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Ynyr (Tornians Book 3)

Page 8

by M. K. Eidem

  “Abby…” Ynyr’s thrusts increased in strength and speed, but he refused to release again… not until his Abby did.

  “Close… I’m so close… I just need…” This time when Ynyr hit that spot again, he reached between them pressing his thumb against her clit and it had Abby’s entire being tightening around him and she cried out his name as her orgasm took her.

  “Ynyr!” She screamed.

  Ynyr couldn’t believe it. He had thought his first release inside his Abby would be the most amazing experience of his life, but this… Abby’s channel was clamping down on him until it was nearly painful… it was as if it was demanding his seed and he would give it to her. With one last deep thrust that lodged him right up against her womb Ynyr roared and filled her with his seed.

  Chapter Six

  Isis stood before the males in the room and could not believe what she had just witnessed. How could males that were so worthy and fit be so stupid?

  “Please tell me I did not just hear what I thought I heard,” she demanded looking at Oryon.

  “Now Isis…” Oryon began since he knew that look. It was the one that had been on her face when she had tried to storm the training fields.

  “This is not something you would understand mother. You need to return to your chambers and let us handle it.” Ull broke in.

  “Excuse me?” Isis asked, raising an eyebrow as she turned to her first male.

  “Return to your chambers,” Ull ordered.

  Isis looked at Ull in shock. Never had Ull spoken to her like that, as if she were… insignificant. She had always believed him to be a fit and worthy male. One that any female would be honored to Join with. Now she wondered if she had let her love for him blind her. He seemed to be more like one of those males that felt he had more rights than others because of the order of his presentation. A male who believed a female did not have the right to voice her opinion, to speak her mind.

  It appeared he had learned nothing from the events of the last week. He seemed to be under the impression that their universe had not changed, but it had, at least for Isis.

  She would never go back to being the female who silently sat and watched as Risa terrorized other females. She was no longer the oddity of the Empire. The one that others snickered at. She now had friends, the Empress, the Queen of Luda and Abby. One of her males had saved the Emperor’s life and been named as the Lord to the most important Region in the Empire and more importantly he had a female. A female Isis knew would be perfect for him.

  No. She would not allow one of her own to speak to like this.

  “Ull!” Oryon started only to be cut off.

  “How dare you speak to me in that tone,” Isis spit out, her rage easily seen as she moved towards Ull. Too many times in the past, she had to stand by and remain silent, no longer. “I am Lady Isis of House Rigel. I have provided my Lord with four males all of which I have believed to be fit and worthy… until now….” She let her words hang, her eyes never straying from Ull. “You may be a Lord’s first male, but that gives you no more power over me than any other male. It does not make you better than me.”

  “You have done nothing this day, but dishonor your brother, a Lord, with your unfounded accusations and then your mother, by thinking you have the right to order me to do anything! I understand you are disappointed with what has occurred this day, but it does not excuse your behavior. Our universe has changed, for the better. If you cannot see that and accept it, then perhaps you are not who Betelgeuse needs.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Ull stood frozen at his mother’s words. Never in his life had he heard her raise her voice, to anyone. She had always looked at him with such pride and respect that he sometimes found it embarrassing. But now her eyes contained only anger and… disappointment. Unknowingly, he raised a hand to rub the aching area in the center of his chest.

  Pulling his gaze from her, Ull looked to his manno knowing he would understand and make her retract her words. Instead Ull found a rage even greater than his mother’s burning in his manno’s eyes. Oryon’s hand was clenching and unclenching around the hilt of his sword.

  Paling, Ull realized just how far he had overstepped his bounds. His mother was right, while he might be a first male, he was still just a male, easily replaceable. Spinning on his heel, he left the room.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Korin’s gazed traveled over those left in the room. It had been such a strange day. The Emperor himself was giving Korin a chance to regain his honor by naming him as Lord Ynyr’s second. Something his new Lord had agreed to only after making it understood that if he found Korin’s performance lacking he would be dismissed.

