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Ashes of the Firebird (The Firebird Fairytales Book 2)

Page 13

by Kuivalainen, Amy


  Aleksandra and Katya had talked and argued until the sun went down. They understood each other possibly better now than they had ever done in their entire life.

  Often in the middle of the night when Aleksandra woke up from a particularly horrific vision, she tried to convince herself that she hated Mychal. More often than not, she fretted for his safety. She couldn’t be inside someone’s head that often and not care anything for them. Katya’s thoughts on her feelings toward Mychal were entirely delusional.

  Cerise arrived with her dinner on an ebony serving tray and had inspected her hands. “I don’t know what those lovely boys gave you but I would keep it close. I have never seen humans heal so quickly.”

  “I am. I want to heal because I’m rather tired of not being able to do things for myself.”

  “So it has nothing to do with wanting to seek Mychal out? Katya told me that was first on your agenda.”

  “Can you blame me?”

  “Not at all, I think he would even let you hit him a few times. He doesn’t strike me as the type of man that would hit you back. Besides, I know that Isabelle has already slapped him around the head on your behalf.”

  “Great! No wonder he doesn’t want to come and see me.”

  “I’m inclined to agree with Katya on that one. He is scared of you.”

  “I’m not very frightening, even wrapped up like a mummy at the moment.”

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

  “How is the search for Yanka going? Have you had any new developments?” Aleksandra smoothly changed the subject.

  “Progress is slow; everyone is doing all they can. Isabelle’s friends are helping. I wouldn’t worry so much about it. Enjoy this time of rest, sweetie. I don’t think we will get many more times like this. Possibly that’s why we haven’t all tried to kill each other yet.” She barked out a laugh. “We will find Yanka soon, so don’t worry.”

  “Well, my fingers are crossed for you…in spirit anyway.”

  “Your fingers will be fine to cross in no time-” A cry of anguish echoed through the house silencing them instantly.

  “Trajan…”Cerise whispered before she ran for the door.


  Trajan had been moving slowly within Anya when she had gone limp in his arms.

  “Anya?” he shook her gently. He had been careful to be fully fed for days now so that in this moment he wouldn’t be any risk to her. “Anya!” She didn’t respond as she lay pale and drawn. He moved off her quickly, a scream building in his throat. “Anya! Wake up, my love, wake up!” He backed away from her, naked and afraid. “Help!” he called. She still lay unmoving and unresponsive. “I’ve killed her,” he whispered. The scream that had been building inside of him rushed forth in a howl of terror and fear.


  When Cerise didn’t return, Aleksandra decided to get ready for bed. If they were being attacked, Katya would have come for her by now. A soft knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. If it had been Katya, she would have just burst on through. There was no way she could open it with the bandages around her hands so she climbed into bed, pulled the covers up before calling, “Come in.”

  “I’m sorry if I have disturbed you. I thought it impolite to not come and greet my newest resident. Also to tell you that everything is fine in the house, though Trajan seems to have disappeared. Cerise will find him, I have no doubt.” This had to be Silvian, Aleksandra surmised, the one that Katya thought had might have left the rose for her. He walked towards her with an easy grace. His long, black hair hung over his shoulders and onto the deep red of his shirt. He smiled an easy, charming smile and Aleksandra felt his energy pour into the room. It wasn’t exactly magic, some people just had large energy auras, but even from the distance, she could sense him and smell him, like a lingering of spicy sandalwood, burnt cinnamon and something that screamed man.

  “If anyone has been impolite it has been me. I’m Aleksandra.”

  “I’m Silvian. I’m sure you already knew that. I would have called on you earlier except your sister would put royal body guards to shame.”

  “Now you know why I have been unable to come and introduce myself,” Aleksandra laughed. “Katya is rather militant when she wants to be.”

  “I thought she was going to frisk me the last time I tried approaching the door. I was lucky that I managed to sneak in this time.”

