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EVO Shift: EVO Nation Series: Book Two

Page 17

by Chapman, K. J

  “I guess so. I’ve missed your face,” I say, sliding my hands over his neck. It’s an odd sensation, he doesn’t feel real. My mind thinks he’s a solid form, but my hands tingle with a current. “Are you sure you’re not just part of my imagination?”

  “Are you sure you’re not mine?” he says, brushing his lips gently over mine. “I thought you said you had a slice to your face?”

  I touch my injured eyes, but its dressing free and unblemished. “Maybe this is your dream,” I say, leaning away from him. “I no longer look like this.”

  “Teds, don’t pull away from—”

  The image of my blood washed face lashes in my mind. I can feel the intense pain again. Adam recoils slightly as blood sprays across his face. I jump to my feet, touching the open skin. My hands come away bright red.

  “I’m scarred,” I cry. It’s the first time that I’m letting myself feel sorry for myself about this. “I’m scarred.”

  The burn on my wrist sears until I’m screaming in agony. I pull up my sleeve and the red, blistered EVO lettering glows against my pale skin. Adam reaches for me, but I fall to my knees with blood gushing over my sweater, and a knife handle sticking out of my chest. Maggie kneels just feet away, cradling her bloody stomach and laughing at me. She raises her gun at Adam. One magically materialises in my hand and I shoot her dead.

  “None of this is real, Teds.” Adam drops to his knees, lifting me onto his lap.

  “It’s all real,” I scream. “It’s all real.”

  I start awake to screams and a swerving sensation in my stomach. Rio wrestles the wheel as we careen off the road and into undergrowth. Cooper’s full weight pins me to the chair, but I push him away, raise my hand, and force out a blast of energy. The windscreen shatters outward in a splintering crash. The van stops dead, its tail end rising, and then slamming to the ground with a brain rattling thud.

  “Is everyone alright?” Rio asks, his voice shaking.

  I feel every inch of my body to double check. “What the hell happened?”

  “You just saved our asses that’s what,” says Brick. “Was that lightning?”

  Rio just nods, staring out at the smoking bonnet. "Isn't that lucky or something?"

  Pug pulls a gun from his waistband. “Lucky? Where the hell did it come from?"

  “The sky dumb ass," Brick says, laughing.

  “Hardy har. Don’t you think it’s a little coincidental that there’s not a cloud in the sky and a bunch of renegade EVO get struck by lightning? Everyone out, masks on, and be ready.”

  “Do your thing, Cub,” says Brick.

  I suddenly feel incredibly vulnerable. “I can’t- it doesn’t work like—”

  Leoni takes my wrists gently. “Remember to breathe, close your eyes, and just sort through what you can hear.”

  I reach out my telepathy and the voices, thoughts, and images instantly flood my mind. How can there be so many thoughts in such a small group of people?

  “Find something that can help you differentiate from each person or mind.”

  It’s not so much the thoughts, but the feelings that accompany them. They overpower me, especially when everyone is hyped up and on alert. “I think I’m going to throw up,” I say.

  Leoni squeezes my wrists tighter. “Okay, then stretch out a little further if you can. What do you hear?”

  There is silence, and then Kid’s singing to ACDC fills my head. It’s the only mind I can hear, and although he is out of tune- even in his head- it’s a welcome relief. I reach out a little further, but still only Kid rings in my mind. “I can only hear Kid for as far as my telepathy can reach.” I’m physically shaking and sweating from the effort.

  Leoni pulls me into her chest. “Good girl. That was more minds than you’ve dealt with before. You did so well,” she says into my hair. I’m stunned for a moment. Is this what having a motherly influence feels like? As soon as I think it I feel guilty. She’s not my mother, she is Adam’s mother and he hasn’t even seen her yet.

  Pug chews at a hang nail, unsure of my ability or the reliability of what I said. “Just keep your heads out of your asses and be vigilant.”

  I pull my mask over my face and step out into the chilling air. Pug’s right- the sky is clear. Lightning is not a possibility.

  Brick shoves a gun into my hand. “There aren’t any drones, so stick with your telekinesis, but if needs be just aim and shoot.”

