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Freedom: A Captivating and consuming contemporary romance (Freedom series Book 1)

Page 14

by J Grayland

  “Nathanial King here to see Mr. Peterson.”

  “Do you have an appointment?” she asks looking down at the diary in front of her. “No, but I am sure he will be expecting to see me,” I say as I start walking towards the doors to his office I hear her moving around the desk. I’m presuming she is going to try and intercept me entering his office.

  “Please sir, Mr. Peterson is very busy. You really must have an appointment.” Ignoring her, I push open the doors and there he sits behind a huge glass desk, his jacket off, and he has a phone pressed against his ear. His head shoots up to look at the intrusion into his office and he quickly lets the person on the other end of his phone conversation know that he will call them back.

  “I'm sorry Mr. Peterson I tried to stop him...” the secretary flustered.

  “It's okay Sarah” he gestures at the woman to leave his office and I take a seat in the chair opposite his desk. “Mr. King it's good to see you. What is so urgent that it has you barging into my office today ?” I look at him and lift an eyebrow at his question.

  “Really? You want to play it like that?”

  “I'm sorry obviously you have me at a disadvantage here, so please enlighten me.” He spreads out his palms in front of him. I feel my teeth start to grind and my jaw tighten as I look at the greedy little pathetic vermin in front of me. Reigning in my fury I manage to growl out two words “Casey Tyler.” He purses his lips as he looks up at the ceiling like he’s searching his tiny brain, trying to put a face to the name.

  “Ahh, yes, the doctor from down under. I seem to recall she left her position without informing IMA. Very unreliable, and she broke her contract,” he said with a shake of his head. Not being able to sit still any longer, I stood and placed both hands on the desk in front of him.

  “I believe you broke any contract when you employed her under false pretenses.” I grate out between tight lips.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about Mr. King.”

  “Listen I'm done playing this game with you, I know what you've been doing and what I want you to do is get in contact with your buyer and tell him that the deal is off.”

  Petersons façade dropped for just a moment, then he continued, “like I said, I have no idea what you're talking about. I was informed that the stress of her position had turned out to be a little more than she had anticipated and you had taken her back to her own country, as she had requested.....after all, I do know that you always do your job to the highest of standards Mr. King, that's why I asked you for the favor in the first place. Although, I didn't expect you to be there personally yourself.” Looking at him through narrowed eyes I ask “What are you talking about Peterson?” I watch him look at the pen he was rolling between his fingers.

  “Put it this way Mr. King, I did not expect the head of a big company such as yours would have had the time to take on a 3-month contract overseas, and when you turned up there instead of one of your employees, it... caused a tiny hiccup.” His mouth turned up into a smirk and I had to take a deep breath to gain some control because the realization of the words he had just spewed out and that look on his face right now, I wanted to rip this fucker’s head off and shove it up his ass. Through gritted teeth, I said, “I was your hiccup?”

  “Something like that. You see this time it involved a military base, much harder to get access to, hence the set up at the clinic in the village, it was supposed to go smoothly but...”

  “I got her out,” I finished for him. “So it backfired on you.”

  “It did, but a good businessman always has a backup plan.” He says leaning back into his chair.

  “And that is?”

