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Page 5

by A. Vivian Vane

  Jennifer gave a last, triumphant flick of her wrist, and Mary cried out, her hips jerking as she came. Pleasure exploded outward from her clit, reducing her to a writhing, moaning mess in a rumpled nightshirt. Wetness soaked her linen drawers, as if she'd run for miles in them, leaving a little damp spot on the sheets beneath her.

  Just as the touch became too strong, almost painful, it subsided, and Jennifer slowed her furious pace. Mary trembled in the afterglow as her lover coaxed her body down from its orgasmic peak. "There you are," Jennifer cooed sweetly in her ear. "That's better, isn't it? Sex feels good. I just needed a little while you were gone, that's all! And your brother was there, and he was such a first."

  Panting, Mary tried to glare, but she couldn't quite manage it. She smiled tiredly and shook her head. "Jennifer," she moaned, "you're a bitch."

  The redhead chuckled and gave Mary a pat on the crotch. Wet linen splatted softly against her hand. "Mmhm," she agreed, grinning and stretching. With a wiggle, she rolled upright in bed and popped up onto her knees to straddle Mary. Jennifer's tits bounced as she bent forward over the noblewoman, gazing down fondly into her eyes. "That's right," she agreed, "I'm the worst kind of bitch: a horny bitch in heat, and I need my cock!"

  Leaning in, Jennifer kissed Mary, long and hard. They clung to each other for a breathless moment, tongue swirling. Mary arched her neck and returned the kiss enthusiastically. Her legs trembled a little as the pleasure faded slowly from her sopping cunt. At last, Jennifer broke off, pulling back with a tiny nip at Mary's lower lip.

  "And I think," she murmured, smiling, "that I might not be the only needy bitch in this household."

  Reaching back behind her rump, she slipped a finger up through one of the undershorts' leg holes to touch Mary's pussy directly. The noblewoman gasped as the slender length slid inside her body, parting the wet walls. She shuddered, fearing instinctively for her maidenhead -- though Mary was not quite sure, exactly, what that mystical barrier was, or how one might find it -- but Jennifer's touch was gentle, and her caresses never seemed to tear or breach anything as far as Mary could tell. Indeed, her body welcomed the invasion, spreading easily and then clenching down around the slender digit.

  "Someone's very wet, here," Jennifer teased. Her finger wriggled, caressing Mary's inner walls. Helpless, the dark-haired woman moaned, her eyes fixed on Jennifer's. "Could it be you want a cock too?" Jennifer asked sweetly. "A nice, thick slab of man-meat all for yourself? I've been so greedy, hogging it all. I can be a good girl and share my toys, Mary. Would you like me to find some cock for you? Hm?"

  Blushing brightly, Mary averted her eyes. She cleared her throat and tried her hardest not to mimic Jennifer's bedroom purr, but rather to speak in clear, authoritative tones. It only half-worked. "Jennifer," she protested, "my brother has the only, um, the only cock in the house right now." She stumbled slightly over the naughty word, but rushed on, pretending not to notice Jennifer's dimpled giggle at the hesitation. "You go ahead and, and, er, keep that. I certainly don't want any part of it!" She squirmed, breathless from her orgasm still and almost painfully distracted by the slender warmth inside her pussy. The touch was light and gentle inside her; instinctively, she knew she wanted more. She needed to be touched harder down there, and filled with more than just a single finger.

  "What," Jennifer asked, grinning, "no part of it at all?" She pressed a little harder, the pad of her finger putting a delicious and dizzying pressure on the front of Mary's slit. "Not even that fat, delicious prickhead? That nice, thick shaft? All that cum in his healthy balls, mmm...I bet you'd be good at it, Mary. I bet you could suck it nice and slow and deep. I could show you how." Her smile was wicked; knowing. "You poor, horny girl. If he weren't your brother you'd be on your knees in a moment, wouldn't you. You want to know what it's want to suck a dick so bad!"

  Face flaming, Mary looked away -- and nodded. Unthinkingly, she let her jaw relax, lips hanging open as she tried to imagine what someone's warm flesh would feel like sliding between them. She'd never done anything remotely like it before. Her relationships with men had always been polite, perfunctory, and above reproach. Few had ever lasted more than a few carefully arranged visits to the Lisle household.

  "Suck it and then fuck it," Jennifer went on invitingly. "A nice, sloppy sucking just to show how sexy and slutty you really are, under that prim noblewoman's act. And then a good hard fuck in your needy snatch!" With a wiggle, she stretched a finger lower, stroking down Mary's crack to press against her hidden bum-hole. "And we mustn't neglect this, no we mustn't. Not your favorite place."

