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Lush Curves 2: Swept Away

Page 2

by Delilah Fawkes

  She has to know how beautiful she is, I thought. How could she not?

  “Let’s get your luggage to your cabin, and then we can start settling in.”

  Aolani nodded, and followed.



  “You have a what?”

  Gavin Fletcher smirked at me, his mouth twisting into a half smile in a way that made my breath catch. “A hot tub, of course. Now are you going to join us, or not?”

  Three members of the crew walked by, all of them in swimsuits, laughing and joking, beers in hand. There were five men and one other woman on board, two to run the yacht, as well as Thomas and his two lighting and set assistants. I couldn’t help but notice that even though the woman was in her forties, she had a tight, toned stomach and rock-hard ass and thighs.

  I glanced down at myself and inwardly cringed. Joining the crew for a dip in Gavin’s hot tub on the top deck was another opportunity for me to be awkward in a bikini. Hooray! Just what I needed.

  Oh, wait. Only not at all.

  But I knew if I said “no,” it would be even more awkward. This was a party after all, a way to get to know one another on the beginning of our journey. If I was the only one absent, it would definitely send the wrong message. A message saying loud and clear that Aolani Kahale was a diva model who didn’t want to be seen with them outside of a shoot. Having worked with one too many of those myself, I couldn’t take the chance.

  I needed this job, and my career required I make a good impression, even if I had to do it while showing some skin.

  “I’ll be up in a few,” I said, attempting a smile.

  Gavin beamed at me and ran a hand through his wavy hair. “Brilliant. I’ll have the champagne waiting. We’ll toast to the start of our journey together.”


  Five minutes later, I approached the hot tub with caution.

  You can do this, Aolani. Just take the robe off and get in as fast as you can. No problem at all. This is normal. This is what you do now.

  Considering what I’d been hired for, I was going to have to get used to this sooner or later. It might as well be sooner. Right?

  “Here you are, lass,” Gavin said, relaxing at the edge of the tub.

  Like everything else on this yacht it was shockingly large--it looked like it could hold fifteen people with room to spare. The older woman waved at me, beckoning me in. I forced a smile that felt more like a grimace and slowly lowered my cotton robe to the deck. I saw some of the male crew members heads turn, but it was the look in Gavin’s eyes that made my heart hammer in my chest.

  I wore a small, coral bikini, the triangle halter held together in the middle with a gold ring, matching the rings on the sides of my bottoms. The woman in the store had insisted I get it, saying it showed off all the right things, but now, all I wanted to do was cover up again to avoid the attention.

  I sunk into the water, and instantly sighed with pleasure as the hurts-so-good heat surrounded me, coaxing away my stress. Gavin handed me a flute of chilled champagne and gave me a wink before introducing me to the others.

  Jorge and Mike were the ones getting us where we needed to go and had apparently been working with Gavin for years. Mike was a grizzled older man with a twinkle in his eye who nodded at me politely. Jorge was about my age, in his mid-twenties, and I couldn’t help but notice the way he said hello to my cleavage, still visible just above the water line.

  Thomas I’d been introduced to earlier, but Sandra and her young counterpart Stephen shook my hand and grinned.

  “And of course, this is Aolani Kahale, our gorgeous model,” Gavin said.

  “Welcome aboard, Aolani,” Sandra said.

  I forced a smile and sipped my champagne, trying not to show my discomfort at being introduced in such a way. No matter what Gavin Fletcher said, I still felt like an impostor--a phony who would be discovered for what I was any minute now. How could they not realize I wasn’t exactly model material? Or were they just being polite?

  The crew exchanged jokes and chatted about the journey ahead, but I settled into my own thoughts, joining in the conversation to nod and smile or answer a question posed directly. My thoughts were a million miles away—wondering what I’d gotten myself into.

  For the first time, glancing at my handsome boss, I questioned if he was the kind of man who would get off on playing some kind of cruel prank. Could this whole thing be a set up? Some kind of horrible reality show where I was secretly being filmed? Or maybe Gavin was using irony to sell his yachts to young rich people. Wasn’t that all the rage now? Ironic ads that relied on laughs to make the brand memorable?

