.” “Oh, I thought you were out on a date or something.”

  I shook my head and chuckled “Nooo, what made you think I would be out on a date when I have a house guest here.”

  “More of a house invader I think but hey, don't let my being here stop you, I'm the one who has unexpectedly stepped into your life, besides I'm sure Charlie missed you a lot, I figured you two had some catching up to do.”

  With a raised eyebrow, I asked: “What has Charlie got to do with anything?.” She looked at where she was rubbing her hands together in her lap up to me.

  “Well she made it pretty clear to me today that you and she are....close?” she said uncomfortably.

  Throwing back my head and letting out a loud laugh, I said “No, I can assure you Charlie is my PA and that's all I mean, she's very beautiful, but a little too plastic for my tastes I like my women more… realistic. Just don't tell her I said that or she'll probably spike my coffee with chili powder or something.” I was still trying to contain my laughter but looking at her she actually looked relieved and seemed to relax a little.

  “So did you find anything out?” she asked.

  “Paxton managed to talk to Steve Belson but he couldn't give us anything to go on, I did find some information on Flynn Cooper though.” I eyed her.

  Her eyes went from looking at her hands straight up to mine, the look on her face changing instantly. “Flynn has nothing to do with it.” She said fiercely.

  Holding up my hands in a defensive move, I placated, “I know, I also know that he's not your brother.” She stood up, hands on her hips, fury seeping out of every part of her body.

  “Not in the biological sense, no,” she said lifting her chin.

  “Then why did you lie to me?” She moved closer to me and jabbed her finger into my chest as she spoke. “He may not be my brother by blood but he is in every other sense. We have been best friends since we were kids, and we have shared everything together, he's my rock- my anchor.”

  “And your lover?” I asked.

  “Oh my god, really?” she said and started to pace back and forth in front of me, and I am sure I could see steam coming out of her ears.

  “I asked you to be truthful about him and any other relationships that might be of some significance, and I find that not only is he not your brother, but you live together as well. So it seems pretty appropriate for me to ask if you are lovers?” “No! it's not appropriate, just because I’ve been friends with a male for many years and we share rent does not mean we sleep in the same bed, I mean it might in your world, but not in mine.”

  “Look, I brought you here to
help you, so give me a fucking break and be truthful with me,” I said, raising my voice in frustration. She threw her hands up in the air and started to walk towards the stairs. “Well, that I can remedy.” She says without even turning.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I spit back at her and once again this conversation we’re having is just as frustrating as she’s making me.

  “I’ll be leaving first thing in the morning. This just will not work.”

  “Like hell, you will” I growled out and grasped her wrist stopping her from going up the stairs.

  “I am not your prisoner Mr. King and obviously your lack of trust in anything I say is only going to cause you a huge headache. Now please let go of me.” She said trying to pull her arm free.

  “No” When she tried to push me away from her with her free hand I grasped that wrist as well.

  “Let go,” she yelled, and she started to fight me, pushing and pulling, trying to free herself from my grasp. Moving her close to the wall I pulled both her arms up above her head and held them against the wall pressing my body against hers, pinning her against it in hope of containing her thrashing limbs from taking out my nut sack. But she continued to wriggle and fight me. “Stop” I growled out but her movements become more frenzied and her breathing was starting to accelerate rapidly as she moved against me. “Casey, stop,” I say again, only this time calmer and softer, and over the next thirty seconds or so her movements slow until she stops fighting me and we're both breathing hard. Bending down a little so I can look into her face, I see she has her eyes tightly closed. “Look at me,” I say softly, and slowly her eyes open and what I see in those beautiful blue eyes hits me hard. It’s not anger but a torturous pure fear that sends a chill through my entire body. My eyes are searching hers for some kind of clue as to what the hell is going on in her mind right now, and what the hell is she so scared of. Then my gaze moves to her mouth, her lips look moist, pink and wet and I take the chance to do what I’ve been wanting to do for the last few weeks. I dip my head down and take her mouth with my own running the tip of my tongue across her bottom lip, waiting for her to open and accept my invasion. Pressing my body harder into hers I feel her start to soften, then very slowly her mouth opens slightly and she accepts what I am offering, and she starts to kiss me back, our tongues meet and tangle, her lips are warm and soft and I nibble at her bottom lip, pulling it into my mouth. Her taste makes me hungry for more and I delve deeper into her warmth, our lips moving together as I feel my body starting to heat, I know this is where I need to pull back. As I do I lean my forehead against hers and we are now both breathing hard as I ask her “Why won't you let me in Doc?.”

  “Because I can’t” I hear her say in a low whisper. “Nate please, let me go.” Reluctantly I release her wrists from my hold, her arms drop down in front of her and she rubs her wrists.“Damn it, did I hurt you?” I asked looking down at her wrists. “…No,” then she ducks under my arm where I had her encased against the wall and walks quickly towards the stairs. “Casey?” I call out to her and she stops but doesn’t turn to face me and just says “I'm going to bed, I'm tired.”

  “FUCK.” I yell into the now empty room, running my hands through my hair with frustration “What the fuck are you doing to me?” I yell up the stairs after her. “Driving me fucking nuts” I answered myself, falling into a chair, my stomach in a tangle of knots and my mind soon to join it I must be losing it big time my brain has never been this scrambled over a woman for fuck's sake. Never in my entire life has a female made me have multiple emotions all in one hit, it's like I've walked into a bar and told the bartender to hit me with everything he's got, and he gives me a huge glass filled with anger, frustration, possession, fear, lust, and chemistry, and then watches me drink it all in one hit before telling me that the cocktail is called Casey Fucking Tyler. Grabbing my half-empty bottle of beer, I put it to my mouth and drain it in one gulp, slamming the empty bottle back onto the table with a “Thunk”.

