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EVO Shift: EVO Nation Series: Book Two

Page 27

by Chapman, K. J

  They move to the cliff edge, eyeing the horizon- waiting. I watch these people with curiosity. Who the hell are you?

  A hand strokes my shoulder and I roll toward the affectionate gesture.

  “Hello, Theyda. Where do you think you’re going?”

  Fear rushes over me like ice water. He has followed us.

  The barrel of a gun presses against my skull. Bo spins on her heels, unholstering her own weapon.

  “I know she is important to you, so unless you want me to put a bullet in her brain, you will get in your vans and leave- right now.”

  The group freeze, making the smallest of movements, so as not to provoke Towley.

  “It’s game over, Towley. What could you possibly achieve from this?” Bo asks.

  Towley holds a square box, brandishing it like the Holy Grail. “I don’t like loose ends. There is an explosive device in her skull. If I detonate she will destroy an area the size of four football pitches.

  Bo scoffs. “Bullshit.”

  She looks to the Technokin and he gives her a serious nod. My world crashes around me. I’m a walking, talking weapon of destruction at Towley’s disposal.

  Towley grips my throat, his breath hot on my ear. “Tell them to go, Theyda. You don’t want their deaths on your hands.”

  “Do as he says. Go.”

  Bo shakes her head. Her eyes searching my face for me to let her know it is okay. Guilt oozes from her because she knows as well as I do that we wouldn’t be in this mess if she had just let Brick take me back to Adam and the others. But if there is a bomb in my head I would rather be around Towley than my loved ones.

  Towley waves the detonator menacingly. “You heard her.”

  “Just go,” I say again.

  They get in the vans and drive away, Bo and Vin watching me from the window. As soon as I see them disappear over the hill top, I bring my elbow back into Towley’s face. He staggers away, and I run. I’m not sure what I hope to achieve? I just want as far away from him as possible. I can barely stand, limping along, and grunting for breath.

  “I just have to take my finger off of this button,” he calls, spitting blood on the ground.

  “But you won’t. You’re too much of a coward.” I have to take a few gulping breaths to continue. “Why don’t you get Dr Hollister here? Ask him to bring your balls with him.”

  “You’re verging on dead, you’ve just found out that you have a bomb in your brain, and yet you’re still talking about my balls.”

  My knees buckle and I fall down a grass verge. “It’s one of the many reasons why you love me.” I spit the words, and he just laughs, nodding in agreement.

  I can’t move; my body wants to give up, and I rake in half breaths that leave my throat aching.

  Towley climbs down the verge to me, flopping down to sit beside me. “Do you know what it is like to hate something so much, and then to fall in love with the very thing that embodies your hate?”

  Love? The man has no idea what the word even means.

  “Most people would take that as a sign,” I say.

  “A sign?”

  “That perhaps you had it wrong all along.”

  He sighs loudly, tilting his head to me as if we’re old friends sat down for a chat. I watch the strain on his thumb from holding in the button. He doesn’t plan on releasing it.

  “I would have killed you just so no one else could have you.”

  “You would have?”

  “As if I can take my thumb off of this trigger. I can’t be the man who killed the most important discovery in human history.”

  Something resembling relief washes over me. He takes my hand and I expect an emotional rant, the ones he is practised at, but he opens my fingers, places the detonator into my hand. Sliding his thumb away, he shakes out his wrist, and then pushes himself to his feet.

  I know how I look- confused, scared, and weak. It is only a small box, but it feels weighted with a tonne of bricks. I cry; heavy sobs amongst rasping breaths and coughs.

  “I can’t have that responsibility pressing on me.”

  “There must be a code?”

  He nods. “You will die, Theyda, but it’ll be you who does it. I reckon that you know it must happen, whether it is in a month, a year, or right this very moment. Theyda Woodman is a catalyst for war and wars must end.”

  “Goodbye, my beautiful creature.” He kisses my forehead, and then climbs up the verge. “You really are extraordinary,” he says, before jogging away.

  I feel the most alone I have ever felt in all my life. I attempt to climb the bank, slipping and screaming out in pain as I do so. I drop to my knees at the top and try to calm my shaking hands. I spread my legs out in front of me like a teddy bear and stare at the detonator, praying I won’t feel anything at the end.

