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Ashes of the Firebird (The Firebird Fairytales Book 2)

Page 30

by Kuivalainen, Amy

  “Even though it would have been highly amusing to see the great and stern Mychal lose his cool, you didn’t make an ass of yourself. And despite your misgivings of not knowing the right words, there wasn’t a single one that was wrong.”

  “They weren’t all exactly mine. I stole a few from the Songs of Solomon. They articulated what I couldn’t.”

  “All the same they were the right ones.”

  “Well, that is good news. You should go and try to sleep. Your body is going to be aching worse tomorrow if you don’t rest it.”

  “Aren’t you going to sleep at all?”

  “I don’t sleep at night.”

  “I know you don’t.” Aleksandra had lived his nightmares but she didn’t want him disappearing on her. “Maybe you should come and try anyway.”

  “If you’re afraid that you will be attacked-”

  “I’m not. Although if I was I would have much better chance of being protected if you were close. The closer the better.”

  “How about if I lie next to you until you go to sleep?”

  “How boring for you.”

  “Not really; I used to do it all the time in Budapest…” Mychal cut himself short.

  “How often?” Aleksandra was mortified.

  “Often enough,” he said slowly and tried to look innocent.

  “And I suppose you did that for my protection?” she asked sarcastically.

  “No, I did that because I liked to watch you while you slept. You know you’re quite adorable when you are asleep.”

  “God, I’m so embarrassed.” She walked quickly inside and went to collapse on her bed. Mychal was already there smiling at her.

  “Don’t do that!” she squealed.

  “It’s not my fault you move so slowly,” he shrugged.

  “Oh, you…you,” she grabbed a pillow and beat him over the head with it as hard as she could. He didn’t even budge which infuriated her more. He caught the pillow as she swung again and he flung it across the room.

  “Do you feel better now you have that out of your system?” he asked. “I’m not sorry for watching you, asleep or otherwise. You could have been attacked and you weren’t because I was there.”

  “Did I talk in my sleep?” she asked hands on hips.

  “Sometimes. Nothing really interesting though. You said my name a few times, but it sounded more out of fear for my safety and not ecstasy.”

  “You jerk.”

  “Why act so surprised?”

  “I know I shouldn’t be. Now move over. I’m going to sleep to rest my poor aching body.” She climbed on top of the bed and rolled on her side so her back was facing him. He switched off the lamp.

  “Have you forgiven me yet?” he asked.

  “I suppose.”

  “Is that woman speak for yes?”


  “Good, so it would be okay if I lie here a little while. I won’t even touch you.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  “I might make you uncomfortable if I do that. For example, I would really like to give you a goodnight kiss before embarking on this laughable idea of being able to sleep at night.” Aleksandra rolled over.

  “You know it’s technically morning.”

  “It’s still technically dark.”

  “You’re meant to be trying, so shut up and try.”

  “I’m waiting for my goodnight kiss.” Aleksandra leaned over and kissed his cheek. Mychal wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. She didn’t mind.

  Mychal waited until she was sleeping deeply before he disentangled himself and propped a pillow under her arm. He walked out onto the balcony and checked that everything was still the way it should be. That a demon would attack her so openly worried him. Usually they were a lot more discreet.

  He had an odd feeling when he met the old man Abélard. There was something about him that he couldn’t put his finger on. He had bigger issues to deal with. He had finally done it. He had finally kissed Aleksandra the way he wanted to and she didn’t scorn or slap him. He went inside and pulled a low armchair up next to her bed.

  She was peaceful despite being threatened by a demon and then hit with a blast of magic. Mychal reached across the bed and brushed a dark curl off her face. She took his hand and hung onto it like a child. Mychal wished he could sleep at night, but the dreams were becoming unbearable. They were real, violent, and terrifying. He didn’t know what they meant and wished he had someone to tell him.

  He had told Vadim that he didn’t remember much of the night he was saved. He said he could remember nothing of the stranger that had healed him. He did. He could remember it all.

