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Warden (Elemental Paladins Book 1)

Page 22

by Montana Ash

  “I claimed you but you didn’t claim me.” He continued.

  “I didn’t realise I was supposed to.” She answered but didn’t raise her head.

  “Of course you were supposed to, woman! You’re mine!”

  “Even though relationships between wardens and paladins are against the rules?” Her voice was muffled against his chest.

  “Do I look like the type of person that gives a rat’s arse about rules?” He asked in derision.

  Her head rolled from side to side in the negative. “I guess not. You really want to be my man, boyfriend, knight or whatever?”

  “I do.” He was resolved. He had been a walking disaster for the last fifty years but had somehow been given the miracle that was Max. There was no way he was letting her go. He may be slow on the uptake but once he made up his mind it was permanent.

  “Why? Because you’ve suddenly decided you want me to be your own personal warden?”

  Ryker tightened his arms around her and rocked his still hard dick firmly inside her, eliciting a delightful mewl from his red head. “No. Because you call Darius dude, and cook special meals just for Beyden. Because you stand up for the rights of wardens you don’t even know and talk to slater bugs. Because you defend the honour of a too-honourable man and heal the scars of a wounded face … and a wounded soul.” He gripped all that lovely thick red hair in his fist and tilted her head back so he could look into her exotic eyes. “Because you belong to me and I belong to you.”

  She stared into his eyes for a long time. “Okay. I’ll think about it.” She pecked him on the lips and snuggled back into his chest like a lizard sunning on a rock.

  She’d think about it? He supposed he deserved that after the last time they had been together and he had practically ripped her heart out of her chest. He would give her time, it’s not like she was going anywhere now. As soon as they were able he was going to make sure he bonded to her as one of her personal paladins. In the meantime, perhaps he needed to lighten the mood a bit.

  “I read your books.” Ah, that got her full attention. She pushed herself up so her chin was resting on her hands. Her gorgeous eyes were sleepy and satisfied still, and her hair was a mess. She had a hickey on her neck from where he had marked her … and she was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. His heart did a ridiculous flip as it decided to join the party. That was the one thing he had left out of his monologue.

  He was pretty sure he was in love with her.

  “You did?”

  “Huh?” Her new position lodged him more fully inside the haven of her body and he struggled to stay on track.

  “You said you read my graphic novels …”

  “Right.” Focus man. “Lark has them all, so I borrowed them. You know he’s going to ask you to autograph them.” He smiled. “He’s such a dork.”

  Max’s smile was content, “He already did.”

  Ryker sighed, “Of course he did. Way to play it smooth, Lark.”

  “What did you think of them?”

  “I thought they were interesting and sexy and fun and deliciously violent.” He punctuated each praise with a kiss.

  She actually giggled and the carefree sound made his heart soar. He knew she hadn’t had many opportunities to be carefree. “I also saw some of your sketches sitting on the bench in the kitchen.”

  That made her freeze. “You did?” She gulped.

  “Yep.” He smoothed his palm over a rounded globe. “I saw the drawing of me; shirtless, scarred face, sickle in hand … and the speech bubble above it saying ‘blah! blah! blah!’” He gave her butt a sharp pinch.

  “Ouch!” She jumped but her eyes continued to sparkle. “Well, they say write what you know. And that’s what I hear when you talk most of the time.”

  He groaned and threw his arm over his face. That was most likely the truth – he was such a douche!

  “Did you really like them?”

  Hearing the shyness in her tone, Ryker rolled them both to their side and pushed her thick hair behind her ears. “I really liked them. You’re a skilled story teller and an amazing artist. And I’m clearly not the only one who thinks so. You’ve hit some best seller lists in the past haven’t you?” Ryker knew she had. He had googled her the second she had told them all her pen name. She actually had a huge cult following.

  “I’m glad. They’re like my legacy, you know?”

  “Your legacy?” He asked. “Max, you’re a guardian to every human emotion and human body on the planet. The world rotating on its axis is your freaking legacy.”