  “It's as simple as she was found; paid for and delivered; it's not my fault that she didn't get to her owner because of some overprotective security guard. I have done my part now, it’s on your head.” When he pointed his pudgy little finger towards me I could no longer hold back the fury that now pumped through my body. I wanted to kill this bastard right here, right now. Rounding the desk, I grabbed him by the throat, slamming the back of his head into his chair. As my fingers squeezed and tightened into his skin, his hands started to pull and claw at my hands, trying to break my hold. I pinned my eyes on his as I watched his eyes grow wide and glassy with fear. As he struggled to breathe, his face started to change into a nice shade of crimson, as his lungs started to suffer from oxygen starvation, his lips move as he tries to beg and bargain for me to stop. I can feel his fight getting weaker and his body getting heavier. He's starting to lose his fight. Just as he is a second away from unconsciousness, I relieve a small amount of pressure on my hold, just enough to give him a tiny promise of air, just enough to keep him coherent, enough to hear what I need to say. Leaning down close to his face, my voice reverberating in a deep low growl, I say, “I don’t know who has been feathering your nest, and honestly I don’t care, but this ends now. She was never for sale. I don't care what or how you do it, but this is all on you, pay them off, bargain or beg, I don't give a fuck do you hear me?” He managed to nod, then I continued. “I have a paper trail on everything you have been up to and if you don't fix the mess you have caused, I will fuck you up, and if you or anyone comes near Casey Tyler, I will take them down as well. Do I make myself clear?” He nods again in understanding. Letting go of his throat, I straighten, keeping my narrowed eyes on his without breaking contact, and I watch as he rubs the reddened skin around his throat and gulps in air like a fish out of water. The earlier smug look on his face is now replaced by one of fear. Turning and walking out of his office and into the elevator, I suddenly regret restraining myself from snapping his fucking neck.

  Chapter Twenty-one


  When I came downstairs this morning Nate was nowhere in sight, he must have left really early. I didn't hear a thing last night as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out to it, completely exhausted thanks to a weekend of sea air and swimming. It was probably the best deep sleep I’d had in ages, and thankfully, one free of any dreams. Looking around the kitchen, I grab a glass and fill it with juice from the fridge then take it up to the master bathroom and run the water in the huge bath. Sitting on the shelf above the tub is an arrangement of bottles full of bath oil. Trickling some across the top of the water, I place my glass on the side, undress, and slide into the steaming hot water, and lean my head back. It feels wonderful, and I feel my body relax and my mind drift into thoughts of the weekend at the beach, and Nate, and my inner turmoil about him. Whenever he’s close to me my body seems to go into overdrive, I physically feel my heart rate rise. Yes, I am aware that there is a spark there, but isn't that just a physical attraction, a sexual urge? But then his actions, his words, his gentleness with me, is that part of the whole ploy to get me into bed as well?

  All these questions going around in my head don’t change the fact that no matter how much I am attracted to him, I just don't think I am capable of giving him all of me. He has that possessiveness and dominance about him and I see that in his eyes, he's used to getting what he wants, so am I a challenge? A body to be conquered? Fuck, this is driving me nuts, maybe I am just thinking too deep into it, but that's what I do, think 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It's something I've never been able to turn off, thanks to…... Standing up fast from the water and grabbing a towel, I wrap it tightly around myself, and with just that tiny glimpse of a memory, I feel the need to protect and hide myself. That's what that fucker did, not only did he steal my past but he's still stealing my future and why the hell am I letting him? “Son of a bitch” I cursed out into the steam filled room.

  Drying quickly, I pull on a pair of yoga pants and a tank top and head back down to the kitchen. Pulling open the bottom drawer, I see the packet of cigarettes and lighter that I have seen Nate pull out when he goes out onto the upstairs balcony to get his nicotine fix, now and then, and although I have not placed a cigarette in my mouth for years, right at this moment I have a bad craving for one. Out on the small balcony, I lig
ht it and draw back the smooth smoke into my lungs. Oh my god that is so friggin good, is my first thought until I take another draw and my head starts to spin and I feel nausea rising into my chest, making me toss the rest into the small plant pot filled with sand in the corner of the balcony. I sit down on the tiled floor, putting my head down between my knees until the dizzy spell is gone. “Holy shit, now I know why I quit, yuck”.

  I was still sitting in that position when I heard a buzzing noise coming from inside. Intrigued to know where it was coming from, I looked around until I saw a green light flashing on an intercom on the wall. Picking up the receiver I say, “Hello?”

  “Hello madam, this is the front desk in the lobby. There is a gentleman here to see Mr. King. He said his name is Jackson Steele.” What the hell? Jax is here? “Sure, send him up,” I said excitedly then replaced the handset back onto its cradle and went over to the elevator. I really hope this is Jax coming up here and not some crazy psychopath or, even worse, one of Nate's girlfriends. Now the sound of that word on my tongue really did make me feel sick in the stomach.