  Korin knew he had a long way to go before his new Lord would trust him and even further to gain his respect. Even Korin wasn’t sure he deserved this chance, not after the things he had done… and not done. But for his brother Mabon, he would do his best and hope it was enough.

  Talk about pressure and that was before what he had just witnessed. There were a thousand things he needed to discuss with Ynyr and thousand decisions that needed to be made. Yet House Rigel, both of them, were in chaos.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  “Isis,” Oryon moved carefully towards his Lady. Never in all their years had he seen her so angry. Ull was her first presentation. She had kept him with her longer than any of the others and he had always thought there was a special bond between them as she always seemed to know what he needed before anyone else. Now it seemed that bond had been broken and he knew that would hurt her.

  The eyes that met his told him he was wrong. Ull’s words had not hurt her. They had devastated her. The pain he found there made him wonder how she was still standing. Yet he watched her straighten her shoulders and turn to Korin.

  “Where are you being quartered?” She asked, her voice flat, but steady.

  “I…” Korin’s eyes flew to Oryon and at his slight nod continued to speak. “I have been resting in the guard’s wing my Lady.”

  “That will not do,” Isis stated. “You are now Lord Ynyr’s second in command, your rank demands better.”

  “Yes, my Lady but Lord Bertos’ wing… my pardons… Lord Ynyr’s wing is not yet ready for him.”

  “Then you shall stay here as you are now a member of House Rigel, at least one of them.”

  “I…” Korin couldn’t believe what she was saying.

  “We will have last meal together and during it we can discuss what you believe are the most pressing matters in Etruria.”


  “Isis,” Oryon’s voice was hard.

  “I will be a part of this Oryon, as will Vali and Zev. Ynyr is going to need all the support we can give him.”

  “I will go get Ynyr,” Zev quickly said, his eyes full of mischief. He was half way across the room before his mother’s voice stopped him.

  “No, Zev. You will leave them alone. This is their Joining night.” Her eyes returned to Oryon, filled with memories. “They will be allowed to enjoy it with no further interruptions. When they are ready they will come out.”

  “But…” Zev stammered.

  “Do as your mother has commanded Zev,” Oryon ordered gruffly remembering how excited and nervous he had been during his first Joining with Isis. Yes, Ynyr and Abby needed this time to forge a bond before the demands of Ynyr’s new position forced them apart.

  “I’ll order the meal.” Isis told them. “Warrior Korin if you would retrieve your things it should be here by the time you return.”

  Bowing slightly to Isis, Korin obeyed.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Ynyr looked down at his Abby, her head resting on his chest, she had thrown an arm and a leg over him while she slept as if she needed to make sure he was close. Goddess, to wake up this way every morning… it was something he would willingly give his life for to keep. Carefully, he ran a finger along her cheek, not wanting to wake her, but unable to resist the temptation it presented.

e was still amazed by everything that had happened between them the day before. Amazed with everything she had allowed him to do to her. She had released three times. Once when he was inside her. He could still hear her cries of pleasure as he drove into her again and again. He had held nothing back and neither had she.

  Just the thought of how she had responded had his shaft jerking to life. Something that should not have been possible, not after last night.

  “Seems someone is ready to start the day off right.”

  The soft, sleep laden voice had him looking into the drowsy but satisfied eyes of his Abby. Leaning down, he gently kissed her lips that were still swollen from his kisses the night before.

  “So it would seem,” he whispered back.

  “Well then…” Shifting to slide her foot along his leg, she meant to welcome the morning in properly, instead she found herself wincing.

  “Abby?” Instantly concerned Ynyr sat up straight, his eyes flying over her.

  “I’m fine,” she reassured him, “just a little sore.”

  “A Healer! You need a Healer! I was too rough!” Ynyr jumped out of the bed running for the door.


