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Ashes of the Firebird (The Firebird Fairytales Book 2)

Page 38

by Kuivalainen, Amy

  “Sorry, the firebird likes to take my eyes at inconvenient moments.”

  “It would be handy if you need to scare someone,” Anya said as she got up and rested her back against the headboard.

  “I will use it on you when you give me trouble.”

  “Pfft, that wouldn’t work.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Unfortunately. You should really get some rest,” he said as he got to his feet. “Stop broadcasting your fears for everyone to feel.”

  “Yes sire.”

  “Don’t be cheeky. I’m trying to stop you from bringing the Illumination down on us. That will happen soon enough.”

  That night, Anya dreamed of the breakfast with Tuoni that had started it all.

  “How nice to see you again, Anyanka,” Tuoni said with a smile and gave her a coffee.

  “How is this happening again?” she said and took a sip.

  “I’ve got my eye closely on you. You’re flirting with danger, worse than before. Only this time, I may get to collect your soul after all.”

  “I have come to learn there are worse fates than death.”

  “Oh, I know it,” he said with a cold smile.

  “Is this another social visit?”

  “No, I came to warn you. Darkness is starting to surround you like the ocean tide.”

  “Just for something different.”

  “Still sarcastic.”

  “I have to laugh to keep from crying.”

  “Are you still protecting the firebird?”

  “Yes, Yvan is fine. He is with me.”

  “I had no doubt that he would be. He loves you and cares for you very much, do you know this?”

  “Yes, I know, I know. It is the only love in my life that hasn’t been disappointing.”

  “Yet, here you’re getting ready to risk your life for a very distant family member you know nothing about. You have a great ability for love, Anyanka.”

  “How is this going to end?” she whispered.

  “Like all battles; with tears and blood and doubts as to whether the thing fought over was worth fighting for at all,” Tuoni said, his black eyes shined eagerly, “You are always welcome to come join me in my realm and leave them to fight it out.”

  “I am not coward. I will see it through.”

  “Suit yourself.” Tuoni snapped his fingers and was gone.

  Chapter Thirty-Four- Field of Blood

  It was a freezing cold night and Anya wished for the warm moist heat of New Orleans. They drove their black Chevy trucks with Fox giving them directions over the satellite phone. She would keep a close eye on what was going on through the camera system she had hacked into and give directions or warnings when needed. Harley would stay with her to act as protection. The only way Harley could convince Mama Lya and Blue Jay to let her go was to assure them that she would be far from the action unless absolutely necessary.

  Underneath her heavy jacket, Anya had on a set of the white scrubs that Fox had given her. They got to the spot on the service road that Isabelle had chosen as the best location and stopped. Much to Anya’s dismay, it was even colder outside.

  “Okay, everyone, make sure you have your satellite phones ready at all times,” Fox said as she handed them out. “I will try to keep you guys from meeting too many nasty surprises.” They broke up into their groups and checked their weapons. Anya saw Mychal pass Aleksandra a particularly large and beautiful handgun. They shared a look that nearly brought tears to Anya’s eyes.

  “How are you feeling?” Aramis asked. He looked calm but she could feel his nerves in the touch of his magic.

  “About the same as you are,” Anya replied. She had brought Ilya’s knife with her and was wearing the charmed boots Baba Yaga had given her. She figured every little bit helped, even if the Iron Toothed Witch couldn’t be trusted.

  “Everyone is to meet back here within an hour,” Isabelle instructed. “That is with or without Yanka, Anya. If we stay any longer, it will give the Illumination too much time to get reinforcements.”

  “And if they do that we will be screwed,” Hamish said cheerily as he shouldered his Winchesters.

  “Okay everyone, you all know what we have to do,” Katya interrupted. “Let’s go save the super witch.” Anya watched as the little groups melted into the forest. Soon it was only her, Aramis and Cerise standing next to Harley’s truck.

  “You two watch yourself tonight,” Anya said as she quickly hugged Fox and Harley. “I would hate to think what Mama Lya would turn me into if anything happened to you.”

