Ynyr (Tornians Book 3)

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Ynyr (Tornians Book 3) Page 18

by M. K. Eidem

  “If they do?”

  “Nearly all are considered unfit and the males that sire them lose their position if they allow them to live.”

  “Excuse me? You are telling me they are expected to kill their own offspring!”

  “Yes. A Tornian female will refuse to Join with a male that has an unfit male. They feel it will decrease their value.”

  Abby paled and sat down on the empty bed frame as Paganus finished speaking, her legs trembling. Could what Paganus be saying really be true? Did Tornians really kill their children if they considered them unfit?

  “My Lady… are you alright?” Paganus frowned at her.

  “So your ancestor…”

  “Joined with a Kaliszian female and she gave him three fit male offspring. The Lady of House Guttuso at the time took offense as she was only able to produce one male and convinced her Lord that my ancestor no longer deserved to be a Master.”

  “He did not kill his offspring.”

  “No! He took his family and left House Guttuso, vowing to never build another piece for it until the House’s honor was restored.”

  “Yet he stayed in the Etruria Region.”

  “Yes. They moved to a small village close to the mines and build simple furniture for the workers.”

  “They no longer produce furniture of this quality?” Abby ran her hand along the bed frame she still sat on.

  “They do, but…”


  “But they only allow it to be sold off planet.” Paganus waited for his Lady’s reaction, expecting her to be outraged, instead she smiled at him.

  “They held onto their pride and integrity.” Abby stood. “I like it. Can you contact them for me? I think I would very much like them to be a part of our new House.”

  “I can contact them my Lady but I cannot guarantee they will be receptive.”

  “You get them here Paganus. I’ll convince them. Now let’s start getting this crap out of here…”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Paganus had contacted Ynyr, over Abby’s protests, when it became apparent they were going to need a great many males to clear the room to her satisfaction. Abby had wanted Paganus to just choose those that he trusted, not wanting Ynyr disturbed, but Paganus had refused. His new Lord had made it very clear that his Lady was to be protected at all times.

  So after nearly an hour six males had arrived at the entrance of the Lord’s Wing. Ynyr had contacted Navon and Mario telling them he wanted each male searched for possible weapons. He had also informed them that if for any reason they felt a male should not be allowed near his Lady that they were to refuse him entrance.

  Navon and Mario had been shocked that Ynyr would entrust them to make such a decision. This was his Lady and they were just warriors from his manno’s House. Ones that, while fit and worthy, had never been assigned to guard Lady Isis. That Ynyr would allow them this great honor made them even more critical and diligent when they searched and assessed the young males that had arrived. They were just finishing up with the last one when the doors behind them opened and the new Lady of the House stepped out.

  “Good morning,” Abby said, standing in the doorway, her eyes traveling over the males before her and the six immediately dropped to their knees and bowed their heads causing her to sigh heavily. She had grown impatient upstairs waiting for the males to arrive and when Paganus had told her they were at the doors waiting to be allowed entrance she had sailed out of the room ignoring Paganus’ protests that she needed to wait.

  “Please… rise.” Abby had to fight her instincts to reach out and help.

  “Your Lady gave you an order! Obey it!” Paganus ordered running his own critical eye over the males kneeling before him. They were five trainees and their Handler, Paganus’ gaze turned to the guards. “They have been checked and cleared?”

  “Yes Master Paganus.” Navon responded, Lord Ynyr had told them who was within the Wing with his Lady when they arrived giving them his position and title.

  Nodding Paganus’ gaze returned to the males that were slowly rising, their heads still bowed, assessing them. They were amongst the youngest of all the trainees in the House, ones Paganus knew had just arrived before they had left for the Joining Ceremony. It was a smart move by his Lord. These trainees would have yet been tainted by Bertos brand of training.

  “My Lady, these males will do.” His gaze returned to her.

  “Of course they will.” Abby’s soft voice was in sharp contrast to Paganus. “But before they get to work I wish to be introduced to them.”

  “I… what?” Paganus stuttered.