  When the elevator doors open, out saunters Jax with his cowboy swagger. “Hey, Aussie how the hell are you?” He moves in and grabs me into a friendly bear hug, then pulls back, his eyes moving from the top of my head and down the length of my body. “Damn woman you’re looking great.”

  “Thanks, you’re not looking too bad yourself, but what are you doing here?” I asked him.

  “I called Nate and he told me to meet him here.” He answered simply.

  “No I mean, I thought you were going to be staying at the base for a while?”

  “Yeah, well things got a little sticky, so the other civvies got pulled and sent back to good old England”.

  Looking at him through narrowed eyes, I asked, “What do you mean sticky?”

  He ran a hand down his face and let out a sigh. “Let me talk to Nate first ok? Then we'll chat.” Seeing the disappointed look on my face he added, “Hey it's nothing for you to worry your pretty little head over ok?” Grudgingly I nodded and he clapped his hands together. “Now woman, where can I get me a beer around here?”

  I didn't realize how much I missed chatting with Jax his sense of humor is so quick and naughty, he just has a knack for making me laugh... a lot. He’s a great guy. He reminds me so much of Flynn, very brotherly and protective, it’s a good feeling.

  We are deep in conversation. Jax is telling me about the ranch that he owns in a place called Superior Montana. I watch as his face lights up with pure pleasure as he talks about the horses that he breeds, and how much he loves the open air of the country. I am so busy listening to him talk that I don't even hear the sound of the elevator doors opening until I look up and see Nate standing near the bottom of the stairs staring at us both with fury in his eyes. Jax stands and pushes his hands into the pockets of his jeans his stance reminding me of a naughty child waiting to be chastised. “Hey buddy, hope you don't mind, I took one of your beers?” Nate moves towards the bar and drops his keys and cell on the top of it, then pours himself what looks like scotch into a glass tumbler. Knocking it back in one gulp, he says, “Not at all buddy. You know my home is your home.” Those words just come out of his mouth, but his face and rigid stance are saying something totally different.

  Nate leads Jax into his home office and closes the door. “Well excuse me,” I softly say to myself as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket I pull it out to see Lynda's name on the screen. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Casey.” Her voice is so bright and friendly.

  “Lynda, is everything ok?” I ask with some concern.

  “Yes, fine, I just wanted to know if you were planning on going shopping for an outfit for the opening of The Bazaar.”

  “The what?”

  “The Bazaar, It's the nightclub that Kings just took on the contract for.”

  “Oh, no sorry, I had no idea.”

  “Oh well, maybe Nate hasn't gotten around to telling you yet but Saturday is the big opening and it is going to be huge.” She enthused into the phone.

  “I don't know Lynda, he hasn't said anything, but I’m sure he's probably already got a date lined up.”

  “Nooo, I am pretty sure it's just slipped his mind.” I hear the uncertainty in her voice and the last thing I want is for her to feel bad. “Hey it's ok, it's fine, nightclubs are not one of my favorite places, so it's all good, but I will be glad to help you shop for an outfit if you like?”

  “Really?” she says excitedly.


  “Great, how about tomorrow around 11 am, then we can grab some lunch as well.”

  “Sounds perfect, see you then.”

  “It's a date then” she giggles, then hangs up. I walk into the kitchen and discreetly try to listen in on what's going on behind the closed door of Nate's office but all I can hear is the low deep hum of their voices. So I walk over to the huge windows and pace back and forth in front of them. I want to know what's going on in there, are they discussing me? Why is Jackson back so soon? And why the hell did Nate look so angry when he came in? Eventually, after what felt like hours but realistically was more like minutes, they came out and both looked at me, then Jax turned to Nate and said: “Ok buddy, I will see you Saturday night, then I am heading off back to the ranch for a few weeks.”