  There’s a whine from behind me, and Darcy licks at my face. I ruffle his fur, allowing him to rest his head on my legs. Where has he come from? The others must be close by. They say dogs are intuitive and he definitely knows my fate.

  “I’m scared, boy,” I say. He looks at me with those gorgeous, unique eyes of his, nuzzling against my free hand. “Okay, you need to go now. Go on.” I stagger to my feet. Darcy entwines himself around my legs. “Darcy go!” I croak.

  His ears prick up, and he looks to the top fields. A truck speeds through the field toward me. As it approaches the cliffs, Adam leaps from the moving truck, racing full speed.

  I crumple into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

  “I’ve got you, Baby. It’s okay, you’re safe now.” He tries to lift me, but I make a feeble attempt to stop him. “Where are you hurting? Tell me, Teds.” He shouts to Ingrid and she races from the van with Jude, Leoni, and Kesh.

  I find some strength to pull out of Adam’s arms, and stumble closer to the cliff edge. “Stay away from me,” I cry, showing them the detonator. “There’s a bomb in my head. Stay away from me.”

  Adam shakes his head in disbelief. “Teddie, what—” He takes a step toward me, but I scream at him to stop.

  “Stay away. If I take my finger off of this trigger we’re all dead.”

  Jude grabs Kesh’s arm. “Do something. Sort this!”

  Kesh closes his eyes. “There is nothing to be done. It’s wired to Teddie’s nervous system. If we tamper with it she will die, and if she dies it will explode anyway. There’s a coded timer; if it’s not disabled in six minutes it’ll blow.”

  Adam lets out a guttural cry and squats down, wrapping his arms over his head.

  “You’re wrong,” Jude shouts. He grabs Kesh by the scruff. “There must be something.”

  “He was never going to let me walk away from this, but it’s okay.” I turn to Leoni. “Shift needs to continue. Tell Crow not to give up- with or without Syndicate.”

  “Shift have gone, Teddie. They left as soon as Brick returned- I’m sorry. They weren’t who we thought they were.”

  Kick me when I’m down. I feel stupid- stupid for trusting them, believing them, growing close to them in the short time that I knew them. How could they just run off with their tails between their legs. “What about Syndicate?”

  “Grayson is moving base. His priority is the safety of those in his care,” says Ingrid. She strokes a palm over my cheek. “We’re not sure what is going to happen now.”

  “Bo did Syndicate a favour. Tell Grayson he needs to step up. With Shift gone, it’s just him. Strength and mercy.”

  “None of that matters,” sobs Adam. He draws me into him in the most beautiful, agonising embrace I have ever felt. I want this forever. “This can’t be the last time,” he sobs into my ear.

  I kiss him gently and place his palm against my chest. “You get this forever.”

  “I don’t want memories, I want you.” His knees crumple beneath him and he grips at my waist sobbing.

  “You have to go, Baby. I need to know that you’re safe.”

  “I’m staying. If this is how it has to be, then I’m with you.”

nbsp; Leoni places a hand on his shoulder. “No, Adam. You have to come away now. Come on, Sweetheart.”

  He forces her away. “I’m not leaving her. Whatever happens we stick together, remember?” he says to me.

  “Not like this. I love you- I love you- I love you.” I kiss him, tasting the salt of his tears. “Please take him,” I ask, looking to Kesh and Jude.

  They advance on Adam, tearing him from me. He screams like a wild animal, fighting them and dragging his feet. They can barely restrain him.

  “Leave me be with her. I love you, Theyda Leason. Don’t do this.”

  “And because I love you is why I have to,” I cry. Coughing as thw ords leave me mouth.

  Ingrid approaches behind him and sticks his neck with something. He knows what it means and struggles with more vehemence than ever, until his legs fall away beneath him, and his eyes begin to glaze.

  I spread my palm out toward him. “It’s something more,” I say, and his eyes close.

  Leoni kisses my forehead. “Thank you, Teddie. And thank you for loving my boy.”

  “Just look after him for me, yeah?”

  Jude grabs me, crying into my hair. “You do not deserve this. If I could take it away from you, I would. You know that, right?”

  “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I love you.”

  He catches a sob before he’s overcome. “You’ve done more for me than anyone in my whole life. I love you too, Princess.”

