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Ynyr (Tornians Book 3)

Page 4

by M. K. Eidem

  “What does your family have to do with it? Or that you are a third male? You will always be a third male.”

  “But now I am also a Lord.”

  “And you think that matters to me?” Abby couldn’t believe it and found her anger returning. How could he think that! Moving out of his arms, she stood to face him, hands on her hips, her eyes blazing. “You think I chose you because of your position?”

  “Of course. It was that lack of position that had you hiding behind a plant.” He said simply.

  “Bull shit! One has nothing to do with the other. First, I hid behind that planet because I wanted to make sure it really was you. You weren’t talking that loud and I was about to approach you when Grim led you away. The next time I saw you, you were so enamored with Kim and Lisa that you didn’t even acknowledge that I had walked in, so I left.”

  “I…” Ynyr couldn’t believe he had been that close to her and not known it and what did this word mean? “What is en… enamored.”

  “It means fascinated by, attracted to.”

  “I was no such thing!” Ynyr immediately stood, towering over her, but Abby didn’t back down. “I only showed them the respect they deserved.

  “Yes. I could see that. You showed great respect for them, for their beauty and for what they had done. How was I supposed to compete with that?”

  “Compete?” Ynyr was now totally at a loss.

  “Yes compete! I’m nothing like them! I’m not tall and thin. I’m not brave and strong. I’m just me, Abby Jamison from Earth.”

  Ynyr looked at Abby unable to believe what she was saying. How could she see herself as anything less than the spectacular creature she was? She thought he had desired the other females, that he would find her lacking if he saw her. Impossible. It seemed Queen Lisa was right, there were going to be misunderstandings.


  “I decided I would wait to see if you petitioned to come to Luda. If you did then I might still have had a chance, but then you went and became this important and powerful Lord, instead of just a male. A Lord that the Emperor had personally assigned a daunting task to. I knew then that you would never come to Luda and that you would never choose me even if you did. Hell, I didn’t even know your name until the Emperor announced it. You need someone like Lisa or Kim at your side, a female a male can be proud of, one who can help him, not plain old Abigail Jamison.”

  “You are not plain!” Ynyr gripped her upper arms and pulled her to her toes as he leaned down glaring angrily at her. “Never speak of yourself that way again!” He would not stand for it. “You are beautiful and amazing and brave! Any male would be honored to have you choose him, but you will not,” he quickly told her, “for you have chosen me! You are mine!”

  Ynyr jerked Abby off her feet, crushing her against his chest as his lips claimed hers with an instinct as old as time.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Abby let out a little shriek when Ynyr jerked her off her feet, but it was quickly silenced by his lips. Oh God, he was kissing her. Ynyr… was… kissing her. Her fingers instinctively dug into the hard bulging muscles of his shoulders that strained the black shirt he wore. So many nights she had lain in her bed, dreaming about him kissing her, about him loving her, even before she had even known what he looked like. Once she had seen him… she had wondered what it would feel like to have those beautiful full lips pressed against hers. Now she knew and it was wonderful.

  Groaning in pleasure Abby’s tongue lightly caressed those lips. When they opened, she slipped inside wanting a taste and what a taste she got. Her entire body shivered in pleasure and her taste buds went crazy. He tasted bold and strong yet smooth with an underlying hint of sweetness just like the rich dark coffee she loved to drink, especially when she added the slightest hint of cream and honey to it. God, she loved that taste, she loved his taste.

  She wanted more. Ynyr’s shirt was soft and silky but she wanted to feel skin, hot… male… skin. Sliding her hands up, she gripped the back of his neck meaning to slide them under his shirt when she was distracted by the large hand that flowed over her generous curves before it found her ass.

  She was about to pull her mouth away, to make some smart comment when his fingers sunk into that generous flesh and he lifted her, grinding his cock against her and she lost her train of thought.

  Oh God, she wanted that. She wanted that inside her. Abby wasn’t very experienced, only ever having been with one other person before, years ago and Ynyr wasn’t that boy.

  When Ynyr pulled his mouth away from hers, she tightened her hold on him and whimpered in protest.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Ynyr found himself lost in the sensation that was Abby as he pressed his lips to hers. Goddess this was more than he had ever dreamed it could be and his dreams had been limitless. Ever since he had seen Grim kiss Lisa on the Assembly floor he had wanted to do the same with the female he had talked to. He had wondered what her lips would feel like and know he knew. They were so soft and lush that he was sure nothing could ever feel better, and then her large full breasts pressed against his hard chest and he discovered that something could.

  Goddess it was as if she had been made just for him, as if they had been carved from the same piece of wood, separated by time and distance to only now be reunited. Her softness surrounded all his hard edges, welcoming him home. He couldn’t help but gasp when her tongue boldly touched his lips and when her tongue slipped inside, wrapping around his own in a sensual caress, he felt himself tremble.

  When she retreated, he followed, unwilling to lose the feelings she was creating. He didn’t care where she led as long as he was with her and where she led was a place he never wanted to leave, for in this amazing place he discovered she tasted sweeter than the hunaja he so loved. He took his time exploring her mouth, making sure he left no inch untouched or unappreciated in his need to get to know her, to claim her, to make her his. Goddess if her mouth tasted this good what would her core taste like?