  “Don’t worry, Anya, by the time Mama got to you, Blue Jay would have shot you,” said Fox with a crooked grin. She looked like a demented pixie and Anya hugged her again.

  They left the two girls and the truck, and made their way into the dark forest. Both Cerise and Aramis could see through the darkness so Anya held Cerise’s hand tightly. Aramis took the rear and watched their backs.

  We have taken down the first two guards, Katya touched her mind and Anya relayed the message. They would meet them and retrieve one of the passes that would help get them through the security doors. Within moments, Anya gasped as a huge black wolf trotted up beside her.

  “Thanks Izrayl,” she said as she took the lanyard from his mouth. He licked her hand and tore off through the gloom.

  “So far so good,” Aramis said as she handed the pass to him.

  It was only a three mile hike to the facility and they saw the floodlights grow brighter with every step.

  “It’s amazing that other humans do not know of this place,” said Cerise.

  “There is strong magic shielding it. Can you feel it yet, Anya?” Aramis asked. She stopped and closed her eyes. Almost instantly, she felt the deep thrum running through the earth.

  “I feel it. I hope it won’t warn them.”

  “The elvianth will help to shield you and throw it off even if they do realise in time.”

  “Good to know.” A few metres from them, they spotted a guard smoking a cigarette. Cerise smiled a perfect crimson smile before disappearing. The man didn’t have a chance to make a noise before she moved behind him and broke his neck in one smooth twist. She returned to them with another pass.

  “See the gates over there?” Aramis pointed. “There is a sensor on it, which will allow us to swipe in. We will go through the nurses’ entrance four metres on the other side of it.”

  “Let’s hope the dogs don’t take a shine to us,” Anya said.

  “Animals like Álfr,” Aramis explained. “They are not my worry.” They stuffed their coats into a backpack and hid them in the trees for them to retrieve later. Guns and knives were hidden underneath the baggy fabric of their uniforms and the hooded jumpers they wore over the top. Aramis tied his hair back, and Cerise pinned hers into a tight matronly bun. Anya pulled up her hood and hoped that no one they encountered looked too closely. Cerise went one step further and covered her flaming hair with a scrubs cap.

  “Let’s go,” said Aramis. They casually walked out of the woods and towards the gates. Tags were pulled out and they swiped themselves in.

  “Hey, you lot!” someone called and Anya froze. A guard with a thick black moustache was striding towards them.

  “Something wrong?” Cerise asked in a friendly voice.

  “You should know better than to be out near the forest. What were you doing?” Cerise smiled at him, reached into her pocket and pulled out a packet of cigarettes.

  “Filthy habit, I know,” she admitted guiltily. “You know what management is like about people smoking anywhere near the building.” The guard looked suspicious for a moment but finally relaxed.

  “How about you slip me one of those and I will pretend I didn’t see you?” he said. Cerise smiled and passed him two.

  “You are a diamond,” he said gratefully. “Now get inside quick.”

  “You don’t have to ask us twice,” said Anya and they hurried toward the white door.

  Mychal and I have seen you enter the bui
lding and will be waiting where you left your bag if you need us, Aleksandra said and Anya smiled. It was nice to know you had back up when you were going into the lion’s den. They swiped the tags again and walked inside.

  The interior of the building was brighter than Anya had expected. She rubbed her eyes and followed Aramis into the locker room where they hung their coats.

  Anya and Aramis put on scrubs caps and masks. Cerise fitted hers and picked up a clipboard. Anya was glad that they had brought her along. She understood medical jargon and could bluff their way through any questions they might get.

  “Deep breaths, honey,” she said. “I can smell your nerves.”

  They walked back out into the long white corridor, nodding to some chatty nurses who passed them. Anya hated hospitals and doctors. They always made her feel like she was in the doorways to life and death. This place and its purpose set her teeth on edge.

  “I can’t believe how much equipment they have in here for one person,” Cerise commented as they walked.