  Mary gasped. Her hips rose, and Jennifer's fingertip slid along the inside of her pussy, making her moan loud and long. Soft pressure teased her crinkled pucker. "Yes!" she panted, nodding her head frantically. "Yes, there too -- all my holes! Ohh, Jennifer, you're such a minx. You make it all sound so good!"

  Squirming, she reached up to give her friend's tits a hard squeeze, part loving caress and part firm reprimand. Jennifer giggled and preened, clearly understanding both interpretations.

  "Mmm," Mary sighed regretfully, "You're so bad. I'm glad Jack is my brother, or else you'd have me convinced!" She squirmed on the bed, blushing, still enjoying the sensation of Jennifer's fingers pleasuring both her holes at once. "Why am I so bad, Jennifer," she moaned, almost plaintively. "Why are you so bad? Are all women like this?"

  "Yes, dear," Jennifer told her soothingly. "Some of them just haven't admitted it yet." Her smile became wicked, and she rose abruptly, pulling her fingers from beneath Mary's body with a soft, wet, sucking sound. She stood over the noblewoman, wobbling a little on the soft mattress, her own pussy gleaming with obvious wetness as she gazed down at Mary. "Mm, but you have," she gloated, rubbing her hands together. "You want a nice big cock, and I'm going to get you one -- right now!"

  Bounding from the bed, Jennifer strode to the door and threw it wide. Mary gasped in horror as her maid called out "Jack? Oh Jaaack! Your sister wants a word with you!"

  "Jennifer, no!" she hissed. "Absolutely not! He's my brother!" Her head spun as she tried to imagine what it would be like to face her brother, naked and aroused, the way that Jennifer had earlier that evening. Unconsciously, she picked at the shoulders of her nightgown. It was soaked with sweat, clinging awkwardly to her heavy breasts, but she clutched at it desperately as she heard footsteps in the hall. Panic warred with arousal, both clenching her belly until she felt almost sick.

  Strolling to the bed once more, Jennifer tossed the covers back with a grin. Mary gasped and grabbed for them, which only moved her hands out of the way for Jennifer to grab her drawers and tug them briskly down.

  "Jenny, no!" Mary wailed, but the maid gave her a brisk slap on the inside of each thigh, and Mary, yelping, found herself spreading her legs. Her nightshirt hitched up, and she blushed as she bared her bush -- and the sopping slit below it -- to Jennifer. Before she could stop her, the smiling maid had gathered both of Mary's wrists into her hands and lifted them above the squirming noblewoman's head.

  There was a polite knock on the doorframe. Jennifer moved to one side, and Mary felt the bottom drop out of her stomach as Jack entered the room. He wore only a thin pair of linen trousers, with no shirt -- a habit from his sailing days, she supposed. Mary swallowed around a lump in her throat. She stared at his lean, athletic chest, lightly dusted with dark hairs, and belatedly pressed her thighs together, although it was far too late to keep him from getting a good look at her naked, dripping snatch.

  "Good heavens, Jennifer," Jack said. He looked at the naked maid, not at Mary, and quirked one eyebrow. "Whatever is going on in here?"

  "Mary has a confession to make," Jennifer replied sweetly. "She's recently discovered the joys of womanhood, but she's yet to take a cock in her pretty little snatch. Do you think your could do the job? She was begging for it, just moments earlier, weren't you Mary?"

  Jennifer tugged on Mary's wrists, and the noblewoman gasped and squirm
ed. She looked from Jennifer to Jack, quailing beneath their amused, expectant expressions. "No," she sobbed, close to tears, "that is -- please, Jack, I didn't want to. I didn't know what I was doing. We can pretend it never happened, please!"

  To her surprise, Jack's expression softened. He entered the room and came toward the bed, raising a finger to his lips. "Shh," he said. "There, there. It's all right, Mo. Jennifer's a naughty minx, isn't she?"

  Chuckling, Mary's brother laid a hand on her knee. She flinched, still held by the wrists in Jennifer's grasp, and wailed softly in despair as Jack pushed gently to spread her knees apart. Her pussy gleamed in the candlelight, its thick bush matted with wetness, and Mary could smell the musk of her own arousal. She was sure Jack and Jennifer could smell it too. Jack quirked one eyebrow, and his lips twitched in amusement.