  “Crow, the van is a bust. We got struck by lightning,” Rio says into the radio.

  “What bloody lightning?” Crow snaps back.

  Kid pulls over at the top of the embankment. “Anyone hurt?” he calls. “The pylon exploded and caught you guys a beauty. How’s the van?”

  “Fried,” Pug calls back, his voice distorted through the synth. “Are you sure it was just the pylon?”

  “Yeah, you passed it and boom.” Kid pulls his own mask over his face before leaving the cabin.

  “What’s happening,” bellows Crow’s voice over the radio.

  “A pylon exploded. Cub reckons the area is clear. We’ll load up Kid’s truck and follow on.”

  “Hurry it up. Wipe the van down, and we’ll wait for you to catch up.”

  I help carry the boxes of food up to the already over flowing truck. Kesh and Brick start unloading and reloading the tents and equipment in a bid to make room for the rest of us to squeeze in.

  Leoni grabs my elbow. “We’re you dreaming? Did you link with Adam again?”


  She shifts awkwardly. “It’s nothing.”

  “What’s nothing?” asks Cooper. It is weird seeing them both with masks on. “Speak up.”

  Leoni shushes him, pulling us both around the far side of the truck. She scans over her shoulder before speaking. “Something similar to this happened when Adam was a boy. He was asleep in the car and started having a nightmare. Before I could wake him, the traffic lights exploded, and the car’s electrics frazzled.” We both stare at her in confusion. She turns to Cooper. “You said she was having a bad dream. She did this. I don’t know how, but like Pug said- it’s too coincidental.”

  “The link is one thing, but accessing Adam’s electrokinesis is another.”

  “Why is it so hard to believe? You’re already linked into his mind; why can’t you link into his ability?”

  I open my palm and will a spark to appear. “See? I can link on command. I should be able to produce electricity on command.”

  Cooper huffs his annoyance. “Leave her be. Just because Lovick pulled some freaky shit as a kid, it doesn’t mean Teddie had anything to do with what just happened. Get in the truck, Teds.”

  “I’m just saying to be aware, Teddie.”

  I trust Leoni and if she is worried, I should be too. I try to rationalise her concerns as coincidental, but if there is one thing I have learnt throughout this living hell it’s that coincidence rarely happens where I am concerned. I nod to Leonie and climb in the truck after Cooper.


  The landscape starts to look familiar, so I know we’re close. Crow and Coco wait for us outside of the mini bus. We pull up alongside them, and I can see the restless occupants of the bus. They must be desperate to stretch their legs or relieve themselves.

  Crow gathers us for a quick meet. “The plan is to leave the bus and our guests hidden in that field. We’ll approach on foot. Once we make it to the headquarters they’ll be Grayson’s responsibility.”

  We start to arm up, and I feel like a fraud with a gun. I have shot people, but the fact the bullets hit them is nothing short of a miracle.

  Brick sees me eyeing the gun. “I’ll teach you how to shoot if you want, Little Cub? For now, though, just aim and pray.”

  Crow barks orders at the bus occupants, and then locks them in. We set off down the lane at a jog. Brick and I bring up the rear.

  The warehouse roof is visible now, and my hands shake on the gun. Please let Adam and Yana be there. I’m so nervous I feel sick.<
br />
  There’s a light in the very far window. My heart kicks at my chest with extreme ferocity. I hold my gun poised, creeping behind Brick and Cooper. Crow motions to the sky, and of course, there is a damn drone. Give us a break.

  “Slowly, guys,” whispers Crow in our comms.

  A door opens and a shadow stretches out of the warehouse. Crow holds up his hand, and we stop against the hedgerow. The figure looks up to the sky and watches the drone, and then leans back in the door as if speaking to someone.

  “There’s more than one person,” says Pug. He steps closer, his foot snapping a stray twig.

  Every head turns to him and back to the figure. We’ve been seen. The figure steps out of the doorway, striding toward us with their hands up in the air in surrender. My eyes can’t adjust to the light shrouding them. I’m unable to make out their height, build, or gait. Then, they rub a hand over their scalp to the back of their neck. I know that gesture.

  “Are you guys Shift?” he shouts. “I’m unarmed and there’s a drone, so there’s no chance of me using my ability.”