  “Keep an eye on Cooper for me. He’s already lost one sister. Tell him I said it wasn’t his fault then, and that it’s not his fault now. That asshole is my big brother forever. And Yana- tell her I’ll always have her back.”

  Kesh kisses my forehead and says goodbye. It’s surreal, like I’m off on holiday or something, not about to die. He hands me a watch set with a timer. “That’s all you’ve got, Teds.”

  “How long do you need to get away?”

  He shrugs “I don’t know. The water may contain the blast a little more. I’m so sorry I can’t help you, Teds,” he cries.

  “Hey, this isn’t anyone’s fault except Towley’s. Now, you listen to me. You need to look after Seth. He is a gentle guy, and you both deserve a little happiness.” Kesh looks shocked, as do the others, but I wink at him.

  I force Jude away. “Get in that van and get some distance from me.” He hugs me one last time, kisses my forehead, and then helps Kesh carry Adam to the van. I can’t stand their tears, it’s breaking me. No, I’m okay with this. I’m bursting with love and that’s enough.

  “Tell everyone that I love them with all my heart. Go on. Get away with ya,” I say, smiling. It’s genuine.

  Jude starts the truck and I watch their faces retreat into a blur of tears. Let’s end this how it started- just me.


  I walk along the cliff, eyeing the rushing swell. There is something poetic about the ocean. I’ll be joining Dad. The watch ticks down to the final thirty seconds. This is happening, Teddie. This is it. I open my arms, close my eyes, and rise onto the balls of my feet. The wind is strong, unsteadying, and it feels as if Mother Nature is tugging me on.

  Ten seconds- I picture Adam’s face- the time he took care of me in the shower room of Facility One- the first moment I knew I loved him. Then I launch myself.

  I have jumped.


  The impact is painful. I’m not sure if I’m dead, alive, conscious, unconscious. I know that I can’t breathe from the pressure on my chest. I can’t tell if I am underwater or plastered on the rocks. My eyes are clenched shut and I open them slowly. Water surrounds me in a swirling, rushing ball. I hover in the centre, weightless, but very much alive. The detonator hovers beside me. I no longer hold it. Why haven’t I been blown to smithereens? Reaching out my hand, it easily submerges into the side of the orb; the icy water, wetting my hand and sleeve.

  A sudden, gravity defying force soars both the orb and me into the air. The contents of my stomach barely stay in situ. I fight to stay conscious. The orb drops suddenly as does my stomach, and I’m on a small patch of shingle with the swell ebbing over my lifeless body.

  Feet approach; expensive jeans, tan shoes, but vibrant socks. I look up to see an unfamiliar man staring back at me. I haven’t seen him before, but at the same time I know his dark eyes, his hair line, his ever so slightly pointed nose. He could be Jude just twenty years older.

  His hair is full, well styled, but salt and peppered, and he smiles at me. “Hello, Theyda. I’m your grandfather.”

  “Rafe,” I mumble.

  “What you call me is up to you. I much prefer Papa,” he says, still smiling.

  “Am I dead?” I ask.

  He smiles. “Not if I can help it.”

  He lifts me easily for an older man. A boat rounds the rocks and I can see Bo and Vin at the helm. The other gang members all eagerly look over board. A blonde, slim woman joins them- Celeste.

  “The bomb,” I say.

  “Dealt with for now. I managed to extract the code from Towley. The bomb development changed my plans, but we can make this work to your advantage.”

  “Did you kill him?”

  Rafe shakes his head. “Not yet. We still have use for him.”

  “Are you E.N.C?”

  “Shush now. Let’s get you well first.”

  With little effort, Rafe pushes off from the ground and we’re airborne, landing on the deck as softly as if he just took a small step.

  “You’re a Telekin too?”

  “Telepathic Telekin,” he says in my mind. “I’m going to get you away from here.”

  “My friends,” I say, a spark of life surging inside me. “I need to get back to Adam, to Jude—”

  “For now, you are dead to them.”

  The bottom falls out of my world and my tummy falls with it. The boat speeds away from the cliffs, followed by an explosion that rumbles through the air like thunder.

  “What was that?”

  “That was your death, Theyda. Trust me, this is the best way.”

  The End of Book Two










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