  The thought had him wrapping an arm around her shoulders holding her in place so his hand could explore her lush curves until it reached her glorious ass. Gripping it, he lifted her higher, grinding his rock hard shaft against her.

  Goddess he wanted to release inside her. He wanted to feel her softness surrounding that part of him that was now harder than any Tornian sword. He wanted to know what it felt like to have her soft thighs wrapped around his waist urging him on just as her arms were doing around his neck.

  He wanted her under him, over him, all around him. He wanted to give her such a release that she would forget any male that had come before him, he wanted… pulling his mouth away from hers, he took a deep breath trying to gain control of himself.

  Her soft whimper had Ynyr suddenly realizing just what he was doing, just how tightly he was holding her. Goddess he was hurting her!

  Stunned blue eyes looked up at him making Ynyr feel like the lowest of males. Never in his life had he thought he would hurt a female, especially not one as precious to him as his Abby, but hurt her he had.

  “Goddess Abby, I’m sorry.”

  Stunned Abby looked up at him. Why was he apologizing? Hadn’t he liked kissing her? Had she been too bold? She normally wasn’t, but with him… Abby found she had no shyness, not once they were alone. Not when he was at her side. They had talked so many times about so many things, but now she realized that she really didn’t know Ynyr… that he really didn’t know her and that they never would if they didn’t talk to one another. If they didn’t ask questions they couldn’t understand each other.

  “What are you sorry for?” She asked softly, tightening her grip around his neck as his loosened.

  “I spoke to you in anger,” he began.

  “So? You were angry and you spoke. What’s wrong with that?”

  Ynyr found himself stunned. “I… it did not upset you? Frighten you?”

  “I’m not scared of you Ynyr,” she told him simply. “As for being upset. I was
angry too. Are you upset at me?”

  “Never! You could never upset me Abby.”

  “Well, now that is totally not true. I am going to piss you off Ynyr, just like you are going to piss me off, that’s life, people fight.”


  “You have never seen your parents fight? Disagree?”

  “No.” Ynyr admitted.

  “Seriously?” Abby couldn’t keep the disbelief out of her voice. Her parents had loved each other, but they were still two very different people, they each had their own opinions and thoughts. They argued, but Abby suddenly realized it had never been over the truly important things, like their children, or what was right or wrong, in those areas they always seemed to agree.

  It was always about other things, politics… wow could they argue about that. Whose turn it was to pick the restaurant or movie they were going to see. Dad liked action. Mom comedy. Butter or no butter on the popcorn. Small things. They always held hands at the movies. She and Davy would roll their eyes at them like children did, but they also did it with a smile on their faces.

  “What would they have to disagree about?” Ynyr asked, confused. “My manno provides for my mother’s every need, she need only ask.”

  “I…” Abby wasn’t sure how to respond to that as she looked into his very serious eyes. “But what if your manno can’t or doesn’t want to give it to her?” She asked.

  “That would never happen for if it did the female would leave.” He told her simply.

  “We’re not talking about a ‘female’ Ynyr we’re talking about your mother. She has stayed with your manno for nearly twenty-five years. There has to be something they have argued about.”

  “Your parents would argue, become angry with one another?” He asked hesitantly.


  “And your mother still stayed with your manno.”

  “Of course.” Abby tipped her head to the side. “You think because you were angry with me and that you expressed it that I would leave you?”

  “I…” Ynyr chose his next words carefully watching for her reaction. “A Tornian female would never allow a male to speak to her in anger. She would become frightened and run away. She would never allow me to touch her the way you have, not even during Joining.”

  “I’m not Tornian, Ynyr.” Abby told him sadly loosening her hold on his neck. Slowly Ynyr placed her on her feet and she took a step back, putting some distance between them.

  “I know this Abby.” Ynyr told her continuing to watch her closely.

  “Is that going to be a problem?” She asked.

  “How do you mean?”

  “I’m not Tornian Ynyr. I am not going to act like one. Respond like one. I have no problem arguing with you and I’m not going to run away if you are angry even if it is with me because I know you would never hurt me. I liked the way you touched me just now and didn’t want you to stop. I like touching you, kissing you too. If that isn’t something you are willing to allow then we are going to have a problem.”

  Ynyr found his mind racing as she spoke. It was as if she knew his deepest wish with every word she expressed. Yet he was afraid to believe it, to trust it. “I hurt you with my attentions, you whimpered in distress.”

  “When you stopped,” Abby informed him feeling herself start to blush. She had never been this bold before and couldn’t believe she was saying this to Ynyr of all people. No, wait, that was all wrong Ynyr should be the one person she was able to say this to.

  “The fierceness of my… attentions did not upset you?” Ynyr asked tentatively reaching out to touch her cheek.

  “No, I liked it. I liked the feel of your hands on me. The feel of your lips. Didn’t I already say that?” She asked, tipping her head into his touch.

  “I thought…”

  “Thought what?” Abby asked, moving to close the distance between them.

  “That I was taking advantage of you. Ull had upset you and instead of calming you I was selfishly pressing my own needs on you.”

