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Predator's Rescue

Page 14

by Rosanna Leo

  “Thank you,” Elaine said on a breath.

  Connor plunked himself down on the couch and patted the spot next to him. Elaine offered him a tight smile but sat on the opposite end of the couch. Frowning, Connor reached for the TV remote and began to click through the channels.

  Jani followed Fleur into the bedroom. Before she could shuck her sheet, he enfolded her in a tight squeeze. He smiled against her skin. “I know we were interrupted, but I’m glad you’re doing this. It will mean a lot to everyone and it’ll be good for you to socialize.”

  “How does one socialize at a baby shower anyway? I’ve never been to one. Do I have to wear a dress? Am I going to have to sip tea out of china cups with my pinky in the air?”

  “No.” He chuckled. “But I would pay big money to see it.”

  “And here I thought we were going to share our feelings some more and maybe even cuddle all day,” she teased, feeling a slight sting of disappointment. Right when she got up the nerve to open up to Jani, life smacked her in the face again.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll cuddle. Several times, if I have my way.” The tiger shifter kissed her, taking a moment to slide his tongue into her mouth. Her body lit up, just as it did the night before, sending off every conceivable warning sign. She had to remind herself Connor and Elaine were just in the next room. If they hadn’t been there, she’d have ripped off the sheet and welcomed him between her legs.

  Jani ended the kiss and planted another on her forehead. “There was something you wanted to say to me.”

  She might not be able to tell him her thoughts right now, but she could leave him wanting more. If she played her cards right, perhaps she could drive him into the same frenzy of need he’d aroused in her. Inspired, feeling better, Fleur dropped the sheet. His pupils dilated and his nostrils flared. Good. “I’ll tell you later.” She turned toward the bathroom. “I’m going to grab a quick shower. Want to join me?”

  “You know I can’t refuse you. There is only one problem with this scenario.”

  “What’s that?”

  “We don’t have much time.” One side of his mouth curled up in a fiendish smile. “How quickly do you think I can make you come, Fleur?”

  Something told her he’d get the job done in record time.

  Chapter 8

  JANI held Fleur’s hand as they walked through the woods toward the newly-constructed Ursa Lodge. The fall color in this part of the world was one of the most amazing things he’d ever seen. With the trees outfitted in golden and red vestments, it was easy to think he’d fallen into a magical landscape. Gemini Island was a bounty for the senses. He enjoyed the brush of long evergreen needles on his skin when he stepped off the paths. Each time he took a breath, he savored the scent of the crunching leaves underfoot. Since being in Ontario, his ears had become attuned to new sounds. In particular, the chatter of red squirrels made him smile.

  He loved this place almost as much as the residents did. It was just another reason he’d find it hard to leave. Budapest was beautiful, but different, and every day he spent with Fleur, it began to feel less like home.

  Memories had always meant a lot to him. His heritage was a source of pride, but for the first time in Jani’s life, none of those things seemed to matter. At least, not when he held Fleur’s hand.

  He didn’t think he’d ever felt more of a man than when touching her. Feeling her fingers linked with his, being able to lick at her lips and bask in the warmth of her smile, made him feel tall and strong. Worthy. Essential.

  He wanted to be essential to her happiness.

  On some level, he must have known this when he set out on his pursuit of her a couple of weeks ago. Despite his reticence to admit it, the reality of his situation hit him hard and it had struck deep.

  She was his.

  They’d experienced a breakthrough right before Elaine and Connor arrived. Jani didn’t like knowing Crane still “spoke” to Fleur, but he was relieved she told him about the cult leader’s appearances. A part of him almost wouldn’t put it past Crane to find a way to show his wretched face after death. When Jani had seen Fleur’s fear, he’d wondered if there might be such a thing as evil spirits and possession, even though his rational brain wouldn’t allow him to believe it.

  He’d known Fleur still worried about her connection to Crane. Jani wished he hadn’t questioned her about it now. Knowing she had visions of the man, though? That changed things.

  He couldn’t return to Hungary now. He would not leave her alone to suffer in silence.

  She is our mate. His tiger prowled, restless and eager to taste her again. She needs us.