  He looked at Aleksandra guiltily. How could he be so selfish to get her tangled in his mess? There was so much he could never explain to her. If he could tell anyone about what lurked inside of him, it would be Aleksandra. She was his link to the real world. She would give a degree of normality to his tumultuous existence. He kissed her while she slept. He didn’t want to wake her but he needed to feel those supple lips against his to ground him. He didn’t want to think of nightmares or demons or memories that were his and yet they weren’t. Aleksandra opened an eye lazily, gave him the sweetest smile ever gifted to a man and went back to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine- Solutions to Arguments

  Anya and Yvan were talking and having breakfast in the magnificent garden and pool area when she spotted Aramis heading towards her.

  “Incoming,” she whispered.

  “Take deep breaths,” Yvan reminded her.

  “May I join you?” Aramis asked politely.

  “Sit down; you look like you haven’t slept all night.” Anya had never seen the Álfr anything but perfectly dressed with every strand of his white blond hair in place. He was wearing jeans and grey V-neck shirt, and he had a very ruffled, very human appearance. Anya decided to be the bigger person, so she poured him a coffee.

  “Thank you,” he said as he took it. “I found Søren last night.”


  “And he hasn’t been sent to kill you.” Anya breathed a sigh of relief but Aramis certainly didn’t look the bearer of happy news.

  “If he isn’t going to kill me then why did he go out of his way to terrify me so much?”

  “Søren has a twisted sense of humour and thought it would be amusing.”

  “What the hell does he want then? To play games with me?”

  “He was sent to present us with an invitation to an Álfr council.”

  “An Álfr council? About what?”

  “About you,” growled Yvan. “Am I right?”

  “Yes, though it may not even be the whole council that wish to meet you. They may send one and if they are unsure of you they will bring in the others.”

  “Why? What did I do to them?”

  “You did nothing, it is what he did,” Yvan said and pointed at Aramis.

  “It’s not like I put the elvianth on her on purpose! I tried for years to put one on Yanka. It happened by pure accident with you.” It was the angriest Anya had ever seen Aramis. He was not prone to any kind of impolite outbursts.

  “I hope you aren’t going to be losing your cool like this when we are in front of the council,” she said quietly.

  “No, Anya,” hissed Yvan.

  “It’s my decision. They won’t stop until I see them so I might as well go while they are still being polite. What is an elvianth anyway? Why are they getting so angry about it?”

  “It is like an Álfr branding. It makes you an honorary member of our society. You have our protection and access to our secrets. It’s usually a very lengthy process for the Álfr to even consider letting a brand take place. You have a little piece of Álfr in you now.”

  “Of course I have. It’s not like I’m not messed up enough. Is that why I can feel your magic mixed in with mine?”

  “Yes, it is, and that is why it snapped straight to me last night. That piece wanted to connect to the source. It could have been worse.

  “How?” Yvan asked sarcastically.

  “There have been humans that have received the elvianth and taken on certain characteristics and odd talents. She could have flowers growing wherever she walks, even through pavement. Her body could have rejected it and melted her mind. There a lot worse things, Yvan. That is why it is very rarely attempted. Peoples’ personalities can completely change.”

  “In their mind, I’m like the unwanted step child that’s going to make them look bad.”

  “Yanka was quite…notorious. You’re of her blood so they are very unsure of what they can expect from you. My people value their privacy and they won’t let anyone share their secrets.” Anya rubbed her neck in an effort to relieve the massive tension building there.

  “It will only be a few days. I can leave what plans I have and a list of equipment we will need to break Yanka out. Isabelle will know how to acquire the more obscure things on it. All of us are quite capable of coming up with decent plans of action. Isabelle, Hamish, Katya and Izrayl especially. Fox and Harley are fresh eyes. They can continue organising things while we are away.”

  “You say a few days but what if they don’t approve of me? Are they going to remove it?”

  “They want to ensure that you’ll be discreet with their existence. If they feel you will not be able to do so, then they will try to put you down for the good of the community.”

