Luke (A Redemption Romance #1)

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Luke (A Redemption Romance #1) Page 10

by Anna Scott

  “Mmmm.” Still groggy, I woke from an amazing dream. It had felt so real. Luke had been making love to me; I could feel his fingers and tongue on my body, even now as the pull of sleep left me. A movement behind me, a slow pull from between my legs had my fuzzy brain clearing enough so that I could turn my head and look over my shoulder at Luke’s handsome face.

  His chiseled jaw was shadowed with stubble and the look of lazy pleasure in his eyes. I felt the push and pull again and realized that Luke was making love to me.

  I giggled and elbowed him in the ribs. “Sorry baby, hope you don’t mind. I wanted to wake you up and thought that this might be the best way.”

  I raised one eyebrow and shook my head in disbelief at his crazy plan. “I guess it’s all right, but in future, a cup of coffee sat on the nightstand would probably do the trick.” I tried to act irritated, but I failed. Of course I didn’t mind, he was absolutely amazing.

  “Hmm, yes, I’ll keep that in mind; but I think I like this method better.”

  I grinned and snuggled back into him as his hips moved. Luke made love to me, taking me over the edge and joining me in climax. The way he stroked and petted my body had all my nerve endings singing. I was certain I’d never woken this well rested and sated in my life.

  We shared a shower, where we enjoyed each other’s touch, using the pretense of getting clean which lead to a few more orgasms between us. Once dressed in my jeans from yesterday and one of his shirts, we shared breakfast. Luke asked me about my day and I asked about his.

  “I’ve got to work at noon, before that, I’ve got to get a workout in and catch up with some stuff around here.”

  I knew that his schedule and mine would make us having a relationship difficult, but I also knew that many people were able to find a way. I wasn’t some clingy woman who had to have her man’s constant attention; I was perfectly able to spend time on my own. I also knew that in my situation, owning my own business, I was able to adjust my schedule to better accommodate his, as long as I had some advanced notice.

  This wasn’t something I was ready to broach with him yet though. The last thing I wanted him to think was that I expected to spend every waking minute with him.

  Sadie and Rusty had been fed and let out, so I gathered her things and mine, gave Luke a quick kiss and headed home. Of course, I didn’t regret what happened between us last night, but regardless of what he’d said, I was still afraid of getting pregnant. I was afraid that if I did, Luke would feel obligated to stay with me regardless of his feelings.

  I was afraid that if we’d broken up by then, that he would either try to marry me anyway, or somehow try to take over my life in an effort to be supportive. I knew that Luke was a take charge guy. I’d seen it many times, as recently as after Nolan’s death, and though I appreciated it in times like that, I had doubts that I’d be able to handle it all the time. If I could maintain my strength and control over my own life, I would be much happier. Regardless of what happened, I was determined that we take things slowly between us. It was obvious by our misunderstanding over the past few weeks that we needed to get to know one another’s personal and emotional needs.

  Meeting our physical needs had been wonderful, but sex would not be the catalyst to form strong and long lasting bonds. My mental pep talk complete; I made it to my house, went inside and got ready for my day.

  Sadie and I made it to the back door of the store and found a godsend. Reed was there, holding two cups from Café Fantasia and a little brown bag; that I knew from experience would hold something wonderful.

  “Good morning. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” Reed’s face lit up at the happy tone of my voice. Unlocking the back door, I opened it and held it open for Reed, then shut off the alarm at the panel just inside the back door.

  “You seem better today. I wanted to check in with you to see how you were. I know last night must have been really hard on you.”

  Mistaking the meaning of his words, my face flushed at the memories of last night with Luke. I must have looked confused, because Reed went on with the explanation.

  “I mean, delivering all the letters, it must have been hard. Did you find everyone?”

  “Yeah, it was, Hope took it especially hard. Everyone was home except for Jake.” A dark worry swept over Reed’s face, but it was gone before I could catch it and he spoke before I could ask about it.