  Mates. The word carried such import for someone like him. Jani had never really stopped to consider exactly how much. Frankly, he’d always thought himself to be above the whole mating business. He wasn’t opposed to commitment or women, in general, but mates?

  Look at poor Elaine, devastated without hers. Jani wasn’t certain he could open himself up to such emotion. If anything ever happened to Fleur…

  We will keep her safe, his tiger said. Always.

  “We’re here.” Fleur expelled a huge breath through pursed lips. She shifted on her feet like a novice firewalker trying to avoid the hot coals.

  Jani chuckled. “It’s a baby shower, not an execution. Relax. You haven’t seen the lodge for a couple of weeks. I think you’ll notice some changes.”

  Although the resort’s main building had been razed in the fire set by the Alpha Brethren, Ryland and his team had had a lot of help in the reconstruction. Most of the team members at the Ursa were already handy with tools, having been present when Ryland first built the resort. However, they’d received some unexpected help when the Moon brothers called in the cavalry. Percy and Byron had phoned many of the former Ursa guests and friends and a legion of helpers had descended on the lodge site. Thanks to all of them, the place was almost ready for the grand reopening in the new year.

  Although the building was complete as far as renovations, it was still bare. Walls needed painting. Artwork needed to be hung. Most rooms were still void of any carpeting or furniture, and there were none of the accessories that gave the former lodge all its charm and warmth.

  Still, it was built, and that was a tremendous improvement from the burnt-out shell of weeks past.

  Only one piece of artwork hung in the reception area. As Jani, Fleur, Connor, and Elaine walked past, they all turned to look at it. It was a framed photo of Lloyd, Elaine’s deceased mate. Someone had photographed the burly bear shifter while he fished on Lake Gemini. Alone in a small boat, Lloyd grinned at the camera. The glistening waters of the lake reflected in his eyes, making them shine. The look on his face was pure happiness, the sort of intimate smile one reserved for a loved one.

  Elaine stopped in front of the enlarged photo and touched a finger to the frame. She said nothing, but her throat bobbed with a swallow.

  “Elaine took that picture a couple of years back,” Connor explained to Jani and Fleur. “Ryland wanted to put something up in Lloyd’s memory, so Elaine gave him a copy of the photo.”

  “It’s my favorite,” his widow said in a murmur. “He’d gone out for an early morning of fishing, thinking he was alone. I followed him with my camera and got in another boat. When he saw me coming, he just smiled and smiled. I love his smile.”

  Fleur walked up behind Elaine and rested her head on the other woman’s shoulder. “He was very handsome.”

  “He was.” Elaine’s lips twitched. “And kind and funny and brave. Lloyd always put others first. He was the least selfish person I’ve ever known.”

  Jani couldn’t miss the sadness on Connor’s face. The other man stared at the floor, and Jani wasn’t sure if he grieved for Lloyd or because Elaine’s praise of the dead man struck a chord. Jani knew if they all stood there much longer staring at their dead friend, they’d be in bits by the time they made it to the shower. “We should get going. We’re already late.”

/>   Connor nodded as if in thanks. Jani felt for the man. It couldn’t be easy trying to live up to a dead man’s memory. The dead had a way of overpowering the living sometimes, whether good or bad.

  Jani thought of Hanna and how he’d clung to her memory. Her death, and their parents’ subsequent treatment, had left him fighting feelings of inadequacy and helplessness. Would his sister want that for him? No.

  If Hanna, the old Hanna, had seen him struggling with his emotions for Fleur, she would have said, “Jani. Don’t be an idiot. Enjoy your life. Don’t spend it philosophizing.”

  Perhaps his little sister did know a few things.

  Jani had barely been capable of philosophizing during the past few hours. Not since he and Fleur had tumbled into bed anyway. He couldn’t seem to see beyond the next kiss. He just wanted more of her, wanted her nonstop. Now that he’d suckled at her breasts and swallowed her cries, there was no way anyone would part them.

  Now you’re getting it, his tiger said, its voice sounding through a happy purr.

  When Fleur slowed her pace, Jani put an arm around her shoulders and offered her a grin of encouragement.