  I break into a run, barging Crow aside as I race to him. He stops briefly, unsure of what’s happening. I rip the mask from my head, allowing my hair to fall in a mess around my cheeks. I launch the gun away and the clatter echoes throughout the empty warehouse.

  He sprints forward, eyes only on me. I launch myself into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. He catches me effortlessly, his hands so firm against my thighs and back that my skin smarts from his grip. I don’t care. I kiss him- hard, passionate, and brilliant.

  “Let me see you,” he says, wiping my hair back from my face. He sighs as he strokes a thumb over my dressing, and then kisses me again. His face is black and blue, and Steri-strip dressings dot his cheeks, eye brow, and jaw.

  A little figure limps out of the door. “Teddie,” Yana cries. She grabs the both of us, nearly pulling us to the ground.

  I hold her tightly to my chest. “Oh God. What did they do to you both?” I ask.

  Yana waves it away. “Couldn’t break us, could they Adam?”

  He kisses the top of her little forehead. “She has been amazing, Teds.”

  I hug Yana, tears falling into her hair. “I’ve always thought she was.”

  The three of us are in our own little bubble. I don’t want to release them. I want to keep them right here with me forever.

  “What happened to you?” Yana sobs. “Adam said about the fight house.”

  Now is not the time for discussing that festering hell hole. “These guys rescued us. This is Shift” I say. “Guys this is Adam and Yana.”

  “Yana?” asks Crow. He pulls off his mask, the shock at seeing her written all over his face.

  “Ian,” she squeals, throwing her arms around Crow.

  Ian? Yana’s mentioned an Ian before; my brain fires, trying to recall the memory. At Facility One she mentioned a Pyrokin who escaped Roscoe before he could get his claws into him, her friend who she thought had taken Roscoe up on his offer of EVO training. The man she blindly followed, only to find out she was wrong.

  “I had no idea,” he gasps, holding her to him in pure relief.

  The other’s stand around in bemusement- guns stills poised- masks still on. Leoni steps out from behind Cooper, taking off her own mask. I step aside, so Adam can see her. He instinctively takes a step toward her.

  “You’re so handsome,” she says, choking on her tears.

  Adam’s chest heaves and his hands shake, but he rushes her, scooping her up in a bear hug.

  “I thought you’d hate me,” she sobs.

  “You’re my Mum,” he replies. The tell-tale crack of tears in his voice cuts through me. I’m glad he’s let her in. What am I thinking? Of course he would. Adam’s an open book and that’s one of the many reasons why I love him.

  Leoni holds his cheeks in her hands, taking in every inch of his manly face. “I’m so sorry, Sweetheart…for everything.”

  He doesn’t reply. I can feel his energy coursing through me- euphoria, hurt, relief. He’s got a lot to work through. I place a hand on his back, so he knows I’m here for him.

  Footsteps grind on the gravel from behind us. All guns spin in the direction of the noise. Jude approaches. He’s unshaven and his hair is lank and hanging about his face. He pats Cooper on the back, but continues over to me. The closer he gets the clearer the dark circles around his eyes and the stress lines etched into his forehead.

  “I’m sorry, Princess” he says, his voice breaking. I hold him in the tightest embrace I’ve ever experienced from Jude. Silent sobs rack his body and he buries his face into my hair. “I lied to you,” he whispers. “I knew the centre had been evacuated. That’s why I thought it was safe for you to check it out. Then, we lost contact...You’re all I’ve got, my little Telekin. You have no idea how much that scares the shit out of me.”

  The others start removing their masks, introducing themselves with their nicknames only.

  “Where is everyone?” Kesh asks.

  Realising our emotional reunion is being watched, Jude straightens himself out. “Grayson moved base as soon as you guys went AWOL. I’ve been camped out here since. I guessed that if you came back you’d come here.”

  “So, where is this Grayson now? We need to talk?” asks Crow.

  Jude shrugs. “I’m not part of Syndicate any longer. I broke the man’s nose.”

  “Well, we need to contact him. There’s a mini bus full of EVO up the lane all looking for sanctuary,” I say. “Wait... why did you break his nose?”