  “Put her down? She’s not a fucking unwanted pet.” Yvan was furious. Anya, and no doubt Aramis, felt the firebirds magic flare. She leaned over and placed a hand on his chest.

  “Do you really think that I’m incapable of charming a few Álfr?” she asked him warmly.

  “It would all depend on how much you opened your mouth,” he responded. His eyes were gentle when he looked at her and she saw he was teasing. “I don’t like this, Anya.”

  “I have no choice. Do you think I relish the thought of hanging out with a bunch of people like this one?” She nodded towards Aramis in a very obvious way.

  “Thank you so much,” Aramis muttered. He was frowning as he looked at Anya’s hand still on Yvan’s chest. Anya felt her magic start to tingle as Aramis let his power trickle towards her. Anya was sharply reminded of the taste of the previous night’s magic and the strength of his kiss. The firebirds power flickered out in response.

  “Gentleman, this isn’t a contest,” she reminded them sweetly. They both backed off. Aramis looked embarrassed, Yvan looked angry. “Aramis, go and make the preparations we will need. I wish to finish my breakfast with Yvan.”

  “If you see Søren again just ignore him. He is twisted,” Aramis said as he drained his coffee cup and left them.

  “I’m starting to think that it is a family trait,” Yvan said as Aramis got out of hearing distance.

  “He isn’t that bad,” Anya defended.

  “Isn’t he? Who’s to say that he didn’t plan this from the beginning? Or that he won’t keep you amongst the Álfr.”

  “Has anyone ever told you that you’re overly paranoid?”

  “I’m sure you have said it to me before.”

  “I wonder why.”

  “I don’t want to see you hurt anymore,” he said gently. He took her hand. “I see the way you look at Trajan still. The others may not notice the pure pain that is written there, but I do. I know you’re doing your best to ignore it and ignore him but I can’t ignore that pain. I would take it from you if I could. I don’t like the idea of the Álfr playing around with you like some fresh mortal toy.”

  “I will be fine, Yvan. For all of his faults, Aramis wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. He went Rogue because he refused to give me up to the Illumination. If he was worried that the Álfr wouldn’t be true their word, he wouldn’t take me there.”

  “You know now comes the hard bit,” Yvan sighed.

  “Which one?”

  “Telling the rest of them. They are all as protective as I’m. Poor Trajan feels the strongest need. Despite the troubles between you, he is still bound to the vow he made to Ilya. Come on, we really should try to round everyone up to tell them that you’re abandoning us.”

  “It sounds so terrible when you put it that way.” They got up together and as they were walking back into the hotel, Anya realised that they were still holding hands.

  Mychal answered the door looking ruffled and shirtless. He waved them in without saying good morning. Anya saw the massive scars on his back and somehow they didn’t detract from his appearance. If anything, they enhanced it.

  “I will see if Aleksandra’s awake,” he said.

  “We ordered you up some breakfast and more coffee for us.”

  “Oh, thank you.” Mychal’s surprise faded and he disappeared into Aleksandra’s rooms.

  “You’re staring at him,” said Yvan as he sat on the couch.

  “I’m appreciating him.”

  “Sure you are.”

  Aleksandra emerged, wrapped in a dressing gown and a faint blush on her cheeks. Anya smiled big and wide. Aleksandra sat down opposite them and blushed a touch more.

  “Don’t work yourself up. Nothing happened like you’re thinking,” Aleksandra said. He kissed me, she mouthed.

  “He’s gorgeous, Aleki. Well done you.”

  “You women,” muttered Yvan.

  “So what’s happening today?” Aleksandra asked.

  “I have to go with Aramis and see a bunch of Álfr.”

  “Really? What on earth for?”

  “To make sure I’m not going to sell out their secrets.”

  “That’s crazy. You don’t know anything about them!”

  “They want to meet me all the same. That’s what Søren was doing here. I will go down to Harley’s in a little while and let them know what’s going on. I’m not game enough to try to wake up anyone else.”