  “I want to know their names Master Paganus.” When all Paganus could do was stare at her Abby shook her head slightly, then took a step so she stood before the first male. Navon and Mario’s hands immediately went to their swords. “You searched them didn’t you?” Abby asked her gaze turning to the two guards.

  “Yes, Lady Rigel.” They told her.

  “Then I am fine.” Her gaze returned to the male before her. “What is your name?” When he didn’t speak and his head remained bowed Abby reached out, ignoring the growls coming from the guards and put a gentle but firm finger under the male’s chin forcing it from his chest. She didn’t have to raise it too high before his eyes met hers for while he tried to keep his eyes down Abby was several inches shorter than he was and he found himself looking into her eyes without meaning to.

  Abby wasn’t sure who was more shocked… him… for he hadn’t meant to look her in the eye… or her for she hadn’t expected him to be so young, or for him to have so obviously been on the receiving end of a fist. Gasping, she turned his head from side to side, examining the damage.

  “What happened to you?!!” She demanded.

  “Answer your Lady, Mabon!” Paganus ordered.

  “Mabon…” Abby’s eyes widened in shock. “Captain Korin’s brother Mabon?”

  “Yes, my Lady.” Paganus answered when Mabon remained silent.

  “What happened to you? Have you seen a Healer? Get in here.” Grabbing his arm, she pulled the stunned young male passed the three males that were supposed to be guarding her. They were as stunned as Mabon. “Sit down so I can get a better look.” Abby pushed him down into a chair and that nearly brought them to the same level.

  “When did this happen?” She demanded and this time Mabon replied.

  “Yesterday my… my Lady,” he stuttered.

  “And you have seen the Healer?”

  “No my Lady.”

  “Why not!”

  “My Lady,” Paganus spoke up. “Risa demanded that the Healer for House Bertos accompany them to Torino in case she needed him.”

  “So where is he now?” Abby demanded her eyes still on Mabon.

  “Dead, my Lady.” Paganus informed her and her eyes turned to him in shock.

  “He fought with Bertos against the Emperor?”

  “Yes, my Lady.”

  “Stupid male,” she muttered, but all heard her. “So where is his backup? The one he left behind to care for the warriors while he was gone?”

  “There is no other Healer, my Lady.”

  “You are telling me that Bertos took the only Healer in this House with him to Torino leaving his warriors without care because Risa might need him?”

  “Yes, my Lady.”

  “But Wray had a Healer there. Granted, he was a traitor too, but still…”

  “Risa insisted and…”

  “What Risa wanted Risa got. I understand.” Her mind flew back to the conversation Ynyr had with Paganus about a portable repair unit. “Aren’t there portable repair units here? Ones warriors know how to use?” She demanded.

  “Yes, my Lady.” Paganus told her.

  “So why wasn’t it used on Mabon?” Silence greeted her question. “Paganus!”

  “I do not know my Lady.” But he had an idea.

  “Do you know how to use one?” She demanded.

  “No my Lady, it is only taught to the Captains
so they can treat a trainee’s injuries.”

  “Morio? Navon?” Her eyes went to them.

  “Of course Lady Rigel. It was taught to us in our first year as a trainee so that we would be able to assist our brothers-in-arms should a Healer be unavailable.”

  The glaring disparity between what Bertos taught and Oryon shocked Abby.

  “Get a unit and get it NOW!” Abby ordered causing all the males to jump.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Abby watched as Morio ran the portable repair unit over Mabon’s face for several minutes before the swelling and bruising began to disappear. Boy, she could have used that growing up. Lost in her thoughts, she almost missed Morio’s quiet. “Where else.” But didn’t miss Mabon’s rapid shaking of his head.

  “They would not have just damaged your face. Where else?” This time Morio’s voice was that of a Warrior questioning a trainee and Mabon’s hands immediately went to his shirt before stilling, his eyes flying to Abby.

  Knowing what the problem was Abby turned her back and walked over to Paganus. “You know more than you are telling me Master Paganus.” Abby used his title to let him know she was pulling rank on him. “Tell me.”