  “Because he persuaded me to lie to you, and promised you’d be fine. Then, the son of a bitch wouldn’t give me the fight house locations.”

  “I want to talk with Grayson right now,” Crow snaps.

  Jude looks him up and down. “Ian, right? You look just like your father. How is the miserable, old git?”


  “Who isn’t these days, right?” says Jude. Crow just glowers. “Okay, so you’ve got no sense of humour like your father too. I’ll get the word to Grayson.”


  I sit on the table in the side room, swinging my legs and half listening through the closed door to Crow explaining how Shift can help Syndicate. Grayson talks loudly- animatedly. Shift are offering to do the dirty work if Syndicate, aka Grayson, offers up his intel.

  Ingrid pings some latex gloves on her hands. “I’m not sure it’s a good idea. Shift are murderers. Grayson told me that they killed over twenty Non-EVO just to rescue you. You’ve heard about the E.N.C attacks, I presume? How do we know Shift are any different?” She lies me down, injecting anaesthetic into the skin around the wound. “I’ll make it as tidy as possible and over time the redness will fade, but you’ll always have a scar.”

  I don’t reply. I’m still trying to listen to the muffled conversations outside.

  “Cooper did well to cauterise his fingers, and it’s his left hand, so it shouldn’t affect him much.”

  I nod and go back to eavesdropping on the discussion outside. She’s forcing conversation on me, and I have to bite my lip to stop myself telling her to shut up and let me listen. I don’t feel pain as she stitches, just a tugging sensation. I stare at the yellow stained ceiling tiles. The shabby office chairs and the table stacked with about twenty ashtrays says that this was probably a smoking room moons ago. Now, it’s a make shift surgery.

  “I have a sterile, clean surgery on base, but that Crow guy insisted that Shift be kept separate from Syndicate. You’re not allowed to step foot on base. It’s probably for the best. Those masks are enough to terrify the life out of anyone. No, I don’t like this at all.”

  “Please be quiet,” I snap. “Ingrid, I like you, but you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Those Non-EVO they killed to rescue me and all the other prisoners in that slaughter house were Taggers. Do you know what those people were doing to the EVO in the fight houses?” Ingrid hesitates for a moment, ca
tching words before she says them. “Can we just fix my eye and agree to disagree.”

  She leans back against a table, the bird design on her cardigan reflecting the light. “I’m scared. I hate trying to guess people’s motives. I hate having to look over my shoulder. I hate the things I have seen; the things that one human being can do to another. I don’t sleep more than a few hours at a time because I can’t un-see them.” I take her gloved hand as tears spill over her cheeks. “I hate feeling weak.”

  “You’re not weak, you are kind. That is your gift, Ingrid.”

  I hear a creak from the wall behind us. The old warehouse is draughty and infested. I hate to think what is living in the walls. There’s the creak again. Ingrid looks up this time. We both eye what I first thought was a cupboard door. The door knob twists slowly and Ingrid steps away. I spring to my feet, shove Ingrid down behind the table, and push myself up against the wall behind the door.

  I could shout out, draw the attention of everyone just feet away in the other room, but then I’d lose the element of surprise with whoever is stood the other side of that door. I need to know who it is.

  I push my finger to my lips, and Ingrid nods from her hiding spot. The door slowly opens, and a foot steps out; a foot in an ugly, beige court shoe. I launch myself from the wall, grab the mystery person from behind, and place my blade against their neck.

  Lizzie gasps, staggering into me until I have her in a choke hold, the knife still pressed into her jugular. “Why are you creeping about, Roscoe?”

  A hand closes over my mouth and breath warms my ear. “Shush, Teds. It’s me.” Wheeler’s shaggy, black hair falls across my cheek. “Keep quiet, okay?”

  I release Lizzie and spin into Wheeler’s arms, hugging him tightly. He picks me off my feet, squeezing the air out of me.


  He puts his hand back across my mouth and shakes his head. Ingrid pops up from behind the table and Lizzie gestures for her to come with us. Wheeler pushes me through the door, closing it behind us without making a sound.

  We half walk half run through room after room until we’re in the main, open plan floor of the warehouse. The door at the very back is ajar, torchlight flitting in through the crack.


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