  My stomach twisted into knots just thinking about it.

  Was I the butt of Gavin Fletcher’s joke? I glanced over at him, sitting so close beside me, and was surprised to see him watching me. He gave me a half smile and raised his glass.

  “To beginnings,” he said.

  I smiled, trying to push my doubts aside, at least while those piercing, hazel eyes were studying me so closely.

  “Cheers,” I said.

  We clinked glasses, and I downed the rest of my champagne in one swallow. Gavin raised an eyebrow at me before reaching behind him to the ice bucket and refilling my glass.

  Could this gorgeous man be that cruel? Could all of this have been a lie to get me out here? To get me to volunteer to be humiliated?

  I remembered the way he’d fired that blonde model like it was nothing, while she was sitting beneath him, tears in her eyes. The way he’d hired me right then and there, while she watched. Was that decisiveness, or a sign of how cold he could be?

  After all, what did I really know about him?

  Soon, the others left the tub, waving goodnight and making their way below deck to their rooms. I stared up at the stars overhead, my mind reeling, doubt and fear mingling until I almost couldn’t stand it.

  Why did you ever think you could be a model, Aolani? If it’s all a joke, then shame on you. Shame on you for hoping. For believing a man like this saw something different in you.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  Gavin’s deep, lilting voice startled me. I looked over at him, then realized that tears were stinging my eyes. I turned away quickly, and tried to suck them back into my skull. I had to get it together.

  “I’m fine. Just... I’m just tired.”

  I set my champagne down and stood. The stars were out, and for a moment, it looked like I was standing in the middle of the heavens, at the top of the dark yacht, in the middle of the black water--shining, twinkling stars all around me. The beauty was lost on me, though. I wasn’t on top of the world. I was anything but.

  I bent over and snatched my robe up from the ground, wrapping it around myself before Gavin could get too much of an eyeful.

  “Goodnight, Mr. Fletcher. Thank you for the drink.”


  “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I hurried off toward the ladder that led to down to the main deck, and heard a splash behind me.

  “Aolani, wait.”

  Gavin’s voice echoed behind me, but I kept moving. I just needed to make it back to my room, and then I could sort out my thoughts. Maybe let the tears flow in private if I couldn’t contain them any longer.

  I opened the cabin door and moved down the hallway toward my suite. Footsteps landed behind me, and I knew he was following me.

  “Wait for a second,” he said. “Just wait!”

  A large hand descended on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks. I stared down at my feet, not wanting to look at him. I knew if I did, he’d see everything I felt right there in my eyes. He’d know exactly what I was thinking.

  “Hey. Look at me.”

  He turned me around, but I kept my head down. His legs were still dripping wet, chestnut hair sticking to his tanned shins.

  “I’m fine. I just want to go to bed,” I lied.

  “Look at me, Aolani,” he said.

  Then, his hand was on my
chin, tipping my face upward toward his. I met his eyes, and felt a hot tear roll down my cheek. His warm hand cupped my face, making my heart skip a beat, despite my trepidation.

  “What’s wrong, lass? What is it?” His thumb brushed my tear aside, his eyes burning into mine in the darkness.

  “Why,” I said, sucking in a shuddering breath. “Why me? Why did you choose me for this?”

  His brow furrowed, his face full of a concern that made me feel like a fool for bringing it up.

  “Come here,” he said, and pulled me through a doorway.

  A lamp on a bedside table cast a soft yellow glow over the room. I noticed the t-shirt I’d worn just a couple nights before draped over a chair. Was this Gavin’s suite? He closed the door behind me and put his hands on my shoulders, making me face him.

  “What do you mean, why did I choose you?”

  He frowned at me, and I sucked in a deep breath, forcing back the tears. I was not going to cry. Not in front of him. I clenched my jaw.

  “Just tell me now if this is some kind of joke, okay? If you’re messing with me, or setting me up, please tell me before I make more of a fool of myself. I didn’t sign up for that.”