  “I won’t tell if you don’t,” Aleksandra said with a wink, liking Silvian instantly. Very soon, he was sitting on the side of her bed and they were chatting as if they were old friends.

  “I can’t believe how much my life has been turned upside down in the last few months,” Silvian commented. “I am a bachelor majority of the time and all of a sudden Aramis shows up with a bunch of warriors and a veritable harem of beautiful women. I couldn’t believe my luck when they told me I had another in my midst.” Aleksandra felt heat flood her face.

  “You are very kind to have taken us all in. I understand it is a risk to yourself.”

  “Hardly! The Illumination has been after my hide for years. Even they aren’t so stupid as to try to take me on, let alone with a whole house full of hunters and the magically inclined.”

  “What did you do to make them want your hide so badly?” she asked, genuinely curious.

  “Have you seen my hide? It’s rather spectacular,” he said smugly. Aleksandra couldn’t stop the giggle that rose in her.

  “I can’t say that I have but surely they don’t want you because you’re pretty.” Silvian raised an eyebrow so Aleksandra hurried to correct herself. “I mean…ruggedly handsome?” Silvian laughed loud and full.

  “That is better than pretty. No, the Illumination doesn’t like me because they think I have done bad things,” he said seriously.

  “You don’t seem very bad to me.”

  “Maybe I’m so bad that I have become very good at hiding it.”

  “Doubtful, I don’t think I would like you so much if you were evil. Besides, I can generally sense evil in people and you don’t come close.”

  “You like me? I’m touched.”

  “Well, it’s not every day a good looking man takes the time to come and say hello to an invalid like me.”

  “You are not an invalid,” Silvian said as he touched her cheek lightly, her face and neck warming. Wounded or not, at that moment, Aleksandra wanted nothing more than to lean forward into his muscled chest and have those strong brown arms around her.

  “I’m definitely damaged though,” she said licking her lips nervously.

  “Only temporarily, you’ll have the use of your hands back in no time.”

  “They will still be disgustingly scarred though.” When Silvian took her hands in his, her mouth went dry.

  “Darling, you’re so gorgeous that you take my breath away. If you think these will stop men swooning at your feet, you are very, very wrong.” he lifted them to his mouth and kissed them.

  Through the bandages she felt the heat pour from his mouth through her hands, up her arms before crashing through her body, her insides melting, desire licking its way up her body.

  The balcony door closest to her was kicked in violently and something launched full force towards Silvian, throwing him across the room and into a wall. Aleksandra watched Silvian’s attacker move out of his defensive crouch and stretch to his full height.

  Nothing in her visions could prepare her for coming face to face with Mychal. The fog had been cleared and everything was now sharp as a blade. The curl of his black hair, the line of his jaw, how impossibly tall and imposing he was. His silver rosary gleamed against the black of his clothing. She even looked at his long flaring coat in painful detail, absolutely absorbing the sight of him. He glared over to where Silvian had climbed to his feet.

  “You try that on her again, incubus, and I will send you back to whatever fucking dark hole you crawled from,” his voice was cold and commanding, making the hair on the back of Aleksandra’s n
eck stand on end. “I suffer your infernal presence in my city because you have had enough sense not to get on my bad side until now. Do not make the mistake of doing it again.”

  Silvian gave him a sharp nod and a smirk before disappearing out of Aleksandra’s door. Now that they were alone, she started to panic. She had dreamt about how they would meet. This was one scenario that had never occurred to her.

  Mychal turned to give her the full weight of his black gaze before asking harshly, “Did he hurt you?” Aleksandra shook her head, unable to get her mouth to speak.

  “Don’t ever let him touch you again.” He frowned at her for a moment more before striding for the door.

  “Mychal…wait,” she choked. Falling out of bed, she rushed out onto the balcony. Mychal was gone, only footprints in the light dusting of snow to show he was ever there.

  Katya? Are you awake? Aleksandra sent the message out.