  “Sounds like a good plan, you deserve it,” Nate says slapping a hand on Jax’s shoulder. Jax lifts his chin at me and says “Ok girl I will be seeing you later.”

  “Bye Jax” I smiled at him and Nate walks him to the elevator and when Jackson is gone he turns back towards the bar, grabs a beer, flips the cap off and leans against the bar. “So...” I said breaking the silence in the room “Is everything ok?” Looking up at me he takes a pull from the bottle and I watch as his throat bobs as he swallows.

  “Everything is just great,” he says with sarcasm dripping from his mouth.

  “What about with Jax, I thought he wouldn't be back for weeks, did something happen?”

  “Just you” he snorts.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?.”

  Putting his bottle down on the coffee table and sitting on the sofa, he blows out a sigh. “The contract is done. After what happened to you, the other civilians wanted out and went back to the U.K. Jax only had to stay and tie up some loose ends.” He shrugs his shoulders as if to say, “and you know the rest.”

  Looking down at my phone still in my hand, I decide to change the subject. “Your sister-in-law called me, she wants me to go shopping with her for a new outfit for Saturday I told her it would be Ok if it's alright with you?” Looking at me now through narrowed eyes he says “So... now you're asking me for my opinion?”

  “Err yes I was under the impression I had to while I was here, under the circumstances.”

  “Mm-hum” he murmurs.

  “Is there something wrong Nate?” I ask.

  Sitting forward on the couch he leans his arms on his thighs. “Now why would there be something wrong?”

  “Because you sound like you're really pissed about something,” I said putting my hands on my hips.

  “Hmmm, and why do you think I would be pissed? Let me see,” he thinks and taps a finger against his chin, “Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have busted my ass trying to get you to relax with me, we’ve even spent time at the beach around my family, yet with all that I’ve still only managed to get you to open up to me a tiny fraction of what I saw when I came in here and saw you and Jax together; talking, laughing and you totally relaxed; so what is it? What magic button does he hold? Or is it that you just want to fuck him.”

  “What? nooo, of course, I don't.”

  Standing, he runs a hand down his face, then spreads out both hands. “Then why can't you give me what you gave him?”

  “I don't know.” I shrug.

  “You don't know?” his voice now rising to match the anger on his face. “Well, I guess it's not just me you don't want to fuck at least,”
he spits out with such venom. I stand to face him my own anger coming to the surface to match his, “You arrogant bastard. What, did I bruise your ego because I haven't jumped into bed with you as quick as some of your other women? It’s not all about sex Nate. Maybe you need to stop thinking with your dick and give your brain a chance.”

  He shakes his head and a smirk pulls at the edge of his lips.“My ego huh? I guess you might have a point there, but don't worry Doc, I get the message loud and clear,” With that, he starts to walk away towards his office, then turns around “Oh and the answer to your question. I will have Nick drive you and Lynda tomorrow and you need something to wear because you will be attending the opening as a guest, purely from a security point of view, of course, so don't worry it's not a date or anything that might taint your virtue.” Going into his office he closes the door with a loud thud, and all I can do is fall back onto the couch completely stunned and bewildered by his angry words.

  I didn't see Nate for the rest of the night. I went up to my room and closed the door and busied myself catching up with unanswered emails and surfing the web. In the morning he was gone and when a text came through from Lynda telling me she was waiting in the lobby, I went down to meet her and Nick was waiting out by the car. Now I’m not much of a shopper, I just like to get in, get what I want, then get out, and it didn’t take me long to realize that shopping with Lynda was an experience all of its own. Endless stores and clothes, for hours, and just when I thought I couldn’t take one more dressing room, she found the perfect dress that fit over her pregnant belly that she loved. The knee-length silk red dress with short sleeves fitted her to perfection. It molded to every one of her curves with enough room for comfort, and once it was paid for we found a cafe and ordered some lunch.

  “Now we just have to find you something,” Lynda says around a bite of a huge sandwich.

  I shake my head. “I think I’ll be staying in my room.”


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