  “Why don’t you give me Jake’s letter, he’s hard to get a hold of these days. I’ll catch up with him and deliver it for you.”

  “What’s going on? Is it Nolan or something else?”

  “I’m not all together sure, he’s been more distant than normal the past couple of weeks. I’m not sure what exactly is going on but I’m worried about him.”

  “Is there anything I can do? Maybe Nolan’s letter will help him. Obviously I don’t know what it says, but maybe it will give him some peace or closure.” My hopefulness was met with a look of sad resignation.

  “Thanks Aurora, that’s sweet, but I’m not sure. If I think of something I’ll let you know.” I pulled the letter out of my purse and handed it over to Reed. I was worried about Jake, about every one of us. Jake seemed to more difficult to reach than anyone else. He was always distant, at least with me.

  “So, what are you doing over here this early? I don’t usually see you until lunchtime.” My smile was knowing, I had a feeling that he’d wanted to see the beautiful Gillian as well as to check up on me.

  “Oh, just was in the neighborhood and I know how much you love coffee.”

  Reed stayed with me for about an hour while I moved about the store, preparing to open. Everything looked great. We’d gotten a shipment from a new designer the night before last, and Amber had worked for a few hours to get it set out yesterday. The display looked amazing.

  The colors the designer had chosen were beautiful, champagne silks, coral blouses and an amazing light blue sheath dress made the area pop. Her use of color and fabric were the reason that this young woman was becoming extremely popular so quickly.

  Sadie loped into the front and plopped her rump down next to Reed and looked up at him, waiting not so patiently for his attention. Of course, Reed obliged her, as he always did. As his attention seemed focused on Sadie, in a way too casual voice he asked, “So, what’s up with you and Luke?”

  Totally taken off guard by his question, my head snapped up. I really didn’t know how to answer. Of course we’d slept together and intended to see where things went, but I didn’t have crazy romantic ideas about a future yet, it was way too soon for that. Besides, neither Luke nor I was used to being in a relationship and both had demanding jobs. His, of course, was more so, taking him out of bed in the middle of the night without notice.

  Deciding to try and avoid answering directly I asked, “what do you mean?”

  Yeah, that wasn’t going to work, Reed was way too smart. He knew me well and he knew Luke, too.

  “Well, I think you know what I mean, but let me spell it out for you. The week after Nolan died, you guys seemed like you were together. Then, once the funeral was over, you acted like a workaholic, always here and you started avoiding your phone. After a few days, you started to disappear, I couldn’t get a hold of you, I asked Luke about it, more than once, he only told me that he didn’t know where you were, that he hadn’t seen you; nothing more.

  The week after the funeral, he was irritated, snapping at everyone around him, no mention of you at all. Then, last week he was downright pissed off. I’ve known Luke over ten years, in all that time, at home, on deployment, on the job, at a bar with the guys, wherever we were he always mentioned you, always had something to say. Nothing important, nothing big, but every time I saw the man he would mention you in some way. Then after the one of the hardest weeks in all of our lives, he’s an ass and doesn’t talk about you at all. So, what gives?”

  I stood staring at Reed, who had straightened to his full height, Sadie having moved to her bed behind the counter. His l
ook was direct, but determined. I could see that he wanted answers that I honestly didn’t have and wasn’t sure I wanted to share.

  “Look Reed, I-” shaking my head, I tried to find the words, to find something to say. I was surprised to hear that Luke had always talked about me, I hadn’t known that. I didn’t know what that meant. I talked about Luke all the time, I’d liked him so long, he was just a regular part of my life, and sometimes my girlfriends teased me about it. “I - we’re good. I took him the letter last night.” I left a lot out of that statement, unsure of how much Luke would want me to share.

  “Okay, that’s good; did you guys get your shit figured out? When we had lunch last week, you looked like a kicked puppy, I saw him that same night and he looked like shit. He was a total ass and drank more than he usually does. You have any insight into that?”

  “Reed, I’m not sure what you want me to tell you. I don’t really know exactly.”