  She shrugged, causing her breasts to jiggle invitingly and Ryker to lick his lips. “But I didn’t know that before. I had no chance at a life, a home, friends, family. My work was going to be my proof.”

  “Proof of what?”

  “That I was here.” The four simple words darn near broke his heart all over again. The organ sure was getting a workout recently.

  “Well, that’s not something you have to worry about anymore. Now you have a family of seven knights and an entire society who are going to remember you. You’re going to leave your stamp on the world itself.”

  Her smile started out slow but grew bigger until he couldn’t help kissing her lone dimple. She questioned; “Did you all really mean it? You want to be my paladins?”

  “They meant it. I meant it. I’ve had my head up my arse for a long time. Losing Flint and my Order broke something vital inside of me. To watch them all fall one by one knowing I was responsible … I lost the will to fight, the will to guard. I knew I couldn’t be responsible for another warden again. But from the moment I saw you, I knew you were supposed to be mine – ours. I felt the connection and I know the others did too. I’ve just been too cowardly to admit it.”

  “But you’re not anymore?” She didn’t sound convinced and Ryker could hardly blame her given his past actions. But he would make her believe if it took him the next hundred years because he was not giving her up.

  “No more running. No more hiding … for either of us.” He said and lowered his head to capture her lips in a slow deep kiss filled with promise, lust and love. Max moaned and arched her back, wrapping her arms and legs around him like an octopus. He felt her nails scrape across his back and he hissed as the painful pleasure caused a bolt of electricity to shoot straight to his erect dick. He rolled so she was perched on top of him once again and gave her free reign to explore at her leisure. And explore she did, from sucking and biting at his barred nipples, to tracing his trail of hair from his belly button all the way down to Mr Happy where they were still joined. He let out a groan of denial as Max suddenly withdrew from him but quickly changed his tune as her dirty, talented little mouth attempted to lure him to the dark side.

  Not wanting the outrageous pleasure to end too soon, he heroically pulled her away from her new toy and latched onto one of her rosy nipples. It didn’t really help his situation because her breasts were perfection and the answering throaty moan he received had his cock leaking from the tip in sweet anticipation. Deciding to mix things up a little, he thought of a book he had seen Max reading in the library. She had placed the book face down and left to get a drink and he may have taken a peek. He had been shocked and more than a little aroused by the words on the page. Assuming she liked that kind of thing he released the delicate morsel in his mouth, raised his right hand and brought it down firmly on her rump.

  She froze. There was no sexy moan, no shudder of passion, no begging for more. Fuck! Ryker thought. Had he made a huge mistake? He was about to ask when her shoulders started to shake. Oh God, was she crying? His erect hardware now completely forgotten he forced Max’s chin up so he could see her face. What he saw there had him cringing. This was way worse than tears.

  She was laughing.

  “Did you just spank me?” Max sputtered out between snort-laughs.

  Jeez, talk about emasculating. The woman was crying from laughter while they were both naked and in the throes of passion. He was n
ever trying anything new again! “No. My hand slipped.” He replied stoically.

  She slapped him on the chest, “It did not! You totally spanked me!” Then she fell against him in another fit of giggles.

  He felt himself shrivel and thought maybe she had cured him of all future boners. She must have noticed his embarrassment for she started to pet him like a damn puppy.

  “Oh, babe. I’m sorry. Come on, do it again.” Her eyes still held too much mischief to be taking the situation seriously.

  “No.” He pouted. “You’ve completely ruined the mood.”

  “No seriously.” She got up on her hands and knees and wiggled that pert butt of hers provocatively in his direction. “Spank me, big boy. I’ve been a very bad girl.”

  The merriment in her eyes and the smile on her face belied her words and instead of accepting her invitation he ended up pouncing on her and tickling her into submission. This here was the other side of the lust he felt for her; the laughter and the playfulness he never knew could exist between bed mates. He was so hers.