  “They have been carrying out experiments on her,” Aramis said through gritted teeth.

  “I wonder if Doctor Mengele has a residency here,” Anya said blackly.

  “No, he works for the Darkness back in Germany,” Cerise said absently. Anya didn’t even have time to register her surprise.

  “It shouldn’t be much further,” Aramis interrupted, as they turned right into an identical corridor. Anya scanned the rooms as they went, keeping an eye out for people looking at them suspiciously. Nobody looked at them. They were all too focussed on their work.

  “There she is,” whispered Aramis. They looked through the glass wall and at the figure lying on the narrow bed. Long golden hair flowed around her and hung over the edges. There were two doctors in the room checking on her.

  “Now or never,” said Anya.

  “Good evening, doctors,” greeted Cerise primly, her clipboard and pen ready for action. “How is the patient this evening?”

  “Her vitals are steady. There wasn’t any damage sustained from the incident a few weeks ago.”

  “Is she still on the higher dosages? I’m sorry I’ve been on holiday for a month and I am still catching up. The Hawaiian sun is now a happy memory being replaced by the huge amount of paper work that I have to complete.”

  “Isn’t that the truth,” laughed the other doctor, his eyes wrinkling at the corners. “I’m into my eighteenth hour today.”

  “Well, the good news is that I’m here with helpers. Why don’t you two head down to the canteen and get some coffee while I tick and flick my chart.” Cerise looked at the file hanging off the front of the bed as if comparing it to her own.

  “That sounds like a good idea. I am absolutely beat.”

  “No need to rush on back. I will be here for at least thirty minutes training these two hopeless cases on how to do charting right.”

  “You poor guys,” said the first doctor. “We will be back soon. I would murder a smoke right now but rules are rules.”

  “Such rules can be broken,” Cerise whispered as they walked past her. She palmed them the box of cigarettes. They beamed with relief and quickly stuffing the packet out of sight, they hurried out.

  “Thank God for your cigarettes tonight,” said Aramis as he shut the door behind them.

  “You would think doctors would know better,” Anya commented.

  “They do, but nicotine is magic on long shifts. You better send a message to Katya and let her know that she needs to radio Fox.”

  “On it,” said Anya. She closed her eyes and steadied her mind.

  You there, Katya?

  Anya, what’s wrong?

  Nothing yet. Let Fox know that we are in Yanka’s room and she can play the recorded camera feed now.

  Okay, be careful. The Twins are going to create some weather to get the guards on edge. If you hear thunder, it’s them saying hi. Fox says you are good to proceed. The link cut off and Anya opened her eyes again.

  “Okay, Cerise, we are invisible,” Anya said. Cerise was over by the bed unplugging machines.

  “This is going to be much easier now that we know we don’t have to use any drugs to wake her up,” she said.

  “They will burn straight out, I hope,” Anya said as she helped Aramis undo the extra set of scrubs that were tied to his body. They couldn’t walk Yanka out in a backless gown without getting noticed.

  “They have her pumped with an awful lot of drugs. Hopefully it won’t take too long,” Aramis said as he pulled the needles out that seemed to be stuck in her everywhere. Cerise and Anya dressed the sleeping body and sat her up. Yanka hadn’t made any sound or response.

  “Quick, Cerise, do something,” said Anya urgently.

  “Like what exactly? I can’t just wake her up. Touch her with your magic. Give her a shock.” Anya took Yanka’s cool hand and gently rubbed some warmth into it. Her magic flared to life as it did the first time it had touched Yanka in the dream. It ran out of Anya and into Yanka, awakening her dormant power like a jump starter. Anya felt Yanka’s hand tighten around hers and she sucked in a huge breath.

  “Yanka,” Anya whispered and touched her cheek, “are you in there? Come on, Baba, we don’t have all day.”

  “Call me Baba again and I will kill you,” Yanka croaked as she opened deep green eyes, so much like Anya’s. “Aramis?” The Álfr gave her a small bow.

  “To the rescue.”

