Ynyr (Tornians Book 3)

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Ynyr (Tornians Book 3) Page 17

by M. K. Eidem

  “DO NOT EVER DO THAT AGAIN!” Paganus roared, his heart racing as he set her carefully on the floor. Goddess! She could have fallen to her death.

  “I was just opening the window Paganus. Relax.” Abby just looked up at him unconcerned apparently unaware of how close she’d come to dying. “Doesn’t that smell better already?”

  It was then that Paganus realized that this tiny female truly didn’t see herself as fragile or weak. She didn’t realize how much she needed to be protected, especially in this House. Looking into her eyes, he saw not one ounce of fear just a firm resolve to tackle the task she had assigned herself. She saw herself as a male’s equal and she was not going to just direct a male to do a task that she felt she could do herself.

  “The smell is not the point.” Paganus told her through gritted teeth. “Your safety is.”

  “I was fine. You need to have more faith Paganus. Now.” Turning to face the room, she took a deep breath. “What are we going to do with all this?”


  “Yes… None of this is staying.” Abby walked towards the canopied bed that was draped in black and silver material. Reaching up, she pulled on a piece of the fabric only to have it stay stubbornly fixed. “Paganus? Would you?” She asked, turning beseeching eyes to him.

  Paganus reached over her and with one arm jerked the material down.

  “Show off,” she muttered before actually looking at what was revealed. She knew it was wood, but what kind? She had no clue and while it was black it had a beautiful patina. Why had it been hidden behind such hideous material?

  “It is called gallchnó dubh.” Paganus told her and Abby realized she had spoken aloud. “It was the original material of choice for those that once ruled Etruria.”

  “So why is it hidden away like this?”

  “It fell out of favor with the Lords of Etruria centuries ago. I was told most of it had been destroyed. I have never seen an original piece from King Varick.”

  “King Varick?” Abby gave him a puzzled look.

  “He was the ruler of Tornian when the Goddess sent out her plea for assistance.”

  “He was the one that saved her?”

  “Him and his warriors. It is why House Berto was once a blessed place.”

  “And you believe that this,” Abby touched the exposed gallchnó dubh. “Was once his?” That had to be at least a millennium ago, she thought.

  “I… of course not, my Lady. I am sure I am wrong.” Paganus broke eye contact with her.

  “Stop that Paganus!” Abby ordered finding herself growing angry.

  “Stop what my Lady?” He asked.

  “Censuring yourself. You have an opinion. A reason why you believe this piece could be from King Varick. Tell me.”

  “My Lady, my bloodline…” he trailed off.

  “Yes?” She encouraged.

  “We have always served in the Etruria Region.”

  “Always?” Abby looked at him in shock. “You are telling me you can trace your bloodline back to the time of King Varick?”

  “To before that, my Lady.”

  “And this piece?” She asked running her finger along the silky wood.

  “Family stories tell that such a bed was once made by one of my ancestors. He and his offspring were once the Master Woodworker’s for the Kings of Tornian.”

  Abby raised an eyebrow at the pride she heard in Paganus’ voice. It was the first true unprompted emotion she had ever heard from him. “They didn’t travel with the King when he became Emperor?”

  “No. They stayed here. Where we belong.”

  “So why are you not a woodworker Paganus?”

  “Because no female would be attracted to a woodworker, Master or not, my Lady.” Paganus bowed his head to her embarrassed at what he had revealed.

  “It seems your manno must have been able to for you to be here Paganus.”

  “My manno was an elite warrior my Lady. He once defended the Emperor’s mother during an attack. Because of those actions, the Emperor ordered a female to Join with him and present me before he would allow her to Join with any other male.”

  “The Emperor can do that?” Abby whispered, aghast.

  “Emperor Wray never has but his manno…”

  “I’m sorry Paganus.” Abby put a sympathetic hand on his arm.

  “For what?”

  “For not knowing what it is like to be truly loved by a female and I don’t mean as a ‘male’,” she quickly injected, “but as a child. Every child deserves to be loved for who he is. No matter what his beginnings are.”

  “That is not that way for Tornian males.”

  “It may not have been before, but it is now, especially in this House.” Abby tipped her head slightly to the side. “Do you know the history of this House? All its history?”

  “I… what I know is the oral history my Lady, many don’t accept it.”

  “By many you mean the Lords that once ruled Etruria.”

  “Yes, my Lady.” Paganus acknowledged.

  “Oh Paganus, I knew there was a reason I liked you. You are going to help me understand the history of this House. The real history so we can make it shine like it once did. But before we can do that you are going to help me get rid of ‘Bertos.’” Grabbing the black comforter from the bed she began stripping it and everything that Bertos had touched.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Seated behind the Lord’s desk in his command center, Ynyr stared at Captain Dai and the three Warriors he had brought with him, unable to believe what he was hearing.

  “You want to have every male that served under Bertos removed? Including the trainees?”

  “Every male here,” Korin stiffened as the Captain’s eyes moved to him, “had a part in the evil Bertos perpetrated. None tried to stop it. The only way to eradicate such evil is to purge all those infected by it.”