  “What?” The look on his face was one of pure confusion. “What are you... where is this coming from?”

  To my frustration, my pulse raced as I realized he was only wearing his swim trunks, now clinging to his strong thighs. His hair was tousled, the waves wilder from the humidity of the hot tub.

  “Why would you want someone like me?” I mumbled, my voice just above a whisper.

  “Aolani...” His eyes looked pained, but then he shook his head, a sad smile on his face. “How can you not know?”

  Here it comes. I just hope he’s gentle when he breaks my fucking heart.

  I tried to steady myself, but what he did next blew my every assumption out of the water.

  He led me across the room to the full-length mirror next to his wardrobe, and stood me in front of it, then moved behind me, that funny smile still on his face.

  “Open your robe,” he said. His voice was soft, deep.

  I moved my hands to the cotton tie automatically, ready to obey him, then stopped short. What am I doing? His arms wrapped around me then, and I gasped at the touch. He grabbed the tie and undid it with steady hands. I could feel his warmth pressed up against my back, and I was suddenly very aware of how alone we were.

  He gently pulled the robe open, revealing my body clad only in the coral bikini, my skin still beaded with water. He tugged it open until it lay on either side of my breasts. I looked down, but his hand was on my cheek again, urging me to look in the mirror.

  “Look, Aolani. Take a good, long look at yourself. Don’t you see it?” His voice broke a little as he spoke, his eyebrows raised as he looked into my eyes through the reflection. “Don’t you see what I see?”

  I stared at my body, my brow furrowing as I tried to understand.

  “You’re absolutely stunning,” he said.

  His breath tickled my neck, and suddenly, he wasn’t looking in the mirror anymore. He was looking down at me, his eyes traveling down over me.

  “Your body is sensual,” he continued. He slid the robe down over my shoulders, and it pooled on the floor at my feet. I was breathing harder under his scrutiny, but I didn’t move away. His hands were on my shoulders again, running down over my arms. “Curves in all the right places...”

  His hands moved to my waist, gently tracing the smooth line beneath my ribcage, then moving down to the gentle swell of my hips. His fingers traced the gold rings on either side of my bikini bottom, his breathing suddenly as rough as mine.

  “You’re perfect,” he said. His eyes flickered back up to mine, as his hands traveled upwards. “Aolani… you’re one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.”

  I felt myself tremble beneath his touch as he stopped just beneath my breasts. I leaned back into him, wanting to feel him behind me, pressing into me, to feel the hard planes of his chest and stomach against the softness of my skin.

  “That’s why I chose you.”

  My backside pressed up against him and his hands tensed on me, holding me tighter. My skin heated beneath his touch, and the sudden stiffness in his suit let me know he was being baldly honest with me. He thought I was beautiful. And what was more, he wanted me. As badly as I wanted him.

  “Gavin,” I said, but I never finished my sentence. Hell, I didn’t even know what to say.

  Instead, I pressed back against him, and heard his groan behind me. Then, his lips were on my neck, his hands pulling me close, and any thoughts of doubt fled my mind. I closed my eyes, and put my hands behind me, grabbing fistfuls of his shorts and pulling him tighter to me, loving the way I affected him, feeling his erection hard against me. His mouth was hot and urgent, kissing and licking down to my collarbone.

  I moaned and turned to him, wanting more, wanting all of him. We looked at one another for one brief moment, and I knew we were both thinking the same thing. This was wrong, it was unprofessional, it was a terrible, terrible idea, and... Oh, fuck it!

  He grabbed me roughly, and instantly, my hands were in his hair, my lips pressed hard against his. He moaned into me and ran his hands over my back, pulling me close so my breasts pressed against his chest. My mouth opened beneath his, and he kissed me hungrily, his tongue dancing with mine. My heartbeat pounded in my ears, my whole body hot and needy, my sex throbbing for him.

  When his hands moved downward and gripped my ass, I gasped and ground into him, my body seeking more.