  “How chivalrous,” said Cerise sarcastically. “Come on, we need to move.”

  “Yanka, can you use your magic to help your legs take your weight?” Anya asked, “You will have lost a lot of your muscles. God knows how long they have had you like this.”

  “I will try, Granddaughter. You may need to support me a little.”

  “Once we are out of the building, Cerise will carry you.”

  Anya move! Hamish and Isabelle have been spotted and an alarm is about to be raised!

  “Voi vittu, we have to go!” Anya said as she slung one of Yanka’s arms around her shoulders as a piercing alarm sounded out.


  “Shit fucking damn,” Fox swore as she spotted vehicles turning up and guards rushing around. She grabbed her headset, “You got ten incoming to your right, Katya. Once you have them under control head east to Isabelle.”

  “Gotcha.” Thunder cracked overhead so loudly that the truck vibrated.

  “It’s starting to rain,” said Harley from outside. “Those two are really overdoing it. Get down, Fox!” Fox ducked as a gun fired and the driver’s window shattered.


  Isabelle swerved behind a tree as a bullet cut the air right where her head had been. Hamish was a few metres behind a rock from her and reloading.

  “It didn’t take the bastards long,” he yelled across to her.

  “It would have taken them a lot longer if you hadn’t walked right into their trip wires,” she shouted back. She slid fresh clips into her handguns and fired off some rounds. There were at least twenty men with rifles not far from them and she strongly suspected more were on the way.

  “That’s it, I’m morphing!” he said and tossed his guns at her. “Don’t leave them behind.” Isabelle caught them and slid them down the back of her jacket. Hopefully they stayed there. She turned to say goodbye to Hamish but there was only a large golden dingo bolting off through the tress.


  Yvan stood guarding the Twins as they wove their magic. Thunder boomed overhead and lightning bolts lit up the sky. He heard gunshots all over the place and he was starting to get edgy.

  Something is coming, Yvan, the firebird said. It is a magical presence. Very strong.

  “New magic is coming. We need to move to help Anya,” Yvan said urgently. The Twins broke out of their trance.

  “We feel it too.”


  Anya shifted her weight as she awkwardly supported Yanka. Aramis had taken the other side of her and they half ran down the long corridors.

“What’s going on?” Cerise asked a frantic nurse who pushed into them.

  “There is a breach in security, who is that?” she asked and pointed at Yanka.

  “One of my new interns. She fainted when I put a fresh drip in.” The nurse didn’t argue as she hurried away.

  “There is meant to be a fire escape door through that room,” said Aramis. Cerise disappeared into it. There was a stifled scream and then silence.

  “Come on,” Cerise shouted. Anya spotted a dead doctor on the ground. They moved between the workbenches, and handed Yanka to Cerise. Anya reached into the back of her pants and pulled out her handgun.

  Anya took Yanka again, while Cerise took the lead. She opened the fire door and waved them the all clear. Anya stepped out into the floodlights and a group of thirty uniformed men suddenly turned from what their attention was on in the forest to them.

  “Oh fuck,” she whispered.


  “Anya and group have been spotted,” Fox called through her headset to anyone that would listen. “They are at the west fire escape door. Everyone move!”

  “I should go,” Harley popped her head through the broken window. “You stay here and keep your gun ready and the truck going.”

  “Don’t get yourself fucking killed,” commanded Fox. “Use any mad voodoo shit you got.”

  “Love you too,” said Harley before she took off through the trees. Fox bent back over her laptop. There was a large van moving towards the facility. She watched as it crashed through the gates without stopping.

  “Shit, Katya, you guys have more company. There is a van coming, so be on the lookout.” No response. Fox tried Yvan, but nothing. Then Isabelle, also nothing.

  “Damn it!” she shouted. She took out her phone, got her weapons and got out of the car.


  “Advise, Aramis,” Anya whispered tersely.

  “Use your magic, Anya. Blow them out of the way,” Yanka hissed.

  “I can’t, I don’t know how.” Yanka steadied herself and straightened her back.


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