  “Even if they are innocent?!!” Ynyr couldn’t believe he was hearing this from a male he had once had such great respect for.

  “There are no innocents in House Bertos!” Dai argued back angrily.

  “This is no longer House Bertos!” Ynyr surged to his feet, his chair bouncing off the wall behind him. It caused Dai and his warriors to jump in surprise for this was not the same male they had all helped train, that male had always remained calm and reserved. No matter how hard they had pushed him. No matter what they had said to him or about him. It had led many to believe him to be emotionless. They were obviously wrong. “This is my House! House Rigel and I will not have it founded on the blood of innocents! That is what Bertos did!”

  “It is the task that the Emperor assigned me with when he sent me here!” Dai argued back.

  “No Captain Dai,” Ynyr rounded his desk to stand toe to toe with the male challenging him. “It is what the Emperor tasked me with. He made me the Lord of this House. Not you! You are the Captain of his Guard, tasked by the Emperor to assist me and that means doing what I say. If that is not something you can do then you need to return to Torino and I will find someone who can!”

  The Captain’s green face darken to nearly black as his hand clenched the hilt of his sword at Ynyr’s suggestion that he was incapable of completing the task assigned him. Yet he had to admire that the new Lord did not back down from him. He just continued to stare him in the eye and wait for his response.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Korin’s hand went to the hilt of his own sword ready to defend his new Lord, even if it was from the Emperor’s Captain. He knew Ynyr still did not totally trust him, but his words to Dai showed Korin that Ynyr was at least willing to give him a chance, along with the other males from this House and that included his brother, Mabon. Something Dai was not willing to do. Korin needed to speak to other males to see what Dai had truly been doing since their arrival.

  All the other males in the room began to move uneasily as Lord Ynyr and their Captain continued to silently stare at each other. What were they supposed to do? Who were they supposed to foll
ow? Dai was their Captain and there was truly no fitter and worthier male. They trusted him with their lives. They had all thought that the Emperor would name him Lord of this House when he had so quickly sent him here. Yet the Emperor had declared Ynyr Lord. Going against Ynyr would be going against the Emperor… wouldn’t it?

  Finally, Dai stepped back, removing his hand from his sword and giving Ynyr a stiff bow. “Pardons Lord Ynyr, I meant no disrespect. I and my men are more than capable of assisting you in the building of your House.”

  “Thank you Captain Dai.” Ynyr put a hand on Dai’s shoulder, surprising the older male. “I never doubted for a moment that you and your males would be more than capable. Now let us get to work.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Abby was surprised by many of the things she discovered in Bertos’ resting chamber… no, not Bertos’… theirs… her and Ynyr’s resting chamber. Nearly everything had to go. The bed frame was the only piece Abby was allowing to remain. It ‘spoke’ to her. This piece had been created a millennium ago for the King of Tornian.

  Not for an Emperor.

  Not for the King of Etruria.

  And it had withstood not only the ravages of time, but the evil that was Bertos. It had not let it infiltrate it. Once the last of the gaudy fabric and mattress had been removed Abby had been amazed at the craftsmanship that had gone into the piece.

  There were four intricately carved spiral posts towering at each corner with an arched headboard and footboard anchoring them, both were ornately carved. Moving closer Abby realized that the center of the headboard had a cameo carved into.

  “Who is she?” She asked quietly, tracing a finger over the profile of the most intriguing female Abby had ever seen. Her long curls were pulled back by a band, a band of sparkling black stones. Mianraí dubh had been imbedded in the wood if Abby wasn’t mistaken. She was beautiful, but it was not her obvious beauty that captured Abby’s attention, it was the look on the female’s face. Her gaze was so powerful and yet so… intimate… that she drew you in. Somehow the artisan made you want to know what the female was looking at as he created this masterpiece, for that’s exactly what it was, a masterpiece.

  When Paganus didn’t respond Abby pulled her gaze from the cameo and found he was kneeling at the foot of the bed, his head bowed reverently.

  “Paganus?” Abby asked, confused.

  “I never truly thought it existed…” Paganus whispered. “I thought it nothing but a family legend.”

  Abby wasn’t sure what shocked her more, Paganus’ actions, his words or that the eyes he lifted to her were filled with tears.

  “Who is she?” She asked again, this time in a whisper.

  “King Varick’s female,” Paganus replied reverently, his eyes locking onto the cameo. “The one that they say the Goddess personally blessed him with after he came to her aid. Ancient legend tells that the only thing greater than her beauty was her love and devotion to the King. They had many years together and she gave him many fit and worthy offspring, both male and female. When King Varick was killed in battle, she died within hours of him. They were entombed together so that they could forever rest in each other’s arms.”

  Abby found her eyes were welling up by the time Paganus finished speaking. Turning, she looked at the cameo again and could now understand the look on the female’s face. It was pure love and devotion, she had to have been looking at the King when it had been created.

  Abby also now understood why Bertos would have had it covered since he had no concept or understanding of this female’s commitment to her male.

  “What was her name?” Abby asked softly.