  They all walked down the hallway toward the large room that used to be the lodge pub. No longer decorated with pictures of English landscapes and tartan upholstery, the room lay bare except for a few banquet tables and chairs. The temporary furniture had been set with white tablecloths and blue napkins. Clusters of blue balloons hung in every corner in honor of Charlotte and Bart Cairo’s soon-to-be born baby boy. A long banner hung between two wall beams, emblazoned with the words, “Welcome Baby Cairo!”

  As they entered, the Gemini Island friends let out a whoop and rushed forth to say hello. Fleur sucked in a breath.

  Jani dropped a kiss onto her head and whispered, “It will be okay. Just try to have fun.”

  She nodded, unsure.

  As a group of the women tugged Fleur toward the drinks table, Anton pulled Jani aside. “And how are we feeling today?”


  “You’re still pissed at me.”

  “I’m not pissed at you, cousin. I simply resent your insight.”

  Anton laughed. “So, you have seen the light then? I take it Attila will have to be my go-to man as far as the Bartha situation?”

  “Would that be a problem?”

  Anton leaned in and spoke in a conspiratorial tone. “Between you and me, he’s already handled Bartha. Attila reminded him of certain indiscretions in his past. He’s made him see the kettle shouldn’t be calling the pot black.”

  “I think it’s the pot calling the kettle black.”

  His cousin shrugged. “Who the hell cares? Some English expressions are ridiculous. Anyway, have you spoken to Fleur?”

  “No, but I will. Let’s just say we’ve had a meeting of the minds.”

  “That’s a good one. I’ll be sure to have a meeting of the minds with Marci tonight too.” He nodded toward Fleur. “Your wild wolf seems to be a little tamer these days.”

  “I don’t wish to tame her. Well maybe I did. I don’t know.” Jani couldn’t help grinning. “A part of me likes her wildness. She’s different from any woman I’ve ever known. She challenges me.”

  “As long as she challenges you in the right ways. Don’t let her take advantage of your good nature.”

  Jani looked his cousin in the eye. “I trust Fleur and I won’t allow anyone to ostracize her. She’s made her mistakes and she’s owned up to them. I’ve seen her remorse and it’s enough. If anyone here treats her with disrespect…”

  “No one will,” Anton assured him. “We’re all sick of fighting anyway. We just want to move on with our lives. If Fleur is on board, she is more than welcome here.”

  “Good.” Jani allowed his defensive hackles to ease and looked over toward where Fleur stood with some of the women.

  A large group had gathered for the shower, including their close-knit circle of friends, some of the cleaning ladies who used to work with mom-to-be Charlotte, and even some of the regular guests of the lodge. Not surprisingly, the women were running the show and the men huddled near the food tables, clutching their beers. Lia Snow, Ryland’s mate, dashed around pinning clothespins on everyone’s shirts, doling out instructions on how to “steal” other people’s clothespins. From Jani what could gather, it had something to do with being caught crossing your legs.

  Fleur looked his way and held up her clothespin. She mouthed, “What do I do with this?”

  Jani laughed and mouthed back, “I don’t know.”

  Fleur shrugged and pinned it back on her shirt. Jani admired her from his position at the food table. She had dressed up as much as she could for the occasion, given the impromptu nature of her invitation. While the other women wore dresses and heels, Fleur had thrown on her best jeans and her beloved AC/DC shirt. However, she’d dressed it up by wearing a tight blazer overtop it and had ornamented it with some chunky pearls she’d borrowed from Elaine. She’d styled her long hair in a tight bun on top of her head. She looked like a rocker chic in her Sunday best and he loved it.

  He should never have criticized her choice in clothing. Hanna had dressed in a provocative fashion and it had driven Jani crazy, but as Fleur pointed out, she was not Hanna. In many ways, she was a rebel, in and out, but as far as Jani was concerned, she was the sexiest woman in the room.

  Even though she looked out of place, the other women from the Ursa lodge were bending over backward to make her feel welcome. Jani was relieved to see this. Gioia Snow kept trying to refill Fleur’s drinks. Anton’s mate Marci made sure to introduce Fleur to anyone she hadn’t already met. Sisters-in-law Nina and Suzan Moon were careful to teach Fleur any of the shower games she didn’t know.