  “If I hadn’t liked what you were doing Ynyr I would have told you. I might be small but I know how to speak up for myself.”

  The corners of Ynyr’s lips curved up at the thought of just how well she could ‘speak up’. He had never seen anyone stand up to his manno like that, but she had been right and they all knew it. And Ull, a future Lord, hadn’t worried her at all, not until she thought Ull might harm him. Goddess she worried about him.

  A place deep inside Ynyr’s chest that he had not even known existed suddenly made its presence known, as it started to warm and grow. To have a female’s worry… no to have Abby’s worry… to have it, to know that she had feelings for him, felt the need to protect him as much as he did her… Goddess what an amazing feeling.

  “I think we all discovered that,” he said, wrapping his arms around her enjoying how she immediately tried to wrap hers around him.

  “Is that going to be a problem?”

  “No Abby it is not,” he quickly reassured her. “I always want you to express your thoughts to me…”

  “But?” She knew there was one there.

  “It will just take some getting used to.”

  A knock on the door stopped her from saying more.

  Chapter Four

  Ynyr’s long strides carried him towards the chamber where his manno and brothers waited. His mother had said she would stay with Abby when she had interrupted them with the message from his manno that they needed to speak.

  He had not wanted to leave Abby for there was still so much for them to discuss, for them to discover about each other, but he also knew there were other matters that needed his attention.

  He had not even had the chance to talk privately with his manno about becoming a Lord. So many changes had occurred this day and he knew he would need his manno’s advice and guidance until he found his way.

  Entering the room, he found his manno quietly speaking to Korin while Zev and Vali spoke amongst themselves, only Ull was missing. Seeing his entrance Oryon ended his conversation with Korin and turned to address him.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I summoned Korin to this meeting since he is your second.” Oryon said.

  Ynyr was silent for several moments, stunned that his manno would feel the need to explain himself to him. It was in that moment that Ynyr realized their relationship was forever changed. No longer was Ynyr Lord Oryon’s third male, one that would never hold a position of true power, one that would never be his manno’s equal. Now Ynyr was the Lord of a region that was even more powerful than his manno’s and therefore he was more than his equal.

  “That is fine.” Ynyr told him, his voice slightly tight.

  “I know there are pressing matters that we need to discuss, but I am hoping you will allow me to speak on a personal matter before we begin.” Oryon said, looking slightly uncomfortable.

  “Of course manno.” Ynyr told him, frowning when Oryon took a deep breath and seemed to steady himself. Ynyr looked to Vali to see if he knew what was going on but Vali looked just as puzzled.

  “I know your life as my third male has not been an easy one, for you or Zev.” Oryon began, his eyes looking to his youngest before returning to Ynyr. “I shared your mother’s relief each time she presented me with a male. After your presentation Ynyr I even thought to take steps to make sure she never conceived again.”

  “What?!! That’s not possible.” Vali said, taking a shocked step towards his manno.

  “It is possible.” Oryon told his second male. “It is a closely guarded secret but it can be done. There is a procedure a Healer can perform on a male and to my shame I considered it, your mother refused to allow it.”

  “What?” Ynyr looked at his manno shocked, that not only that he would consider restricting the offspring he could have but that he would discuss this with his mother.

  “You are surprised.” Oryon found he could not help but smile. “You would be amazed at just how many things your mother and I have discussed.
Even before the arrival of the females from Earth. You will be surprised at what you will discuss with your Lady.” Oryon gave Ynyr a pointed look before raising an eyebrow at his other males. “Did you really think that after over twenty-five years together that your mother and I discussed nothing?” He just shook his head. “You all will be surprised to learn just how involved your mother was in your growth and training. In all of your trainings.”

  “What do you mean?” Vali asked, unable to hide his shock. Tornian females turned their offspring over to their sire as soon as they were weaned and considered their duty done.

  “Do you truly have no memory of how long your mother kept you with her?” Oryon asked, looking carefully at each of his males, including Ull who had just reentered the room. “It was only when any of you began walking and talking, when whispers began that she finally relinquished her control over any of you. She kept you in her chambers allowing no one other than me to assist her in tending you.”

  He saw the shock on all their faces and frowned. “None of you have memories of this?”

  “Ardaighs.” Ull said quietly.

  “What?” Ynyr looked to his brother.

  “Ardaighs. It is my earliest memory. Whenever I smell them, it calms me. I feel this amazing sense of comfort.” His skin started to darken when he realized what he had just revealed.

  “It is your mother’s favorite flower.” Oryon said. “Her chambers are always filled with them.”

  “Why did you not tell us?” Zev demanded.

  “Because I thought you knew,” Oryon told him.

  “What do you mean she was involved in our growth and training?” Ynyr asked.

  “Most of you do not remember, but the training fields haven’t always been located on the royal side of Rigel. They were moved there once Ull came of the age to use them.”

  “I thought they were moved because our mother feared unfit warriors would attempt to steal her.” Vali said, frowning.

  “That is the reason I gave, the one that everyone readily accepted. The truth is that with the fields located there she could observe your training. See the areas you might need work on, things that others missed.”


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