  Yeah kind of. You okay?

  No, can you come?

  Give me five. Katya found Aleksandra curled up in a ball on the floor unable to move.

  “Holy shit, what happened? Were you attacked?” Katya sat on the floor and cradled her.

  “No, Silvian was,” sobbed Aleksandra. “Why didn’t you tell me he was an incubus?” Katya swore fluently in five languages before she took a deep breath.

  “He is an incubus? How on God’s good earth did you find that out?”


  Katya quickly took stock of the room. The balcony door was busted off its hinges, the furniture was askew.

  “The room is trashed so I take it he was here?”

  “Silvian came to say hello and as soon as he touched me, Mychal came through the door and threw him across the room. How can one man be so strong?”

  “Did Mychal hurt you?”

  “Not physically,” Aleksandra wiped the tears off her cheeks with the backs of her bandages. “I think he thought I was being attacked.”

  “I’m sorry, but wow. That’s pretty amazing. Silvian being an incubus explains so much, including why he didn’t want any of us to find out what he is. I can’t wait to tell Izrayl, he is going to go off his head.” Katya helped Aleksandra back into bed and propped the door up to stop the cold wind blowing in.

  “Katya? Can you give me some of that sleeping medication tonight? I don’t think…I can’t see him again tonight. Please…”

  “You don’t have to explain yourself to me.” Katya found the pills that Cerise had left and handed her three. “I’m going to come and get you for breakfast in the morning. We need to talk about this.”

  That night, Aleksandra didn’t dream of Mychal. She dreamt of childhood, when the tribes used to get together for Midsummer Eve celebrations. She was eight years old with ribbons in her hair, ribbon bracelets on her wrists and ankles. She was dancing with Katya and the other children. A shy boy, a few years older than her, stood to the side looking at his feet. She took his hand, drew him into the circle and made him twirl with her until they collapsed, dizzy and giggling on the grass.


  Anya woke and the first thing she saw was Yvan. He was sitting in a chair next to her bed reading a book. He hadn’t noticed that she was awake so she watched him sleepily. Sweet, strong Yvan. She wondered why he was there keeping guard over her. She gave a little sigh. He closed his book and smiled at her, though she saw it didn’t reach his eyes.

  He said quietly, “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine. What are you doing in my bedroom? Where is Trajan?”

  “You don’t remember what happened?” Anya tried to. She remembered being in bed with Trajan, enjoying his body next to hers. She blushed at the look that Yvan was giving her.

  “So you do remember,” he said coldly. “He almost killed you, do you realise that? I hope the sex was worth it.”

  “What do you mean he almost killed me? Look at me I’m fine!”

  “Anyanka, he fed off you! Again!”

  “Where is he?”

  “We don’t know. He’s vanished. Cerise is trying to find him, he is gone.”

  “I…I need some water,” Anya said as something in her chest squeezed. She climbed out of bed and stumbled for the bathroom. She turned on the taps and lapped up large handfuls of water. She realised that she was dressed and yet she knew that when she had blacked out she had been very naked.

  “I don’t understand why he would do this,” Yvan said as he came to stand behind her, his arms folded.

  “Why does anyone have sex? Or were you trying to say why would anyone try to have sex with me?” Anya demanded.

  “That’s not what I meant…”

  “Then what did you mean?”

  “Trajan isn’t human, Anyanka! He’s not even close. He wears a human guise like a pretty suit. He doesn’t feel things the way we do. Not cold or fear or desire! He may think he’s in love with you but it will only be as close to the concept of love that he understands. He wouldn’t go out of his way to have sex with you simply because he craves to be close to you. Because nothing will ease the pain of separation like being pressed next to your skin, to be wrapped around you and inside of you because that is closest he could ever be without being your very flesh.”

  Anya gripped the bench behind her so hard that her hands ached. Yvan had never yelled at her before, not like this, his eyes flashing in a kaleidoscope of red.