  "Well, Mo," he said, smiling, "I think there must be something to what Jennifer says. You are awfully wet, aren't you?" Reaching out, he touched her pussy with one finger, and Mary gasped. A bolt of pleasure shot through her; it was all she could do to keep herself from moaning and thrusting herself toward him.

  "Jack," she begged, struggling to collect her thoughts as his finger began to rub slowly up and down, "it isn't right. We're...we're brother and sister!"

  Jack smiled indulgently. He was fondling the front of his trousers with his free hand; Mary could see a bulge tenting the thin linen outward. "We're not, really, Mo," he reminded her. "I love you dearly, but you are adopted, after all." He pushed, experimentally, and Mary's cunt spread for him. The finger slipped into her steaming depths, thicker and stronger than Jennifer's had been. Mary cried out. Jack smiled and crooked his finger, stroking the inside of her sex. Shivers of pleasure ran down Mary's spine. She found herself panting for breath; sweating into her already-sodden nightgown.

  "Relax," Jack urged her. "Mary, listen -- I've been a bit of a wild rover these last years; you know that. There's nothing you could do that would shock me, all right?" He gave her a sympathetic smile. "You're a lovely young girl, whatever Jennifer's been getting you up to." His eyes slid sideways to the naked maid, and he smiled; she bobbed an ironic curtsey and dimpled at him. "Now, tell me truly, sister," he said sternly, fingering her for a moment longer before rising and tugging at his trousers. "Have you ever been with a man?"

  As he spoke, Jack pulled his trousers down, freeing the shaft of his manhood. Mary gasped -- she had never seen one before, and it stood out red and angry from his crotch, like some kind of weapon. She shivered. Did women really put those in their bodies? But it was not so very different from the toy Jennifer had made for her, at that. Softer than the polished wood, perhaps? Warmer? More pleasant against her inner walls, surely; perhaps even against the tender rim of her backside?

  Mutely, Mary shook her head. She was unable to tear her gaze away from the stiffened cock. It warmed her belly with a hot, lustful fire. Dimly, she recognized the same arousal that Jennifer's expert manipulations of her rear end gave her, and she shivered as Jack cupped a hand around his shaft and stroked it lazily.

  "Would you like to?" he asked softly. Climbing onto the bed, he came toward her on his hands and knees, brushing hot palms against her thighs to spread them even wider. Mary sat with her back against the headboard and her arms above her head, wide-eyed, unable to even try and hide her pussy from her approaching brother. Her legs lay spread as wide as they could go, feet pointed apart; her slit gleaming wet and pink before his gaze. Cupping her chin in one hand, Jack gave her a tender, gentle kiss.

  "Would you like me to fuck you, Mary?" he asked softly, breaking away from her lips with a tiny flick of his tongue.

  Helpless, Mary could only moan. Her brother laughed, patted her cheek, and gripped his cock in one hand. "I'll take that as a yes," he murmured. He nodded at Jennifer, an amused smile on his face, and added, "I don't think you need to hold her down, Jenny. Give your puss a rub for us, eh? Enjoy the show. It's not every day you get to see your noble mistress get a good hard fucking."

  Mary found herself shivering with delight, not only at the words but at the calm, self-assured control Jack was taking. She let her arms drop around his neck as Jennifer released them obediently, and clung tight to her brother, almost eager to have her body bent to his will. Experimentally, she tried some of the naughty words Jennifer had taught her: "Fuck me, Jack," she pleaded, her face flaming as she tried to mimic her maid's sultry tones. A squeak in her voice gave her nervousness away, but she pressed on anyway, raising her hips to thrust her pussy upward toward Jack and repeating "Fuck me! Jack, fuck me -- fuck my pussy. I want it. I want your cock."

  A moan from Jennifer echoed Mary's arousal; the redheaded maid took a step back from the bed and leaned against Mary's wardrobe. She spread her legs and tucked a hand between them, fingers plunging up into the wet folds beneath her flaming bush. "Jesus, yes," she groaned, "that's fucking gorgeous, the two of you are. Take her, Jack -- tear that maiden quim open. I've left it just for you. We've been buggering her backside night and day, but that virgin slit's untouched, I swear it."

  "So good of you," Jack murmured dryly. He seemed amused by the whole affair, and far more controlled than either of them. As Mary ran her fingers lovingly down the back of his neck, she gasped -- a tangle of knotty flesh began at the blades of his shoulders, and trailing her hand lower revealed a network of long, raised ridges that covered his whole back. Jack's smile twisted, becoming more sardonic.