  After a very long and very satisfying shower, Ryker indulged himself in learning every inch of his beautiful woman including the sexy ink etched into the skin of her back. Max was nothing more than a puddle of warm, relaxed flesh as Ryker cruised his hands over the black and white image of a striking female; tall, willowy, toned limbs partially concealed by tight-fitting leather, dark hair styled short enough to highlight sharp cheekbones, full lips and dark eyes. She sure was attractive, he thought to himself. The woman was partially concealed by a dense, wooded forest with thick tree trunks, a sparkling stream and a winding secret path that tapered to a full moon high on Max’s right shoulder blade. The shading of the greys was cleverly done and provided depth as well as accuracy. It was a wonderful piece of artwork.

  “Your tattoo is wonderful.” Ryker said, tracing a finger over the mystery woman’s fingers. He could make out another strip of leather between her middle fingers and under her palm. An archer perhaps?

  Max smiled but didn’t open her eyes. “Thank you. It’s actually the cover of my first graphic novel.”

  “You drew this?” He asked, surprised.

  “Uh huh. I thought I was going to have an aneurysm when the tattooist started. Not because of the pain or the permanency but because I was trusting someone else to copy my work.” Expressive turquoise eyes rolled in his direction. “I’m not great with trust.”

  Ryker clutched at his chest as he gasped dramatically, “Who? You? Nooooo!” She kicked at him half-heartedly and he chuckled as he snagged her foot, kissing his way up her leg, over her sassy butt and up to said ink. “She’s hot. You’re lucky I saw your front first and not your back. You may have had some competition.”

  Max laughed as she snuggled back into the pillow. “I’m not worried. Sabre has my back. That’s why she’s there.”

  Sabre was the name of her assassin leading lady in her novels, Ryker knew. He continued sucking up small kisses over the monotone flesh until he reached one of those coloured specks scattered subtly within the forest. Leaning back to get some perspective he frowned when he noticed a small purple pattern that looked very much like Ogham script. Ogham script was an ancient alphabet used prominently by the Celts and the Druids as far back as the fourth century AD.

  The original Druids were thought to be direct descendants of the Great Mother herself – the one true Goddess and the deity that all paladins and wardens worshipped. She was said to reside in the Otherworld and was just as real as any other living creature on the planet. It was said that after the first Goddess gave birth to the world, she also gave birth to its custodians. The Druids, not corporeal but not spirit either, were the guardians of creation but as the world grew and evolution unfolded, these custodians could no longer maintain nature with all of its domains unaided. Hence, some of the first humans – the wardens – were given the ability to feel, shape and create specific elements. Warriors were tasked with protecting and providing for the revered few and a sacred bond was formed between the guard and the protector, ensuring balance was kept. The children of the Goddess were lost to obscurity but his people believed there were still a few out there; there had to be, for their chronicles dictated that a child of the Great Mother must walk the Earth in order for it to live.

  Ryker knew his history just as well as every other paladin and warden out there which is why he recognised the druidic symbol but he was very surprised that Max would know what it meant, let alone want it tattooed on her back. The small purple symbol was nothing more than a short horizontal line with a vertical line protruding from its centre and it was artfully concealed in the shadows of the moon. A flash of gold caught his attention and he saw five diagonal lines parallel to each other with a horizontal line through the middle, much like a leaning tally, positioned on the neck of the woman, Sabre, almost like her own tattoo. A blue ‘tally’ symbol with only two lines was located in the stream following the path, and a pink one with only one ‘tally’ line was camouflaged within the feathers of a small owl perched on the branch of a tree.

  Ryker felt his heart start to pound and his palms begin to sweat as he searched frantically for the three remaining coloured symbols he was sure had to be there. His eyes snagged on the hint of red first; it was a horizontal line with three vertical lines extending below it and was at the base of the winding path. A green horizontal line with five other vertical ones extending underneath was veiled in the foliage of the largest tree, and a slash of silver – a single horizontal line with three more extending straight up – was high up, secreted away in the clouds. His fingers trembled as he traced each one reverently. He had to swallow three times before he could speak, his mouth was that dry.