  “Queen Rawnie…” Paganus continued to whisper. “She was revered throughout the planet. It was said that although she was tiny in stature, her kindness and compassion for all was boundless. Legend tells that at her death the stones of Etruria lost nearly all of their golden glow and the like has never been seen since.”

  “Rawnie.” Abby whispered, the name resonated with her for some reason. Maybe it was because her mother’s name was Ronnie. Well her real name was Marjorie but she liked to be called Ronnie. Abby had asked her about it once and her mother told her that when her brother had been very young it was how he pronounced her name and it had become her family nickname.

  Moving down the frame she looked at the carving on the foot of the bed. She had expected it to be of King Varick and was surprised when it was the letter ‘J’ instead. She looked at Paganus questioningly.

  The Queen’s family name was said to be so complicated and long that just the first letter of it was ever recorded.”

  “Why would anyone want to hide her away?”

  “Times change.” Paganus said slowly rising to his feet. “People forget.”

  “How can they forget?” Abby couldn’t believe what he was saying. “It’s history. It’s written.”

  “Rulers change. What is deemed important and necessary… what is taught… changes.”

  “What?” Abby turned shocked eyes to him.

  “When females started to become scarce, their role in our society changed. They became essential to us, not as partners but for survival. The stories of Queen Rawnie and others… strong females independent females… stopped being told.”

  Abby looked at Paganus stunned. She would never have expected to hear something like this… especially from a Tornian male.

  “So she was forgotten…” Abby’s eyes returned to the cameo of Queen Rawnie. “All she did…”

  “By most, yes. Where we came from became less and less important as the great infection spread. Where we were going… what we needed to do to survive became all that mattered and to do that a male had to attract a female.”

  “So how is it you know of her then? If you were not taught of her in your training?”

  “As I said, my bloodline has been in the Etruria Region for more than a millennium. We have our own oral and written history that has always been passed down from male to male.”

  “So your manno told you about her.”

  “Yes. He told me all about her and our proud history of serving the rulers of Tornian. He had hoped my mother would be like Queen Rawnie… she was not.”

  “I’m sorry Paganus.” Reaching out Abby squeezed his arm. “Some females are worthy of the offspring they present. If it matters, I think your manno got the best of her.” At Paganus’ confused look she continued. “He got you Paganus.”

  “I… thank you my Lady.”

  “No thanks are necessary Paganus. It is the simple truth. Now,” knowing Paganus was becoming uncomfortable she looked around the room, “I have a question for you.”

  “Yes, my Lady?”

  “Who is going to help us move all this?” She swept her arm around the room indicating the mess she had made of the room.

  “Move, my Lady?” Paganus frowned at her.

  “Yes. This room… the entire level needs to be cleaned out and its contents stored somewhere until I have had time to decide what to do with them. All except the bed frame… that stays.”

  “But…” Paganus stuttered.

  “But what Paganus?”

  “The room… the level… it will be empty.”

  “For now, at least until I can find suitable furnishings for it.” She turned excited eyes to him. “Do you know if there is more of your ancestor’s furniture in the House?”

  “I… You wish to fill the Lord’s Wing with old furnishings?”

  “No. I wish to fill it with quality furnishings that reflect well on its Lord. Furnishings like this,” she gestured to the bed frame.

  “It is doubtful any of the other pieces still exist my Lady, that this piece has is a…”

  “A miracle.” Paganus saw the excitement in her eyes dim and regretted that it was because of his words. “Yes, I understand.”

  “I am sorry my Lady.”

  “It’s not your fault Paganus, we will just have to find someone as talented as your ancestors to make the new f
urnishing for House Rigel.” Abby saw Paganus open his mouth, then close it. “You have a thought Paganus?”

  “I… Bertos had a Master Woodworker.”

  “One from your bloodline?”

  “No, my Lady. My ancestors' work fell out of favor with the Lords of Etruria centuries ago.”

  “Quality and skill should never ‘fall out of favor’ Paganus.”

  “It was not because of the quality or skill of the work that my ancestors lost their position my Lady.” Paganus wasn’t sure why he was telling her this, it wasn’t something she would ever find out on her own, yet he felt she had the right to know.

  “Then why?”

  “Because one of them Joined with a non-Tornian female and had offspring.”

  “What? I thought that wasn’t possible, that was why the discovery of Earth females was so important.”

  Paganus frowned at her. “Did you not learn this from the educator?”

  “There was a great deal that Bertos left out of the educators. Things he felt we didn’t need to know.”

  “He dared to tamper with the educators?” At Abby’s raised eyebrow, he realized how stupid that question was. Bertos had been plotting to destroy House Vasteri and take over the Empire, tampering with the educators was nothing compared to that. “Of course he did.”

  “So Tornians can Join with other species and have offspring.”

  “There was a time when we could, yes. Before the great infection all the species were able to interbreed and produce fit offspring. It brought a great peace to the universes, but after the great infection struck fewer and fewer of those Joining were able to produce fit offspring.”

  “Fit offspring… that means offspring can be produced.”

  “Yes, my Lady but most do not survive to presentation and if they do…”


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