  “Reed! Mind your fucking business!” Luke's voice boomed from just inside the doorway to the back room. Both of our gazes swung to him and I could see the anger boiling on his face. Shit, I really hoped he wasn’t that angry with me.

  I tried to think back over the past few minutes, remembering anything I’d said that he might have taken offense to. Not remembering anything, I figured that I was probably okay. How long had he been standing there and how much had he heard.

  Reed shut his mouth and just looked between the two of us. Luke walked straight to me; wrapped one arm around my back, his other hand caught in my hair as he angled my head and kissed me.

  Pulling back, he looked into my eyes and said quietly so only I could hear him “I wanted to stop by and see how you were feeling this morning.”

  Cocking my head to one side in question. “I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?”

  His grin was instant, the anger melting from his face when he moved in to whisper in my ear “I just wanted to make sure you weren’t too sore.”

  “My god Luke!” I laughed, stepped back and shoved his chest.

  I heard Reed’s laughter and peered around Luke to see him. His arms were crossed over his chest and a smirk was on his face. “Well man, I guess you’ll be in a better mood Wednesday night now.”

  Luke turned around to look at him, releasing my hair, but still clutching me around the waist. I could feel the tension return to Luke’s body when he met Reed’s gaze. It seemed like the men were sizing each other up.

  “Reed, I appreciate your concern, but Rory and I are good. Don’t worry about it, yeah?”

  “All right, but listen, I’m here, I’m going to be here, for her and for you. But Aurora and I are friends; that isn’t going to change. I’ll always worry about her; I’m always going to watch out for her.”

  “I’ve got her now Reed, she’s mine, I know you’re close and that’s cool, but it’s my job to take care of her.” Luke’s words made me extremely happy and pissed all at the same time. I knew where Reed was coming from, but Luke could think again if he thought he was going to take care of me.

  “Boys, I’d like to remind you both, that, first of all, I’m standing right here and am fully able to answer for myself; second, I am a grown ass woman and don’t need anyone to take care of me. I am used to taking care of myself. I appreciate both of your concern, really, but don’t make me sound like some helpless maiden. Please, it just makes me want to sic Sadie on both of you.”

  Both men’s gazes swung to look at Sadie, who’d picked her head up off her bed to look at me when I’d said her name. Her tongue lolled out one side of her mouth and her entire body was relaxed. Obviously, Sadie was no real threat.

  Luke looked back at me and muttered, “Sorry baby,” then kissed the tip of my nose. I wasn’t sure if he was being sincere or just giving me a perfunctory kiss to ease my feminist sensibilities. I raised my eyebrow in question of his motives and he laughed.

  “I can see that my services are no longer required. Want me to take Sadie out before I go?” Reed’s strong voice caught our attention.

  “That’d be great, thanks Reed!” I responded.

  “Hey, why doesn’t he get your pissed look?” Luke asked in a bemused tone.

  “Because, I like to give you grief.” I’d made my point and wanted to move on. I didn’t like to wallow, rehashing the same points over and over again if I could help it. Once I heard Sadie and Reed go out back, I asked, “So, why are you really here?”

  “I wanted to check on you, you seemed a little distracted this morning, I was afraid that you’d get away from me and start to put walls up, or start to regret last night - and this morning.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, thankful no customers had come in yet. “I could never regret last night. I am just worried about the consequences if you must know.”

  “Consequences? You mean you’re worried that you might be pregnant?”

  “Jesus Christ, Luke! Don’t you know how to wrap that thing up?” Reed’s now worried voice came from the back. Apparently, I needed a chime on that door too. I wasn’t used to having private conversations in my store where people could walk in undetected.

  “Fuck off Reed!” Luke bellowed back at his friend, though there wasn’t any heat in it.

  “I’m out, talk to you later Aurora.”

  “Thanks for the coffee Reed, hey, I meant to ask, did you see Gillian this morning?”

  Reed’s face heated, he turned away without answering and flipped me off over his shoulder. Luke and I both started laughing and didn’t’ stop until long after the back door slammed.