  I needed to get this shit worked out and get her back home. There's only so much control I have, and with her, I am losing it fast. This feeling it's new and uncomfortable. I have always had control of everything in my life, in business, in public, in private and in bed. Maybe it's just the chase with her, I mean that's something new for me, having to work hard to get a woman into bed. No, it wasn't just lust with her, it was definitely so much more than a dance between my sheets. I want to consume her I want to get into her mind and sooth every bit of that pain and fear that I see behind those beautiful eyes of hers. I need her to trust me. I need her to need me. I need her to want me.

  I wake to streams of sunlight flickering across into my eyes. Rubbing a hand over my face I look at my watch. It’s just after 7 am and I have slept on the couch. Feeling the scruff of my unshaven face, I stand and stretch out my aching muscles, the couch may look comfy but not if your 6ft 3. I Make my way up the stairs and to my bedroom, I desperately need a shower. As I get to my door I look over to where the door to the guest room is wide open and I can see Casey laying across the bed in just a black t-shirt. She’s laying on her stomach clutching onto a pillow, her shirt slightly raised to reveal her ass covered only by a sheer pair of black panties I was tempted to stand there and watch her for a while but knew that was a really bad idea. Moving quietly and quickly, I walk through my bedroom and into the bathroom.

  Showered and shaved, in clean clothes I felt almost human again I headed down the stairs grabbed my keys and to the elevator. I didn't even stop for coffee. I just wanted out of there before she woke up I needed to keep a clear head and get back into the office.

  Charlie was sitting at her desk as I walked through the doors. As soon as she saw me she jumped up and came around the front of her desk and before she could say anything I said “Coffee, black.” “Yes, Mr. King” she nodded and took off towards the kitchen. I pushed open the heavy doors to my office and as I sat down at my desk she strolled in with a mug and placed it in front of me, “Is there anything else I can do for you?” she said in a sexy drawl so sweet it made me look at her with a raised eyebrow and her cheeks flushed red. “No, Thank you,” I said curtly. I watched her turn and walk out, and realized that when Casey had said that Charlie had a thing for me, damn if she was right, why had I not noticed it before? I just saw her as an employee, nothing more and that’s the way I planned to keep it.

  Sipping on the hot coffee which gave my brain just the kick it needed, I flipped on the laptop and started to do some work. I needed to catch up on some contracts that Paxton had emailed me. One was for a chain of banks that wanted to upgrade their security supplier and another was for a new nightclub that was opening downtown, and it was quite a complicated intricate contract. Looks like I had left my little brother with a huge job while I was away , and looking over this contract he had done a damn fine job.

  My phone buzzed and Charlie announced that Paxton was on his way up to see me. Stretching my arms up and behind my head, I looked at the time. I had been working on this nightclub contract for over four hours, no wonder my muscles were feeling stiff. A knock at the door and Paxton strolled in holding a folder which he dropped down on my desk in front of me. “Hey,” he said flopping down into a chair “How is the club contract doing?”

  “It looks good, just working out a few kinks, otherwise it will be good to go by the end of the day,” I said.

  “I’ve been doing some research.” He nods towards the folder he just brought in.


  “I tracked Peterson down, he won’t be back in the country for another week I also found something interesting about your house guest.”

  “Okay, you have my attention,” I said leaning back in my chair. Standing and pushing his hands deep into his pockets, Paxton looked slightly uncomfortable

  “She has a history gap.”

  “What do you mean a history gap?” I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

  “Casey Tyler has a gap from the age of 14 to 17 yea
rs old. Now I'm not sure why yet, but I'm working on it.” Standing, I picked up the folder and thumbed through it. There was personal information, place, and date of birth, address, education and job history and a newspaper article on the death of her parents when she was 18 years old. Dropping the file back onto my desk, I let out a low curse. “Shit man, both parents at 18?” I cringed.

  “I know, shitty hey? but it's weird Nate, I got everything from her birth until now but nothing for the missing three years, it's a complete blank.” Looking at Paxton with an arched brow, I could see that we were both thinking the same thing.

  “That's because it has been blanked out, it's been erased, covered up, but why?” I tap my chin with my finger.

  “Exactly,” Paxton points at me “but your little brother here has connections in the right places, it won’t take me long and I am sure we will know soon enough.”

  “Thanks, Paxton I know this is taking up a lot of your time but I do appreciate it.”

  “No problem, I mean she is our client right?” I looked down at the file. Then back at Paxton “meaning?” I say more sharply than I intended to. Paxton holds up both hands defensively. “Nothing man, nothing at all, I just thought with that moony look you just had on your face she might be....something more.”

  “Moony look, what the fuck does that mean?”

  “You know like she might be testing your libido,” he said grinning. I shook my head and this time let out a choked laugh. “More like testing my patience.”

  “So....” Paxton asks with a questioning look on his face, sitting on the edge of my desk.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed in defeat, smart-ass little shit knew me too well. “Yes, maybe… I don't know Paxton. There seems to be a lot going on with her.”

  “Have you talked to her?” he asks.

  “I’ve tried to, but she's got this god damn cast iron wall that comes into place as soon as I ask her anything.”


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