  "Souvenirs from my 'discipline' in the Navy," he murmured. "Pay them no mind. I'd do the same thing again if you gave me a second chance. It's a damn fool world that gives a mad captain life or death over his crew!"

  Mary shuddered, almost angered by the sudden intrusion of the outside world into her erotic adventure. She moved her hand from Jack's back to stroke his cheek instead, cooing, "Oh, please, don't stop, Jack. I don't mind. I think you're perfectly lovely." She blushed brightly, realizing that it was quite true -- her brother was remarkably handsome, and even more so with his clothing off and his long, lean body stretched over her. Trembling with suppressed love, she begged, "Just fuck me, Jack, fuck me just like Jenny asked. It's all I want, truly." She wanted to spread her legs wider, showing her willingness for him, but they were already spread as far as they would go. Mary lifted her hips instead, her bottom leaving the bed in her effort to bring her dripping slit up to Jack's cock. "I'll never marry, if you don't want," she promised, dimly aware that the virginity she was about to lose had some association with marriage, "only don't stop, and put your cock in my pussy, please!"

  Jack barked a short, sharp laugh of amusement. His cock bobbed, still hardened, and he renewed his firm grip on it with one hand. The other came down to grip one of Mary's thighs. Bracing himself against her soft flesh, he lowered himself until the bulbous tip of his prick brushed her outer lips, and Mary startled them both with a moan that was almost a cry.

  "Damn!" Jack swore. "You're a lusty bitch, Mo, and no mistake! What's Jenny done to you to get you like this, eh?" Without waiting for a reply, he dropped his weight down onto her, and in a blinding moment of ecstasy Mary felt her body open wide.

  Her brother's cock filled her in an instant, driving to the hilt. Mary cried out and arched her back as pleasure lanced through her. She felt a gentle stretching between her legs, but no pain -- the hole was slick and well readied for Jack; he filled it without a trace of resistance. Cock slid deep inside her, and she wrapped her body around it eagerly, her bosom heaving from the force of his thrust.

  "Ohhhh...she fucked me, Jack!" Mary cried as she found her voice again. "Jenny made a wooden cock and she fucked me in the arse, and then she frigged my pussy until I begged for a dick to suck!" Every filthy word she could think of tumbled off her tongue as she rammed her body up off the bed to meet Jack's. The pleasure had full control of her body; Mary knew she would do anything to go on feeling as good as she felt with her brother's cock buried deep in her snatch. She hugged him tight to her with her arms around his neck, and groaned in
satisfaction as he began to work his hips back and forth. Jack's swollen cock pounded her pussy, stretching it and squelching in its sodden folds, and Mary jerked and moaned and cursed beneath him as her pleasure rose to an unimaginable peak.

  "Fuck me, Jack!" she screamed one last time. "Fuck your sister!" Then her body exploded in orgasm, and she gave in to the pleasure, stiffening beneath Jack and crying out wordlessly. Her body trembled all over, locked so tight around his she could hear him grunt with exertion. Jennifer, still leaning against the wardrobe, was groaning and twitching as her fingers brought her to her own climax, and for a moment the room was filled with the sounds of gasping, climaxing women.

  Finally, the pleasure faded, washing away in slow waves of languid pleasure. Mary floated dreamily in a haze of lust and warm, good feelings. She smiled dreamily up at Jack's handsome face. He was still fucking her, she realized, pounding away at her tired pussy, and she let herself dangle from his shoulders and sway in place. Pliant, loose, and willing, she made a sheath of herself for his body, moaning soft encouragements as she descended from her climactic peak.

  "Yes, Jack," she murmured lovingly. "Oh, yes. Fuck me always, Jack, please. I love you so much! Stay with us here; fuck your sister. Fuck your sweet, darling, little sister always!"

  Somehow, she knew her words were having an effect, and she went on moaning and whispering in Jack's ear as he fucked her, feeling his pounding thrusts grow harder and harder. His hips battered her thighs on every thrust, and just when she thought she was starting to bruise he gave a grunt, and he stiffened inside her. She felt his prick swell, stretching the walls of her virgin cunt. Warmth flooded her loins, and a strange wetness that made her flesh squelch loudly as Jack worked his cock in and out. He gave a great groan and slumped atop her, his muscles unclenching and his furious pounding slowing until he halted deep inside her. Mary cooed happily and rubbed her hands down his scarred back.


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