  “I think I need to put an automatic lock on that door. I usually keep it locked up, but I must have forgotten this morning.”

  “I’m glad it was open, I needed to hear what you said. But you need to talk to me.”

  “I didn’t say anything to Reed, I didn’t want to betray your confidence.”

  “I know, I heard that and I appreciate it. But it was good for me to hear what Reed was asking, too. I could see the worry on your face Rory, you didn’t want to answer him because you didn’t know what to say, right?”

  I nodded in agreement. “I didn’t - I don’t - I mean, it’s so early on, I just didn’t want to say the wrong thing.”

  Luke turned, took my face in both hands and looked directly into my eyes. “Rory, I want-”

  The back door opened again, but this time Amber shouted out. “Hey Aurora, I’m here.”

  Luke muttered “fucking shit” under his breath, leaned in to kiss my lips chastely and said “we’ll talk about this tonight, okay? I should get off around ten, assuming nothing jumps off. Get Rusty for me after work, my mom will feed him before you get there, and I’ll meet you at your house when I get off.”

  “Okay, yeah, I guess. We can just see each other tomorrow or something, you don’t have to -”

  “Rory! Damn it! I want to see you tonight, do you want to see me?”

  “Of course, it’s just-”

  “No, that’s all I want to know, unless you have a reason that you don’t want to see me, or you have something going on, then I’ll be at your house when I get off. I still have your key. If you’re already in bed when I get there, I will just let myself in. Do you mind getting Rusty? I can go by and get him, I just thought I’d save time if he was already at your house.”

  “That’s fine babe, I don’t mind at all, but I need a key.”

  Luke smiled and nodded. He fished the key out of his pocket, handed it to me then gave me the code for his alarm;

  “032187, got it?”

  “Luke, that’s my birthday!”

  I looked up to Luke’s face just in time to watch a slow blush creep up over his cheekbones. He didn’t reply, just said; “okay, baby, I need to head out. I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Be safe, babe.”

  As his body disappeared beyond the doorway to the back, I heard him call back; “always! Love you baby.”

  Stunned into a shocked silence, I stood here wondering if I’d just heard
what I thought I’d heard. Did he just say ‘love you’? Holy shit, that was insane. Of course, I loved him, I’d loved him like family, as a friend for years, but love? Real love? Was that what he meant? Or did he just say it off the cuff, a throw away statement? That thought stayed in my head for the rest of the day.

  Chapter 13

  “Wake up baby.” I heard Luke’s sleep roughened voice in my ear, but rolled and buried my head underneath the pillow. Undeterred, he moved the blankets down from my shoulders. He started to play with the hem of my nightshirt and I knew what would come next.

  “Luke, go away, this is the first day I’ve had to sleep in all week.” My words were muffled by the pillow, which still covered my head. I was pretty sure I could get back to sleep, if he’d just leave me alone for a minute; I was so tired. This past week, Luke had stayed at my house every night, some nights getting here before eleven, a couple nights not getting in until close to two or even three in the morning.

  No matter what time he got in though, he always woke with me in the morning. He really liked to have playtime in the shower with me, and so far that was about the only time we had together. Morning sex had become a regular part of my day. When he got in early enough, and I was still awake at night, we’d have sex then too, but that had only happened a couple of times.

  It was becoming clear that if I wanted to spend more time with him, I should shift my work schedule. I knew that Amber was perfectly happy to open for me in the mornings, and I could take closing. I could probably even take another day off during the week when Luke was off. I hadn’t mentioned any of these possibilities to him yet, it still seemed much too soon. I didn’t want him to think that I was trying to dominate his time. I knew that some guys hated that kind of thing.

  One guy I’d dated, broke up with me because I’d made extra time to spend with him, and he thought I wanted too much. Another guy broke up with me because I didn’t. Men were a strange lot, and I had no idea which way Luke would go. I figured that if we were still together in another month or so, I would talk to him about making more time; but maybe just a day or two a week at first.


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