  Abby’s shout had his feet skidding across the floor as he spun around to look at her. “What!” He demanded, giving her a full frontal view that had her mouth dropping open. Goddess the male was built like an Adonis and he was all hers. “Abby!” The anxiety in his voice had her, forcing her gaze back to his face and her mind started to function again.

  “Well, first of all before you leave this room you had better be planning on putting some pants on. No one else gets to see what is mine.”

  “Abby…” Ynyr growled, running a frustrated hand through his disheveled hair. Did she really think he cared if his brothers saw him naked?

  “And second, I… do… not… need… a… Healer.” She carefully enunciated each word.


  “I said I was sore not hurt.” She held a hand out to him. “Come back to bed Ynyr.”

  “Abby,” slowly as if drawn back against his will, he took her hand. Crooking one leg, he sat on the bed, apparently unconcerned about the new view he was giving her while he looked deeply into her eyes, trying to see the truth.

  “My vow Ynyr,” she told him. “I am fine.”

  Ynyr closed his eyes silently thanking the Goddess. He didn’t know what he would do if he lost his Abby now. A sudden growling sound had his eyes flying open to find Abby’s cheeks pinkening.

  “Um, I might be a little hungry though.” She gave him a sheepish smile as she rubbed her stomach. “Yesterday was a long day and last night…”

  “Goddess, I did not feed you!” Ynyr couldn’t believe he had forgotten to care for her.

  “Hey!” Abby gripped his arm, stopping him from pulling away from her. “I wasn’t complaining.”

  “I should have taken better care of you.”

  “And I should have taken better care of you!” Abby countered. “It works both ways, you know. Yesterday was just as eventfully for you as it was for me. You can’t blame yourself unless you are going to blame me too.”

  “It is not your responsibility…”

  “A Tornian female may not consider it her responsibility to care for her male but I do. You are mine Ynyr to care for, to protect and to love and I failed you.”

  “Abby,” Ynyr covered her hand with his, “You could never fail me. Don’t you understand what you have already given me… freely… in front of all of Tornian?” He didn’t give her time to answer. “You had your choice of the best the Empire had to offer and yet you choose a third male.”

  “I chose the best the Empire had to offer.” Abby interrupted him. She wouldn’t let him think less of himself just because of an accident of birth. She knew what that felt like and she refused to let him suffer like that. “I chose you. The rest of the females will just have to settle for what is left.”

  Ynyr closed his eyes and sighed as he rested his forehead against hers. Goddess the gifts his Abby kept giving him, stole his breath. He would spend the rest of his life making sure she never regretted choosing him.

  When her stomach growled again, he found himself chuckling and lifted his head. “Let us get you fed.” Standing, he held out his hand.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Abby stared down at the outfit she was wearing and silently laughed. She so did not look like a ‘Lady’ wearing one of Ynyr’s black shirts that fell passed her knees. Ynyr had rolled up the sleeves to her elbows, then pulled a tieback from the curtains and cinched it around her waist. Her little brown leather slip-ons, the only thing she had left from Earth finished off her outfit.

  No, there was nothing ‘Lady-like’ about her attire. The thought had her steps slowing and she tried to pull her hand from his as they approached the eating chamber.

  “Abby?” Ynyr stopped, frowning down at her. “What is wrong?”

  “Maybe I should just go back to your chamber and you can bring me something.”

  “What? Why? Are you ill?”

  Ynyr’s last question had her rolling her eyes. “No. I am not ill, but I am not exactly dressed like your ‘Lady’ should be. I don’t want to embarrass you…” her words trailed off to a whisper as she looked up at him.

  “Embarrass me…” Ynyr rounded on her, backing her up into a wall as he glared down at her. “You think anything you could do… anything could embarrass me! Let alone something as unimportant as what you are wearing?” How could she possibly think that?

  “But Ynyr,” Abby tried to get him to understand. “You are a Lord now and there is still so much I don’t know. I don’t want others to think less of you because of me.” Tears filled her eyes at the thought.