  Of all the women, Fleur seemed to gravitate most to shy Elaine and to Charlotte, the expectant mother. Jani wasn’t surprised Fleur wanted to hang out with Charlotte. After all, they were both wolf women and both shared a certain brashness. He was, however, shocked to see Fleur had developed a bond with Elaine. He wouldn’t have thought the widow would have tolerated Fleur because of her former connection to their enemies. Nevertheless, Fleur stayed close to Elaine, as if guarding her. For her part, Elaine seemed to appreciate having a guardian other than Connor.

  Sure enough, about an hour into the event, Connor slunk over to Jani. “When’s this thing over?”

  “Not interested in baby showers?”

  Connor let out a wry laugh. “Not when the woman I’m escorting keeps avoiding me.”

  “Maybe you should just leave Elaine alone for a while.”

  Connor’s eyes widened, as if Jani suggested they throw Elaine off a cliff. “I made a vow to protect her. I promised her she’d never need to feel alone.”

  “But she’s improving. Look at her. She’s eating cake.”

  Gioia Snow, wife to Ryland’s brother Soren, had thrust an enormous piece of cake at Elaine, no doubt eager to see her eat. Elaine took a small nibble to appease Gioia, but as soon as the other woman wasn’t looking, she deposited it on a table.

  “See?” Connor said. “She won’t eat. She won’t drink. She’s wasting away. I know Elaine is trying to put on a good show, but she’s dying inside.” Fear darkened Connor’s eyes. “I don’t know how to break through to her. She was my best friend’s wife, but we might as well be strangers. I’m trying to help but she keeps pushing me away.”

  Jani put a hand on Connor’s shoulder. “She seems to have made friends with Fleur. I can ask her to talk to Elaine.”

  “Would you? That would be awesome.” Connor exhaled. “Thanks, dude.”

  Ryland wandered over and joined their group. “You guys good for beer?”

  “I’ve never seen a lack of it here,” Jani joked.

  “You’ve got a point,” Ryland said and took a sip of his Molson Canadian. He smiled at the group of women as they forced Charlotte to sit in a chair to open her presents. “It finally feels like this place is c
oming back to life.”

  Jani was happy to see the lodge owner relax. He’d been working flat out for weeks, trying to put the remnants of his career and life back together after the fire. Everyone was thrilled for Charlotte and her mate Bart. To make things even more exciting, Ryland and his mate Lia were also expecting a baby. Those babies would probably be the most loved and most wanted children he’d seen in a long time. They represented a fresh start for everyone associated with the resort and for all their families.

  Perhaps the resort could represent a fresh start for Fleur as well.

  Inspired, Jani elbowed Ryland. “I noticed you need some new artwork for the lodge.”

  “Yeah,” Ryland agreed. “Percy’s been working on a few oil paintings for me, but I can’t ask him to do everything.”

  “What if I knew an amazing photographer?” Jani asked. “Would you be interested in seeing some of her photos?”

  “Hell, yeah. Does she have a website?”

  “Not quite, but she’s here.” Jani went over to extricate Fleur from the band of women. He brought her over to where Ryland was standing. “Fleur, Ryland tells me he’s interested in having some professional photos done for the lodge.”

  Both Fleur and Ryland stood still, staring at each other. Jani understood the layers of trust still needed to be built, but someone had to make the first move.

  “Fleur?” Jani prompted. “The photos you showed me look like the sort of thing Ryland might want. You should tell him about them.”

  Fleur reddened. She paused for a moment and ran her hands down her thighs to smooth out her jeans. Old Fleur would have flipped them both the bird and run off, grabbing a few beer bottles for the journey. How would new Fleur react?

  “Right.” She stood up straight, buttoned her blazer and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “Well, I specialize in photos of the outdoors. The photos Jani saw were ones I took in the woods on the mainland. Leaves falling from trees. Moss on the rocks. Chipmunks eating nuts. That sort of thing.” She frowned and swallowed with an audible gulp. “I would be pleased to put together some samples of my work, if you’d like to see them.”


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