  Paganus hesitated for a moment, then spoke lowly. “I would assume Mabon was beaten by older trainees for his brother failure.”


  “Korin failed to complete the task Bertos assigned him. Failure was not allowed in House Bertos, my Lady. Orders were always followed, to the letter or a warrior’s brother, friend, or class would be made an example of… depending on the severity of the offense.”

  “Offense…” Abby’s eyes returned to the male Morio was treating and could barely contain her gasp. Mabon’s torso was one massive bruise. Her eyes whipped back to Paganus. “Lisa told us that Grim had Mabon removed from the House weeks ago, to protect him from harm.”

  Paganus’ eyes widened at Abby’s words. So that was what had happened to the young male. He had gone missing in the middle of the night and no search had been able to find a trace of him. His Handler had been severely punished because of it. “He did go missing my Lady.”

  “Then how is it possible that he is here… now… and in such a condition?”

  “I do not know my Lady.”

  “I was told that since my brother was returning to Etruria so must I.” Mabon answered Abby’s question quietly and Abby’s eyes returned to find him buttoning his shirt.

  “Who ordered this?”

  “I do not know.” Mabon told her. “I was returned to the dorm yesterday.”

  “Yesterday… you returned yesterday and still you were attacked?!!” Abby couldn’t believe it.

  “Yes… my Lady.”

  “He deserved everything he got!” Abby spun around wanting to know who had just spoken. Seeing four trainees all looking to the same male in shock told her. Walking to the end of the line she let her eyes travel over the young male there.

  He was the largest of the bunch and looked to be the oldest. His skin was chartreuse in color, a color Abby had yet to see on a Tornian but he had the long black Tornian hair. “What is your name!” Abby demanded.

  “Quant, my Lady.” As he introduced himself, he gave her a deep bow. When he rose he was smirking, thinking how easily he had diverted the female’s attention away from Mabon. She was speaking to him now and that could only mean one thing… she wished to Join with him.

  “Quant.” Abby spit out. “So, Quant, explain to me just why Mabon deserved to be beaten.”

  “Because he is a coward just like his blood brother.” Quant instantly replied. “His brother failed in his duty to his Lord and Mabon ran away to hide when he should have stayed and taken the punishment he deserved.” Quant could still remember the feel of the whip on his back when he’d been punished for Mabon disappearance.

  When Mabon would have risen to defend himself against the older male, Morio put a firm hand on his shoulder forcing him to remain sitting.

  “Even now he needs another to protect him.” Quant sneered.

  “Is that how you see it Quant? That Warrior Morio is ‘protecting’ Mabon from you?” Abby tipped her head to the side slightly, giving him an innocent look. “Because that is not at all what I am seeing. What I am seeing is Morio protecting you from Mabon.”

  “What?” Quant couldn’t hide his shock.

  “Oh yes, that is exactly how I see it. You see Warrior Morio here is a fit and worthy warrior. He was trained in one of the most esteemed Houses in all the Empire.”

  “What House?” Quant demanded, looking at Morio.

  “House Rigel of Betelgeuse of course.” Abby informed him, surprised that Quant didn’t recognize the House color on Morio’s uniform.

  “House Rigel!” Quant spat out. “That is a House where its Lord is so inept that he has allowed a female to use him for over twenty-five years!”

  The sound of swords being drawn had Abby jumping back in shock and Quant’s eyes widening, as one of them appeared at his throat.

  “Prepare to meet Daco.” Navon growled.

  “Navon! No!” Abby put her hand on his arm.

  “He has insulted my Lord and my Lady.”

  “Yes, but this is not the way. You know that. This is what Bertos would have done and you were taught better.”

  After several tense moments of Navon growling threateningly at Quant, he lowered his sword.

  “It seems you are the one needing protecting Quant and by a female.” One of the other trainees sneered and Abby watched as Quant stiffened and his skin darkened. It seemed needing a female’s protection was the greatest of insults. She would have to ask Paganus about it.