  “He did it for me,” she whispered, “because he knew that I wanted him. And now he’s gone.”

  “Trajan will come back,” Yvan’s voice lowered once more. “He may have thought he killed you. Cerise will find him.” Anya looked at herself in the mirror. Her skin was too pale, her eyes black where they were fine yesterday, a look of exhaustion or a mental breakdown. It was, she reflected, exactly how she looked when Yvan first hatched.

  “I think I need to eat something.”

  Down at breakfast Anya and Yvan walked into another argument.

  “This is bull shit, Aramis! You should have told us what Silvian was before we turned up here,” Izrayl argued. As Anya had walked in, Katya had decided to casually drop into conversation that their gracious host was an incubus.

  All the women looked guiltily at each other. They knew what effect Silvian had had on them and were all relieved that they now knew why. Anya remembered what it felt like when he touched her, felt the sensation of his skin moving silkily against hers and the heat that built between them, all an illusion of course but so painfully real.

  “He promised not to use his power on any of the women and has so far kept that promise. Aleksandra, did he hurt you last night?” Anya was happy to see Aleksandra up and about even if she was hiding her hands self-consciously on her lap.

  “No, he didn’t. We were just talking. He only touched my hands once to try to comfort me. Mychal just over reacted. I don’t even know how he knew.”

  “There is an awful lot about Mychal that we don’t know,” said Isabelle. “It just sounds like he was being protective.”

  “He is a psychopath,” Silvian walked in wearing loose burnt orange silk pyjama pants and a matching robe. Bare, brown chest peeked out in the most interesting ways. Anya wanted chocolate. “Honestly, all I did was give Aleksandra some of my power to help her heal. My intentions were entirely innocent and honourable.”

  “My hands have been feeling a lot better today, thank you, Silvian,” Aleksandra said, “I’m sorry about Mychal.”

  “Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault.” Silvian sat down in a spare spot between Anya and Aleksandra. Anya felt her pulse jump when the silk of his robe brushed against her hand. “You can stop posturing now, Izrayl. I have no intention of trying my tricks of the trade out on any of the women here and I don’t do men. If you want to go and fight something, go and see Mychal.”

  “Mychal is mine,” Aleksandra said threateningly. Katya opened her mouth to argue as Aleksandra cut her off, “No, Katya. I don’t want to hear it. If I keep healing the way I am then I will be able to deal with him a
nd his attitude in a few days’ time.”

  “I have to say, Aleki, I’m enjoying this new you,” Isabelle laughed, “I would love to be there for that show down.”

  Anya noticed that no one was mentioning Trajan or Cerise’s disappearance or that she looked like death warmed over. It was because they already knew what had happened. That she and Trajan had sex and he almost killed her. Anya was so embarrassed she wanted to melt into the floor. She glanced across the table to where Yvan sat next to Aramis. He had a serious expression on his face. However, when he saw her looking at him, his eyes softened a little. Aramis was giving her a look that said a lengthy conversation would occur the moment he could corner her.

  “So what kind of incubus are you?” Isabelle asked Silvian, pulling Anya out of her own thoughts.

  “I am Sumerian.”


  “Very good, Miss Isabelle, I’m thoroughly impressed,” Silvian looked at her in genuine surprise. “And that does not occur often.”

  “If you are Lilu, then you were telling the truth about not working your incubus powers on any of us and you certainly haven’t had sex since we have been here.”

  “Oh yeah, and how would you know?” Hamish asked. There was a slight note of suspicion in his voice that made Anya grin.

  “Do you want to explain, Silvian?” Isabelle asked, ignoring Hamish completely.

  “No, please, go ahead. I want to see how much you actually know.” He was smiling as he leaned back in his chair. He claimed he hadn’t been using any of his incubus powers, yet every woman in the room followed his movements. It couldn’t be possible that he was like that naturally. If he was, then Anya sure as hell didn’t want to see him in full incubus force.


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