  “And you are my Lady,” he told her gruffly, lowering his forehead to hers. “No matter where we are, no matter your coverings, that will never change. If others think less of me it will be because of my actions, never yours. You are what makes me a worthy warrior and Lord.”

  “No Ynyr,” Abby instantly denied. “You were always a worthy warrior, even the Emperor knows that or he never would have named you Lord.” Stretching up, she kissed his lips.

  “Ahem.” The slight cough had them both turning their heads to find Oryon and Isis standing there watching them. “Are you joining us for first meal?” Oryon asked his lips twitching as he tried not to smile.

  “Yes,” Ynyr said, taking a step back. “Abby needs to eat.” Taking her hand Ynyr led her down the hall. Entering the room they find a large table laden with food and three males, their plates full, eating. Vali, Zev and Korin. All three froze when they entered.

  “You could not wait for the rest of us?” Isis asked in a put out voice.

  Vali and Korin had the decency to look contrite, but not Zev.

  “We weren’t sure when you would arrive and the meal was here…” Zev replied shrugging his shoulders. “As for those two,” he gestured to Abby and Ynyr, smirking, “who knew they would be done Joining?”

  “Zev!” Oryon exclaimed, frowning at his youngest.

  “What?” He asked too innocently.

  Ynyr watched as Abby, who had just finished sitting freeze, her cheeks flushing. He raised angry eyes to his brother.

  “Do you wish to die this day Zev?” He asked in a tone so cold and deadly that it had Abby’s gaze swinging up to him in shock only to find he was deadly serious.

  “Ynyr,” she reached up to touch his arm, trying to calm him. “It is fine.”

  “It is not,” Ynyr denied. “He has no right to speak to you like that.”

  “Ynyr…” this came from Zev, who was shocked by his brother’s anger. Never in all their lives had Ynyr threatened him. He had always protected him, had enjoyed his antics.

  “Abby is mine! My Lady. Mine to protect! Anyone who does not show her the respect she deserves will find his life ended on my blade! Is that understood Zev?”

  “I… yes Lord Ynyr.” Zev bowed his head, then turned shu
ttered eyes to Abby. “My apologies, Lady Abby, I meant no offense.”

  “Of course you didn’t,” Abby said, giving him a small smile even though her cheeks were still pink. She knew Zev had made that comment on purpose, trying to get a rise out of his brother. He had just gotten more than he had expected. It was something her younger brother Davy had liked to do and she knew if he had been sitting here, he would have done the same thing. Davy and Zev would have been like two peas in a pod. The thought had her smile turning sad.

  “What is wrong, Abby?” Ynyr asked, sitting next to her, his voice so full of worry, it had the three males across the table staring at him in shock.

  “Nothing.” She pulled her gaze from Zev to Ynyr. “Zev just reminds me of Davy. I think they would have been great friends.”

  “I’m sorry Abby.”

  “It’s not your fault.” She gave his arm a reassuring squeeze. “He has been gone almost five years now it’s just,” her eyes returned to Zev, “he would be Zev’s age now. If he had survived.”

  “You speak of your brother?” Isis asked, sitting down next to her, thankful that Abby had forgiven her youngest. Another might have demanded Ynyr end him, but not Abby, she seemed to know what that would do to Ynyr.

  “Yes,” Abby said. “He too liked to play tricks on people, liked to say things. He did not always know when to quit. At times it got him into a great deal of trouble.”

  “Yes,” Isis said, her eyes turning to her youngest, who seemed to shrink under her gaze.

  “I must apologize also Lady Abby,” Vali bowed his head to her and then his mother, “mother. I knew of your new rule and began without you anyway.”

  “New rule?” Abby asked, looking to Isis.

  “Yes,” Isis nodded to Vali letting him know all was forgiven. “After speaking with Lisa and learning of the Earth traditions of families eating their meals together, I decided that was what we should do to.”

  “You never ate together before?” Abby’s eyes widened as she looked around the table.


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