  My leg wrapped around his waist, and then I shrieked as he picked me up, certain he was going to strain something, but his arms were rock solid as I slid both legs around him, my arms wrapped around his shoulders.

  He carried me to the bed and threw me down on the covers. I laughed as I hit the mattress, my lips bruised from his kisses. He moved back, his eyes dark and ravenous as he looked me over.

  “Take it off,” he growled.

  “Take what off?” I said, smiling. I was too far in it now for shyness, or to take anything back. This was happening. He wanted me, and God help me, I wanted him. Needed him. As much as he would give me.

  “All of it.”

  His swim trunks were tenting in a way that made my mouth water. I wanted to tell him the same thing, but I knew tonight, he was in charge. I wanted him to take me any way he wanted.

  I was his.

  His eyes widened in anticipation as I reached behind my back and undid the clasp of my bikini top. I slid the straps off my shoulders, holding the fabric over my breasts until he moved forward and tore it away. He crouched over me then, his eyes looking like a kid on Christmas morning, eyeing the toy he thought he’d never get.

  “Oh, my God,” he groaned.

  His hands were on me in a moment, cupping me, feeling the weight of my full breasts in his hands. I gasped, my nipples pebbling against his palms. He ran his thumbs over them, sending little jolts of pleasure throughout my body.

  “So beautiful...”

  He kneaded them, gently at first, then rougher. I whimpered, my body feeling like a live wire beneath his touch. When he brought his mouth down to my nipple and suckled, I threw my head back and moaned, my fingers wrapping in his hair, pulling him to me. He bit down, and I shuddered beneath him.

  He moved to the other nipple, sucking and licking until I didn’t think I could take any more. Each tug of his lips, each flick of his tongue sent tendrils of heat through me, teasing me, making my core throb even harder for him. He released me and moved downward, kissing lower and lower until he reached my bikini line.

  “The bottoms, now,” he said, his voice a low growl.

  I reached down, helpless to refuse him, and pushed my bikini down over my hips. He ripped it down my thighs and tossed it aside, before focusing in on my body. His scrutiny should have made me uncomfortable, but when I saw the lust shining in his eyes, I relaxed and opened my thighs, letting him have the full vie

  He traced the shaved lips of my pussy, and I shivered beneath his touch. The rough pads of his fingers parted me, exploring me, as I watched, propped up on my elbows, now nude, and strangely comfortable. I trusted him, I realized. I trusted every word, every glance.

  How strange.

  “Do you like what you see?” I breathed, surprising myself.

  “God yes,” he gritted. “I can’t wait to taste you.”

  I opened my mouth to protest. No man had ever gone there before. I’d never let them. It was too personal. Too weird, too... I just didn’t think anyone would want to, frankly.

  But then his mouth was on me, taking me before I could say ‘no,’ and I was crying out his name.

  His tongue explored my folds as he pressed my thighs back with strong hands, opening me to him. I gasped and lay back, trying to let go of my embarrassment that he was doing this to me. He was lapping at my sex, teasing me, hungry for me…

  “You taste amazing,” he groaned into me, his voice vibrating off my skin, making me squirm.

  I bit my lip. I couldn’t believe this man.

  He sucked on my clit, making me squirm. Spikes of pleasure shot through me, my body trembling all over at his touch.

  “Such a pretty pussy,” he said, making me sigh beneath him.

  He inserted a finger into me, and I squeezed around him, my core hot and wet for him. I wanted to see him, all of him, wanted to stroke him and drive him as crazy as he was driving me.

  It was only fair, after all.

  “Take it off, boss?” I said. “Please...”

  He laughed then, and inserted another finger inside of me, arching them upward and hitting a spot that made my toes curl, moving them in a “come hither” motion.

  “Mmm. Eager, are we?”

  He pumped his fingers in and out of me, taking his time, leaning back down to tease and lick me. I mewled beneath him, my hands on his shoulders. I kept thinking I should push him away, not let him taste me or God forbid, smell me, but then he nuzzled me with his nose, and I bit my lip hard, squeezing my eyes shut as my body throbbed and pulsed in reaction to him.


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