  “I will see where Katya is…” Aleksandra’s eyes went glassy for a moment and Anya knew she was talking with her sister.

  “They are already at Harley’s with some plans that Isabelle had,” Aleksandra said as she came to. Mychal was pulling on a singlet when he walked out of the bedroom.

  “I’ll get the door,” he said. Anya opened her mouth to say that she hadn’t heard a knock when there suddenly was one.

  “How did he…?”

  “I have no idea,” said Aleksandra. He came back carrying a tray and he placed it on the little table. He sat down next to Aleksandra and poured her a cup of coffee. It was strangely sweet to see them together. Anya jumped as Trajan suddenly appeared.

  “Are you really going away with Aramis?” he asked angrily.

  “How did you even get in here?”

  “The balcony door,” said Mychal calmly.

  “Well, are you?” Trajan demanded.

  “Yes I am. Not like it’s any of your business!” Anya was on her feet shaking with anger.

  “Take it somewhere else,” Yvan said and Anya hurried to the door. When they stepped into Trajan’s rooms, she was red faced and furious.

  “Why are you going with Aramis? Are you having a relationship with him now?”

  “I’m going with him because if I don’t, Søren is going to fucking kill me! And even if I was having a relationship with him it has nothing to do with you.”

  “Yes, it does!” he shouted back.

  “How does it?”

  “Because you’re mine that’s why!” Anya was shaking now and knew he could see it. He had never really shouted at her before.

  “Not anymore,” she said as calmly as she could. “You didn’t want me anymore remember?”

  “It wasn’t that I didn’t want you.”

  “You made it pretty clear you didn’t. By the way, having sex with someone and then disappearing straight afterwards isn’t the polite thing to do! Let alone coming back and dumping them. That’s cold even for someone who doesn’t understand human emotion.”

  “I understand human emotion well enough to know that your grief was short lived.”

t is that supposed to mean?”

  “Come now, Anya, with the bevy of men following you around, you seem to have no issue finding a replacement for me. Aramis kisses you last night, then you go to sleep the night away with Yvan and now you’re going away with Aramis for a few days alone.” Anya slapped him hard across the face.

  “How dare you say that of me! I’m not having sex with any of them. I slept in Yvan’s room last night because I was frightened and alone. You think I’m so heartless? That I don’t feel pain? Feel this!” Anya slammed her hand against his chest and let her magic go. Into him, she poured every ounce of sorrow she held within her. She let him feel her heart ache at his loss; let him experience the past month of anguish and trauma.

  Trajan fell to his knees, tears streaming from him as he rolled into a ball. Anya pulled a mental wall down hard on her power to stop its flow. She looked down at her hands in wonder, her anger vanishing.

  “Oh, God, Trajan I am so sorry…”

  “No Anya,” he lifted his head and she saw the remnants of her pain on his face, “I’m sorry. I never imagined.”

  “How could you? You aren’t human.” He took her hands as she knelt down on the carpet next to him.

  “I still feel though. I thought I was doing the right thing by separating myself from you. I thought it would be easier for you, safer for you. I was wrong,” his fingers brushed her cheek. “Forgive me.” A sob rose up from his body and Anya wrapped her arms around him.

  “There is nothing to forgive. I’m as much to blame for what happened that night as you. I pushed you for sex. I should’ve left things the ways they were.”

  “Anya I love you. I don’t want to be apart from you. I can’t control…”

  “Shhh! It doesn’t matter.” His face was pressed into the side of her neck and she breathed in the smell of him. She had missed being able to touch him, to be close to him.

  “And all that Memory loved the most, was once our only Hope to be, And all that Hope adored and lost, Hath melted into memory,” Trajan whispered, “I have never understood those words by Byron until now. Is our love destined to become a memory of something we lost? I know that I may never be able to give you what you need but I do love you, Anya, whether I’m human or not. I know what love is, and I don’t give a damn who tries to say otherwise.”


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