  “Trainee Quant you are dismissed. I find you unsuitable for the important task I need done here today.” Turning her back on the male she looked to Navon. “Warrior Navon would you see to it that he is escorted from Lord Rigel’s Wing?”

  “With pleasure Lady Rigel.” Navon immediately told her and grabbing the younger male’s arm dragged him from the room.

  Turning Abby looked at the remaining four males and found she was being stared at with differing degrees of shock, awe and suspicion.

  “Alright boys lets set up some ground rules. First,” she held up one finger, “I am Lady Abby and that is how I expect you to address me is that understood?” Abby waited until they were all nodding including Mabon who had rejoined the group.

  “Second,” another finger went up, “when I speak to you I expect you to answer. Is that understood?” When all they did was nod Abby glared at them. “I said, I expect you to answer, as in verbally, to speak. Is that understood?”

  The young males’ heads all quickly looked from one to the other before they all seemed to settle on Mabon.

  “Y…yes Lady Abby.” Mabon’s stutter was quickly followed by four more.

  “Good.” Abby smiled at the group before continuing. “Now the reason you have all been called here today is because this Wing needs to be cleared. Everything must go. Paganus,” she turned to him questioningly. “Where did you say they would be hauling all of this to?”

  “To the empty wing on the other side of the House my Lady.”

  “The one between the Warriors Wing and the Kitchen Wing?” Abby asked missing the shock on the males’ faces.

  “Y… yes my lady.”

  Abby was about to nod her agreement when she heard the low groan from the young males. “Is that a problem?” She asked, looking at them.

  “No, of course not Lady Abby.” Mabon quickly said, bowing his head as did the others.

  “Third!” Abby’s sharp tone had every eye returning to her as her hand shot up displaying three fingers. “There will be no bowing of the heads when you speak to me. I understand that Risa was a royal bitch, but I am not her. I am not going to have your life ended if you look me in the eye when you speak to me. Nor am I going to, if you voice your opinion. I did not with Quant did I?”

  “No, Lady Abby.” Mabon said, but wished that she had. Quant
had made his life hell for many years now.

  “Good. I’m glad that is understood. Now, as I am sure you have noticed I am not Tornian. I come from a planet called Earth and on Earth things are done very differently than on Tornian. I am used to speaking to and dealing with males and will continue to do so here. But that does not mean though that I am interested in Joining with one.” Abby suddenly realized this was as good a time as any to start getting that message out. If young males on Tornian were anything like those on Earth it wouldn’t take any time for the word to spread.

  “I am Joined with Lord Ynyr. He is the male I have chosen and will be the only male that I will ever Join with. Do you understand?” Abby sighed heavily when all eyes in the room looked at her in shock, all except Paganus’ who had heard this before.

  “On Earth it is quite common for a female to stay with just one male. We call it marriage.” Abby told them.

  “Truth?” Navon asked having quietly reentered the room.

  “Truth.” Abby looked to Navon. “Ynyr is the male that I love. He is the male I will stay with and the male that I will give offspring to. Many offspring if we are blessed. That is my choice and my right. It is the right that every female has.”

  Silence greeted her statement.

  “Now Mabon what were the groans about for moving the furnishings to the other wing?”

  “It is just that it is a long distance Lady Abby and with just five of us.” His eyes traveled to the amount of furniture before them.

  Abby looked to Paganus for confirmation and he just shrugged. “The second level also needs to be emptied.” Abby told them and saw their eyes widen. Looking at them Abby realized that because of their size she kept forgetting that they were really just young boys. Really large young boys, but boys never the less. “We are going to need more help.”

  “These are the only ones Lord Ynyr approved to enter the Wing, Lady Rigel. No others are to be allowed.” Navon informed her.


  “We will not fail you Lady Abby.” Mabon told her.

  “I never thought you would Mabon, any of you.” She let her eyes travel over the remaining trainees she had yet to meet. She needed to correct that. “What is your name?” She asked, moving to stand before the blue trainee next to Mabon. When he didn’t speak right away Mabon bumped him with his arm.


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