  “What do these symbols mean to you?” His voice cracked but Max didn’t seem to notice, too content under his worshipping hands. He traced the cloud to prompt her.

  “Air.” She responded.

  He moved to the owl; “Beast.” His finger journeyed from the trees, down the winding path and settled in the stream, “Earth … Fire ... Water.” She continued to murmur her responses lazily as if she wasn’t making his world rotate on its axis.

  He stroked his hand over the assassin’s neck; “Death.” Before finally coming to rest over the glorious full moon and the tiny purple symbol.

  “Life.” He said, beating her to the punch. “This is your symbol for life.”

  Max nodded and hugged the pillow tucked under her head. Ryker could tell she was almost asleep. Well, he wasn’t. He might never sleep again! His brain was computing this newfound information rapidly but still didn’t seem to be able to reckon what his gut – what his heart – was telling him. It just wasn’t possible. This was her Heraldry. He knew it was.

  “Max.” He gave her a small shake when she ignored him. “Max!”

  “What do you want Inmate? I let you defile me in the shower. If you let me sleep I may even be up for a repeat later.” She threw the provocative words at him without even opening her eyes. Ryker chose to ignore the imagery she conjured given the seriousness of the situation.

  “Max, listen to me. You remember what we told you about the coat of arms that gets branded into our skin when we bond to our liege?”

  “Sure, sure.”

  Not a very enthusiastic response but at least she was listening, Ryker knew. “It’s unique to every warden. Every lineage has their own unique Heraldry or coat of arms that is distinct only to the individual. It’s like a fingerprint; no two are ever alike and it’s a direct reflection of their domain. That’s why paladins wear it with such honour and pride.”

  Max finally rolled over and blinked sleepily up at him. She made no move to cover the lush mounds of her breasts and despite himself, Ryker felt himself begin to harden once again at the sight. Having apparently no guile whatsoever, Max spoke;

  “I remember, Ryker. I’m sorry yours has faded since Flint died and you lost
your Order. Would you like me to try to fix it? I healed your scar easy enough. Maybe I could help your brand?”

  She ran her hand lightly over his muted coat of arms and Ryker fell even more in love with her. Axel had been correct; she really was the sweetest, most pure person. He leaned down to kiss her softly, chastely on the lips. “No babe, I don’t want you to fix it. It’s supposed to fade; time does that to all things. I brought it up because I think those symbols will be your coat of arms.”

  Her eyes lit up. “My little purple symbol in the moon? Cool.”

  Ryker grabbed her hand and interlocked their fingers. He couldn’t seem to stop touching her. “No, Max. Not just the symbol for life. I think all of them will be your Heraldry.”

  She scrunched her nose and frowned. “But you said your coat of arms was reflective of your domain?”

  “It is.”

  “But I’m Life. You said so. So then why would –” He cut her off mid-sentence, knowing what she was going to ask.

  “I was wrong.” Ryker was torn between amusement and arousal as Max moaned and arched her back, pressing her breasts into his chest.

  “That is the sexiest thing I have ever heard.” Her eyes darkened to a turbulent sea-green, “Say it again, only this time … whisper it.”

  He grinned down at her and dipped his head to do her bidding. “I was wrong.” He whispered the words against the shell of her ear and felt her sensual shudder reverberate in his own body. She was so deliciously fun. Apologising silently to his dick, he pushed away from the she-demon and started pulling on the first clothes he could find; an old pair of track pants and a threadbare tee. He threw Max’s own shirt at her, not even noticing when she ended up with a mouth full of cotton.

  “Come on babe, get up!”

  “What? I thought I was going to get laid again!” She grouched.

  Ryker shook his head. “Do not tempt the beast darlin’. Later. Right now we need to find the others.”

  Max’s scowl darkened. “The others? Why?”


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